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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2008 5:58 pm

Befor I get into the discription of these guys I want to say that they are based on a urban legend about a creature from around the area I live called the mothman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothman . There is a book and a movie about it call the mothman prophocies so some of you may or may not have heard of it but basically it was a creature that started apearing out of nowhere in a town called Point Pleasant West Virginia from november 15, 1966 to around january 11, 1967. It didn't apear to be doing any harm other then reports of it chasing cars until on december 15, 1967 when the silver bridge that conected point pleasant west virginia to Gallipolis Ohio collapsed during rush hour traffic claiming the lives of 46 people. the mothman hasen't been seen sence leaving many people to belive that it was a sign of a great tragidy. with that being said I now give my idea on them.


Mothfolk satnd at roughly 6 feet in hight, they seem to be more huminoide standing upright on two legs, as you would expect they have large moth wings coming out of thier backs. They also have mothlike antina coming out of thier heads that often curl up, they have a thick ring of hair that goes around thier neck and slightly down thier back. they seem to come in many different colors ranging from bright green to black. however thier eyes always seem to be bright red no matter what.

Mothfolk have a special ability to see into the future, although what they see is never good. They only see tragidies or other horrible events that are going to happen such as the destruction of a city or someones death even thier own. they only talk threw telepathy but depending on the state of mind of the person they are talking to it may be hard for people to understand them, because most people panic when they see them because they are viewed as a sign of bad luck they don't understand half of the things they are trying to tell them. Mothfolk trie thier best to warn people about the visions they have seen maybe even trying to help them avoide it but because most people panic they don't get the whole message. Mothfolk always have a sad look on thier face and are always depressed because of thier visions and how they are treated by other races. It is almost impossible for them to be hunted as they can litteraly see it coming, Infact the only time when they are hunted is when they want to be simply to end thier sad life. Mothfolk have tried to make friends with other races but because of thier reputation harldy anyone wants to be thier friend.

Like it has been said mothfolk are always sad and depressed. They try to warn people about bad things that will happen but most people just can't understand them because they panic so much, and depending on the tragidie there could be several of them showing up. in some abandoned cities in Felarya they have records of seeing several of them before it was destroyed.

Molthfolk seem to only eat fruit and insects.

They can be found in variouse places in felarya but they always seem to live in groups high in trees.

Well this is my idea on mothfolk. I kind of have a head ache right now so I probably left somethings out on them.

Last edited by Tankmasterxyz on Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2008 6:15 pm

Really neat idea, I like it a lot. Very Happy I vaguely recall seeing the Mothman Prophecies several years ago, but I didn't really know much about the mythology involved with the movie (other than what was discussed in the movie).

The precognition is an interesting touch, and adds a pretty strong theme to the creation. I would recommend allowing for some differences in eye color, since moths have a tremendous range of variation in appearance, but that's just a suggestion. Also like the sadness about them; must suck when you try to warn people of imminent disaster, and they don't listen because they think you are the cause. You've got a whole species of Cassandras here. Laughing

I'll give more detailed feedback on it later; due to a slight mishap (my fault) in the bio lab, I only have one good hand at the moment, and it's making typing pretty awkward. Neutral

Really think you should consider developing these guys further, you have a good concept to work off of. Smile
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2008 6:30 pm

Thanks Smile

I made thier eyes red because in the legend no matter how the mothman was discribed he always had red eyes but it was only the insperation for these guys so I guess they should have different color of eyes.

But like I've said I probably left something out because my head hurts. >.<
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2008 6:38 pm

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
Thanks Smile

Y'welcome! Smile

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
I made thier eyes red because in the legend no matter how the mothman was discribed he always had red eyes but it was only the insperation for these guys so I guess they should have different color of eyes.

Ahhh, I see. Well... You could always do something in-between. Say, making it so their eyes turn red when they're using their precognitive abilities. That way, they have a 'normal' eye color, and a 'Oh, crap, what's going to happen now?!' eye color that spooks people out when they show up warning of dire calamity. Very Happy

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
But like I've said I probably left something out because my head hurts. >.<

I can sympathize. Waiting for painkillers to kick in myself at the moment. Hope you get over it soon. Sad

Last edited by TheQuantumMechanic on Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 1:30 am

Ohh that's really a great idea ! Many things to do with this bad precognition idea Razz
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 9:49 am

Ooh! Such interesting creatures.

And I agree with Karbo on the bad visions. IT must suck and yet be so awesome to see the future like that. Though I feel kinda bad at how few would want to befriend them.

Another great idea, Tank.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:24 am

Thanks Very Happy
I still can't remeber if I left anything out on them or not though >.<
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:29 am

While they have visions of the future and they're the "Bad End" sort, are those the final prediction if things remain as they are?

Or is it a sort of "There's so many potential outcomes, but all they can see is the worst / most depressing" vision where in their sharing of it may or not be what causes / prevents it, it could only occur if some very stretched scenario occurs, etc?
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:34 am

Malahite wrote:
While they have visions of the future and they're the "Bad End" sort, are those the final prediction if things remain as they are?

Or is it a sort of "There's so many potential outcomes, but all they can see is the worst / most depressing" vision where in their sharing of it may or not be what causes / prevents it, it could only occur if some very stretched scenario occurs, etc?

Most of thier visions can be avoided such as not being in a certain place at a certain time because there is going to be a predator there. although there are probably some that can not be avoided but that could be left to someones imagination for that situation.
But yea if the people ignore the warning it will happen.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 11:54 am

Excellent Idea!
They kinda remind me of a Greek fairy tail.(I think). About this girl how can see the future but for some reason now one listens to her.

By the way can they reads someones past too? And are they friendly to the people that try to be nice to them?
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 12:01 pm

No they can only see the future.

If they find someone who is friendly with them they would most likly tell them everything they see in order to keep them safe, in other words they probably wouldn't leave that person alone because so few people are nice to them.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 12:07 pm

Okay, I have a bit of time to type, so I'll try to provide some more detailed feedback. Smile

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
Mothfolk satnd at roughly 6 feet in hight, they seem to be more huminoide standing upright on two legs, as you would expect they have large moth wings coming out of thier backs. They also have mothlike antina coming out of thier heads that often curl up, they have a thick ring of hair that goes around thier neck and slightly down thier back. they seem to come in many different colors ranging from bright green to black. however thier eyes always seem to be bright red no matter what.

Not sure what kind of mental image you have of them, but I would suggest making them look more inhuman in appearance than simply humans with moth-like features. My apologies if that's exactly what you intended to portray, I wasn't sure (although the 'thick ring of hair' does suggest it).

I would recommend making them very "fuzzy", and with a wide variation in color. Moths have a beautiful range of diversity in appearance, and it would be nice to key into that. Smile

Here is a picture that a friend sent me quite a while back, since he knows the sort of things that interest me; unfortunately, he had no idea at all where he found the picture or who drew it, so I can't give credit to the artist. Sad If anyone knows, please PM me, both so I can give him or her credit and find more of their art. Smile

Mothfolk Come_b10

That's exactly the sort of thing a humanoid moth should look like, in my opinion; very fuzzy, very colorful (even drab species of moths have very subtle color variations), and with other moth features prominent. So much more impressive than just a human with moth wings, antennae, and compound eyes tacked on. Very Happy

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
Mothfolk have a special ability to see into the future, although what they see is never good...

Another suggestion I'd like to make is perhaps having them make a noise when they're agitated, partially to add to the spookiness factor. A fascinating moth that I've been fortunate enough to study (since they live in my region) is a species of Rattlebox Moth (Utetheisa Bella). Rattlebox Moths are related to Tiger Moths, and have some awesome natural defenses against predators (and are very colorful, as most highly defensive organisms are).

To protect themselves against bats (which can't recognize the moths as inedible based on their coloration, due to their poor eyesight), they make a rapid clicking or rattling sound, which the bats can recognize.

If you really want to tap into the eerieness of the Mothman legend, one way to do it would be to have these Mothpeople show up making dire prophecies, with red eyes and a loud, unnerving sound following them. It would tie pretty well into the "Harbinger of Disaster" theme, in my opinion. Smile

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
Like it has been said mothfolk are always sad and depressed. They try to warn people about bad things that will happen but most people just can't understand them because they panic so much, and depending on the tragidie there could be several of them showing up. in some abandoned cities in Felarya they have records of seeing several of them before it was destroyed.

Very classic case of tragedy occuring because the warning wasn't received/listened to in time. Smile Don't really have anything to add, you have a great basis here. Very Happy

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
Molthfolk seem to only eat fruit and insects.

They can be found in variouse places in felarya but they always seem to live in groups high in trees.

Well this is my idea on mothfolk.

Very good ideas. Smile The fact that they still keep trying to warn people, after all that's happened and the kind of welcome they receive, indicates that they're just as optimistic as they are sad. ^^ After all, if they had really given up hope, they wouldn't bother to keep trying to warn people about disasters. Laughing

ericnthered123 wrote:
They kinda remind me of a Greek fairy tail.(I think). About this girl how can see the future but for some reason now one listens to her.

Yep, it is indeed a Greek legend! Smile That was Cassandra, who I referenced earlier; the reason nobody listened to her was that (according to the myth):

The god Apollo fell in love (which is to say "lust", which is typically what the Greek gods actually did Laughing ) with Cassandra, who was the typical beautiful, intelligent princess figure. He blessed her with the power of prophecy (far more accurate and powerful than that of Apollo's own Oracles- Cassandra's prophecies ALWAYS came true) to try and win her her over... but she still wouldn't give him the time of day.

So, he slapped her with a curse, too- even though her prophecies would always come true, nobody would ever believe her, whether they were a god or mortal. Pretty messed up, isn't it? Smile
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 12:37 pm

Actually thier first design I had for them they were fuzzy like this. (I did not make this)
this is a Kaiju girl by the way from twisted kaiju theater

When I first thought of nekos I saw them as being covered in hair with a human face but that aparently isn't what they look like so i thought people would like mothfolk better this way without being fuzzy. I personally like the idea of them looking fuzzy myself.

*facepalm* making wierd noises was one of the things I left out on them, I figured when they tried to speak with thier mouth they would let out a screaching sound that would make them seem more spooky. Like when they get agitated because no one will listen to them.

I don't remember if I left this out or not so i'll mention it again,

Depending on the level of the tragidie they could apear in large groups this normally means that the more of them that show up the worse things will get.
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:20 pm

Tankmasterxyz wrote:

Depending on the level of the tragidie they could apear in large groups this normally means that the more of them that show up the worse things will get.

Now when you say tragedy how big a of one are we talking here?

And do they do it for one person or just groups?
Like say a person is in for a real tragic death do they warn him or her of it?

And finally do they warn all races (nagas, dridders)? Or just certain peoples?
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:37 pm

The level of the tragedy could be defind as one persons death to the destruction of a city and so on.

They would do it for a single person or a group.

they will try to warn anyone.
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PostSubject: Re: Mothfolk   Mothfolk Icon_minitime

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