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 Kensui Neko!

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Kensui Neko!   Kensui Neko! Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2008 10:00 pm

Nekos don't get a lot of love, do they? Well, here is some love fer them!

Kensui Nekos are a strange off-worlding breed. There are two seperate 'villages' for them. Breeding Ground One and Breeding Ground Two. Breeding Ground One is located in the 'safer' area near the Ruins of Ur-Sagol. Breeding Ground Two, however, is located in just beside the Marshes. Being sent to Breeding Ground Two is taken as a death sentence by those in Breeding Ground One.

The Kensui Nekos who live on Felarya for their entire lives are all male. Small, weak, timid little things. The average height of a male Kensui Neko is five foot nine. The average height of a female... is ten foot three.
The Kensui Neko males live in the villages, living off of whatever food they caught or harvested, but the main source of nourishment comes from the large crates of dried meat that is occasionally sent in. The villages themselves are built in a spiral, with the center being the portal to the Kensu world.

Female Kensui Nekos come around twice a year. During one day in the half mark of the year they come is for the actual 'breeding', in which many males die from broken pelvic bones and spines. They then come back in the end of the year with the nearly full grown embryos. Underneath the villages are natural caves that are huge in scope, but without an insect or any other potential predator in sight. Giant colmuns stand there, each one powered by a generator inside it. Built onto the columns are sack like pods which the embryos are put inside of. The embryos continue the rest of their gestation there, being grown according to what caste they would fit thanks to chemcials and controlled genetic alterations throughout the process.

Grunts- Infertile females, they are born the size of five year old child and grow extremely rapidly, and have a remarkably limited mental capacity. Inside of their heads are little microchips which make them easily controlled disposable soldiers. The average height for them is around fifteen feet. The lifespan of a grunt, should they not be killed in the battle field, is ten years. They are mass bred on a few other worlds. Their fur comes in common shades of brown and gray

Drones- Infertile males and females, they are born around the size of a ten year old child and are seen as even lower then Grunts. They are given very simple brains and only live for five years at the most. The average height for them is four feet. Drones work to build many structures on the world of Kensu, from a school house to weapons of mass destruction. They are also mass bred on a few other worlds as well. Grunts commonly eat them. They have tabby like fur.

Breeders- The docile males you see commonly on Felarya, they have a lifespan of fifty years, even on Felarya itself. For about three million years, they had been specifcally bred into the form you see now. The two Breeding Grounds on Felarya are much smaller then the ones on Kensu. Their fur is often marble like.

Aristocracy- Fertile females, they average in height at ten feet and are said to be very beautiful. They handle the monetary and political affairs of the world. They also plan out where to put Breeding Grounds. They live for two hundred and fifty years on average. Their fur come in varying colors of tortise shell or siamese like colors.

Commanders- Fertile females (usually), and the true power of the Kensui Nekos. Smaller then the Grunts, but much stronger then them, Commanders manipulate the Aristocracy, bend the Breeders, and use the Grunts as cannon fodder. Without mercy, they are born soldiers ready for the battle field. The very few males born in into the Commanders caste are sadistic warriors who reveal in the bloodshed of Kensu's forever raging war. They average at ten to twelve feet. Their life span has not been accurately measured, since so many die on the battlefield before their time. The current Empress of the Kensui Nekos, a Commander, is over one thousand and two hundred years old (and about one hundred and twenty two feet tall). They also tend to see Breeders and Drones as food. Their fur is either white or black.

It is also curious to mention that Grunts and Commanders have serious difficulties breathing the air of Felarya because it lacks a type of gas present on their homeworld. However, they are perfectly able to breath in magic rich areas such as... the Fairy Pond!

The world they come from, Kensu, is also known as 'The Eternal Battlefield'. The oceans themselves are tainted red, and the plants there have adapted to the hundred of corpses stacked upon the fields. No one, not even the Kensui Neko Empress Misati, can remember there ever being peace upon the land. Everyone has forgotten what the war was about, all they know is that they have to keep fighting it. Forever.

In Felarya, however, there are very little hints to such a world. The males are perfectly content with their lot and do not make any deal from it, and are very peaceful. In fact, Breeding Ground Two has been wiped out a total of EIGHT times since it was founded (one hundred years ago), and yet somehow is always repopulated.

The Kensui Nekos speak their own language, Hanjul, and it is said to be a rather hard language to understand for some reason.

Known Kensui Nekos

Hiroto (Commander Caste)

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Kensui Neko!   Kensui Neko! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2008 12:59 pm

Intriguing idea of using genetic engineering to produce individuals for specific roles.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Kensui Neko!   Kensui Neko! Icon_minitimeSat Jan 24, 2009 7:38 am

the only problem I see is that the soil in ferlarya should allow them to live far regardless of normal lifespan
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PostSubject: Re: Kensui Neko!   Kensui Neko! Icon_minitime

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