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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 6:54 am

"Shut up Trav!" Masurao jabbed his right index and middle finger into Trav's shoulder, making Trav paralyzed from all movement. "Sorry, Trav...It's probably the only way to keep you quiet." Masurao then hoisted Trav over his shoulder. He once again continued leaping from branch to branch at a fast pace.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 8:41 am

(This is likely to be after their first meeting)

"It's a shirt, you can often see Humans wearing them." Ha'dara started thinking to himself 'Naga's here are supposed to be some kind of super-predator, yet these don't seem to act like it. I guess Looks can be decieving works for personality, too'.

He looked down at Daisy "Need any help?"
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The Nordic Ninja
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 2:30 pm

Zakun'dais stood on a tree branch and surveyed the area. He was a little drowsy as he'd just awoken from a nap. He perked up when he heard laughter from the branches below. Zakun looked down to see a young man, who apparently found something very funny, on a branch below. What seemed like a split second later a boy appeared and jabbed the laughing man in the shoulder, which Zakun figured had either killed him or knocked him out somehow he couldn't really tell. Then the boy started to carry him away.

"The hell?", thought Zakun as he leapt down below a started after the boy. Once he caught up with him he asked, "Hey, dude, was that really necessary? I mean he was only laughing." Once he asked this however, Zakun felt as though he might have been missing something.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 5:28 pm

"There are a few Nagas below, and there are numerous fairies and whatnot around here that would be attracted by Trav's laughter. It was the only way to stop him from laughing, therefore keeping us BOTH safe." MAsurao explained as he continued to travel. "I'm Masurao Ketsuiki by the way...Chuunin of the Village of the Hidden Leaves."
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 5:49 pm

“Ah, I be sorry. Twas foolish o’ me. It be quite a sight to behold, I couldn’ ‘elp meself,” Trav said, as feeling began to return to him. He still smiled at the humorous incident. “But yon fairies already found us the moment we set foot beneath these leaves. Can yeh not hear them?” Trav became silent for a moment, but the whispering voices quieted down.

“Faith, I know yeh be there, yeh jovial rascals. An I was enjoyin’ yeh debate about me whiskers too,” Trav said. A rash of muffled giggling could be heard from all the leaves.

“There, yeh see? There be no escapin’ the whisperin’ within these woods,” Trav said. “But they generally don’ eat the travelers that entertain them. It be the borin’ ones that must beware. Course, they might try to eat me jus’ to prove me wrong now.”
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The Nordic Ninja
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 7:36 pm

"Zakun'Dais of the Shadow World Aekandisia.", he introduced himself as he continued following. "Sorry about the hostile greeting. I tend to tune out the voices as much as possible. They're so damn annoying, it's hard to think sometimes." Some faint chuckling was heard. "Oh, shut up!", he yelled at the voices.

He turned back to Masurao and Trav. "I've been in these woods for three weeks. They're really starting to get to me. And they know it too." More laughing, this time louder. "Ahhhhggghhh!", screamed Zakun as he conjured a ball of shadows in his hand and hurled it at a nearby tree in a fit of rage. He breathed heavily for a moment then regained composure. He sighed before saying, "Sorry. But, like I said,", he held up three fingers to them for emphasis, "three weeks."
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2008 5:38 am

Masurao was a bit worried, since he was not amusing at the moment, but ta the same time he was not worried thanks to his ability to se every single movement with his Sharingan. "Heh...I've been in Felarya for about a year."
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 10:04 am

(Sorry i forgot to include this at the beginning.)


Species: A altered Neko of the Scorching claw tribe
Name: Kyrii Mindarelius
Sex: Female
Size: 90ft ( originally 7'5)
Hair color/length: Blue down to knees. Usually kept in one long braid
Eye color: Green
Fur on ears and tail color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothing: prefers none or will wear clothing she made out of leaves, vines and various other materials
Favorite foods: 1ST Smaller nagas (more for revenge than an actual taste in reality she actually dislikes the taste) 2ND Humans 3RD Neko’s( Kyrii’s Dark secret)
Wanderlust: Kyrii is prone to travel. She may settle down one day but for now. She loves travel.
Abilities: Her agility and strength make her a dangerous foe even against creatures larger than her.
Description: Kyrii likes being giant. She has gotten used to it and has picked up an “I’m bigger than you mentality.” She is not a bully or evil per say. She just knows that she needs to eat and humans are one of the most plentiful snack’s. She only eats when she is hungry or very upset over something. She usually refer’s to eating as playtime and sometimes sets’ rules and objectives. If you break the rules or fail you’re food but if you succeed or make her break her rule’s she usually lets you go. Of course more often than not playtime is her running after you until you get tired then she catches you. Kyrii is very playful and loves to play with her food. Sometime’s Kyrii will give helpful advice to people she has caught, then release them to see if they learned anything. Though this advice is seldom useful because normally Kyrii will usually be the one to eat you. Kyrii can be talkative and social even to her prey and the more she likes you the more she tend’s to talk. The biggest problem with Kyrii is it is nearly impossible to talk your way out of being eaten because if she went out of the way to catch you she is more than likely hungry. She almost never eats Neko’s unless she is very hungry and can get away clean. It started when she almost starved to death and she ate a small group of travelers. Because of the clothes she didn’t notice the Neko until she was in Kyrii’s mouth. Kyrii rolled her around a bit and loved the taste. She pulled her out to see and was horrified to see a Neko staring back at her.

Kyrii is quick to befriend any one of any species except Naga’s. Though being friends’ with a naga is possible she will be distant, hostile and downright mean for a long time toward’s them. In all regard’s what Kayrissa the Naga did to her friend’s and clansman was unforgivable.

If potential food were to approach Kyrii when she was not hungry then she would be Friendly and accepting. Kyrii would talk, crack jokes’ and be pleasant company. If attacked Kyrii won’t hesitate to defend herself and if given the chance she will try to pin the enemy down and figure out what is going on.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 10:25 am

Daisy looked up at the male Naga as he asked her if she needed any help, Daisy sat up, her back popping a few times " I'm..ooch..fine ." she said. Kitty wa still laying face up, looking at the new male " Yes, Kitty...those soft things that humans wear...they're called clothes ." she said " but why would he wear them...he's not human ." she asked " Because he wants to....though where he found clothes that baig , I'll never know ." she said, the last part under her breath " I'm hungry, sis ." said Kitty, then she heard a laugh and she stood up " Eh ?" she said, rising up off the ground and looking around. She heard some voices moving away and she shot off, following them. She moved up into the trees at a decent pace , the voices getting closer until she saw three form ahead " Aaah!" she exclaimed in happiness and made a sprinting dash toward them. If the three were to look down, they would see a giant , gaping mouth flying up at them from underneath.
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 10:27 am

"Oh... damn I hoped the other's hadn't heard."

Kyrii was torn between introductions and missing breakfast.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 11:04 am

Masurao noticed the gaping maw, and widened his eyes. His pupils contracted. Everything was going in slow motion to him. "Take Trav!" Masurao threw Trav toward Zakun. The mouth was coming toward Nasurao. Zakun ran off, and Masurao waited for the last moment of Daisy's mouth to be a few inches in front of him. He leaped upward, dodging her mouth by a millisecond. He landed against a tree, clinging his feet to the side using his chakra manipulation.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 11:22 am

Ha'dara shook his head, sighing "Yep, just like the others.". He looked up, thinking he was hearing things 'Trav? The one from Trixie's group?'. He couldn't see him, deciding he must have already fled "Oh well, maybe it wasn't him."
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 4:07 pm

“Heh, this should amuse yon fairies to no end,” Trav said to himself. Whatever Masurao had did to him was beginning to wear off, Trav could use his arms again. Using his now functional hands, Trav rooted around in his haversack and withdrew a clay vial. Popping the cork, Trav threw the vial down into the naga’s huge maw. As the vial flew down, it scattered an off white powder.

That powder was actually the extract from a poisonous plant. The poison was mild, and probably wouldn’t even be noticed by a naga, save for the fact that it was extremely and tremendously bitter. Just tasting a single grain of that powder was enough to leave Trav choking and gasping for breath from the taste. He wondered what it would do to a naga.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 4:48 pm

Kitty saw her prey scatter to the winds, one she was sure she would get, she was about to go after them when she closed her mouth and her pupils contracted as a overwhelming bitterness flooded her tongue and throat. She clapped her hands over her mouth and gave a muffled moan, she turned her head and tried to spit out whatever was causing her such discomfort, she hadn't eaten anything that she could thing of. Spitting helped a little, but not enough to do enough good for her case, she looked around , now she was mad .
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The Nordic Ninja
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 5:42 pm

(( Mike, could you please not control my character? I'll roll with it now, but next time try to work around doing that. ))

Zakun continued running but stopped when he noticed how angry she was now. "Oh man, you really pissed her off." Zakun did a double take at Trav. "Hey! Your moved your arms! Great I guess you'll be able to walk again soon huh? Listen, I'm gonna' go back and help Masurao. You want to come with or should I leave you here?" Zakun seemed as though he was eagerly awaiting Trav's answer. In truth he was just excited about the prospect of a potential battle. He had weeks worth of pent up stress and needed some way to release it. Plus, he hadn't had a good fight in quite a while.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 6:12 pm

“It be long debated whether it be worse to encounter an angry naga or a ‘ungry naga. I thought it best to gain us some time.” Trav said, shrugging. He experimentally tried to move his legs, but couldn’t do more that twitch them. “Don’ leave me ‘ere. I cannae feel me legs yet. But could yeh take me to the next tree over. There be a hole in it, dug out by some great bird fer a nest some time in the past, though it be abandoned now. Leave me there please.”
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 8:08 pm

"You got it." Zakun leapt across the branches until he reached the former nest. He set Trav down in the part of it he thought was most concealed. "Alright I'll be right back.", he said stretching his neck a little. "If you recover before Masurao and I get back please don't hesitate to come to our aid. We may need help." With that Zakun started back to the scene of the battle with the greatest of speed. Zakun worried about Trav for a few moments before assuring himself that he seemed like he knew enough about this land to choose a good enough hiding spot. He then cleared his mind and prepared for the combat that was to come.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 4:28 am

Ha'dara barely stopped himself from laughing too loud "You were asking for that. You shouldn't be so rash, they can be smart little buggers." He looked up at the tree 'What did they just do? Whatever it was, it was funny.'
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 8:26 am

"Well, I guess it was a good thing I stayed here instead of chasing them. Otherwise I'd have gotten whatever it was they fed you."

Kyrii couldn't resist smiling. She had no mal intent to the naga she just found it humorous.

"So other than that, everyone seem's alright. From the look of thing's it's going to be one of those day's."
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 9:42 am

Meanwhile, dozens of miles away!..... Which would be something like... I dunno, two blocks to a large predator?

"BLAUGH!!" Cried the fairy as the huge, scaly foot slammed into his belly, knocking him to the ground.

"Get up, dammit!" Cried Nellie, the downed fairy's sister.

Byron staggered to his feet. He and his sister had been stalking a group of travelers just moments ago and had set upon them. Everything had gone fine, until they had run into a mother holding a baby. The moment Nellie had grabbed the human, a set of huge, muscular hands had grabbed her face and thrown her into a tree. Now the two of them were fighting for their lives against the owner of those hands.

The hulking monster swung its shaggy right arm, nailing Nellie with a powerful backhand, flooring her. This huge abberation had come from seemingly nowhere. It glared at the two of them, swinging its saurian head left and right, keeping both fairies in its sight. It wasn't much taller than either of them, but its chimeric, scaly, shaggy mass was nearly twice the size of either fairy! Jagged, serrated teeth poked form between its blocky jaws and a mane of bright green hair ran from scalp to spine, fraying out like the hair of a rock star.

Byron shook off the pain from the kick his gut had taken and charged right at the beast, hands balled into fists. He swung the strongest right cross he could throw, smashing it into the beast's head. It jolted its head to the right, giving into the blow. Byron swung his left fist, nailing it on the opposite side of the head. Another right knocked the abberation's head to the side again. He was hurting it!

It was at that moment that the monster decided to grab him, one hand around his neck, the other one holding him by the crotch. With superhuman strength, it hefted the fairy over its head and threw him right into his sister.

Nellie shoved her brother off of her and jumped before the best, ducking as it swung a punch at her, then delivering a powerful right cross straight into the beast's crotch.
It yelped in pain, clutching its bruised loins as Byron got up and charged again. Unfortunately, the creature wasn't as disabled as previously let on, and managed to lift a foot, causing Byron to run headlong into it.

The monster rose again, having shrugged off the pain and glared daggers at the two fairies. Byron was already on his feet, and both stood right before it, ready to keep fighting.
The monster growled and shook its head.
"I don't have time for this," it snarled. Lashing out with both hands, it grabbed both fairies by the hair and Cracked their heads together. They screamed and struggled, grabbing at its hands, trying to free themselves from its grip. However, it brought them apart, lifting the two off the ground by their hair. It swung them together again, this time drawing blood, both from their scalps and mouths. It smashed their heads together a third time, then a fourth.


Both fairies' heads shattered, raining a torrent of gore onto the jungle floor.

The hideously deformed monster looked at the two headless bodies, still clutching their blood-soaked hair. It dropped the gruesome wigs and turned back to the woman the two had been about to eat. She was huddled up with her child in the shadow of a tree, shaking, unable to take her eyes off the gruesome spectacle.

The monster flashed her a thumbs up and chuckled, then picked up what had once been Byron.
"Boys are kinda gamy, but that's the way I like it," it remarked, before taking a huge bite out of the corpse's side and strolling off into the jungle. At least it had done something to occupy it for the morning.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 7:58 pm

( I have a feeling of a impending epic battle approaching..eh, Gregole*hint*)

Kitty was angry..and she was hungry, neither element encouraged a Naga to be docile, put both of them together and you had a problem. Kitty displayed a fairly uncharacteristic strategic choice and sat back, watching and listening as the one who had thrown something into her mouth, he had to have done it, there was nothing else around. She forgot about the others, she would exact her revenge on this one if it was the last thing she did. She suddenly shot off in the direction Trav had been taken and appeared directly in front of the hole in the tree, peering in with a large Hazel eye "Why did you throw that nasty thing into my mouth, it tasted very bad ." she hissed, she could not reach into the tree, so she placed her hand on either side of the hole " That ....was...veeery...meeeeaaaan!!!' she said with a strained voice, the muscles on her arms , shoulders and backs began to ballon outward, veins appearing on her arms, the wood began to creak as the tree started to split from the magic fueled muscles power. That was Kitty's innate ability, she had no other magical power, she could not cast spells or cast magic outward in any form, she instead used it to fuel her strength. The tree creaked and groaned, splitting outward ever so slowly while Kitty strained.
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The Nordic Ninja
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The Nordic Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 11:32 pm

Zakun'Dais pulled a 180 as the angered naga dashed past him headed right towards Trav's location. He arrived just in time to see Kitty start to apart the tree in which Trav was hiding. "Holy shit!", he thought before shaking off the shock. Zakun thought quickly for a second then whistled loudly in an effort to gain her attention.

"Hey!", he called out, "What are you doin'? I threw that stuff, not him!"
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 7:49 am

Ha'dara looked at Kitty and raised an eyebrow "She eats people alive and calls them mean? Oh well, I'm hungry now, there should be something around". Looking around a nearby tree, he found a large amount of fruit and took a few down before sitting down to eat them. Looking back at Kitty, he shook his head "I see she's the amusing one here.
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Darkfire destiny
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 8:17 am

Kyrii had to force herself to look away from the young naga.

"So Sir? I think introductions could be a good step. I'm Kyrii, Kyrii Mindarelius."

She smiled toward's the only naga she had ever seen in a shirt.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RP   Felarya RP - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 8:47 am

Ha'dara looked at her "I'm Ha'dara. I haven't heard the name 'Kyrii', sounds alien." Finishing the fruit, he got some more from the tree, holding one out to Kyrii "Want one?"

Last edited by vegeta002 on Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling mistake)
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