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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: My char   My char Icon_minitimeSat Oct 25, 2008 12:04 pm

I would love it if my char Kyrii could become a part of felareya. I Know it's redundant but I'm reposting her information.

Species: A altered Neko of the Scorching claw tribe
Name: Kyrii Mindarelius
Sex: Female
Size: 90ft ( originally 7'5)
Hair color/length: Blue down to knees. Usually kept in one long braid
Eye color: Green
Fur on ears and tail color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothing: prefers none or will wear clothing she made out of leaves, vines and various other materials
Favorite foods: 1ST Smaller nagas (more for revenge than an actual taste in reality she actually dislikes the taste) 2ND Humans 3RD Neko’s( Kyrii’s Dark secret)
Wanderlust: Kyrii is prone to travel. She may settle down one day but for now. She loves travel.
Abilities: Her agility and strength make her a dangerous foe even against creatures larger than her.
Description: Kyrii likes being giant. She has gotten used to it and has picked up an “I’m bigger than you mentality.” She is not a bully or evil per say. She just knows that she needs to eat and humans are one of the most plentiful snack’s. She only eats when she is hungry or very upset over something. She usually refer’s to eating as playtime and sometimes sets’ rules and objectives. If you break the rules or fail you’re food but if you succeed or make her break her rule’s she usually lets you go. Of course more often than not playtime is her running after you until you get tired then she catches you. Kyrii is very playful and loves to play with her food. Sometime’s Kyrii will give helpful advice to people she has caught, then release them to see if they learned anything. Though this advice is seldom useful because normally Kyrii will usually be the one to eat you. Kyrii can be talkative and social even to her prey and the more she likes you the more she tend’s to talk. The biggest problem with Kyrii is it is nearly impossible to talk your way out of being eaten because if she went out of the way to catch you she is more than likely hungry. She almost never eats Neko’s unless she is very hungry and can get away clean. It started when she almost starved to death and she ate a small group of travelers. Because of the clothes she didn’t notice the Neko until she was in Kyrii’s mouth. Kyrii rolled her around a bit and loved the taste. She pulled her out to see and was horrified to see a Neko staring back at her.

Kyrii is quick to befriend any one of any species except Naga’s. Though being friends’ with a naga is possible she will be distant, hostile and downright mean for a long time toward’s them. In all regard’s what Kayrissa the Naga did to her friend’s and clansman was unforgivable.

If potential food were to approach Kyrii when she was not hungry then she would be Friendly and accepting. Kyrii would talk, crack jokes’ and be pleasant company. If attacked Kyrii won’t hesitate to defend herself and if given the chance she will try to pin the enemy down and figure out what is going on.

Anyone wanting to know more about Kyrii can find her story under "some of my work" in the story section.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitimeSat Oct 25, 2008 12:11 pm

Darkfire destiny wrote:
I would love it if my char Kyrii could become a part of felareya. I Know it's redundant but I'm reposting her information.

Species: A altered Neko of the Scorching claw tribe
Name: Kyrii Mindarelius
Sex: Female
Size: 90ft ( originally 7'5)
Hair color/length: Blue down to knees. Usually kept in one long braid
Eye color: Green
Fur on ears and tail color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothing: prefers none or will wear clothing she made out of leaves, vines and various other materials
Favorite foods: 1ST Smaller nagas (more for revenge than an actual taste in reality she actually dislikes the taste) 2ND Humans 3RD Neko’s( Kyrii’s Dark secret)
Wanderlust: Kyrii is prone to travel. She may settle down one day but for now. She loves travel.
Abilities: Her agility and strength make her a dangerous foe even against creatures larger than her.
Description: Kyrii likes being giant. She has gotten used to it and has picked up an “I’m bigger than you mentality.” She is not a bully or evil per say. She just knows that she needs to eat and humans are one of the most plentiful snack’s. She only eats when she is hungry or very upset over something. She usually refer’s to eating as playtime and sometimes sets’ rules and objectives. If you break the rules or fail you’re food but if you succeed or make her break her rule’s she usually lets you go. Of course more often than not playtime is her running after you until you get tired then she catches you. Kyrii is very playful and loves to play with her food. Sometime’s Kyrii will give helpful advice to people she has caught, then release them to see if they learned anything. Though this advice is seldom useful because normally Kyrii will usually be the one to eat you. Kyrii can be talkative and social even to her prey and the more she likes you the more she tend’s to talk. The biggest problem with Kyrii is it is nearly impossible to talk your way out of being eaten because if she went out of the way to catch you she is more than likely hungry. She almost never eats Neko’s unless she is very hungry and can get away clean. It started when she almost starved to death and she ate a small group of travelers. Because of the clothes she didn’t notice the Neko until she was in Kyrii’s mouth. Kyrii rolled her around a bit and loved the taste. She pulled her out to see and was horrified to see a Neko staring back at her.

Kyrii is quick to befriend any one of any species except Naga’s. Though being friends’ with a naga is possible she will be distant, hostile and downright mean for a long time toward’s them. In all regard’s what Kayrissa the Naga did to her friend’s and clansman was unforgivable.

If potential food were to approach Kyrii when she was not hungry then she would be Friendly and accepting. Kyrii would talk, crack jokes’ and be pleasant company. If attacked Kyrii won’t hesitate to defend herself and if given the chance she will try to pin the enemy down and figure out what is going on.

Anyone wanting to know more about Kyrii can find her story under "some of my work" in the story section.

As always, you have my vote, but whenever i posted about ANYTHING here, its shot down by the others faster than a speeding arrow.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2008 6:36 am

i like the char. but u might wanna make it smaller its 15 feets taller than crisis.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitimeSat Nov 01, 2008 7:23 am

I actually made the char and worked out my plan's before checking the other named char. To be honest I didn't really look at sizes until after I'd almost finished the story. I didn't really think being only 15 ft would be too bad. The original purpose is an anti-pred weapon even if it didn't work.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitimeSat Nov 01, 2008 7:44 am

Your plan is screwed anyway. I got this message from Karbo himself:

Quote :
Well I think the idea is nice but I add only characters when I am firmly convinced they fit/interract well in the universe, usually after having seen them "live" through stories... I very rarely take one just like that ^^;

(This was to do with another charecter, not Kyrii).
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitimeSat Nov 01, 2008 1:56 pm

Darkfire destiny wrote:
The original purpose is an anti-pred weapon even if it didn't work.

i kinda figured that much, but still it's one hell of genetic manipulation, to increase size more than tenfold and give extra abilities, Felarya has some pretty hardcore scientists.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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Join date : 2008-08-06
Age : 39
Location : Greenfield Park QC.

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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitimeSun Nov 02, 2008 8:07 am


That is why I've been writing Kyrii stories. So people grow to like or dislike her, depending on the sinairio


kinda figured that much, but still it's one hell of genetic manipulation, to increase size more than tenfold and give extra abilities, Felarya has some pretty hardcore scientists.

I didn't realise that I had inhanced her abilitie's. I just agusted her natural abilitie's to fit her new size. As far as the science goes it was another off worlder messing with thing's.
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PostSubject: Re: My char   My char Icon_minitime

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