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 Darci Fairies

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Darci Fairies   Darci Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Jan 01, 2009 5:51 pm

Darci Fairies
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Darci Fairies are fairies born from plants called Soul Dews. Soul Dews look like giant, thick, thorned vines with large bulbs (three feet tall, four feet wide)) on them, which many humans find delicious when baked. The bulbs are opaque white, yet translucent enough for one to see the growing Darci Fairy inside. As the fairy grows bigger, the bulbs will become more red, until finally it is a red dark enough to be black, then it blooms into a lovely flower, and a fully grown Fairy crawls out, licking the nectar off of themselves from the inside of the flower. The remains of the flower are pulled off from the Soul Dew plant, and are taken apart to be weaved into Soul Dew Silk, a highly sought after material that is used to make enchanted (or resistent!) robes, tunics, boots, etc...

The fairies already have a basic knowledge of the world around them, but still must be taught many things (reading, hunting, fighting etc).

At every Soul Dew 'garden', there is usually some large dwelling, whether it be in a hollowed out tree, a cave, or a actual building built in bricks, called the 'Soul Dew Nursery'. The fairy who takes care of the Soul Dews is called 'Matron/Patron of the Dew'. The dwelling is where the Matron/Patron will take care of the newborn Darci fairies until they can go off on their own. The Matron/Patron of the Dew is a very respected figure of the Darci community, almost royalty in a way.

These types of fairies are unable to get pregnant or begot children. Only the Matron/Patron can do so, and only upon their death. When a Matron/Patron of the Dew chooses to die, they return to where they were born and lay down, their wings turning into roots and their body becoming a small bush. From that bush will grow vines that will join the other Soul Dews, and the very first fairy who is born from the new vines will become the new Matron/Patron of the Dew.

Darci fairies are voracious, and love to play cat and mouse with their prey. The only people they would never eat is children. However, thanks to their own special brand of fairy logic, they will eat a child's parents... then adopt the child for themselves! Some Darci Fairies are said to do this specifically to get the child, but they will never admit such a mean thing!
Another thing Darci fairies are known for is their very beautiful wings, they have almost no resemblances to any kind of bug or insect, instead, some of them resemble intricately veined petals, while another one could look like a stained glass mirror, a few even seem to be made of silk and woven into lacy designs.

There are three different tribes of Darci Fairies (there was once six, but three of them were destroyed), each led by different Matrons (actually, one is a Patron). Tribes are held together by which Soul Dew Garden they come from. Darci Fairies often return back to their place of origin usually every third month or so for a grand party to celebrate the Soul Dew.

And that's all I have, any ideas on the tribes or stuff you think I should add? Yes, it was inspired from EQ2. >> Lucan D'lere server! Find me!
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Darci Fairies   Darci Fairies Icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2009 10:24 pm

A very interesting faiy to say the least. Very Happy

Do the different tribes have different customs? Or are the very simliar?
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