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 Ancients and Dracians

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Join date : 2008-08-11
Age : 34
Location : In a boat, in a desert, fishing for fishes.

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PostSubject: Ancients and Dracians   Ancients and Dracians Icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2008 7:46 am

Well i guess ill make a new topic about races that may survive in felarya.

okay so the first race are the ancients and to answer questions before they are asked. the ancients are well an ancient race that have existed since the end of the dino era. (guess ill tell about alittle history of theirs) well anyway the ancients were a race of physical beings until they fought their 'sister' race who are known as dark ancients. well a big war took becoming known to a few races as the 'Great Universal War', the actually took place i think between 700,000 to either 500,000 or 400,000 B.C. (details of when the war took place are still alittle foggy). at least three worlds were actually involved in the and ill list them from first to last. 1) earth; 2) drakia; and finally Felarya.

i bet you're wonder how a war could possible take place on felarya, well both the dark ancients and ancients have dimensional cannons that allow them to travel through dimensions and plains of existence. but all i know is that the war ended on felarya but how it ended noone knows and like a said before the ancients used to have physical bodies but during the war most of them lost their physical bodies and gained spiritul bodies. (please dont think bad of them cause im still trying to figure out their history which still confuses me today) the only thign that i know is that, after the war both races decided to exist outside reality, outside of time and space itself making them like the watchers of the universe and so on and so forth. they are a frienldy race and i think there is one city that still is inhabeted by both races but de location is unknown. also after the war both races decided to have permanit peace so that another horrible war would never take place again.

well guess thats a brief history of the ancients in a nutshell now on to the dracians!

okay first dracians are a half breed race, meaning that they are half dragon and well any other race i.e. humans, nekos, elves, dwarfs, and even nagas( that would be very stange indeed) and ext.

well heres a little history(hopefully it wont be as long as the ancients). the dracians are actually a earth born race. to explain: .....yeah basically a male human and a female dragon( that can change into a human) mingled and wala the first half dracian is born. they found a ship belonging to the ancients and fix. of course the dracians left earth for fear that the future will be unsafe for their kind and settled on a plant which they named Drakia (tiz mentioned above) and their technology quickly advanced because they found ancient technology on the planet and became a very powerful empire and also became allies with the ancient and dark ancients. they have developed the technology and the ability to travel through dimensions and are also very friendly but just be sure not to make them mad and insult them or you might be in the hospital for a few months.

the first dracian was born in the middle ages. well i guess this about sums up the dracian race but i may add more to this post later on about the dracians.... maybe not
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Join date : 2008-08-11
Age : 34
Location : In a boat, in a desert, fishing for fishes.

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PostSubject: Ancients and Dracians   Ancients and Dracians Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2008 9:10 am

why did i even bother posting this topic any way. o well at least i thought these two races were good.
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Join date : 2008-08-11
Age : 34
Location : In a boat, in a desert, fishing for fishes.

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PostSubject: Ancients and Dracians   Ancients and Dracians Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2008 8:25 pm

(stupid keybroad. now ill have to type everything again which i did not get a chance to post) srry about that. i was explaining about the ancients but i hit the wrong button and made everything i wrote disappear. Now im going to to explain about the Ancient's cultural, religion, language, and so on and so forth. (I translated a proverb before and im going to again but the words may be different when i first wrote it. guess i should have copied this before i hit the wrong button)

okay first i am going to explain their language and to help you guys understand this i am going to translate the same proverb again (before it was eraesed). "Alkara novera sendara kengoren. Seltayen helferon poqueon geratry fenzerta, mejarcen bukaingen cianelty."

Translation, "Everyone has their own purpose. To find ones purpose one must find that purpose and embrace it, no matter how small that purpose is." - Felaryain Ancient proverb.

That was a Ancient proverb discovered in Mireille's temple located north of frost peak, next to the jewel river on Felarya. Srry but i have to finish this later but ill be back and finish and get rid of htis sentence as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Ancients and Dracians   Ancients and Dracians Icon_minitime

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