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 The Flash Mermaid

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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 5:58 pm

Well, I had this idea of a new species of mermaid and it was actually added to the FelaryaWiki (along with my mermaid Eeira. Once again, thank you so much Karbo!! Very Happy) And since I just recently joined this site too, I figured, why not share them with everyone here Razz

So here's a little info about them:
Flash mermaids (also called Abyssal mermaids) are one of the strangest and unusual species of mermaids. They are much smaller compared to most mermaids, with their size ranging from 15 to 40 feet long (some have been reported to be up to 50 feet long) and have very long life spans. They also are completely incapable of singing (some can’t even talk for that matter). Flash mermaids are found in the Topazial Sea, deep down in the darkest depths in the lowest trenches, where there is little or no light to be seen. At this depth, food is extremely scare, so flash mermaids are known to migrate from the abyss up towards the surface at night (some are even known to make their way into rivers). They are generally blind or have very poor eyesight, relying on heightened senses and dislike the sunlight. Most flash mermaids are slow, clumsy swimmers while some are known to be suited for rapid swimming. They are solitary, recluse hunters; hardly ever seen communicating with other mermaids, even their own kind.

One of the most unique traits of flash mermaids is their physical appearance. Unlike most mermaids, their overall appearance differs from one another. (You can never find two flash mermaids who look the same) Each mermaid has a different size and shape, ranging from a slender, serpent-like figure to a larger, thicker, globular figure. On top of that, some have a more monstrous appearance, to the point where their upper torso is barely even human.

The most notable feature of the flash mermaid is their lights. Each flash mermaid is armed with a series of bioluminescent lights on different parts of their bodies. These lights may appear in the form of a long, whip-like lure, thread-like filaments, or small glowing spots on their bodies. Some may even have a single, much larger lure on their heads. These lights contain a high energy source which can be manipulated by the mermaid, adjusting its brightness. This is their primary tool for hunting as well providing illumination and protection. Flash mermaids get their name for using their light for hunting. They rear up their lures, attracting the interest of a potential meal. Once the prey is close enough and mesmerized , the mermaids intensifies the light and flashes it in short, powerful bursts. The intense light blinds and stuns their prey, allowing them to proceed with consuming it.

Flash mermaids have a highly expandable stomach and jaws. This allows the mermaid to swallow prey 4 times the size of their own body. This special adaptation allows flash mermaids to eat as much as they can during nightfall and return back into the depths during daylight; awaiting the next evening. Flash mermaids typically feed on fish and other mermaids but are known to eat anything else that makes its way into the water. They are generally very aggressive in nature and are completely hostile towards anything (even their own kind). Unfortunately, encountering a flash mermaid is rare, due to a low population (with an estimated population in the low hundreds) and their migration pattern (surfacing in the dead of night and diving back into the depths during the day)
Plus, to get a general idea what they typically look like, here's a picture I made of them: http://omicron-xd5.deviantart.com/art/The-Abyssal-Mermaids-106304224
(The one on the right is my mermaid, Eeira. She is considered to be the misfit to other mermaids, especially her own kind)
And here is a color picture of Eeira (along with her bio) http://omicron-xd5.deviantart.com/art/Introducing-Eeira-97168753

So, what do you guys think? ;p
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 1:04 pm

sounds like someone I don't want to meet alone... XD

...or do I?
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 12:07 am

hey I saw the profile for that character that was you good job man.
I now think my fear of deep (like almost black) water is justified just that much more.
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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 1:37 am

Great idea! I really like how this race isn't designed to be all beautiful like most Felaryan creatures. Very original!
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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 11:54 am

Indeed, this is a good idea. Who knows what horrors (or wonders) lurk in the depths of the Felaryan seas?
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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 2:18 pm

I like these, maybe for their lights some could have glowing nipples? Laughing

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Indeed, this is a good idea. Who knows what horrors (or wonders) lurk in the depths of the Felaryan seas?
Perhaps the horrors could be along the lines of HP Lovecraft's creatures. Maybe that's just my wishful thinking. I doubt the Guardians would allow the presence of a Great Old One.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 10:40 pm

I had a bizarre image just now of a hot female , Felarya style version of Cthulu. Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 10:44 pm

There are pictures of a female Cthulhu. Fear rule 34.
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PostSubject: Re: The Flash Mermaid   The Flash Mermaid Icon_minitime

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