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 Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Empty
PostSubject: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 3:32 pm


I laughed at that for some reason. A couple weeks earlier, someone edited the Scientology page of Wikipedia to say 'HAIL HUBBARD!'

Any opinions, BTW on the whole weird thing going on? Why the heck does Scientology hate YouTube?
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 4:12 pm

I don't know the whole story, but it looks like there was some documentary video speaking of Scientology and saying some things this religion/sect/business didn't like. That and the fact that if you try to submit a certain South Park episode where they made fun of Scientology, you're prety screwed.

It's like the world can't say anything bad about this Scientology...
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 5:53 pm

Feadraug wrote:
That and the fact that if you try to submit a certain South Park episode where they made fun of Scientology, you're prety screwed.

I love that episode! "Trapped in the Closet" ---and wasn't it also Scientologists in "The Return of Chef"?

Er---to put it bluntly from my perspective, "Scientology? Blegh!" Mad
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 8:01 pm

Scientology is a cult and it's evil.

They wanna try and change my mind? Let em try.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 8:06 pm

Let Xenu sort 'em all out. Maybe this time he'll drop them through a dimensional rift to Felarya!
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 9:33 pm

Scientologists against the cult of Kalisti.

Xenu vs Nemyra.

On Friday night gul^H^H^Hfights!
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 9:09 am

Beware Scientology, you are very tasty inside of Crisis's stomach!

Oooo, what if they try chopping Cypress down? *SHOT*
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 9:27 am

Scientologists-A Ferlaryan Delicacy.

Now i dare someone to go make a screengrab of that!
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 2:28 am

Feadraug wrote:
I don't know the whole story, but it looks like there was some documentary video speaking of Scientology and saying some things this religion/sect/business didn't like. That and the fact that if you try to submit a certain South Park episode where they made fun of Scientology, you're prety screwed.

It's like the world can't say anything bad about this Scientology...
theres not alot of good to be said about it, they killed people just out of plain greed. the only reason it still exists is because of a hold over in the laws and enough scary musclemen to force anyone with a half of a penut for a brain to back down.
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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 11:38 pm

I find the concept that some people can say that an evil galactic warlord named Xenu spawned mankind by putting our souls on an unpopulated planet to help solve a population problem and be taken seriously as a true religion unbelievable and a little dissappointing...
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PostSubject: Re: Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous.   Scientology, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Anonymous. Icon_minitime

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