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 Adventures in Felarya

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Great warrior
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Adventures in Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Adventures in Felarya   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Oct 25, 2009 9:54 am

Okay so last night I had a daydream about vore (a common thing) and I figured I might as well turn it into a story. This one takes place in Karbo's wonderful fantasy world of Felarya and obviously contains vore. First of all... if you're offended by vore then DON'T READ FURTHER. Sorry about that but I just wanted to cover the basics before I posted the prologue on an oddball chance that someone who is offended by vore found this somehow. Also feel free to comment on the story. First of all the bios.

Tyler is the main character from Chicago and an explorer from the Chicago Meuseum of Natural History. He is a kindhearted soul who loves to explore and has a lot of experience with being in the wild. However unfortunatly due to the unstable economy of his home he is very poor. He is also troubled by his past.

Marissa is Tyler's wife who is also a kindhearted soul and very understanding. She was fired from her job because she is pregnant.

Lissa is a kindhearted, knowledgeable, cunning, and sympathic Naga who eventually becomes Tyler's only chance at survival in Felarya as well as a close friend.

Crisis belongs to Karbo and there is already a perfect profile at the following link. http://karbo.deviantart.com/art/Crisis-bio-35245101

Anna also belongs to Karbo. The bio is at the following link. http://karbo.deviantart.com/art/Anna-bio-37163059 Without further ado...

Prologue: Enter: Felarya

It was a peaceful day in the town of Chicago. And I was at work as per usual at the museum when my boss came to me and asked a favor. "Hey Tyler can I talk to you?"

"Sure" I replied knowing if I said no I'd get fired. "What can I do for you?"

"I want you to go to Felarya and explore the Desert Temple." He requested. "What? Felarya? Not to burst your bubble or anything but there isn't even a way to get there at the moment. I couldn't do that if I wanted to." I responded.

"But that's where you're wrong Tyler." Mike said wagging his chubby finger. "Recently a portal to Felarya opened in the woods to the South. I can provide a map, compass, a wateproof camera, and some food but if you want to bring anything else you'll have to get it yourself." He continued.

"But isn't Felarya dangerous with all those giant predators and such? I know next to nothing about Felarya and yet you think I can survive in such dangerous conditions?" I queried.

"Oh wah, you crybaby. What's there to be afraid of?" My boss taunted. "But you do make a decent point... I'll give you all the info we have and you can be on your way."

"I feel much better now." I said. An hour later I was done studying and began to gather my other supplies. "Okay let's see... I'll probably need a journal to keep track of the events there and I'll probably need to laminate that and my map too in case I have to jump in a lake or something. Then I'd need a weapon so one of my golf clubs should do okay." I thought tracking my needs for my perilous trip. Once I was home I gathered my things and informed my wife of my forced journey. After that I left for the woods just south of my home and my journey began.

What do you think of it? Do you like it so far? Well I'll have more posted soon. Just give me some time to flesh out my ideas. Also to Karbo if you want to make a manga or art or something out of my story I give you full permission to do so. In fact I'd be honored.

All right I've been waiting for someone to post here so I could post the next part but I just can't wait as I'll likely forget my fleshed out ideas. So anyways........

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:34 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Adventures in Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Day 1: An Invalueable Ally   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 6:51 pm

"Okay so here I am in Felarya. Seems this is Jewel River so that means I've got a long way to go." I thought "Well I might as well get going."

And that I did to the southwest. "Ugh I'm exausted..." I said as I stopped by a tree. "But now I'm in the forest so that's good." Suddenly a drop of water fell on my hand.

"Rain? But it isn't humid enough for rain." I said noticing the drop. "And why does this rain smell so wierd?" I looked up and to my shock I found a giant dryad!

"Yipes!!" I said as I scrambled to my feet and began to run. The dryad let go of her camoflauge and began to chase me. Soon I noticed a lake.

"A lake! Dryads can't swim!" Once there I jumped in and caught my breath there. "Hi there little man." A loud but gentle voice called out to me. I turned to the direction of the voice and found a mermaid.

Knowing the voracious nature of mermaids I began to swim to the shore only to be grabbed at the last minute by the giant predator. "Now now don't swim away. I'm just hungry and I'm pretty sure you would make a good snack." The mermaid said. I stuggled and squirmed but to no avail as she popped me into her mouth.

I yelled and kicked and clung as best I could to her slimy tongue. Eventually I kicked what seemed to bee a pressure point and she spat me out. Amazed that I was still alive I swam to the shore which she carried me so far away from. Eventually the mermaid caught her breath and began to swim after me again.

That's when it happened. A miracle happened. The mermaid, for reasons unknown seemed to stumble in the water causing a giant wave to carry me away from the voracious predator.

I wasn't carried entirely to shore but the wave dropped me into the hull of a motor boat. I quickly started the engine just soon enough to avoid her massive tail slamming me down into the water. The boat was at top speed and the mermaid kept chasing me.

She was about to slam the boat when without thinking I jammed my golf club into the rotor of the boat stopping it, slamming it into her thus ending the chase, and launching me onto a stone platform. I still wasn't on shore but I was significantly farther. I noticed several other stone platforms and began jumping from one to another finally reaching land.

"Ahh... finally I'm safe...." I said as I collapsed on the sandy shore losing conciousness. After waking up I found myself on the beach where I collapsed.

"Dang I'm so lucky." I thought marveling at the recent events. "I survived a dryad and a mermaid." I looked up at the sky to see that the sun was directly overhead. I got up and checked my map and compass to find that I now needed to go west. And so I marched onward to the west in the forest.

After about two hours I checked all my surrondings and took a rest by a small tree. Eventually I felt a strange presence. One that made me feel uneasy. I looked around when a large area of shade was cast over me. I looked up to find a naga looking down at me. My eyes wide open, I scrambled to my feet and began running. However this naga proved to be much faster than what my data suggested.

I was running at what seemed to be 50 miles an hour and the naga dived for me like a professional baseball player would dive for a base. She had caught me then in her gigantic hand.

"Caught ya you tasty little morsel." She boomed. I struggled and squirmed but could do nothing as she dangled me over her open mouth. "NO!! PLEASE SPARE ME!!" I plead but she popped me in her mouth anyways. I kicked and yelled and clung desperately to her tongue as she twirled me around in her mouth.

And then feeling either merciful or playful spat me into her hand and asked me why she shouldn't eat me. I was shocked at what she had done. With the mermaid I was lucky to kick the pressure point but this naga willingly spit me out and asked why she shouldn't eat me.

"If you don't say anything I'll just eat you ya know. Tell me about yourself and I'll decide wheather or not you're worth eating."

"Th-th-thanks!" I said shakily. "You see I''m not from here. I'm from a place called Earth where money pretty much rules over everything. And my wife... she got fired unfairly from her job and she's going to have baby. If I don't get back there with at least some pictures of a temple in the desert to the west then that poor baby will probably be born in an alley." I explained.

"Wow that is just..." the naga started "...the most poorly excuted lie I've ever heard! In you go!"

"WAIT! PLEASE IT'S NOT A LIE!" I said hoping to get through to the giant predator.

"Hmm... wait a second... did you say you're headed to a temple in the desert to the west?" She asked.

"Y-y-yeah I did." I said uncertain of what she was thinking.

"I think you're talking about the Gorgon Temple in the Gorgon Desert." She clarified. "I'm heading there too. It's sacred to Nagas and we technically have to visit the temple at least once in our lives. I guess I could take you with me... if you're useful."

"Well that's not much of a problem. I can make fire and that means when you get cold I could help you warm up." I said.

"Well... I guess that could work... but your size means you can't make a fire large enough to benefit me." The naga pondered.

"Well while I can only make a fire large enough for myself I'd be able help you make a sufficient fire for yourself. All you'd really need to do is gather some wood and rocks with me and then just light it with a stick." I explained.

"Hmmm... well I suppose that would be okay... all right I've reached a virdict." She continued.

"And that virdict would be..." I prompted.

"You get to live of course. But there's one exception. You can't take any artifacts from the temple. If I find out you plan to then you'll be eaten immediatly." She said.

"All right. I was hoping for artifacts admittedly but still pictures are worth 1000 words. And I plan to take plenty of pictures." I said.

"Okay snack time." She said bluntly.

"Wait a second! I'm not going to take art! I'm just going to snap some photos with my camera and bring them back home." I explained.

"Oh well next time try to be a little clearer." She said.

"By the way what's your name?" She said as she prepped me on her shoulder.
"My name's Tyler. What about you?" "My name's Melissa but you can call me Lissa." Lissa said. And so started a grand adventure.

Also I'm sorry but it seems in order to post the rest of my story I'll have to make some room by breaking all this up into separate posts (my most recent chapter was apparently lost sobsob) and the worst part of it is that it took so long to write. Hours to be exact. Yay it's editted! And also... look at me!! My status is now Naga food!! I just hope that naga would be Crisis... Laughing

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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Adventures in Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Day 3 First Half: Grove of Carnivorous Plants   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 6:54 pm

I'm starting to get disappointed that nobody has replied to this thread yet... oh well it still has a pretty huge amount of views for something I only started a few hours ago. Anyways here is Day 3 of my story.

"Hey wake up sleepy head. Come on just wake up. It's dawn Tyler." Lissa said trying to wake me up.

"Ughhh... five more minutes Mom." I said.

"Ugh you're such a pain Tyler. Hey wake up there's hungry naga coming!" Lissa said.

"AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed fully awake.

"There that woke you up." Lissa said.

"Ya know you're kinda mean when you're waiting." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah story of my life. It's just that when you're in the Grove of Carnivorous Plants you can't afford to be a late riser." Lissa explained.

"Wait a second... Grove of Carnivorous Plants? But we weren't even supposed to come here. We should've gone through the Ur-Sagol ruins." I said, confused.

"Well that would've been a quicker route but that city is filled with ghosts and dridders. And that would've been a pretty dangerous way to go so I decided that we take the alternative route through The Grove of Carnivorous Plants." Lissa explained.

"But there aren't any other ways to get past the river so the original route is the only one." I explained.

"Well actually that's not necessarily true. You see there is a bridge just north of Neko Village that spans the river. The only problem is that it's guarded by Sphinxes which would gobble up a human on sight like they were made of dryad nectar. But we can worry about that later." Lissa explained.

"I see... I only have one question. What exactly is dryad nectar?" I asked.

"Well dryad nectar is basically solidified nectar from a dryad and it's the sweetest stuff in Felarya. Many would give up their lives for it even." Lissa explained. "Well without further ado let's get going." And that we did. We kept going for 4 hours before I smelt something wierd... and for some reason it made me really thirsty. "Ohh I'm so thirsty..." I complained.

"Well that's wierd because I'm thirsty too." Lissa commented. Simultaniously we screamed "WATER!! I NEED WATER!!!" We scrambled around searching for a source of water when we found a strange formation that had tons of water in it.

I jumped off of Lissa and ran towards the strange thing. I jumped in and began drinking the liquid inside. "STOP DRINKING TYLER!! THAT'S NOT WATER!! IT'S DIGESTIVE ACID!!" Lissa said.

"What? You're crazy Lissa. It's just water." I said and continued to gulp the liquid.

Lissa immediately reached in and pulled me out and pulled my canteen out of my backpack. "Quick drink the water inside!" Reluctantly I drank the water and started to feel a stinging feeling.

"What did you put in there Lissa?! I'm stinging all over!" I barked.

"I didn't put anything in there Tyler it was just water. In fact I'm pretty sure you should thank me." Lissa said. "That thing you were drinking from was a giant pitcher. It made you think you were so thirsty you were going to die if you didn't drink something soon with that scent. But really you were drinking acid which if you didn't drink water or something like that you'd end up digested inside and out." Lissa continued.

"Really? Well thanks a lot and I'm sorry I barked at you." I said.

"Ehh don't worry. That smell can make you do some pretty crazy stuff. I even bit my mom once while I was influenced by it." Lissa said. "But from now on we need to be more careful. That thing was a pretty safe predator compared to the other plants around here."

"Agreed." I said as Lissa put me back on her shoulder. So we continued to the west when we a giant vine lashed at us. Lissa quickly caught this and grabbed the spikey vine, puncturing her hand, pulled on it, and slammed it to the ground. "What the heck was that?!" I asked.

"It's called a sack vine. It's got spikes that administer a venom into it's prey when the spikes puncure the skin." Lissa explained.

"What?! Venom?! We have to find an antidote and quick!" I said panicking.

"Actually there's no need. It's not strong enough to kill me and especially on this soil it barely causes a slight pain." Lissa explained.

"I see... well still I know next to nothing about Felarya so I guess you can't blame me for panicking a little." I said. So we moved on for a few more hours when Lissa stopped by a tree. "Uhh I'm exhausted." Lissa complained.

"Well you can go ahead and rest if you want. After all haste makes waste as I say." I said. So Lissa sat down by the tree for about 20 minutes and then she got back up and we continued. However just as we were passing under a tree branch a shot down towards me and pulled me up into the mouth of yet another carnivorous plant. "AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEEEELLLLLP!!!" I screamed as I was being pulled upwards. I had just been swallowed when the plant retreated into the branch it hung on. "NOO TYLER!!" Lissa exclaimed. She began to scale the tree and climb out onto the branch. She snapped it off and bagan to break it everywhere searching for the evil plant.

After ten minutes she finally found the plant and pulled on it until she found a bulge in the stem. Lissa ripped it open, saving my life. "Ughh Lissa... heh... thanks..." I said weakly. "Are you okay?!" Lissa asked. "Yeah I'm fine. My body just stings a little bit..." I said. Lissa breathed a sigh of relief and put me on her shoulder again. So we continued to Neko city. After about an hour we finally reached it and I could tell what Lissa had on her mind. "Hey Tyler I'm kinda hungry so do you mind if we stop by the village for a little bit?" Lissa asked.

"You mean... you're going to hunt some nekos?" I asked.

"Exactly." Lissa responded.

"All right but tell me when to open my eyes. I don't want to have to see it." I said.

"All right, all right." Lissa groaned. So I closed my eyes and hung on tightly to Lissa's shoulder when I heard screaming. Two voices began to plea for mercy and I heard a gulping noise. Then a rush of wind with plenty of vibrations.

"All right you can open you're eyes now." Lissa said. And we were no longer in Neko Village. "

Huh... so this is the bridge that you were talking about." I said noticing a bridge ahead.

"Yep but there's a bit of a problem. The sphinxes never leave without another one taking their place. And on top of that they always search everyone before they let them pass. You couldn't hide anywhere on my person where they won't find you.... What to do?" Lissa explained. Hmmmm... should I suggest it? I haven't even known Lissa for a week and now do I want to take that risk? All right I'll do it... I thought to myself. "Lissa I have an idea. They can find me anywhere on your person where you hide me but I was wondering... what if I hide inside your person?" I said.

"What do you mean by that Tyler?" Lissa asked, confused.

"Well I was thinking what if I hide inside your mouth? It should work alright." I continued. "What do you say?"

"You really trust me enough to do that without swallowing you?" Lissa asked.

"100 percent. You saved my life twice now so I'm pretty sure I can trust you to hide me in your mouth." I said.

"Well... alright let's do this." Lissa said as she popped me into her mouth. Once inside I went over into Lissa's cheek. "Okay Lissa how noticable am I?" I asked. "It's almost like you're not even in there Tyler. That plan of yours is ingenius!" Lissa complimented. So she slithered up to the bridge where the sphinxes at the beginning checked her. "Alright she's clean." Said one sphinx. Now she went down the bridge and the Sphinxes asked her why she's passing through their bridge.

"Well I'm on a pilgrimmage to the Gorgon Temple. It'll be my first time." Lissa explained. "Alright you're cle- wait a second. What's in your mouth?" The other sphinx asked. Oh no they noticed! I gotta hide but where? Oh the tongue! I'll hide under her tongue. I thought to myself. "Umm nothing really. Just air and a bunch of spit. See?" Lissa said as she opened her mouth. "Alright sorry. Just standard precaution." The sphinx said. "Have a good trip and don't eat too many humans." They said.

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Day 3 Second Half: Crisis and Anna   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 6:56 pm

About 20 minutes after when she was out of the sphinxes sight she opened her mouth and let me out.

"Ugh... that was disgusting. I never want to do that again." I said hopping onto her hand. "Alright we're in some pretty dangerous territory now. It's not very dangerous to me but it's very dangerous if you're seen. There's a famous naga here by the name of Crisis and she'll eat you in a heartbeat if she saw you. But don't worry. You can just hide in my hair. I'll tell you when it's safe to come out of hiding." Lissa explained.

"All right I'm ready to hide whenever." I said.

"I'll hide you on top of my head." Lissa said. I did just that and Lissa continued to travel. About an hour later a voice boomed through my ears. "Hi there Lissa. It sure is a pleasure to see you around here." the voice boomed.

"Hi Crisis. It's nice to see you too." Lissa responded, identifying the voice as Crisis.

"So what brings you to this neck of the woods? I thought you were holed up at Jewel River." Crisis continued.

"Well I'm going to the Gorgon Temple. I sorta need to keep moving." Lissa said.

"Oh well that sounds fun. I'll never forget my first trip to Gorgon Temple. In fact what do you say to me coming with you?" Crisis continued. Uh oh... Crisis wants to come with... if she does then I'm pretty much undiscovered prey! I thought to myself.

"Umm sorry Crisis but I need to go alone. After all you might eat all my prey!" Lissa said.

"Oh nonsense! I can share! And besides it's pretty dangerous to travel alone in Gorgon Desert." Crisis continued. I didn't like the way things were going. "Come on we can go together! It'll be fun!" Crisis said patting Lissa roughly on the back. In fact she patted Lissa so roughly on the back that I fell out of Lissa's hair.

"Yipes my cover's blown!!" I said scrambling to my feet running away from Crisis. "COME BACK HERE YOU!!" Crisis shouted as she began to pursue me.

"Wait Crisis stop!" Lissa exclaimed, starting to chase Crisis. I kept running from Crisis but she was too fast and eventually I passed by another naga who began to chase right behind Cirsis. Eventually I tripped on my own foot allowing Crisis to make her move.

In a flash she picked me up and popped me into her mouth. She promptly swallowed me. "Hey what did you do that for Crisis?!" A new voice boomed. "It was simple Anna. I was hungry and that guy showed up so I caught him." Cirsis said.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!" I screamed. "Oh pipe down you. It's no use. Nobody's going to help you." Crisis said. I began to struggle and punch and kick her slimy stomach walls.

"HA HA HA HA HA!! THAT TICKLES!! If you're trying to get me to barf you up then forget about it. Not even a grenade explosion can do that." Crisis taunted. Ugh... is this really the end? I thought getting dizzy from the fumes.

"HOLD ON CRISIS DON'T EAT HIM!!" Lissa said finally catching up to Crisis.

"Sorry but you're too late Lissa. She already ate that guy." Anna said.

"Crisis do you realize what you just did?" Lissa asked.

"Umm yeah I think so. I ate a human." Crisis said.

"That human is my friend... AND YOU ATE HIM!!" Lissa said.

"What? Well why would you have a human for a friend? They're delicious and really easy to catch." Crisis said.

"You don't understand. He knows how to make fire and he actually trusted me enough to hide inside my mouth when I was passing by the bridge... AND THAT WAS IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS OF KNOWING ME! I've never been so touched by anyone..." Lissa said, her voice breaking.

"I didn't know Lissa... I'm so sorry buut there isn't anything I can do." Crisis said.

"Well you could give him some protection with that spell you learned last week." Anna said.

"What spell Anna?" Crisis asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. The both of us know very well that last week you mastered a shield spell that can protect someone from virtually anything!" Anna shouted.

"Alright fine... I'll do it." Crisis said. Crisis said some wierd words and suddenly I wasn't in pain anymore and the fumes weren't suffocating me anymore. "Are you alright in there Tyler?" Lissa asked. A minute went by with no response. "We were too late..." Lissa said crying.

"Ugh... I'm still alive in here." I said just loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'm a little dizzy but I'm fine... what happened? Suddenly I was stinging all over and I was suffocating and the next it's like I'm not even here." I said.

"Listen Crisis is sorry for eating you and she cast a spell that probably stopped the fumes and stomach acid from getting to you. She's physically incapable of puking but soon you'll be okay." Lissa explained. And so I was saved once again by Lissa.

Things are getting pretty (digestive) juicy don't ya think? Originally I was just going to put the first half of day three but before I knew it I had done the second half of Day 3.

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Adventures in Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Day 6: Dridder Troubles   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 6:58 pm

Ugh... so tired... I said groggily at dawn. At least I'm out now. I thought. "All right everyone time to get moving!" Lissa shouted. I hopped onto Lissa's shoulder and we continued our journey.

"Alright so before we get to the desert we should hit the Fairy Kingdom so Crisis will want to say hi to her friends there." Lissa explained to me. I nodded sleepily.

After an hour we got to the Fairy Kingdom. "Here we are." Crisis said. "Home sweet home."

"Wait a second. Home? This is Crisis's home?" I said confused.

"Well let me clear that up for you Tyler." Lissa began. "Crisis was raised by the elders here and she even considers them her second kin." Just as we started walking again something let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Oh no! What's going on?!" Crisis said in shock.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!" A voice called out. Soon after a creepy spiderlike creature twice my size ran past us all followed by a wingless fairy.

"It's no use..." The unidentified fairy said. "Oh Crisis long time no see. Listen it's not really a good time to play right now because we have some major issues. Temi has been kidnapped!" She said.

"WHAT?! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!" Crisis exclaimed in shock.

"It seems the Dridders from Dridder Forest somehow managed to learn sizeshifting magic and developed an immunity to ours. And on top of that they dewinged all of us! The nerve... and if that wasn't bad enough they even took control of our fortress! They're planning to conquer the Fairy Kingdom and there's nothing we can do." The fairy continued.

"THOSE FU**HEADS!!" Crisis swore and punched her fist on a nearby tree toppling it. "Whoa sounds like these fairies are in pretty deep..." I said.

"Huh? Oh who's that one your shoulder Lissa?" The fairy asked. "He looks pretty tasty." Here we go again... I thought. "But never mind him. We've got a crisis on our hands. We need to rescue Temi. But those Dridders locked up the fortress pretty tight. We can't do anything." The fairy continued.

Hmmm... how to help? I thought.

"Could I talk to you for a second miss?" I said addressing the fairy. "I think I can help."

"What? You can't do anything against those Dridders human!" The fairy shouted at me, shocked.

"Well at least hear me out. First of all can you tell me how big your fortress is?" I queried. "About your size but still you can't do anything! There are too many of them and they're too powerful."

"Well then we'll form a brigade." I said.

"Of what? Hapless faries? Newsflash we can't do anything the way things stand." She continued.

"True the way things stand you probably can't do anything but I've got a plan." I said. "We'll make some weapons and get those Dridders." I hopped down and found the perfect starting material: a stick.

"Umm that's a stick." She said.

"For now yes it is a stick. But I know how to make a weapon out of it." I said. I gathered stones and spider webs and began to work on my stick eventually forming it into a crude slingshot. "Umm... that's still not a weapon." The fairy said.

"Actually I beg to differ. I can use this to fire rocks at dangerous speeds. Obviously that should put a pretty good sting into those nasty dridders." I explained. "Now then all we need is to get some fairies to form a brigade. So Anna, Crisis, Lissa, I want you to get as many fairies as possible to join the brigade, help them make some weapons like I just did, and meet me at the fortress in half an hour. And you, Miss, show me to the fortress. I should be able to work something out." I said. And reluctantly they went ahead with my plan.

"Ugh where are they? They should've been here for a half hour now." I complained. Soon after Crisis came up to us. "So where's the brigade? What happened." I queried.

"Yeah well you see about that... no one bothered to come. They all say it's completly hopeless." Crisis explained.

"Ugh... we're in a real fix." I said. "But on the bright side we still have someone to help Temi." I said.

"Oh no I'm not going in there. They'll just slaughter me." The fairy said.

"I was talking about me. I'm the only one that can help Temi." I said.

"But you can't go in! You'll get slaughtered!" The fairy exclaimed.

"We have no choice. It's either that or let the dridders continue with whatever they plan on doing to Temi." I shouted at the fairy.

"Fine go ahead and commit suicide. Just don't expect me to help if you get in trouble." The fairy said. "You're just commiting suicide." The fairy called out to me as I snuck up to the fortress.

I peeked all over and eventually found a switch. I flipped it and a trap door opened below my feet and down I went.

"Ohhh my aching everything..." I complained. I got up and looked around. "It's freezing down here... like a giant freezer..." I noted. I snuck around and found a door. On it was a sign that read: 'Keep Out" I slowly partially opened the door and found tons of those creepy dridders in there as well as a fairy hanging from the ceiling.

Alright keep cool. Don't, panic Tyler. Just slowly sneak in. They're pretty occupied with Temi. I thought to myself. And that I did. I slowly snuck in and took cover behind a wheelbarrow filled with vegetables.

"All right Temi don't stuggle. We're going to cut open your neck, drain your blood, and eat you. And there is nothing you can do about it." The biggest dridder said creepily. Temi screamed under her webbed mouth. That's it. I can't let them harm a defensless lady. Time to take aim. I thought and reached for my ammo realizing I forgot to bring it. Ugh... I can't believe I forgot my ammo! How stupid of me! Just then a thought came to my mind. I decided to use the veggies for ammo. I took one out of the wheelbarrow and shot it at the biggest dridder.

"WHO THREW THAT VEGETABLE?!" The large dridder demanded. "WAS IT ONE OF YOU?! I'LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" He boomed. I grabbed another veggie and this time pulled back my slingshot all the way. He turned his head to me just as I fired it and it got him on the forehead. He was steaming mad. "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!" He demanded just before he threw the veggie back at me. Bam I got hit on the head and I was out like a light.

About a half hour later I woke up hanging upside down with a web over my mouth and inside a web cocoon. I thrashed and yelled all about but to no avail. "Tell you what. Since you were kind enough to bean me in the head with my own vegetables I'll slit your neck first the large dridder said. I thrashed more and more until I was exhausted.

Ugh...what a fix...what to do I thought, my mind drifting. That's when it hit me. I simply relaxed and waited for the dridder to start with his creepy claw insision and I started to thrash about. Because of this I was cut free from my silky cocoon and ripped the web off my face. "Owch... talk about a close shave." I taunted. I soon retreated to the wheel barrow and threw veggies left and right at every last dridder.

"Heh... looks like your comrades are unconcious." I taunted. The dridder growled and charged after me. Just as I was about to throw my last veggie he caught me and held me by my neck suffocating me. "You are a nuisance to my new kingdom. I shall enjoy disposing of you." He said angrily. I struggled and thrashed violently but to no avail. His grip was too strong. I was getting weak. I reached for my fallen vegetable and as I took what I thought to be my last breath something amazing happened.

I had shone with amazing light stunning the creature and freeing myself. I gasped and wheezed and wondered what the heck happened when my foe stood before Temi and shouted "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER OR THE FAIRY GETS HER NECK SLIT OPEN!!" He shouted actually sounding afraid. I collapsed on the ground and began to cough up blood. I was feeling so weak, so dizzy. It happened again.

I had shone in an amazing display of light and he turned to stone. I stumbled over to Temi's cocoon and cut her free with the claw that the dridder had been threatening her with. I collapsed and let out a chuckle of accomplishment just before passing out. A few hours later I woke up with my head violently throbbing.

"Ughh... where am I?" I wondered out loud looking at my surroundings. I forced myself up and onto my feet and walked out of the room. "...and then he collapsed right before me." Temi said to Crisis, Anna, and Lissa.

"And speaking of the devil!" Lissa said. "Ugh... where am I?" I asked.
"You're in the hospital Tyler." Temi said.

"I brought you here after you freed me from that cocoon in the fortress and treated you. I'd advise that you lay down now because you're leg's fractured and I don't want to see that progress further." She continued. "Ugh... for some reason I think that's just the tip of the iceberg..." I said chuckling. "You know you really amaze me Tyler. You singlehandedly took down a pack of dridders and you also manage to laugh in spite of your injuries." Temi said. I went back into the room and laid down.

"Temi I was wondering... you remember how I shone back at the fortress?" I started. "Well do you maybe know why that happened?"

"Honestly I have no clue." Temi said with a sigh. "But I do know what happened. Somehow you did light magic."

"Light magic?" I queried.

"Yes... light magic. It's been legendary in many Felaryan cultures for thousands of years. It's a legendary magic that has even been rumored to not even exist at all. It's basically the origin of all the positive magical elements. But it's rare for even a native human to have magical powers of any kind so obviously I'm kinda stumped." Temi explained.

"Oh...." I said wearily.

"But moving on, your injuries should heal in about a day if you don't go pushing yourself." Temi said.

"Thanks Temi.... thanks." I said.

"Why are you thanking me? You saved my life and I helped you recover. If anything I still owe you." Temi said.

If you noticed there is a reference to the Super Mario Bros Super Show in the dialogue and the reason Day 6 is different from what it was yesterday is because I forgot to put some stuff in there and there's some stuff that simply doesn't make sense at all so I either edited it or took it out completely.

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Day 13: The Miracle of Nectar   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 7:00 pm

Ugh... so friggin hot... I thought to myself as I traveled through the desert with my giant friends. I can't believe that some people actually live here... but then again most of them are reptiles after all. "How are you holding up Tyler?" Lissa asked.

"I'm okay." I lied. Truth was I was dying of thirst and my canteen was a dry as I was. It's taking forever to get through here. I wonder if that dream I had last night really was the key... I thought to myself flashing back to a wierd dream I had last night.

"When you find a giant's bag and taste the miracle the answer shall become clear... the dream is the key..." An old, somewhat wise souding voice said behind a wall of shadow. Ugh... there's no time to seek out something so out of left field. I thought to myself. "So thirsty..." I muttered under my breath. I was becoming dizzy and began to teeter over Lissa's shoulder.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lissa asked. "Yes I'm fine..." I said weakly. I fell into the sand not moments later. I got up and spat the sand out of my mouth.

"Are you alright Tyler?" Crisis asked. Wait a second.... I fell face first into the sand and I didn't even sink the tiniest bit into it. What the heck's going on? I thought. So I dug into the sand to see what it was about and to my surprise I partially revealed a giant sack! Well at least in comparison to me it was giant. Wait a second! A giant sack! Could this possibly be the giant's sack in my dream?!

"Tyler are you alright?!" Crisis demanded.

"Ugh... yeah I'm fine but check this out!" I said, still digging.

"Seems ya found a giant's sack." Lissa said. "Not too many of them around here... I wonder what's inside..."

"Well whatever it is I hope it does't try to kill me!" I said undoing the knot at the top. "Whoa what the heck is this stuff? Some kind of mineralized gold?!" I queried aloud. Lissa, Crisis, and Anna's eyes opened wide in what seemed to be shock. "What? Is this stuff dangerous?" I asked hoping it wasn't. "That's dryad nectar..." Lissa stated in awe.

"MINE!!!!" Crisis yelled as she dove for the sack. "NO IT'S MINE!!" Lissa yelled fighting her for it.

"CALM DOWN YOU TWO!! THERE'S PLENTY IN THERE FOR US ALL AND ON TOP OF THAT WE'RE OUT OF WATER SO WE NEED TO BE RATIONAL WITH IT!!" Anna shouted bringing peace back to us, travelers. "Alright fine!" Crisis and Lissa shouted not taking their eyes off of it.

"Uhhhh... What does dryad nectar have to do with our water situation Anna?" I asked. "Well dryads tend to store their surplus water in their nectar so obviously it's pretty valueable here." Anna explained. "I see... do you mind if I have some?" I asked.

"Well sure. You deserve some since you're the reason we found it." Anna said. Ahh sweet relief! This is a miracle! Wait a second miracle... does that mean when I eat some I'll find the way to the temple? I thought. Lissa lowered her hand for me to hop onto. Then she lifted me up to the bag she was holding in the other and I took a handful of the moist nectar. I popped it into my mouth and it's sweet flavor took over. I was absolutly revived and renewed! And a vision came to my mind.

Fuzzy though it was, an old woman had been pointing to the right of the sunset and that was when I knew what to do. "We go south now everyone." I said. They all looked confused.

"How do you know? We're completly lost!" Anna said with a hint of anger in her tone of voice. "It's hard to explain... I had this sort of vision thing of a woman pointing to the left of the sunset. And the sun sets in the west so I figured that's the way we should go." I explained.

"Really? How do you know that's what it meant?" Crisis said, confused.

"Well I had a wierd dream last night saying something like 'taste the miracle and the path shall become clear'. I know it's out of left field but for now it's all we've got to go on." I conitinued.

"Alright we'll trust your vision." Crisis said. So we continued for three hours until we saw a small village on the horizon.

"Hey look over there!" Lissa said pointing in it's direction. "Maybe there's someone we can ask for directions!" We were all tired and lost so it was unanimous. We went to the town and found many nagas.

"Wait a second... that's Gorgon Village! We're on the right track!" Crisis exclaimed as we got closer. By the time we got there the sun was going down. "Let's see if we can find a place to crash for tonight." I said. "Hello travelers. Are you looking for a place to stay for the night?" A fairy called out.

"Yeah we are. Do you know where to go?" Lissa asked. "Of course I do. Follow me." The fairy said. We followed her for a half hour until we got to a tiny building looking building in contrast to everything else. "Alright I'm going to shrink you so you can come in, so don't panic." The fairy explained. Then she did just that. She shrunk my friends but didn't shrink me so I ended up standing on top of Lissa. "HEY GET OFF OF ME!!" Lissa barked at me. Seems the fairy didn't know I was on top of Lissa's shoulder.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Hmm... is that your pet?" The fairy asked.

"Well I guess you can say that." Lissa said. Seems she didn't want the fairy to know why I was there or who I really was. So we all went inside and the fairy showed us to our rooms. I was exhausted from being in the blazing sun all that time.

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Day 14: Motel Misdemeanor   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 7:02 pm

"La la la la la la la!" A voice sang in the misty morning. "Ugh... don't torture me I'm up..." I complained. I got out of bed and walked out of my room. "Oh you sure are an early riser!" The fairy behind the voice said. "Actually I'm not. Your singing woke me up." I stated. "Oh really? Well you must have good ears because you're the first person to hear my air conditioning." The fairy explained. "Air conditioning?" I asked, confused. "Yeah air conditioning. It's when I use my ice magic to cool down the air in here. Haven't you noticed that it iisn't too hot or too cold?" She explained. "Well no not really. But then again I'm pretty brain-dead when I'm tired." I said. "Well I'm going to go get ready. I've got a long day ahead of me in the blazing desert sun." I said. So I went back to my room and searched for my backpack. "Wait a second... where is it?" I said noticing it was missing. "WHERE IS IT?!" I said beginning to panic. I tore the room apart searching for it but sadly to no avail. "Okay do you know what happened to my backpack?" I asked the fairy coming out of my room. "Oh that raggedy old thing? I donated it to the weaver's place as thread." She said. "WHAT?! ALL MY STUFF WAS IN THERE!!" I screamed! "Hey just calm down! I took your stuff out before I donated it." The fairy said. "Okay that's good but how am I supposed to carry all that now?!" I demanded. "Well simple. You'll use the new backpack I made for you." She said. "Really? Dang I'm so sorry! I had no clue you'd do something that nice for me." I apologized. "Oh don't fret about it. I have a tendency to make new things for my guests." She said. "And besides the look on your face when I told you I donated your backpack was priceless." She said with a hint of mischeif. "I'll go get it for you." She said. A few minutes later she came back with an incredible looking backpack. "Here it is. I hope you like it." he said indicating it was for me. Nice! Everything's in here. My journal, my camera, my map, and everything. I thought to myself. Wait a second... whats that on the bottom? "I see you found my other gift." The fairy said breathing down my neck. "How the heck do you do that?! Never mind... but what is this? It looks like some sort of turban." I said. "Well that's because it is silly! And it's a special one at that. If you wear it then you'll be protected from heat stroke in the desert. That should help you keep a cool head." The fairy explained. "Dang that's awesome. This should make traveling the desert much easier on me!" I said.

"Well that's odd." I said three hours later. "It's almost two and a half hours after dawn and no one's awake." I said getting impatient. "Well then why don't you wake them up?" The fairy asked going through her supplies. "Well I don't worry about Crisis or Lissa but if I woke Anna up I'd probably end up eaten the second you turn her back into her usual size."
I explained. "Really? Why do you think that?" She asked. "Well first of all she's the only one oof us that doesn't like to be woken up more than me and that sure is saying something. She once tried to kill me for carrying a torch to make a fire cuz 'it looked like a cigarette'. So I pretty much try to avoid ticking her off." I continued. A moment after that we heard a lazy yawn. And que the morning irritability I thought to myself. "OH NO I OVERSLEPT!!" Lissa yelled. Okay at least it's Lissa that woke up. I thought, letting out a sigh of relief. Soon after Lissa rushed out of her room and went into Crisis' room to wake her up. Soon after all three nagas were up and in the main room. "Pretty ironic don't you think? I wake up about a half hour before dawn and you three are just now waking up." I said to the three of them as they all came out of Anna's room. "ARE YOU SUGGESTING I'M LAZY...?!" Anna said obviously insulted by my comment. "YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS..." She said. Aww crap... waiting so long just for the same end result I thought. Then after three seconds as she said she began to chase me around the room with the fairy's broom. "DON'T KILL ME ANNA!!" I said as she continued to chase me around the room. "ENOUGH!!" The fairy yelled bringing order back to the room. Oh thank god I'm still alive... "Now then just give me back my broom! I don't like violence and I certainly won't tolerate it in my motel so leave!!" She yelled showing a much stricter side than what I had gotten used to. So that we did. Luckily she wasn't peeved enough to not turn them back to their normal sizes. "What was that for Anna?!" I demanded as we got moving. "Well you implied that I was lazy so I wanted to beat the sand out of you." She said simply. "Yeah but because of that we can't even show our faces anywhere near the motel again!" Lissa joined in. "I don't care because it's not my fault. It was Tyler's fault for implying that I was lazy." Anna defended. Realizing that bickering would get us nowhere we decided to simply stop talking altogether. Four hours later we had finally reached the temple. We're finally here! The place I've been searching for since I got here! I thought in anticipation. And so we headed in. "Dang it's a lot cooler in hear than outside." I said marveling at that great feature. "Alright so Crisis you've been here before right?" I asked. "Yup I sure have! And I know this place like the back of my hand." She said proud of her multiple trips here. "Alright then lead the way." I said. So that she did and we went far down into the temple. After about a half hour of decending the temple and taking pictures we had finally reached the bottom. "Here it is. The Prayer Chamber. Legend has it this is where Crystal, the Gorgon Guardian, was laid to rest." Crisis said. "And it's through that crystal in the middle of the room that she recieves our prayers." "Wait a second I know I'm not exaclty a genius when it comes to Felaryan lore and stuff like that but aren't Guardians immortal?" I asked confused. "Well you must not have a very reliable source of information because while the guardians do have god like powers they aaren't immortal. Their more like living renditions of gods." Crisis explained. After that Lissa, Anna, and Crisis began their prayers which lasted a good ten minutes. "Alright well now that you're done praying I'll snap a photo of the crystal and we can head back on home." I said. So I snapped a photo of the crystal and put my camera back into my backpack. Ugh... what the heck's happening?! I feel so weak... I thought to myself as my power ebbed away. Mere moments after that I collapsed and passed out.
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PostSubject: Awakening   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 1:38 pm

"Tyler...Tyler wake up...Tyler..." A mysterious feminine voice called out, waking me.

Ugh...where am I? I thought.

"So you awaken. I expected as much." The voice continued.

"Huh?! Who's there?! Show yourself!" I shouted.

"I am right behind you Tyler." The voice continued. I turned around to find a beautiful woman, whom unlike many others I had met in Felarya was entirely human, standing right behind me.

"Who are you?! And why do you know my name?!" I demanded.

"I am Crystal and I am the being that is worshipped in the Gorgon Temple." The newly identified woman explained.

"What? You're a guardian? This doesn't make any sense!" I said getting even more confused.

"Actually I am not a guardian but rather a hero among the Gorgons. Once, eons ago demons from another world that intended to destroy the Multiverse started to destroy the Gorgon Desert. I alone sealed them away and peace was restored. However as of late that seal has weakened just enough for them to escape and wreak havoc once again. You are the only one who can stop them for you possess the ability of light magic. Only a light magic wielder can stop them." Crystal explained.

"What?! But I'm a wimp!! I can't even save myself from a minor predator let alone save the entire Multiverse!" I exclaimed.

"I know this must come as a shock to you but it is not strength that can defeat the demons. It is courage and love, and you have plenty of that." Crystal explained.

"So I have no choice do I?" I asked.

"Well you do have a choice but if you choose not to let me train you all you care about will be destroyed." Crystal explained.

"All right then. I choose to train." I said ready to begin.

"Alright. This is good. But first let me explain the dangers of light magic. When you do light magic it takes a heavy toll. For every light magic spell you encant you'll become more and more fatigued and that leaves you open. However fotunately we won't have to worry about that here because you are not in your physical form." Crystal explained.

"What do you mean? I'm a ghost?!" I asked.

"No you are not a ghost but you are not in a physical form either. We are in your subconcious where we can train for days and only minutes will pass in reality. Now then enough explaining. It is time to train." Crystal explained.

After thirty subconcious days I was finally done training. "Now you are ready. You must find your way back to the Temple and defeat the demon queen. Let your compassion and love for those precious to you be your guide." Crystal said.

"Wait what does that mean?!" I asked as I was forced out of my subconcious world. "Well I'm awake now. And it's dark, cramped, and really smelly...wait a second...oh no....don't tell me....SOMETHING ATE ME!!" I mused realizing my location.

"Oh so you're awake. I must say I'm surprised that you woke up before you were digested." A voice called out.


"The temple? You must be crazy. I never went into the temple. I found you in the snow and gave a warm place to spend the rest of your life." The voice continued.

Snow?! But I was in the desert! How is that possible?! I thought. "YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET YOU EVER CONSIDERED EATING ME!!" I said. "INFERNAGA!!" I encanted causing a swirling vortex of fire inside the predators stomach.


How?! That was level five fire magic! That should've reduced this thing's stomach to ashes and yet the only thing that happens is everything drying up! Let's see...water magic is likely to get me suffocated...I can't even do earth magic since my feet aren't on the ground...AHA! Wind magic should do well! If I can get a strong enough wind going on in here maybe just maybe this thing'll burp me up! "AERORAGA!!" I encanted causing a strong gust of wind to bust around carrying me upwards.

And soon my captor let out a mighty burp freeing me in the process and landing me on the cold snow. "Dang that thing wasn't kidding when it said it was snowy here." I mused.

"YOU!! YOU ESCAPED!! BUT YOU WON'T BE FREE FOR LONG!!" The predator said. I looked back to see that my captor was a dryad with legs and apparently not a very happy one either.

"Yikes! I guess it's time for me to scram!" I said scrambling to my feet and using a wind spell to run away.

About a half hour later I was trekking through the snow when I came across a gigantic cave. Being as cold as I was and the fact that there was nowhere to start a fire I ran inside.

As I delved deep into the cave I began to hear screaming. I ran deeper into the cave and came to a lit area.

"P-please don't eat me!" A familiar voice said. Crisis! She's in trouble! I burst in to see a gigantic cyclops dangling a blonde, human sized naga over his mouth. "Tyler! Get out of here! Save yourself!" Crisis said trying to persuade me. But before I could even answer the cyclops dropped her into his mouth and slurped her tail like spaghetti. I watched in horror as he gulped and saw a bulge dissappear down his throat.

"YOU FU**HEAD!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I screamed at the cyclops as I used a wind spell to get up above it's head. "FIRAGA!!" I encanted sending a blast of fire down killing the cyclops.

"DON'T WORRY CRISIS HANG IN THERE! I'M GOING TO HELP!" I shouted to my naga friend as I desperately looked for something to cut with. There it is! A sword! I thought as I spotted a sword on the ground. "CRISIS STAY AS CLOSE TO THE BOTTOM AS POSSIBLE I DON'T WANT TO CUT YOU!" I shouted as I cut into the cyclop's belly.

And once that was done I ripped the opening wide and began to cut into a large pink sack with a bulge inside. I ripped the opening wide and helped Crisis out of the big pink death trap. "You saved me Tyler...how can I ever repay you?" Crisis asked.

"Don't worry about it. That's what friends do. We help each other out and ask for nothing in return." I said. "So come on let's get out of here. There might be more somewhere and I'm not sure I can take them all by myself." I continued. Crisis nodded and we rushed out of the cave. Once we were out we began walking and I told Crisis of what I was called upon to do.

"I see. Well I do remember some sort of really creepy queen thing in the temple taking me, Anna, Lissa, and you away. Maybe that's the one you're supposed to defeat." Crisis said.

"Maybe... although I'm really scared...what if I'm not strong enough? What then? The whole Multiverse will be destroyed along with everything I cherish from you, Anna, and Lissa to my family." I mused.

"Well whatever happens you won't be alone! I'll be there with you every step of the way." Crisis said reassuringly.

"Crisis...that's really kind of you but I can't let you do that. Chances are the demons are much stronger than that cyclops and with you being no larger or stronger than me I'm sure things won't be pretty." I said.

"But I have to go with you! You're my friend and I have to make sure that you're okay!" Crisis said a hint of insolence emerging.

"Listen I can't let you do that! I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt!" I exclaimed. Knowing that it would be impossible to reason with her I ran ahead and began to talk. "Listen, I'm sorry but this is for the best Crisis! To keep my friend from meeting her demise don't let her pass this premise!" I encanted causing a wall of fire to pop up preventing Crisis from passing on. "I'm sorry Crisis... it's for your own good. But I swear I'll save the Multiverse. And Anna and Lissa too!" I said to her just before I continued on to the temple.

Pretty decent chapter isn't it? I should have the last one up soon.

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Adventures in Felarya   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 1:59 pm

You might want to break those big blocks of text up into paragraphs, its kind of hard to read the story if you don't.
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PostSubject: The Will of a Fool   Adventures in Felarya Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 4:23 pm

JohnDoe wrote:
You might want to break those big blocks of text up into paragraphs, its kind of hard to read the story if you don't.

Yeah I'm going to finalize it by correcting any grammar errors and stuff once I finish. It's more or less a rough draft pf the story and once I correct it all I'm going to post it on DA (under the same username). But until then I've got some food to eat (no nekos).

Finally I'm done with my homework!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Well now that that's out of the way I can finally post my next chapter of my story!

Ugh... so cold... everything's slowly going numb I thought as I journeyed through the endless snowy desert. "Th-th-there it is..." I said, my teeth chattering. "Th-th-th-th-the T-t-t-temple's just up ahead." After all this... it's finally time... I can't give in now! Not after coming this far. I thought. I snuck up to the temple and slipped inside.

It's warmer than I thought it'd be in here I thought. I snuck down the halls quickly and carefully to come to the prayer chamber once again.

"So you arrive. I never thought you'd survive that dryad... perhaps you truly are the legendary hero." A voice said. "But you shan't defeat me. For nice ones always finish last." It continued.

The demon queen! She must be using telpathy! I thought.

"Indeed I am. I cannot let you know my location." The queen continued. What?! She reads minds?! "Indeed I do. Now then it's time for your long journey to end!!" The ominous queen said as a ball of darkness issued forth from the crystal. I dodged it with ease and was met by a sharp, stabbing pain in my back.

"AGH!! I got... stabbed... I'm...so...useless!!" I said as I laid on the floor, tears welling up in my eyes. A shadowy figure emerged from the crystal and raised me by my arms.

"That you are. You seriously thought you could defeat me, the queen of evil? You are foolhardy to have deluded yourself with such fantasies." She said.

Ugh...as much as I hate to admit she's right... I'm a wimp and I always have been... not even magic can change that... I thought.

"I'm glad you see it my way. Now you die." She said eerily as she dropped me to the floor and issued forth a gigantic dark sword from her crystal.

I guess this is the end... Crisis... Anna... Lissa... I let everyone down. Just as I have everyone else that's ever counted on me... I'm a fool to believe that I could save the Multiverse... it's all I ever was... a fool... I thought accepting my grim fate.

"Don't give up... let your loved ones be your strength..." A voice issued from my head. The powerful queen pulled back her sword and swung at me. "DON'T GIVE UP!!" The voice said.

At that moment I opened my eyes and in a tremendous feat of strength, agility, and sheer will I narrowly dodged the deadly blade leaving a gruesome wound on my arm.

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! YOU DODGED MY SWORD THROUGH SHEER WILL?!" The Queen said, completely baffled. I was huffing and puffing from the injuries I sustained "I suppose... such is the will of a 'fool'. Heh... I guess you were foolish to think that I'd go down so easily! I haven't even seen my fair share of the world and I'm not about to let you wreck it!!" I said.

"Even so you have sustained some rather deadly injuries. You barely have five minutes to do anything before your injuries catch up with you." The Queen retorted.

"Well then I'll finish you in four!" I retorted back at her, grasping my arm. "Firaga!!" I encanted, issuing forth a gigantic fireball to the dreadful queen. She simply put out her finger and absorbed the fireball into her body.


"Now you taste your defeat. FIRAGAGA!!" The queen encanted issuing a swirling vortex of fire at me. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst and waited a minute feeling no more than what I already was. "Tyler... are you... okay?" A voice asked. I opened my eyes to see a blonde human sized naga directly in front of me and severly blackened. "CRISIS!! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN PAST MY BARRIER!!" I scolded.

"I'm... sorry... I had to... make sure you were... okay... though I leave... here... I'll never forget... the fun I had traveling with you... goodbye... Tyler..." She said. My naga friend collapsed iin front of me and tears welled up in my eyes and likewise with anger.

"CRISIS!!!!" I rushed to Crisis's side as tears burst from my eyes. "You... you killed... one of my best friends... one of the few who actually care about me... and for that... YOU'RE FINISHED!!!!!!! BY THE TIME I'M DONE WITH YOU YOU WON'T EVEN BE A SPIRIT!!!!!!!! I'LL ANNIHILATE YOU!!!!!!! YOU'LL BE SO LONG GONE THAT THE PEOPLE YOU KILLED WILL FEEL SORRY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. As anger welled up inside me I felt a strange power. One that I've never felt before.


"FIRAGAJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I encanted with all my might, banishing the dreadful Queen of Darkness beyond the Hell hole she crawled out of. I was gasping, wheezing, and coughing up a storm at that time. "I... I did it... I banished the Queen of Darkness..." I stated looking at the pile of ash on the floor. I collapsed and began to cry.

"But... Crisis is... dead... I could've saved her... I could've prevented her from coming... I could've protected her... WHY DID I HAVE TO LET MY FREAKING GUARD DOWN?!?! IF I HADN'T HAVE RECITED THAT SPELL CRISIS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!!! Why? Why does fate hate me so... I'D GLADLY GIVE MY LIFE TO BRING HER BACK!!! I'D SELL MY SOUL!! ANYTHING TO BRING MY FRIEND BACK!!!" I mused wailing and coughing.

"WHY?! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER?!?! Why?" I continued still kicking myself.

"Are you... okay?" A faint voice called.

"Yeah I am... unfortunately..." I called weakly back to the voice. And in came my friends Lissa and Anna.

"What happened in here?! It looks like a twister caught fire and tore this place to smithereens!" Lissa remarked. "Wait! Is that... Crisis?!" Anna gasped. I gulped.

"It's her... body at least..." I said not having the courage to look into their faces.

"Crisis is... dead?!" Lissa asked.

"Y-yeah... she sacrificed herself to save me... if only I hadn't let my guard down... she'd still be alive..." I explained. "I'M SO USELESS!! I CAN SAVE THE MULTIVERSE BUT I CAN'T SAVE A SINGLE PERSON!!! EVERY TIME!!! EVERY FREAKING TIME!!! EVERY TIME SOMEONE GIVES ME SOME SORT OF RESPONSIBILITY I LET SOMEONE IMPORTANT DOWN!!!" I yelled beggining to kick myself again.

"But at least... I'll see her again soon..." I continued.

"What?! What do you mean by that?!" Lissa gasped.

"I got too heavily injured... I suffered a fatal injury and soon I'm going to die. But don't try to save me... At this point I can't be saved. Not now..." I explained. "I'm glad to have met you all... my only regret is that I'll never see my home again... or the family I helped create... goodbye..." I said shedding a single tear.

"No... it can't be... why now... he had so much to go back to... why?!?!" Lissa shouted beginning to wail. Anna started to cry as well.

"He was annoying but he saved us all... and he grew on me so much... and Crisis... she's the only reason I'm alive today... why did they have to go?!" She wailed.

Ugh... where am I? Is this it? Is this the afterlife? And why do I hear Lissa and Anna? I wondered. My eyes popped open and I began to rise. I turned to Crisis and saw that she was awakening as well. "I'm... alive?" She wondered.

"CRISIS!!" I shouted with glee as I rushed over to her and gave her a big hug.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!! HALLELUJAH!!" Lissa shouted as she turned turned the hug into a group hug.

"Humph... at least that's over with... it was way too much drama having Crisis around let alone her clone." Anna expressed.

"Oh come on!! I knew you were crying! We all know! You don't have to play tough." Lissa said as she continued to squeeze the heck out of me and Crisis.

"I wasn't crying! I had something in my eye..." Anna stated dryly. So here ends my adventures in Felarya.

Well what do you think of it? Like it? Love it? Tell me about it. And also keep a sharp eye out for the sequel!

Yay my story's done! Now I can get to work on the sequel. I'll have a thread for the bios up soon. See ya!
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