After taking some thought into it about the many unknown creatures of the Sea Depths of Felarya and thinking about deep sea mermaids like the trio Timing2 made, I just got this wild idea with a little help from Walking I decided to post this idea, not sure if its any good or not but well here goes nothing from little Metal Nazo here.
Angler mermaids,
A rarely seen species of mermaid that are about 40 to 80 feet in length they live in the sea depths of the Topazial Seas and Shimmering Seas but can be seen by the costal lines on rare nights, the angler mermaid is a truly frightening creature to lay your eyes on unlike other mermaid species they appear more animalistic and behave as such in nature.
Their heads are massive compared to the rest of their bodies and are one of the most well-known features of the angler mermaid the anglers have a clearly visible crescent-shaped mouth that is just filled with translucent teeth, they have elastic like mouths that can enable them to easily swallow anything up to twice there size their stomachs can easily stretch when eating something larger than them. This gives the anglers a very scary and rather alien like appearance which is just terrifying to look at. They are generally in colors that very from dark-greys to dark-brown which help them stay hidden in their dangerous dark environment but there not completely invisible even with these colors.
All angler mermaids have (at least only the females) a spine like lure that at the very end of it has bioluminescent bacteria that enables them to admit light which they use to lure in prey over their powerful mouths, once prey is within reach they quickly at blinding speeds eat their prey before it as a chance to escape.
Solo predators by nature angler mermaids unlike other mermaid races don’t have any form of socializing with others whatsoever apart from the rare chat they have every now and then, they usually can only think and care about looking for food and avoiding other predators because the harsh and unforgiving sea depths have made them this way. It should be noted that unlike other mermaids angler mermaids are far from being beautiful and greatly lack many of their cousin’s abilities like singing and most forms of magic some can’t even use magic at all. But in truth they don’t really need any of their cousin’s looks or abilities in order to track down and lure prey.
The male anglers is very small next to female usually around 20 to 40 feet long unlike the females male anglers don’t have the special lures the females have at all, they do however have a small bioluminescent light in between their eyes that’s only known purposes is to tell a female he is approaching so she doesn’t attempt to eat him. Their diet is made up of glass caelias and other mermaids alone with whatever they can catch in general anything that moves (not including their own kind) is food and they don’t care rather it can talk or not making them by far one of the most unreasonable races.