I'm working on a project video called 'Connection'. I'm currently writing out the script for it (I have two pages done) and it's main characters are all teenagers.
Connection starts off with the death of Melany Ames, a girl who after years of teasing from school mates, commits suicide. Word quickly spreads around school about the legendary 'Suicide Club', and the teachers too begin to speak about it.
A mysterious e-mail is sent to another student, Katie Thormbush, a week after Melany died reading; 'Come on! Let's go together!'.
The Suicide Club rumors run rampant. Rules on how to join and what they do for fun. Finally, a group of teenagers commit suicide together, prompting an investigation... A new message, 'Are You Connected?' and the only one who seems to be able to answer it is the enigmatic Girl with Ribbons.
Of course, it's still in the planning stages, and there is a lot more to work on. But it'll be good! The movie is about identity and the in-crowd.