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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: my characters   my characters Icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 10:35 am

here's were i will put some of the character's i have come up with and may later edit them

Description;Hillary is a gentle girl with a shy nature, that is unless she's on the hunt. Hillary has shoulder length blond hair,emerald green eyes and pale skin.Hillary wears a simple tribal outfit which consists of a small thin piece of brown leather about inches wide just enough to cover her nipples up with the piece of leather straps around her back and onto her breasts covering only a little part of it including her nipple's.She has a brown loin cloth to cover her waist and womanhood she has a belt around her waist which she uses to keep her dagger,she uses her dagger for combat and cutting her belt also has a few pouches she uses to keep various spices and some fruit she keeps them in separate pouches so she doesn't ruin there taste. attached to her back she keeps a simple spear she uses for close combat if her enemy is male she doesn't mind seducing her enemy into lowering there guard.
Background; Hillary lives in a harsh location predators lurk around her and because of this Hillary has had to move her home at least every two days or a predator would surely find her. Hillary doesn't see herself as a predator though even though she eats other humans,she is often kind when catching her meals and lets them have a bit of pleasure with her before she cooks them over a spit she makes sure to hide the smoke using a concealment spell so predators wouldn't come and ruin her meal.

Description;Sasha has watery blue hair which stretches down to her chin, she has a pair of black wings upon her back, which she uses to fly about with coming from her head are a pair of small horns.sasha also has bright blue eyes she dislikes wearing clothes, so has none of them leaving her naked but she prefer's to be naked anyway.sasha has pale skin,her nature is calm and caring, unless she is angered which she finds that she is angry a lot, she tries to work on her anger but finds it very difficult to controll her temper.
Species;Demon neko
Background;Sasha originates from a world known as chao she was wondering around her home town when she found herself in a whole new world.Sasha struggled to survive at first but then Sasha met kalen.When the two girls met kalen tried eating her but Sasha turned the tables and had kalen begging for mercy.After some talking the two girls became friends and soon even lovers,since then Sasha has stayed by kalen's side and protected her from many dangers.Sasha is particularly nasty whenever someone comes near to kalen especially males and will get irritated

Last edited by schoolhater on Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:06 am; edited 2 times in total
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: my characters   my characters Icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 11:57 am

sounds good to me. You've gotten a lot better at making it readable but still a little hard sometimes^^
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: my characters   my characters Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 5:37 am

schoolhater wrote:
Hillary doesn't see herself as a predator though even though she eats other humans

Hell yeah cannibalism. XD
She's quite a savage queen, good character! But pretending to fight with just small spears and daggers --alone-- in Felarya? She must have badass combat skills.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: my characters   my characters Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 11:46 am

well actually hillary's combat is good but she's not the best of fighters and thank you for your input.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: my characters   my characters Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2009 3:05 am

Description;Sasha has watery blue hair which stretches down to her chin, she has a pair of black wings upon her back, which she uses to fly about with coming from her head are a pair of small horns.sasha also has bright blue eyes she dislikes wearing clothes, so has none of them leaving her naked but she prefer's to be naked anyway.sasha has pale skin,her nature is calm and caring, unless she is angered which she finds that she is angry a lot, she tries to work on her anger but finds it very difficult to controll her temper.
Species;Demon neko
Background;Sasha originates from a world known as chao she was wondering around her home town when she found herself in a whole new world.Sasha struggled to survive at first but then Sasha met kalen.When the two girls met kalen tried eating her but Sasha turned the tables and had kalen begging for mercy.After some talking the two girls became friends and soon even lovers,since then Sasha has stayed by kalen's side and protected her from many dangers.Sasha is particularly nasty whenever someone comes near to kalen especially males and will get irritated

yeah there's not a lot there but i'll work some more on her later as soon as i finished with kalen's description.
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