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 Felaryan Desert Locusts & Juice Bugs

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Felaryan Desert Locusts & Juice Bugs Empty
PostSubject: Felaryan Desert Locusts & Juice Bugs   Felaryan Desert Locusts & Juice Bugs Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:37 am

(I didn't see these creature ideas suggested yet, hopefully they haven't)

Desert Locusts:
Found in deserts and savanna, Desert Locusts are voracious insects that can reach 10 inches in length. They travel in swarms, usually flying with the wind, and will eat anything they can take down. Sandstorms are especially dangerous with the presence of Desert Locusts. A creature of human size can easily be carried off by the Locusts hidden in the sandstorms and they will never be seen again. They add an ominous humming sound to the howling winds of sandstorms.

The Desert Locusts have very short life spans because many of the plants they gluttonously devour prove to be toxic to them. They also have the tendency to take on creatures that see them as prey. When extraordinarily hungry, the Desert Locusts will then turn on each other.
They usually can't spawn until there is rainfall in the desert when the females can lay eggs in the wet sand and the new vegetation can provide the hatchlings food.

The presence of the Desert Locusts is just another reason sandstorms in Felarya should be avoided like the plague.
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Join date : 2010-10-18
Location : Who cares anymore

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Desert Locusts & Juice Bugs   Felaryan Desert Locusts & Juice Bugs Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 9:57 am

(Sorry to post this seperately, my phone won't let me write long entries for some reason)

Juice Bugs: A.k.a. "The little balls of hate."
Resembling large pill bugs, these critters roam the desert and can reach 6 inches in length. Juice Bugs are called such because of their ability to store nutrient rich fluid in a bladder within their bodies. During rainfall, the Juice Bugs will fill themselves up with as much as 10 ounces of water and store it in their bladder where it is mixed with special secretions to keep the liquid clean for long periods of time. This fluid can be rather thick but very nutritious and more replenishing than twice as much water to an explorer in need of a drink. There is a saying that goes, "The bigger the bug, the sweeter the juice."

To extract the fluid, one must hold the Juice Bug's rear end to their mouth and squeeze them like a water bottle. There is no shame in kissing this bugs butt, it is life saving. Cutting the bug open is ill advised because it will release the Juice Bug's toxic blood into the fluid, not to mention the foul odor that will be unleashed. This odor is one of the bug's defense mechanisms against predation and can drop a 200 lbs human where he stands. The bright side is, no predators will want a piece of him for a very long time.

The Juice Bug is called the "little ball of hate" because they are extremely territorial and aggressive. They will charge a human in a heart beat and have a vicious bite. The same toxins in their blood are injected through their bites and have been known to cause nausea and vomiting. The Juice Bugs are herbivores so don't pose a threat to humans other than when they feel threatened.
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