Graceful, beautiful, and deadly. Lumen Mermaids are not natural to Felarya, being from a world called Gallai. There they were an empire, ruling land and sea, until the enslaved races/food rose up, polluted the waters, and nearly destroyed the entire Lumen species. Those that did survive managed to escape through a portal to Felarya.
Lumen Mermaids can grow to be a whole one hundred and fifty three feet in length, while mermen can reach lengths of two hundred and seventy.
Lumen Mermaids (and men, but we're using 'mermaids' as a general term) have skin that ranges from inky black to seashell white, and their tails are anywhere from blood red to seaweed green in the day. Their bodies often have markings upon them, which vary wildly between each individual.
During the night, the Lumen Mermaid's tail glows a vibrant display of colors, undulating and pulsing, never staying the same color for longer then a couple seconds, the markings upon the body also glow, but are more static. A Lumen Mermaid does not have hair, rather millions of long filaments which are always glowing, day or night, although a Lumen can control the amount of glowing and what color they are (baby blue seems to be popular).
Lumen mermen are born one to every two hundred females, and mermen also carry the eggs of the female inside him (Like a seahorse!). They are contained in a little sack that is inside the merman, usually located in their hip. The sack naturally falls out from a small slit on the side of the male when the eggs are developed, and regrows in a few weeks. Thousands of Lumen will hatch, very few will survive long enough to even escape the microscopic stage.
Mermen are the only ones who 'sing', but the voice of a Lumen Mermaid is bewitching. A Lumen Mermaid can lure in almost anything with her voice, sweet talking the prey right into her mouth. Mermen sing, and it takes them years to learn how to properly talk.
Lumen Mermaids love to wear jewelry, and they also love to eat sugar. A good way to try and get yourself out of being eaten is to offer a lot of sugar, or it's just a way to make you sweeter when you go down their gullet.
Lumen can be cocky and arrogant, living off the memories of their former glory, but deep down inside, they know that they will never again rise to such heights.