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 Vegetarian Naga charecter

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Vegetarian Naga FTW?
Yeah! Make it a guy!
Vegetarian Naga charecter Vote_lcap40%Vegetarian Naga charecter Vote_rcap
 40% [ 6 ]
Yeah! Make it a girl!
Vegetarian Naga charecter Vote_lcap60%Vegetarian Naga charecter Vote_rcap
 60% [ 9 ]
No! You're insane!
Vegetarian Naga charecter Vote_lcap0%Vegetarian Naga charecter Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 15

valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 11:55 pm

It's funny because it's in Felarya where preds eat living preds like humans, cat girls, etc Laughing Rolling Eyes ...I'm thinking of making a vegetarian naga charecter, not sure if it'll be a guy or girl, and I'm not sure if I'll do it since it came to me out of the blues...I'll do it if at least most people like the idea, but if not, I'll just forget all about it.

Anyways, if I do make him/her, they'll be the kind of charecter that asks a thousand questions an hour...well, not litterally a thousand an hour, but practically. (inspired by my brother) Come to think of it, that might get on Anna's nerves a bit lol. *takes shelter hoping Anna didn't hear any of that*

But I'm gonna make a poll out of this, whether it'll be a guy or a girl is up to everyone else, as is if I make him/her or not.

Also, please share your ideas by posting them here, it's my first time even trying to make a charecter for Felarya, so any hints, tips, feedback, or anything you think I should know before making him/her or in the middle of doing or anything like that, I more than welcome anything you have to say...however, I'm not an artist, I'm more of a story writer, so if I make him/her, don't expect many pictures unless you or someone who does draw decides to do that...which I wouldn't mind as long as I get to see it =P
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 12:17 am

Sounds like a great idea myself! I'm not really a vore person, and I think that Felarya already has more than enough giant man eating nagas. And I'd say that at least 90% of non-human characters are females, so making a guy naga will win you a few extra points in my book. If it was me making a new pred species but not a pred person, I think I'd actually use a Sphinx or Drider, or one of the less common races. But nagas are great too. :3

Hmmm... Seeing as I'm a chick, I would prefer a hawt guy character, but it's your desicion of course. I like the idea of having him/her ask a lot of questions, but maybe have the character a curious, knowlege seeking sort of person rather than a naiive, annoying, adorable one? I just think that the innocent and cute traits are some other ones that are overused, and I prefer more serious characters.

Anyway, it's a nice idea. Hopefully Felarya will score a nice, unique character once you've decided on whether you'll make him/her, and how. <3
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 1:25 am

thanks Ironkitty, I'm thinking a guy too, but it's actually because there are so many females in falarya...I'm all for femaless and vore, but like Karbo said in general forums once, there are a bit more females and less males than expected, which is one of the main things that got me thinking about this.

as for different races, I never really thought of that myself, but I'm gonna stick with the naga idea though since it'd be a bit more interesting (in my oppinion) to see a naga that doesn't eat meat.

I can also see your point when you say that the cute adorable question asker is a bit used, but could you explain a bit of what you mean by the curious knowledge seeking serious type? I'm a bit lost there, but it sounds nice. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 3:28 am

A guy. My Naga character has no one to talk to.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 8:27 am

I'd say make it a female Vegetarian. While a Male Naga is rare, making it a Vegetarian as well makes it seem like you're trying to shove as many rarities in at once.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 8:30 am

vegeta002 wrote:
A guy. My Naga character has no one to talk to.
so far that's 3 votes for the guy. I'm gonna let this poll run for a few days to gather up votes before making the final decision.

maybe our nagas can be in the same story/comic strips sometimes...dunno which you do...may I see a link to him?
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 8:43 am

Malahite wrote:
I'd say make it a female Vegetarian. While a Male Naga is rare, making it a Vegetarian as well makes it seem like you're trying to shove as many rarities in at once.
sorry for the double post, we wrote at the same time lol.

yeah, I know...that's why I'm struggling with the personality idea that Ironkitty suggested...it sounds good, but I already said he/she'd be a vegitarian, which is VERY rare, if not unlikely for anyone to be vegetarian in Felarya.

I want him/her to be unique (help on that word? XP) but I don't want him to have so many rare traits it's not funny. for one, I don't think it'd make the Felarya cut and for two, I myself won't really like it...I love to give charecters strengths, but I love to give them weaknesses to reflect that and shoving all these rare attributes in him/her is going to mess that up...it's kina like making a person in real life...we have rare attributes, but none of us are packed full of them.

Anyways, down to the point, I think I'll leave it as the only rare attributes he/she has is the vegetarian point and a guy, if we all decide to make him a guy. Other than that, I think he/she's had enough rareness for one charecter.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 9:21 am

I don't see in what it will change something because killing someone is not a question of vegetarian or carnivore.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 9:45 am

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
I don't see in what it will change something because killing someone is not a question of vegetarian or carnivore.
I'm not aiming to change anything...Felarya is something I would never wanna try and change...besides the fact that I doubt Karbo would allow that, Felarya is my favorit fiction place. The first place to do with vore that I ever even knew. The last thing I wanna do is put in something that makes like all the nagas stop eating.

My goal is simply to add something new, interesting, and even funny in the picture if anything. Felarya has alot of girls and alot of meat eaters. adding another girl meat eater sounded pretty plain to me, and when the vegetarian idea popped up, I knew it had to be a winner.

I want him/her to be different, but not too different if you know what I'm saying: up to the extent where you know it's him/her by his/her traits...like seeing a giant half eaten cabbage and saying, "yep, that's definately (insert name here)" but not to the point where he/she is in the spotlight in every picture he/she goes into.

I want him/her to be as good as Crisis the naga or less...I don't wanna go above her...mostly because she's my favorit naga and the one I respect the most.

anyways, I'm getting off track.heheh Embarassed My point really is, I don't wanna make too much of a difference. I just wanna do something different with one charecter. Someone who blends in and yet still has their unique personality and habits.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 10:46 am

Sorry but one the sentient predators are omnivore they eat both meat and vegetable.

In a similar topic, GREGOLE explained the fact to eat meat is necessary to the developpment of the brain, in clear the naga won't be 100% vegetarian.

Predators eating vegetable are not something new, Terra,Vivian and Saya are known to eat fruits. I will add Jade Ravana3k's characters who eats fruits and animals. Anna doesn't humans when she is herself.

The fact your characters prefer to eat fruit than meat won't make him/her different except it's start to annoy the others by forcing them to be vegetarian. It's the common things to all vegetarian.

Developp the personnality of your characters first and if you don't want he/she eats humans won't make him/her different. Crisis has humans friend even if she eats humans Razz

Edit: Cypress doesn't humans but animals.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 11:08 am

I see what you're getting at...however I don't really see how he/she'd force other nagas to eat fruits and vegetables, it's still not something something completely new...I'm not really bummed out about that though, but hearing the math thing (not good at math) about nagas and meat, I do realize that it would be pretty impossible to go on a 100% vegie naga charecter spree...as for Anna, she has eaten humans before, hince her bio...just don't smoke around her and you'll be fine. lol

since being 100% vegie eater is pretty impossible, I could probably go 75% vegie 25% meat though, right? I still can't put down that idea lol Laughing Rolling Eyes

The personality however, I like the questions idea...I'll probably do the innocent kind though since that tends to drag in more laughter.

hmmm...feels like I'm missing something important in this post...oh well, I'm sure it'll come to me. I've come to a conclusion early...way earlier than expected...I'm make her a girl, since I'm not really into guys eating people, (might make a male charecter for those of you who voted guy later on though) and I'm definately gonna maker her since no one is objected to me making her.

Thanks for all that and thanks alot gwadahunter2222 for the feed back that practically saved my skin...I'll work on her as soon as I can and post her up in this forum as soon as she's made. I'll still keep an eye on this thread, so like I said, any and all feedback is welcomed. I'm really nervous since it's my first charecter idea for felarya and could use any help and support you guys can give.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 11:57 am

neko-pet wrote:
I see what you're getting at...however I don't really see how he/she'd force other nagas to eat fruits and vegetablesl
The vegetarian doesn't like people eats meat next to them.

Quote :
Thanks for all that and thanks alot gwadahunter2222 for the feed back that practically saved my skin...I'll work on her as soon as I can and post her up in this forum as soon as she's made. I'll still keep an eye on this thread, so like I said, any and all feedback is welcomed. I'm really nervous since it's my first charecter idea for felarya and could use any help and support you guys can give.

I'm glad I help you Very Happy

The fact your character is vegetarian is a personnal preference. What it will make your character original is the intereaction with the environment and the other characters
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 12:00 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
neko-pet wrote:
I see what you're getting at...however I don't really see how he/she'd force other nagas to eat fruits and vegetablesl
The vegetarian doesn't like people eats meat next to them.

Depends on tolerance levels. Some, like Lisa Simpson, hate it when people eat meat by them while others don't really pay much attention.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 12:05 pm

I'd go around the veggie loving female. Since I wouldn't get eaten and all.

I just hope she doesn't turn into a hippy.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 12:20 pm

lol, I don't do hippies too well.

my naga will be more the type that asks questions about them eating meat...the extremely over-curious type.
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 1:15 pm

vegeta002 wrote:

Depends on tolerance levels. Some, like Lisa Simpson, hate it when people eat meat by them while others don't really pay much attention.

Unfortunately if you want to make your character original because he/she is vegetarian he/she will be like Lisa Simpson because in general the others won't pay really much attention.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 4:53 pm

well, I'm glad I was able to come up with an idea that got a little popular...even if it was already in use and proven to not work out as well as I thought....I'm gonna check out some more charecter ideas to see what I need to feel in on my new naga.

Oh, by the way, her name's gonna be Trixy I think...all in favor of that name, please raise your hands....all who disaprove, please indicate it with another name idea. =P
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 5:59 pm

ok, I finally got it done! There's probably no need for this, but I'll link it just in case.


if at all possible, could I get someone that is interested to draw an avie of her for me? I'm not very picky on looks, as long as it matches the descriptions. Razz
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 6:19 am

neko-pet wrote:
ok, I finally got it done! There's probably no need for this, but I'll link it just in case.


if at all possible, could I get someone that is interested to draw an avie of her for me? I'm not very picky on looks, as long as it matches the descriptions. Razz

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:00 pm

Vegetarian Naga Girl? Hold on. *walks off* *comes back with giant sign*
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 3:24 pm

S-Guy wrote:
Vegetarian Naga Girl? Hold on. *walks off* *comes back with giant sign*

Ha'dara: Should have seen that coming. Might as well give up on the Neko rights and just stay with a vegetarian, it'll be much more effective.
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 3:58 pm

vegeta002 wrote:
S-Guy wrote:
Vegetarian Naga Girl? Hold on. *walks off* *comes back with giant sign*

Ha'dara: Should have seen that coming. Might as well give up on the Neko rights and just stay with a vegetarian, it'll be much more effective.

Mireille: NYHAHAHA! Neko's have rights? Well I think a vegetarian naga would be a nice change from us man eating nagas.

Luna: I think its a great idea. I'll more then happy to meet her. ^_^

Me: why are you two here anyway? and a vegetarian naga would be more then welcomed to felarya.
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PostSubject: Re: Vegetarian Naga charecter   Vegetarian Naga charecter Icon_minitime

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