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 The Naga's New Clothes

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PostSubject: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 6:50 pm

Author’s Note: I was reminded of a conversation (well, exchange of comments, but anyway) I had with Karbo when he posted Crisis’s bio. Enjoy. Yuki Mika © Me. Crisis © Karbo.

The Naga’s New Clothes

Mika jumped and dodged, barely ducking under the clawed paw of the doggy that followed her. The splinters flicked against her clothing, but she simply giggled, lunging to the side as the doggy continued to chase her. That she was suddenly in the woods, being followed by a puppy didn’t strike her as odd, and she enjoyed playing keep away with it.
The kensha beast’s talons bit into the wood of the tree, raking away bark as it swept them across to keep in pace with its prey. The human girl, despite being almost a quarter of its size, was unlike any it had encountered before. The girl was faster and more agile, more akin to the harder to find cat people, and had managed to avoid its paralytic laced claws as well as its gaping maw. It’s fur bristling; the beast lunged to the side, biting the air where Mika’s head had been a second earlier.
Mika ducked under the puppy, threw herself onto her back and smiled. This was going to be so much fun! Her head ticked to the side and she rolled over, pulling her shotgun free and blasting a hole into the side of the monstrously sized wolf. She blinked as it was pushed back only slightly, then fired again into the same wound. The creature’s talons dug into the earth and it wheeled about slower than before, one of its legs losing strength…
Its mouth opened, blood trickling past its teeth even as it readied to attack. Mika blinked, and was gone again, dashing through the woods merrily. She had to stay away from the puppy after all, otherwise the game would end.
The woods were almost hazy, darkness looming all around them. The canopy blocked out most of the light, but left enough for Mika to see where she was going. Not that she knew where she was, or where she was going, but where was the fun in that? She giggled, looking back over her shoulder to watch the scruffy haired gray, brown and red doggy try to catch up. It was struggling a bit, slowing down, not catching up as easily as before. Maybe she had tuckered it out? She stopped for a second, letting it catch up.
The second was almost lost before the beast made its final lunge. Mika scowled, pulling one of the grenades from its holster. The beast made a headlong rush, seeming to dive through the air; its mouth agape trying to swallow her whole. Mika pulled the pin to the grenade and jumped, grabbing the wolf’s nose and pushing herself off its snout as she released the grenade, rebounding away as the explosion went off directly in the beast’s face.
The blast pushed her farther than she had planned, and she hit a tree branch, spiraling to the ground and hitting it hard. She groaned, knowing that it would hurt later, but focused, trying to find the wolf in case it had somehow survived. When she spotted it, she relaxed. It was laying on the ground, unmoving, a small trail running through the dirt from where it had collapsed after the blast to where it had finally skidded to a stop. Mika smiled, and then frowned, rising slowly. Maybe she had worn the puppy out? But she still wanted to play. She pouted, and walked over to the doggy, petting its sticky wet side, but then deciding not to wake it.
She stomped the ground and then sat down, wrapping her arms around her legs. It wasn’t fair. All the puppies she had played with had gone to sleep after she started playing with her; and she was so bored when she wasn’t able to play. She rested her head against her knees. It wasn’t fun being alone. She hadn’t seen Snow-sama or Ryota-kun since she had wandered into the forest, and now she wasn’t sure how to get home.
Then everything seemed to grow even darker than before and Mika looked up. A small smile began to grow on her face, and the twinkle returned to her eyes… she wasn’t alone anymore.


Crisis stretched out and relaxed, her stomach full, a few of the people were still wriggling around inside of her. Anna, who had once again refused to eat, had berated her the whole time, but in the end left to go play with some of the toys the people had left behind. Crisis was not going to argue with her, especially since she was feeling tired with her full tummy. She lay down against the giant tree and yawned before drifting off to sleep. It was nice having a full, wriggling stomach…
An explosion, in the distance woke her up. She blinked, sitting up. It had come from the north. Anna had been playing with the human toys when she had gone to sleep… Crisis began to move. The human explosions usually didn’t do much, usually they were too busy running in a panic to use anything against her, but she had seen what they could do, but if Anna had set them off accidentally… she sped up quickly, moving through the woods towards where the explosion had originated.
Her eyes widened and fear crept along her spine as she smelled blood in the air. Where had those human toys been? Where had Anna gone? She blinked, looking around, shouting out her friend’s name, but there was no reply. She bit down on her lip, Anna didn’t always respond to her calls, in fact, she usually avoided saying anything back when she was tinkering, or she may not have heard her. Crisis swallowed and kept moving. She’d have to find what made that sound before she really worried.
It was upon entering the small clearing that she finally relaxed. The smell of the blood was coming from a kensha beast, a dead kensha beast. She crunched up her nose, not liking the smell of the oversized wolf. She sighed in relief and then blinked, looking down further, and spotted the small human before her. She blinked, then reached down and plucked the girl from the ground, raising her to eye level.
Had she done this? Crisis blinked again, watching the little girl smile and wave at her. She didn’t seem afraid in the slightest, unlike all the other people she usually met. She frowned, looking back to the kensha beast, “Did you do that?” She asked, intrigued.
“The doggy went to sleep after playing with me.” The small human said.
Crisis paused, looking at the ‘doggy’, and then nodding to herself. It definitely was not sleeping. The girl continued to smile at her, positively beaming. Crisis wasn’t sure what to say. There was something odd about her, but… it probably didn’t matter. Her stomach agreed, rumbling slightly. She opened her mouth wide and pulled her fingers closer.
“Why aren’t you wearing clothes?”
Crisis stopped, the girl swinging gently between her fingers before finally coming to rest. She closed her mouth and looked at the girl, “I… I don’t understand.” She finally murmured, looking at the smiling girl.
“Well, you’re not wearing any clothes!” Mika said cheerily.
Crisis blinked, looking down at herself, and then returning her gaze to the girl, “Am I supposed to?”
The girl nodded quickly, “Yup, Yuki-sama says so.”
Crisis blinked a few times, tipping her head to the side, “Is that you’re name? Are you Yuki-sama?”
“No. Yuki-sama is my dad. My name is Yuki Mika, what’s yours?”
Crisis stopped, then held out a hand and lowered the girl onto it, “My name is Crisis.”
“Really?” Mika tipped her head to the side, “Yuki-sama says that when I go out to play. Does he know you?”
Crisis shook her head, “I don’t know anyone named Yuki-sama.”
Mika frowned then sat down on Crisis’s hand, “So why don’t you wear clothes, Crisis-kun?”
Crisis looked at Mika, puzzled, “Crisis-kun?”
Mika smiled, “That’s your name, Crisis-kun.”
“No, no, my name is just Crisis.” She replied with a smile.
“Oh.” Mika blinked and seemed to stare into the distance, “But that doesn’t make sense, everyone has a suffix to their name.”
“A what?”
“A suffix, an honorific. Everyone has one, and you should too.” Mika said cheerily.
Crisis nodded slowly, not understanding what Mika meant, “What does… kun mean?”
Mika smiled, “I don’t know.” Crisis blinked, thoroughly confused by her answer, but Mika shrugged, tipping her head to the side again, “Why aren’t you wearing clothes?”
Crisis stopped again, then took a breath, blushing sheepishly, “I didn’t… know I was supposed to wear them.”
“Well, clothes are supposed to keep you warm when it’s cold out. And they look all nice and pretty.” Mika smiled widely, standing up and whirling around in her bright pink yukata, “Yuki-sama gave me this to wear.”
“It’s very pretty.” Crisis said with a smile.
Mika tipped her head back and then did a flip on Crisis’s palm, “Would you like it?”
“Like it?”
“You need to wear clothes. I can give you this.”
Crisis looked down at herself again, “I don’t think that will fit Mika…”
Mika paused, looking at Crisis and then frowning. “I don’t think it will either.” She frowned, seeming to focus for a moment before her eyes lit up and she waved frantically, “Give my your other hand.”
Crisis slowly moved her other hand to Mika who smiled and then unwrapped the thin pink dress, letting it slip off her body and fall to Crisis’s palm. Crisis blinked in surprise, looking at all the strange looking toys Mika had strapped to her black undershirt, but then realized that Mika was pulling one of her fingers back towards her. “Mika, what are you…” She trailed off; watching as Mika quickly tossed her dress around her finger, and then wrapped it around knotting the silky soft belt.
Crisis blinked, and pulled her finger away, staring at it. It felt kind of funny, having it wrapped around her finger, but it was cute, and colorful. Mika sat down on her palm again, “There.” She said smiling broadly with satisfaction, “Now you’re wearing clothes.”
Crisis flexed her finger and watched the little sleeves move back and forth. It held tight, not falling off. She smiled, “Thank you Mika.”
“Now you wont be cold when it gets cold.” Mika added, rocking back and forth on Crisis’s palm.
Crisis beamed as she began slither back through the woods, her new friend in hand, “I can’t wait to show Anna.”

Author’s Notes: Crisis doesn’t always eat people; it says it right in her bio, though that’s the case most of the time. What you really have to do is make yourself stand out, and not in a way that screams eat me. Mika, being who she is, managed to do it for the simple fact that she acted normal (and I use the word loosely) since she didn’t view Crisis as a threat. I guess that is sort of scary when you think about it though…
Oh, and the Kensha Beast, a wild animal, usually a pack hunter, is a twenty-six to twenty-eight foot tall wolf. I found out about them on Karbo’s Ferlarya wiki (viewable here: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page), and thought it would be perfect for the story.
I hope you enjoyed!
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The Naga's New Clothes Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 6:51 pm

Author’s Note: I actually had not expected to write a followup, but I got the idea after talking to Karbo (once again it was more an exchange of comments, but anyway) in response to the first story. Enjoy. Yuki Mika © Me. Crisis © Karbo. Anna © Karbo.

Mika’s New Toy

Crisis continued to slither through the forest, Mika sitting on her shoulder. Anna could not have gotten far, not that she would have; the Delurian camp had been somewhere nearby. Crisis smiled, Anna was silly sometimes, playing with the little toys that the people left behind. One time she had even fixed a device that had little people inside. Crisis cringed a bit, remembering exactly how much Anna had yelled at her after she had swallowed it.
Mika sat on her shoulder silently, looking around in seeming awe of the trees. She hadn’t spoken much, but had murmured about how big everything was, and how it was all brown and green instead of gray. Crisis didn’t quite understand what she meant, but perhaps it was because she was a human? Few human cities she had seen had such big trees. She grinned, thinking about how she would react to the big tree.
“Crisis-kun, can we climb a tree later?” Mika asked.
“Maybe,” Crisis smiled, “but first we have to find Anna.”
“Who is Anna?”
“Anna is my friend.”
Mika blinked a few times, “Ok.” She paused, looking around, “Does she climb trees?” Crisis blinked, images of Anna trying to wrap around a tree filling her head. Anna lost her balance, arms beginning to helicopter around in the air as she bent backwards. It didn’t work, and her head slammed into the ground, spirals formed in her eyes, her tail still wrapped around the base of the tree. Crisis began to laugh, Mika looking on in mild confusion before joining in because it was fun to laugh.
Crisis managed to calm herself down a bit, “No… no, I don’t think she climbs trees.”
Mika laughed again, as they continued on.


Anna hovered over the Delurian base camp. This one was slightly different from the others she had seen, mostly because no one had gotten to it before her this time. Their weapons were lying on a pile to the side, dropped, apparently in terror, as they had tried to flee from Crisis. That wasn’t what interested Anna though. For once, all of their technology had been left intact. Most of it was scanning equipment, there were a few odd drills in the mix and a television, but what really interested her was a sole laptop computer. With it she may be able to figure out a way to contact the base camp, tell them… she frowned.
Anna wasn’t sure what she would tell them. Her last meeting with her former boss had not gone well. He had turned on her and planned to use her for a test subject. It was only grudgingly that she admitted it had been good that Crisis had been there to stop him… not that she enjoyed the fact that she had eaten so many others in the process. She sighed, and continued to work regardless. She should at least try to make sure the computer was working.
The laughter from behind broke her concentration and she looked back. Crisis was slithering closer, coming into the clearing. Great, just what she needed… “Not now Crisis,” she muttered, returning to her machine, “I’m busy…”
“Anna!” Crisis slithered over to her friend, “I’m glad I found you, I have someone to show you.”
Anna sighed, and then stopped. She blinked and stood back up, “Someone? You brought Léa?”
“No silly, you know Lea already.” Crisis smiled widely, “I have a new friend.”
Anna managed an annoyed smile. It was rare for Crisis to bring anyone back unless they were in her stomach, or she was planning to try and feed them to her. “Who is it?”
“She’s right…” Crisis looked to her shoulder, and found it empty. She blinked, looking to her other shoulder, but found Mika nowhere, “I… where did she go?” She frowned, growing upset, “She was just here, she didn’t fall did…”
A tan figure in black lunged from Crisis’s blond hair, hurtling through the air in reckless abandon. Crisis pulled back in shock as Anna stared at the girl who was now… beginning to fall earthwards with growing speed. Anna’s eyes widened and she put her hand out, catching the girl just as she reached her navel. Mika bounced on her hand once, and then rolled over laughing. Anna stared at the giggling girl in her palm for a moment, and then looked up to Crisis, “Please tell me this isn’t her.”
Crisis nodded, “It’s her, but I wasn’t expecting her to leap from the top of my head… I didn’t even feel her climb up.”
Anna nodded slowly, raising her hand face level to her. The girl sat up, “My name is Yuki Mika, what’s yours?”
“My name is Anna.” She feigned a smile, “It’s nice to meet—”
Mika’s head ticked to the side, “Why aren’t you wearing clothes?”
Anna blinked, “What?”
“You’re not wearing any clothes.” Mika stood up, walking across the palm of Anna’s hand, “Why not?”
“I’m too big for clothes…” Anna said, frustrated.
Mika blinked, “But Crisis-kun is wearing clothes.”
“No she’s…” Anna looked up and watched as Crisis held up her finger, scrunching it up and down to show the dress that was wrapped around it. Anna twitched. She could feel a headache coming on…
“Why aren’t you wearing—”
“She’s not wearing clothes,” Anna cut the girl off, frustration growing, “she just has something wrapped around her finger…”
Mika blinked, “But she’s wearing a dress.”
“But it’s wrapped around her finger!”
“But she’s wearing a dress.”
“But it’s not covering anything!”
“But she’s wearing a dress.”
“But it… it… but…” Anna looked to Crisis for support, only to see her still scrunching her finger up and down. Anna’s mouth hung open and she shook her head, “But it’s not COVERING ANYTHING!”
“But she’s wearing a dress.”
Anna’s free hand went to her throbbing forehead, and she gritted her teeth. Of course, now it all made sense, no wonder Crisis had brought the girl back, she was just LIKE her.
Crisis stifled a laugh, and Anna looked up, “What? What is it now?”
“Your face is so red…” Crisis giggled, “It looks like a giant gorga fruit.”
Anna glared at Crisis in silence, and then sighed, reaching out and offering Mika back to Crisis, “Look, can we continue this later? I’m still trying to get the computers working and it’s hard since I’m so big now…”
“Sure.” Crisis smiled, “Mika can stay with you while I get Léa. I’ll try to get you some clothes.”
Anna was just returning to the tent when she heard that. Her eyes widened and she turned around, watching Crisis’s tail disappear behind a massive tree. She slowly looked down to the ground and found Mika staring up at her, grinning at her like an idiot, “You’re naked.”
Anna twitched again, “I know.” She scowled, then lowered her hand and dropped Mika onto the ground, “Now I’m going back to work. Just… stay around here and make sure you don’t get eaten.”
Anna bent down and retrieved her ‘tool’, a twig that she had managed to whittle down so it could touch a single computer key at a time or the insides of the sensitive Delurian electronics. It wasn’t perfect, and it had broken a few times, since it was so fragile, but it was the best she had at the moment since, like clothing, no electronics tools were made for people her size…
She had just begun to work on the computer, trying to figure out if she could somehow send a message to the base camp when she heard a click from behind. She sighed, hoping the girl hadn’t found anything to break, and began to turn around, “Mika, what are you—” She stopped dead as Mika finally came into view, one of the guns that had been lying on the ground in her hands, pointed directly at her face. Anna’s eyes widened in appall, “Put that down!”
Mika tipped her head from behind the gun and blinked, then suddenly her head ticked back and she tossed the gun into the air, letting it twirl around before catching it. Anna blinked, mouth still open, watching as she seemingly tore the weapon in two, pulling the pieces of the rifle apart with such speed that she probably missed something when she blinked.
Mika crouched over the pieces, picking each up individually, “The stock is plastic; as is the scope. The barrel is a composite metal…” She ticked her head to the side slightly, “Titanium and steel, lighter material, sturdier, resists rust and corrosion. Barrel is four hundred millimeters.” She blinked again placing the barrel on the ground, and picked up the magazine, “Bullets, forty five millimeter cartridges, forty five rounds inside the magazine, plus one that was chambered. Has not been fired.” She reassembled it, deftly locking each piece into place and then standing. “Weight is four point six kilograms; length is six hundred and ninety four millimeters.”
She leaned back from her crouch and stood, then aimed at the tree line and pulling the trigger. The bullets cascaded into a tree for a moment, sending shards of splinters flying off. “Gas operated, rotating bolt, bullpup action. Muzzle velocity is nine hundred meters a second. Maximum rate of fire per minute is eight hundred and fifty rounds. Tracers ever five rounds instead of every ten.”
She ticked her head to the side again and grabbed the bottom of the barrel, “Move away please.” Anna blinked, and warily rose away from the camp. Mika turned, and pulled back on a second trigger, sending a small ball like projectile flying into the camp. Anna blinked, and then watched as the entire tent full of computers and machinery exploded. Her mouth fell open in shock and she turned to Mika. “Pump action grenade launcher included.” Mika looked unfazed, detached as she watched bits of the machinery fall to the ground amongst the fire, and then smiled, giggling as she grabbed the gun and hugged it to her chest. “Look Anna! I found a new toy!”
Anna stared, mouth hanging open, unable to form words.
There was a small rustle and Crisis reappeared, concern written on her face, “I heard an explosion, is everything ok?” She blinked, and looked to where the small camp lay in ruins, her face growing stern, “I knew you shouldn’t have been playing with those human toys again, they can be dangerous.”
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 5:19 am

Mika in Felarya... if she ever become a giantess the world can tremble XD
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 10:53 am

Karbo wrote:
Mika in Felarya... if she ever become a giantess the world can tremble XD

As if the people of Felarya don't have enough to worry about! Though it would be fun to see her like that. She'd think that all the people she finds are moving dollies that she can play with.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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The Naga's New Clothes Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 11:54 am

The story is disturbing in quite a good way. That little girl scares me.

Please keep it up.
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 12:20 pm

Pendragon wrote:
The story is disturbing in quite a good way. That little girl scares me.

Please keep it up.

Yeah, Mika tends to have that affect on people. Too bad too, since she does generally like meeting new people... I mean, she made friends with Crisis after all.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 4:30 pm

She's one of those characters that you tend to love at a distance just like Crisis. Laughing
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 8:42 pm

Laughing This is halareous!
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 8:51 pm

Insane and yet... It can't be anything but great. Your grammar and spelling are incredible. Isn't "-kun" usually used on girls if they are using a nickname instead of their real name? I have been known to be wrong though... I'm only stating my observations.
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 9:21 pm

xlrp: Actually, she can be rather nice in person, it's just that she isn't stable. Just pray that her father is around since he can designate people as 'family' and she won't hurt them. You'll see him in chapter 3 when I actually finish it. I am glad you like her!

mangamastermind: I'm glad you like it!

Spykeofkonoha: The suffix -kun is actually for young boys; -chan is the suffix for females, but it does attach to the regular name (as far as I recall anyway). She mangles her suffixes on a regular basis, sometimes because she it is fun, sometimes because she doesn't know she's wrong, and sometimes because she actually thinks the person is the other gender.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2007 12:05 am

Hehe I like that girl Very Happy very nice story *g*
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: The Naga's New Clothes   The Naga's New Clothes Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2007 6:39 am

jurodan@gmail.com wrote:

xlrp: Actually, she can be rather nice in person, it's just that she isn't stable. Just pray that her father is around since he can designate people as 'family' and she won't hurt them. You'll see him in chapter 3 when I actually finish it. I am glad you like her!

It is the Fire Arms and other Weapond that worry me more than her unstaible personality. As for her father so long as he holding her in a way where here feet are not on the ground or where whould have to atleast change positions to move, and in a way to where she would be imobilized with a possibilty of lulled to sleep. Then maybe. Remember paranoid can also be seen as just watching your back, and it doesn't mean that they aren not out to get you. Laughing Keep on doing what you do I'll be looking forward to it.
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