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PostSubject: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 12:42 pm

This is a semi-interactive story. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (Eastern time) I will post a segment of the story, along with options in the form of a poll. The choice with the most votes on the next day of the cycle will win. Note: Some options will end the story, although there are no story-ending choices in the first few chapters. If a story ends, a brand new story will be started the next cycle day. All stories will, of course, take place in Felarya. All stories will be told in second person. The character will be described at the beginning of the story.

Story #1: The Camping Trip
Character: You are a 14 year old boy named Timothy. In terms of intelligence and physical ability you are fairly average, though you are fairly active in sports, especially soccer and rock climbing. You are the outdoorsy type and are particularly fond of camping.

It was finally summer vacation. The time every schoolkid looked forward to during those long, drudging months of school. No more homework, no more quizzes, and no more teachers. Just freedom. This summer was particularly exciting for you, though. Back when the school year began, you and your parents had made a deal. If you kept your grades at Bs or better, your parents would allow you to go camping in the Greenrock Woods at the edge of town by yourself this summer. It had been a difficult year, and you put more effort into your schoolwork this year than you had ever put in before. But it had paid off. You managed to get nothing below a B, and you even got a few As. And now, as per the agreement, you were going to go camping in the Greenrock Woods all by yourself. You were currently standing in front of the entrance to the woods. You wore a large backpack with various supplies: Food, fresh water, a sleeping bag, a tent, a collapsible fishing rod, rope, climbing equipment, matches, a flashlight with spare batteries, a sturdy utility knife, a compass, a cell phone (just in case), and various other survival items.

"This is it," you say to yourself, "ten days in the woods all by myself."

Steeling yourself, you head into the woods. The sounds of nature fill your ears as you walk. The gentle swaying of the trees, birds singing, a startled squirrel rushing up a tree to escape you. It was all so peaceful and serene, and you are lulled into a dream-like state. After what seems like just minutes, you look up at the sky to see that the sun is setting! You need to make camp for the night.

Looking around, you come to a frightening realization: You are completely lost. In fact, your surroundings do not look familiar at all! As you look around for any sign of where you are, a sudden glimmer off in the bushes catches your attention. Before you can look any closer, a loud rumbling sound, as if something long and heavy were being dragged along the ground, interrupts your thoughts.

What do you do?


1. Investigate the glimmer
2. Try to find the source of the rumbling sound
3. Use your compass and head north to try to get out of the forest
4. Use your cell phone to call for help
5. Sit down and sort things out in your head

Last edited by Haar on Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:57 am; edited 21 times in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 1:49 pm

That's a very interesting aproach to making a story. But I must correct you in that it's second person, not first.
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 1:52 pm

observer88 wrote:
That's a very interesting aproach to making a story. But I must correct you in that it's second person, not first.

Oh, yeah. I knew that. I just...forgot...
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 6:33 pm

That's really an excellent idea !
I vote 5. It may give time to hide if necessary
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 6:58 pm

Damnit the pressures on! Follow the glimmer which could only come from a light, or boldly rush to the rumbling of that naga. Sit and think bah the timing. I vote number 3. Movement is sometimes better than nothing. (Though did you come from the north in the first place.)

As a side thing I think this is a brilliant idea!
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 10:38 pm

I know it may look stupid but I choose number 2 because I need dome informations where I am
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 11:45 pm

They are all logical its just more so what most of us are expecting to happen. Though in all thought the smartest one is probably the cell phone. That is while assuming you could get a signal range.
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 4:37 pm


1. Investigate the glimmer - 2 votes
2. Try to find the source of the rumbling sound - 1 vote
3. Use your compass and head north to try to get out of the forest - 1 vote
4. Use your cell phone to call for help - 0 votes
5. Sit down and sort things out in your head - 3 votes

You decide to take a moment to sit down and think things through. After all, the last thing you should do right now is go off half-cocked and get yourself even more lost, or worse. You find a nice spot and sit down.

Alright, time to think. You doubt you could have gone more than four or five miles without realizing it. Of course, you never would have thought you could walk a whole day without realizing it, either. At any rate, what was important now was to get at least a general idea of where you were. You cast your gaze in the direction you remember yourself coming from, and see...a cliff?! And not just any old cliff, this cliff was a two hundred foot drop at an almost ninety-degree angle. Great, either your memory was off or the laws of physics had just been broken. Wait...you had never heard anything about a two hundred foot cliff in the Greenrock Forest.

Then again, at this point you didn't have a lot of faith in your memory. You cast your gaze in the opposite direction and discover the biggest trees you had ever seen in your life. You had no idea trees even got that big! They were enormous! How in the world could trees of that size possibly be in the Greenrock Forest? For that matter, how in the world could trees of that size even exist?!

Things were beginning to seem very strange to you. You need to figure out where you are, now! You fish around in your backpack for a moment, and pull out your GPS unit. You hated to have to use it, mainly because it was your parents idea to have you bring it, and you didn't want to admit that they had actually had a good idea. But desperate times call for desperate measures. You turn on the GPS unit and look at the display:

Searching for Signal...

Searching for Signal...

Searching for Signal...

Signal Not Found.

Great. That was helpful.

Something suddenly occurs to you. You had been so distracted, you hadn't realized that the rumbling sound you heard earlier had been getting closer and closer. It now sounded like it was almost on top of you! This could be bad! What do you do?

1. Stay where you are and wait for whatever it is
2. Hide yourself and wait for whatever it is
3. Hightail it outta there
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 4:42 pm

I choose 1. I have no idea where I am trying to move can be the best way to waste energy.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 4:43 pm

I choose hide. It may not be the best of choice versus predators but then again the others appear worse to me XD
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 10:04 pm

Normally I guess you would hide. Though if the rumbling is getting closer doesn't that mean it already knows your location? (Running like the dickens doesn't sound so bad then...)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2009 1:35 am

Hide... must hide!
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2009 9:01 am

I say number two: hide. Whatever is out there, you don't want to just be a sitting duck.
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeMon Jan 05, 2009 8:18 am


1. Stay where you are and wait for whatever it is - 2 votes
2. Hide yourself and wait for whatever it is - 6 votes
3. Hightail it outta there - 0 votes

Whatever it was that was coming toward you sounded big and dangerous, and you had the feeling that being out in the open when it arrived would be a bad idea. But you were also curious about what in the world could possibly make such a loud noise. Therefore, you decide to hide yourself and wait for the source of the noise to arrive.

You look around for a place to hide. Climbing a tree was out of the question; all the trees around you were far too big to scale before whatever was coming arrived. Your gaze finally comes to rest on a large rock covered by a fallen tree branch. You climb into the leaves and sit with your back against the rock. The thick covering of leaves completely shields you from sight, and with just a little positioning you are able to create a small hole to see out of.

The rumbling sound was getting louder. You figure that whatever was coming would arrive soon.

Sure enough, less than a minute later, something huge comes into your view. It was large, long, and covered with scales. You crane your neck upward to try to see the top of it, and receive the shock of your life. The top half of it was human! Not only that, it was female. Definitely female. And naked. Definitely naked.

You seem to recall something about a creature similar to this from the mythology portion of your literature class. You believe the creature was something called a Naga. But you never thought they existed. Or that they were this big!

The Naga was very pretty, despite the obvious rage on her pink-hair-framed face. She seemed to be muttering something in a surprisingly low tone; you thought you heard the word 'Crisis.' Crisis? Was something bad happening?

You consider your options. It looks like the Naga is so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she wouldn't notice your presence at all even if you moved. You could probably escape fairly safely. On the other hand, this 'Crisis' she mentioned could be something really bad, and it might affect you. Since she can talk, she is obviously intelligent. Maybe you should go out and talk to her? It doesn't even occur to you to wonder why she speaks English.

What do you do?

1. Stay where you are until she leaves
2. Try to run away now
3. Try to talk to the Naga

(Extra comments: If you're wondering why I chose Anna, it was because I figured that she was the only Naga who was likely to make so much noise. Most Nagas, from what I've seen, are very sneaky, something that naturally develops from a lifetime of hunting. Anna, on the other hand, has not been a naga her whole life, and so has not had much time to become sneaky. Furthermore, she doesn't hunt humans, so has less reason to become sneaky.)
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeMon Jan 05, 2009 10:45 am

There are large trees (Dyrads?!), and an Anna in the center. Its a trap, shes whispering to herself for a name that is obviously hidden. A Naga's field of vision is great I imagine so running only works if you don't get noticed. Then again I suspect a sneak attack. I guess you would hide and hope nothing comes from behind.

EDIT: I changed my mind communication is important. Talk to the Naga

Last edited by Outlaw on Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:52 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Vote Change)
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 9:03 am


1. Stay where you are until she leaves - 3 votes
2. Try to run away now - 0 votes
3. Try to talk to the Naga - 1 vote

You decide to wait where you are until the Naga leaves. After all, you have no way of knowing whether she's friendly or not, and you would rather not chance things if you can help it.

It doesn't take long at all for the Naga to leave. It seems she was just passing through. Still, you think to yourself that it would be a good idea to wait a little while longer, just to be safe.

Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a voice from beside you, "Is she gone?"

"Yeah, I think--" You begin, but freeze suddenly as realization hits you. You turn your head slowly toward the source of the voice. Beside you hovers a tiny woman with antennae on her head and dragonfly-like wings on her back. She had dark green hair and wore nothing but a mischievous smile. You knew what she was in an instant.

"A fairy..." You say, a mixture of awe and a little fear in your voice.

The fairy places her hands on her hips. "Well, you're obviously new around here, since you haven't run off. Allow me to officially welcome you to Felarya!"

With that, she began flying around your head. As you watch her, you can see some powder falling off her body. Fairy powder, perhaps? Would you be able to fly now?

You suddenly notice something strange out of the corner of your eye. It looks like your surroundings are getting bigger! Worried, you take your eyes off the fairy and take a look around. Things were definitely getting bigger, and it seemed to be happening at an increasingly fast rate! You're shrinking! The fairy is shrinking you!

You start to stand up to run away, but it is far too late at this point. Before you can even take a single step, you are suddenly yanked off your feet and pulled into the air. Below you, getting further and further away, you can see your clothes, which apparently did not shrink with you. The fact that you were currently naked was the least of your worries right now, though.

The hand holding you is loose enough that you are able to turn around to see your captor, who is looking down at you and grinning.

"Wha...what are you doing? Why-why did you shrink me?" You ask the fairy, fear evident in your voice.

All of a sudden, a loud rumble emanates from the fairy's belly. "Take a guess." She responds, a cute, yet slightly sadistic smile on her face.

"Any last words before you go to my belly?" She asks you.

What do you do?

1. Say nothing
2. Beg her to let you go
3. Begin crying
4. Struggle

(Extra Comments: Aww, I was hoping you'd choose the conversation so I could use this joke:
You: "What is this 'Crisis' I heard you mention? Some kind of natural disaster?"
Anna: "You could definitely call her that.")

Last edited by Haar on Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:28 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 9:10 am

I know it's futile but I will beg her to spare my life sobsob
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 10:42 am

The conversation was chosen, on a previous post I edited and stated that I wanted my vote changed. You missed it. Technically it should be two to two. *Blinks and looks at new choice* what the hell ever happen to leap off her hand in a bounding excitement and plummet to the ground with clearly no hope what so ever. Still would anything really change the outcome. I suppose if she gets her kicks off of jolly then bluff bravery and say nothing. (Though honestly we should be struggling in fact since I typed this post beforehand this time thee great struggle begins)
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 11:32 am

I voted 'Begin crying' simply because I haven't seen it in any Felarya stories or pictures.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 11:43 am

Woah it seems a dead end situation here XD

I loved this little quote about Crisis lol!
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 5:24 pm

Outlaw wrote:
what the hell ever happen to leap off her hand in a bounding excitement and plummet to the ground with clearly no hope what so ever.

She's got you clenched in a fist

Karbo wrote:
Woah it seems a dead end situation here XD

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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 5:27 am

Haar wrote:
Outlaw wrote:
what the hell ever happen to leap off her hand in a bounding excitement and plummet to the ground with clearly no hope what so ever.

She's got you clenched in a fist

I can see how that might complicate matters somehow.
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 7:52 am


1. Say nothing - 4 votes
2. Beg her to let you go - 2 votes
3. Begin crying - 3 votes
4. Struggle - 1 vote

Your mind freezes. Last words? You were far too scared to even think about saying anything witty. The part of your mind that was still functioning properly told you that begging would probably be useless, and your 14-year-old pride refused to let you begin crying. So you remain silent, a look of fear etched upon your face.

"Nothing to say?" Asks the fairy, a slight note of disappointment in her voice. "Oh well."

With that, she raises you toward her face. You can see the pink flesh of her tongue, outlined by her surprisingly white teeth, get bigger as she lowers you into her open mouth. You suddenly feel yourself falling, stopping suddenly as you land on her large tongue. You can feel your body getting soaked in her saliva as her closing mouth cuts off all your light. You can feel the tongue moving under you, rolling you around as you swelter in the darkness of her mouth. A deep, loud, throaty sound comes from below you as the fairy gives a satisfied "Mmmm" right before your body is grabbed by shifting muscles and pulled down her throat. You can feel her esophagus squeezing you as it works you lower and lower. Soon you are passed through a narrow opening into a larger area. You are now in her stomach.

Panic begins to well up in you, driving you to pound on the walls of your imprisonment in a futile attempt at escape. You can hear a gurgling noise as your activity stimulates the fairy's digestive process. Acid wells up around you, and you scream in pain as you feel it go to work on your body. Before long you die, digested by a fairy.



And that concludes the first story. Just in case you were wondering, the way the choices were set up was:

1. Eaten
2. Eaten
3. Let go, but still shrunken
4. Fall to death

Monday will start a brand new story, this time from the perspective of a predator. Stay tuned.

BTW, I set up a little filler poll for over the weekend if you're interested.
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 8:00 am

Evil fairy. Killing a kid, what's Felarya coming to?
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Semi-Interactive Story   The Semi-Interactive Story Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 11:27 am

Favourite race? What would that hint to?
Meh, I predict that nagas would get the most votes. By a longshot.
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