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 Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)

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Shady Knight
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Shady Knight
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 10:10 am

Name: Pixie (suggestion for better names open)
Size: Various (They're fairies, you should know that by now)
Location: Forests and Jungles (duh)
Threat: Moderate to High

Pixies, also known as Floro Sprites, Chloros Maidens, or whatever, are a rare hybrid race of fairies with nature elementals, as nature elementals themselves are rare. They are often confused for natural breeds of fairies, as both are common in forests, but they do have their own characteristics.


- Pixies skins usually shows some slight hues of green, due to a small amount of chloropyll in their skin, along with melanin.

- Scale-like leafy plates sometimes grows from their skin, usually in a pattern reminiscent of wearing clothings. Sometimes, small flowers grow among the leaves.

- Hair and eye color are usually bright, natural colors of plants. The brightness is an indication of their health. The brighter, the healthier. If the color becomes completely dull, it means the pixie is dead. Hair sometimes has leaves or twigs growing in, sometimes with small flowers sprouting.

- Wing color and/or pattern blends in with the envrionment. Butterfly or moth wings has patterns that blends on certain branches or flowers. Other times, the patterns are made to intimidate aggressors or predators. Transparent wings, such as those of "flies" or bees, are opaque and usually light green, to look like leaves for camouflage purpose.

- During night time, they appear as a very bright orb of light, like the fairies in Zelda Ocarina of Time.

- If it wasn't obvious enough by now, their appearance provides great camouflage in trees and plants.


The behavior of pixies varies widely among individuals, ranging from jolly pranksters, to stoic scholars, to brooding warriors, to dedicated shamans, to friends to all living things. But, they are usually more tribals than other fairies. It doesn't manifest physically by markings, or having no knowledge of acting in society; they are very social and lives often in packs. No, why are they more tribals is that they act on instinct moreso than most fairies. Which means they hunt when hungry, they sleep when tired, and most are brutally honnest, though blatant liars aren't unheard of. If they feel like doing something or say something, they WILL do it. Pixies are either diurnal, or nocturnal depending on individuals. Pixies lives in large packs, and tends to make their homes in large trees and stumps. They have a sort of symbiotic link with Dryads, as it's not uncommon for them to house a full pack of pixies within them. Inside each "home", they grow a large flower, which acts as a "shrine" to pixies. Those flowers can also be found in the wild, but are quite rare. Pixies, however, hibernates in winter, and only wake up in spring.

Hunting Habits

Like most fairies, Pixies usually hunts for anything living below 12' in height. Like most fairies, they'll swallow the being whole and alive after either shrinking it, or growing giant themselves. Unlike most fairies, pixies includes more plants in their diets than her cousins. They usually grow and harvest their own edible plants, but won't hesitate to pick up wild plants to sustain themselves. It is usually frowned upon members of the pack to be wholly herbivore or wholly carnivore. Pixies are also found of seasoning their preys before gulping them. For those that can't grow past human height and can't shrink preys, they eat by impaling their plants with a vine and syphon its life force. However, because of the small amount of chlorophyll in their body, they sustain themselves a little via photosynthesis, thus are not quite as voracious as other fairies.


- Pixies can control plants and such, like Poison Ivy in Batman. This includes being able to blow clouds of spores, but are not necessarily hypnotic spores.

- Being more naturalistic, pixies have sharper senses than most kinds of fairies.

- They can't tolerate cold or high temperatures, let alone frost and fire.

- Pixies are reborn in their flower shrine upon death. However, they must be within one mile radius of one of those shrine plants at most.

- They can alter their own size as well as the size of other objects and persons.

Well, that's about it.
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Shady Knight
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 18, 2008 4:34 pm

Oh come on! Can't I have feedback please?
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Cog in the Machine
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 18, 2008 5:51 pm

Very nice idea, only two things:

1) I take it that means the Faeries tend not to wander at night? Considering their glow and all would make hiding a bit of a hassle.
2) The rebirth thing seems a bit powerful, you should probably put a limit on the amount of times or the difficulty of this. The best I can suggest is the more often they die, the harder it is to revive: They need to in turn be closer to the plant and it takes longer for them to be revived. For example: During their first death, a Pixie could die almost 2/3 a mile away, and be revived in a few days / weeks. Cut to their fifth death, a quarter mile is pushing it while it may take up to a year for them to revive.
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Shady Knight
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 18, 2008 6:01 pm

1) Well, when large, the light can be pretty blinding, and when small, people can confuse them for wisps. But most predators can sense they aren't wisps, so yes, they don't go out at night often.

2) Originally, I was thinking about it being true rebirth, like an "host" pixie would have to be in flower, as to be the dead pixie's new "surrogate mother," but I didn't want to give such a low image of womens as merely baby carriers, as portrayed by Birth Mothers in the book The Giver. Also, since like any other fairies, they wander around a lot, most of the time, they would be away from their flower, as food source in the same 1 miles radius would be too small for a whole colony.
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 10:46 am

Hmm, sounds good to me. I have an idea however. Instead of being within a one mile radius, why not have the pixies collect their fallen and place them within the flower shrine? Then the flower could grow into the pixie, and either sustain the development of its rebirth or absorb the remains and "give birth" directly to the pixie. It's just an idea, since if they are a cross with nature elementals-often composed of plants-then it would make sense to me if they could be "reborn" from their flower. Would it be possible for them to "link" with the dryad network?
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Shady Knight
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Shady Knight

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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 25, 2008 9:18 am

Byakugan01 wrote:
Hmm, sounds good to me. I have an idea however. Instead of being within a one mile radius, why not have the pixies collect their fallen and place them within the flower shrine? Then the flower could grow into the pixie, and either sustain the development of its rebirth or absorb the remains and "give birth" directly to the pixie. It's just an idea, since if they are a cross with nature elementals-often composed of plants-then it would make sense to me if they could be "reborn" from their flower. Would it be possible for them to "link" with the dryad network?
... That's a perfect idea!
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Evil admin
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2009 4:53 am

I think that's another good idea. Indeed I am not sure about the name but having some fairies closely linked to nature is interesting Smile
Oh and I loved the seasoning idea XD
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Great warrior
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 6:35 pm

*raises hand* I think I have a decent better name for the pixies. My idea is Flora Sprites. Since pixies seem to be a hybrid of fairy and flora elemantal rather than a fairy and a wood elemental. Just an idea.
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Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2009 6:09 am

*raises hand too* Err, if they've got to be carried, what happens when they're gulped down?

...oh, right. Right.
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PostSubject: Re: Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie)   Nature Fairies (Temporary name: Pixie) Icon_minitime

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