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 Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls

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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls   Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 5:53 pm

I wasn't able to think of a very original name for both of these so If anyone has any good ideas feel free to say them.

Armadilo Girls

For Giant predators in Felarya Armadilo girls are rather small standing at about 40 feet. In aperance they are more humanoide looking standing upright on two legs. They have thick armored plates on their back's and pointed ears on top of their heads. The color of thier plates are nomally darker in color such as grey, black, or tan thier skin seems to be a darker color too. Like normal Armadilos they can culr up into a ball for protection. Ofcourse just staying in one spot while curled up in a ball can be dangerouse espessialy if a giant predator is about to eat you so they often roll away at high speed in some random diredtion, ofcourse this doesn't always work out as they can't see where they are going. Armadilo girls are very shy and are easily intimidated even by an average size groupe of adventurers. It seem's that the only time that they will fight back is when their young are in danger by curling up into a ball and raming the predator as hard as they can.


It is unknown exactly how they mate but it seem's that on average they give birth to around five babies.


They normaly sneak up on their prey as quietly as possible and grab thier prey with thier long tounge sluping them up.


They can be found in variouse places in Felarya but they always seem to live in burrows that they dig out with thier clawed hands.

Crocodile Girls

Crocodile girls average at about 100 feet in hieght (not including thier tail's). Like Armadilo girls Crocodile girls are more humanoide standing upright on two legs. Their backs are covered in very thick scales like normal crocodiles while their belly scales are softer and often considered thier weakest point. they have a very long crocodile tail that is perfect for swiming. Corcodile girls are at home on both land and in the water and are mostly found along the Jewel River. sometimes Crocodile girls are mistaken for Mermaides in the water so if a adventureer manages to get to shore they often tont them thinking that they can't be reached from the shore big mistake. For the most part Crocodile girls are lazy and spend most of thier day sun bathing on the shore of the jewel river, Although they always seem to be grumpy even ones that are friendly always seem to be that way. If Nagas are famouse for thier stomach and Dryads are famouse for their throats then Crocodile girls are famouse for thier jaws and teeth. Thier jaws are very powerful and seem to be able to bite threw almost anything, and once they bite down they will never let go unless they want too.


Like harpies Crocodile girls will find a male from another race and mate with him if he wants them to or not. They will often make nest's near the river and lay thier eggs inside of it on average it seem's that they lay around 10 eggs. It seem's to take about two months for the eggs to hatch.


Crocodile girls will watch thier young for awhile but then leave them alone shortly after that. However they will not eat thier young after they abandon them they will just ignor them.


For the most part they will eat what will fit in thier mouth although they have been known to eat larger prey such as Nagas and other creatures. they do this by pulling them into the water and drowning them then eating the prey as the please.


They are mostly found along the Jewel River. Thier lairs are for the most part are small inlets that seperate from the river where the water is calmer.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls   Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 5:32 am

Mhh the armadillo idea is nice I think Razz
with having them shy and roll around the place ^_^
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls   Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls Icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 9:07 pm

Thanks Smile
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls   Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 1:05 pm

Never thought of an armadillo girl. ^^;

Croc girls though are a MUST! :3 They don't need to be giantesses to make me happy. They've been one of my favorite types of characters to RP with.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls   Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 4:46 am

Laughing Seeing scale balls running around everywhere will be awesome.

I'm more doubtful about the crocodile ones, maybe for a matter of design problems to make them really recognizable as crocodiles (scales, jaws & fangs and a tail ain't enough for my humble brain) if you could post a more detailed phisical description would be really of help

Actually, I don't know how to properly tell what I'm thinkin' about, so soon enough I'll post a drawing as an explanation
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls   Armadilo girls and Crocodile girls Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 7:30 pm

nksrocks wrote:
Laughing Seeing scale balls running around everywhere will be awesome.

I'm more doubtful about the crocodile ones, maybe for a matter of design problems to make them really recognizable as crocodiles (scales, jaws & fangs and a tail ain't enough for my humble brain) if you could post a more detailed phisical description would be really of help

Actually, I don't know how to properly tell what I'm thinkin' about, so soon enough I'll post a drawing as an explanation

Yea I decided to change the design on the crocodile ones a little while back and just didn't say anything since these ideas didn't get much attention. the new design is alot like the Gecotaur design where the lower half is a lizard only in this case it would be a crocodile. but at this point I am open to any sugjestions.
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