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 Kai's characters

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 5:59 pm

I have meant to post this for a long time. As with every bio, they will be updated as the stories go on. Some feedback on him would be greatly appreciated!

Kaiten Monroe
Giant Naga
Size: 52 feet from head to ground
Messy brown shoulder length hair
Bright blue eyes
Bright green scales with small dark green stripes running down his back
yellow underbelly scales
45 years old

A shy and cowardly creature, Kaiten is somewhat of a timid figure. He has a very thin, non-muscular lanky body, and his face looks like that of a sixteen year old boy. His bright blue eyes usually carry a very curious look to them. He is somewhat of an oddity, as he claims he's not a naga by choice. Rather, he claims that he was turned into what he is now, during an accident that happened when he was younger. He doesn't seem to mind it FAR too much though.

Kaiten learned shortly after his change that he could use earth magic, which would make his natural affinity earth. He knows he's not strong physically, and so he practices his magic very often to improve its effectiveness. He usually just conjures up small dust storms to scare off threats. If worse comes to worse, he can create spears from rock with just a flick of his wrist, or spread rock needles at targets. Although, he can't keep this type of magic up for very long due to his poor physical health.

He has SOME skill in fist-fighting, making him somewhat able to protect himself without his magic. While he DOES know the proper way to throw a punch, and how to properly block a hit, against anything bigger than him, this ability would be near useless due to his weak physical strength.

He is often seen wearing a grey hooded T-shirt decorated with a symbol depicting the sun and the moon on it, as he doesn't want his body to be visible to girls, as he's very shy. He's quite underweight, his ribs and a flat pulled back stomach being very easily visible underneath his shirt. His weight problem is due to his increased size, as finding enough food was rather difficult for him in his world, as well as just being a rather clumsy hunter in general.

Even though his body is basically that of a wild animal, he sees humans as being just like him, only smaller. He's even made friends with a few humans because of this belief. He tries to treat naga and most other sentient beings the exact same way, suprising many people. So if you run into him, you have nothing to fear. You may even make a friend.

Kaiten has recently learned that some predators in Felarya do indeed feed on nagas. Because of this fact, Nervousness had become a bigger factor in his life.

He currently has no true home as he's often travelling. When he does decide to settle down for awhile and stop exploring, he usually stays near his friends, believing that living close to powerful predators will help protect him.

Kaiten was born the world of Akkilia, a medieval kind of planet that had yet to develop technologically. Thus, Kaiten doesn't even know what machinery is. His past is somewhat sketchy, as he claims that he used to be human.

Due to certain events, he eventually was turned into what he is today by playing around with magic he shouldn't have been screwing with.

When he had changed, he was human sized. Over the years, his body grew into that of a giant.

He had finished a journey through his world wanting to return to his Old life as a human, to catch up on all the time he supposedly missed, when he was thrown to the world of Felarya, where he currently resides.

Kaiten is generally a very friendly fellow. Quick to make friends, Kaiten's attitude makes more then a few people a little bit suspicious at first. Due to the way he lived back home, he's slightly more wary of other nagas, somewhat believing that a good few of them can be quite the jerks, due to how he was treated by some back home. Even though he thinks this, he still tries to be polite to them, as he does to most people, believing that an entire race shouldn't be judged by a few peoples actions.

In his world, giant beings like him were incredibly rare. As such, he's found it rather surprising that there are other people even bigger than him in Felarya.

He's rather talkative once he trusts someone, chatting people's ears off. He has even been observed to talk to himself when alone, often coming back to the realization that there's nobody there but him.

when it comes to food, he sticks to animals and fruit, due to his beliefs. He isn't exactly in the best health because of his weight, which often worries others around him. He claims that "It will all be fine!" He doesn't care what he looks like either, not minding what others think of his appearance.

He has nothing against dridders in general, but is wary after learning of the conflict between the naga and them. Otherwise, he treats dridders the same way he treats everybody else.

Many large predators, as well as humans don't enjoy Kaiten's company because of his almost never-ending happy attitude and talkative personality. Short-tempered people often have trouble being around him.

He is extremely shy around girls his size, often blushing and looking away when in their presence, due to the lack of them in his world. He also claims to dislike flirtatious girls, so he has trouble being around some of Felarya's more..."Frisky" denizens. He's earned a bit of a reputation among his friends/acquaintances as a short, prude, coward because of this.

Kaiten is quite a fearful person, being scared of most people bigger then him upon first meeting them. He is terrified of predators who would consider eating someone like him, and so he tries to avoid contact with such people, unless they've made it clear that they see him as a friend, and not food.

He has a particular weakness for music played with instruments and will often protect musically talented people if they'll play songs for him. Although, it should be noted that Kaiten's taste in music is a bit...one-sided. He only enjoys classical music. Most other types disgust him. Though, like everything else, there are exceptions to this. He has a habit of calling certain kind caring friends Big bro/sis, regardless of their size or age, somewhat taking to them as family.

People back in his home forest never really got along well with him, due to his size and repeatedly claiming he used to be human. As such, he craves companionship. He desperately wants to make some friends to ease his loneliness.

In particular, Kaiten has one very strange quirk. When talking to someone, if something unfortunate or awful were being said, or he was being threatened, he would smile and seem happy about it. Only for him to realize that it's bad and come to his senses about the matter seconds later.

Hunting habits
As Kaiten doesn't eat humans, nekos, or other sentient beings, he often tries to substitute animals into his diet. He claims to have never been taught how to hunt, and so he's not very good at it.

When it comes down to hunting methods, he just smells the air for any signs of food, as well as following vibrations in the ground. Very rarely does it work effectively, due to his clumsiness. He doesn't like to play with his prey, preferring to devour it on the spot. Even though he isn't playful with his prey, his animal instincts often drive him to eat like a snake would, swallowing large animals whole.

Back in his world, he used to feed on livestock stolen from nearby villages and small animals in the forest. Since coming to Felarya, he has been trying to find some new favorite foods to replace his old ones with, seeing as there are many appetizing, yet strange, animals there. He also adores apples and will gladly go out of his way to obtain them.

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:41 am; edited 10 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 10:55 pm

Not bad, Not bad... though you should maybe take a quick edit to the repeats you make here and there^^
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2010 1:18 pm

I FINALLY posted another character. This one will appear in another new series I'll be working on soon. Please leave some critique OR feedback. Either one would be really appreciated.

Name: Judas
Species: naga
Age: 62
Sex: male
Height: 6.8 feet from head to ground
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Green
Skin Color: Tan
Tail pattern: Black with yellow bands
Other characteristics: Several rings on his fingers, slitted pupils, and a forked tongue. He wears a belt on his waist that he found on a dead traveler, sometimes wears pouches on it for treasure and interesting plants he finds.


Judas was born in the care of his two parents back in his own world, Carijy. Living with his mother, father, and several brothers and sisters, he quickly learned his place in the world as a predator.

A few years into his life, he and his family found themselves in the world of Felarya, a great surprise to them as it were. Adjusting to life there, the young King Cobra naga lost several of his inexperienced siblings to the many creatures that roamed the world, not being used to the fact that many things would actively hunt their kind.

After reaching the age of seven, Judas quickly began to question his safety in living out in the wild with his parents. His Mother and Father decided to try and find safe new territory, while Judas bid them farewell and set out on his own, as was often considered fine to do by the young of his people.

Over the course of the next few months, he tried to find a home. Somewhere he could call his “Sanctuary”. Eventually, he found himself in a large ruined city, known as Ur-Sagol, yet it’s name was unknown to him at that time.

He quickly found a building that seemed secure enough, and so he began to create his den. While working on his new home, he eventually found some golden coins and other valuables. While he had no actual use for them, he found them to be rather nice looking and decided to keep them to decorate his new place.

As he began to adjust to his new life, he began to take up hobbies and see about learning of the locals. He eventually met a couple of bandits hanging out in the ruins as well, and took them in for some protection.

Discovering that it wasn’t safe to just have a home, Judas began to develop ways of protecting himself and his guests. In the process of making said traps, he gained an interest in some of the plantlife, and began experimenting with several different kinds, and even breeding them into new types.

He is now currently living in his home in Ur-Sagol, which he expanded to some underground chambers over the years. He spends his days hunting, Searching for new treasures for his collection, and mixing and breeding different plants.


Judas is usually a calm young man, merely looking forward to living another day. Somewhat secretive, he prefers to stay home rather then go out and meet new people. As a result of living with crude bandits, his speech has become somewhat “Gruff” over the course of his life, often coming across as rude or mean when he doesn’t mean to be.

He has a large collection of “Shiny” valuables and greatly treasures them, claiming that they’re his by right, since he found them. Of all his treasures though, his favorite would be a small rusty crown he found. He wears it on his head at most times. Should anybody try to steal his possessions, he won’t hesitate to beat them, and boot them out of his home, leaving them to fend for themselves.

He has nothing against humans, and would much rather their company, then think of them as food. Instead, he would rather feed on other nagas, snakes, other animals, or fruit if it were available.

While he DOES prefer to be by himself, he lives with two humans, offering them protection in exchange for the same courtesy. He also isn’t above offering shelter to travelers, in exchange for some new “Decorations”.

Nagas are seen as people to him. Very tasty people. While he would very happily eat other nagas, he likes to see if they would be worth letting live first, as good connections and close comrades are far more important then immediate gratification to him.

He feels that people are right to fear him because of what he is, and he relishes in that fact. It gives him a feel of power that he enjoys greatly.

While he isn’t exactly social, he can easily tolerate meeting new people, and will do whatever is in his power to help those close to him, unless of course, it would risk his own skin.

Judas has a strange fondness for plants. Apparently stemming from the fact that he’s found a few specimens particularly useful in travels. Experimenting over the years, he’s discovered how to mix and breed new plant types, having made some new (some beautiful, and some downright dangerous) specimens.

Due to some events during his search for a home, he has an unnatural fear of Dryads, and tries to avoid them whenever possible. Because of his eating habits, he often tries to avoid giant nagas as well if he should ever see them, just in case they have the same dietary habits as him.

As for dridders, he treats them the same way as everybody else. He'll brush them aside, unless proven trustworthy.

Hunting habits

Judas’ favorite prey is, of course, snakes/nagas. However, since eating an entire naga would put him at risk of attack from other predators, he instead eats snakes when he can find them. He often hopes a rather useless human sized naga will come by his home someday.

During a hunt, he follows vibrations in the ground as well as tasting the air with his forked tongue for signs of potential prey. Should he find any, he’ll quickly inject them with the venom from his fangs and swallow them whole.

He, like many other predators, does enjoy the feeling of struggling prey, and so with smaller specimens, he will sometimes not bother to bite them. On the subject of smaller prey, he isn't fussy. Be it mice and rats, or tomthumbs and Neeras, if it can fit in his mouth, often it will be regarded as food. Unless he isn't hungry at the time. He does this because smaller prey is more bountiful, as well as easier to catch.

He has no problem supplementing fruit into his diet. In fact, he has quite a taste for it, and will often eat it with animals.


Having grown up in a harsh environment, Judas has quite a powerful body, giving him heightened body strength. He can easily coil a large amount of pressure to victim with his powerful tail.

In his fangs, are a powerful venom that can quite easily kill a human sized creature, or even larger, within about fifteen minutes given he injects enough.

Over the years, he managed to learn how to follow vibrations in the ground made by other living things, as well as using his forked tongue to taste the air for them.

He has a wide knowledge of several different plants and their effects on people, having used some thieves as test subjects. Despite his not knowing the proper names for many of them, he’s confident that he’s quite the botanist.

He hasn’t discovered any affinity for magic, and that’s quite fine with him. He’s more then happy to live off of his wits and venom.

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:34 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2010 2:32 pm

I really like this new character. Not to hate on Kai, who is also awesome, but this one seems more like a tried and true Felaryan native. It's nice to see a well balanced and thought out male predator.

He's human sized and you cover his approach to same sized prey, with humans and nagas (at least, I assume that was human sized nagas). But at his size, wouldn't he be hunting things like neeras and tinies? You just mention he likes feeling small prey struggling, but which sort. Maybe he doesn't, for whatever reason, but what is that reason?
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 7:46 am

Sounds like an interesting character. A botanist naga certainly sounds fun, and the idea of him eating other nagas really makes him fit the snakey part more.
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 11:26 am

I think he needs a goatee.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeMon Jan 25, 2010 8:42 am

Since people seemed to want this one up, here ya go! Feedback is ALWAYS welcome.


Name: Sheska
Species: Giant Dridder
Age: 83
Sex: Female
Hair: lime green (Though she sometimes dyes it different colors with fruit juice mixtures)
Height: 76 feet tall from head to ground
Eyes: green
Skin color: dark tone
Spider half: Brown with black markings
Other characteristics: A homemade outfit consisting of a shirt, a skirt, and a clear veil hanging over her mouth


Sheska was born in the dridder forest, under the influence of her family, including her mother, father, and her brothers.

While young, her parents had tried to teach Sheska of her peoples proud warrior ways. Despite her boredom of the subject, she tried to pay attention to them anyway out of respect. A short while into her young life, she met some human travelers and quickly began to take to their ways, becoming quite interested in human culture, as well as other aspects.

After a time, and after deciding she was more interested in human ways then dridder, she left the dridder forest to start her life anew, despite her parents protests.

For the next while, she wandered around in the wild, learning more of humans and their ways from various travelers.

Eventually, she learned of "Fortune telling" from a certain group of human travelers. This intrigued her to no end, and so she began to take up the "art".

For the next few days, Sheska stayed with the humans, and learned more and more of their ways. When they finally moved on, Sheska decided to become a fortune-teller herself, and so she set up shop out in the wild. She eventually grew to her current height while doing so. She currently tells fortunes to human AND predators in exchange for human items.


All in all, Sheska is usually a very calm young woman. Hard to upset and with her usual bored tone, she often comes across as bored, or uninterested, even if she's being friendly.

Having been raised by her parents in the dridder forest, she has a strong respect for dridder warriors, even though she herself wasn't interested in following that path.

Despite being slightly chubby and not having much of a figure to speak of, she's quite happy. The lack of bother gives her much often needed "Me" time since folks aren't often bothering her for her looks.

Sheska has tried to make it quite clear that she's waiting for the perfect man to come along someday. As such, should she receive any "Unwanted" attention from other girls, she'll often calmly tell them she's not interested.

Being interested in humans since a young age, she can often be quite friendly around them. She enjoys the company of humans just as much as dridders, and could very easily stay entertained with their stories.

Her opinion on nagas is sometimes considered strange by other dridders. To Sheska, they're the exact same as her, just different bottom portions. However, even with this mindset, she's still wary of ones big enough to harm her just in case they may not be friendly. Despite this friendly attitude, she WILL still eat them.

Having spent so much time around humans in her youth, she began to wear clothing. She claims this is a matter of style and comfort, not because she doesn't want to go naked. She still will do so when she's in the mood.

Being a rather lazy person, Sheska can often be found in the small clearing she uses for fortune telling, usually sleeping, or sitting down and waiting for someone else to come to her.

While growing up, she discovered a fondness for alcoholic drinks. Over the years, Sheska began mixing different plants and water to get the same effect from human drink. She's come rather close, but still works on it. She drinks quite a bit of her home made formula, often having a slight blush on her face, and often having a slight slur to what she says.

Sheska rather dislikes mantoids, due to their feeding habits. They are one of the few races that Sheska would rather not see at all.

Hunting habits

Sheska, being as lazy as she is, rarely hunts for her food. Instead, she sets up large webs, and waits for food to get caught in it. Sometimes, when her boredom hits an unusual high, she will go out and hunt creatures for the fun of it, often using stealth to catch her prey.

When it comes to food, Sheska prefers large prey, nearly her size if she can get it. She likes to eat it the same way a spider eats its prey, by injecting it with venom and drinking its insides.

Though she prefers large prey, she isn't above eating the occasional neko whole, or slurping up the occasional naga. Humans are off of her menu almost completely due to her fascination with them, and they can easily talk their way out of being eaten by her.


Sheska learned at a young age how to make clothing from her naturally produced silk. As such, she sometimes (Though very rarely) makes new outfits for herself, or for her friends.

She learned (By working long and hard at it) how to make some humanlike items out of natural materials, such as large clay jugs, naturally made candles, and alcoholic drinks.

Sheska is quite a good hunter, having perfected it over the years. She rarely has to use her skills due to her laziness though.

Like one would expect, Sheska has venom in her fangs that can liquefy her prey's innards.

She knows a method of fortune-telling, albeit it doesn't appear to have been taught by anybody in particular.
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeMon Jan 25, 2010 9:53 am

Cool! I always liked Sheska.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 4:01 pm

I'm still having computer problems, so I decided to at least make a bio of a character some folks were asking about. Without further ado, I present Sheska's brother Dwayne. Feedback is always welcome/encouraged

Name: Dwayne
Species: Giant Dridder
Age: 83
Sex: Male
Hair: Gray, though black nearer to his head. Short and unkempt
Height: 80 feet tall, from head to ground
Eyes: Green
Skin color: Dark tone
Exoskeleton: Brown with black markings
Other characteristics: A muscular body


Dwayne was born and raised in the dridder forest alongside his brothers and sisters, by his parents, in the dridder woods. Having been taught to follow his peoples warrior ways. At a point in his life, his sister Sheska, whom he was exceedingly close to, left the forest to start her life anew. It was at this time that Dwayne left with her, not wanting to say goodbye to his sister.

Over a time, he lived with his sister, working on his skills as a predator, working his way from small creatures like Mice and tinies, to prey the same size as him. Humans though, were often not included in his diet due to his sister’s fondness for them. A trait which he did not quite share with his elder family member.

Eventually, he moved out and on his own, learning more of nature and its ways by himself, growing in size over the years. He currently travels the world around him looking for new ways to amuse himself, including hunting, women, and seeing unique new sights, often returning to visit his sister at her home, or his family back in the dridder woods.


Dwayne is usually seen as a calm, cool, and collected man. He knows well how to keep a cool head in tight situations due to his peoples teachings and his powerful body. However, this does not by any means make him absolutely serious. In fact, he’s quite hedonistic, often looking for new ways to give him some form of pleasure. Be it from Women, new foods, or breathtaking sights around his world, Dwayne is often out to make himself (And sometimes the women who he hopes to spend some time with too!) feel good. Many of his friends think that this aspect of his attitude may have come as a result of living with his sister for a time.

Due to his adventurous nature, Dwayne has seen many rare sights over the course of his life, and he considers the opportunity to see something rare or beautiful a great one, and will easily take it should he have the chance.

Dwayne can be very friendly if he likes someone, even acting brotherly towards them. If he doesn’t like someone though, he will usually outright ignore them, or think of how good a meal they would make. The best way to get on his good side would be to just be nice to him, and show the same respect you’d give anyone else.

Dwayne enjoys the company of women greatly, flirting with almost any woman near his size, regardless of race. Regardless of how little success he’s had in the field of love, he regards himself as being quite the Casanova, and is more then willing to offer his “Expertise” on the matter to those willing to listen.

During his childhood, Dwayne had heard from his family and friends of how evil nagas were time and time again. Such thought bored him to the point where he decided to ignore it. He sees nagas the same as everything else. A potential ally/acquaintance/friend, a meal, or a possible “Fling”.

While it may be due to his sisters influence, Dwayne sees humans as being people just like him. This doesn’t by any means they are completely safe from him though. If he doesn’t respect/like a person, or is feeling extremely hungry, he may just snatch them up for a quick snack.

Dwayne has a deep fondness for children, stemming from the fact that recently, he became a father himself. He often tries not to tell many people about his child unless he trusts them. This fondness for children has led to him letting kids, pregnant mothers, and fathers of young children go should he catch them while out on the hunt. Such behaviour has earned him some friends in some places, and weird looks from some predators who consider him “A weirdo with bad taste in food”

While indeed few things can actually make Dwayne loose his inherent cool, his insecurity regarding his own masculinity is a chink in his armor. Calling into question such a thing can make him quite upset, and as a result he turns his sister's offers for a shirt down, seeing as the only color she has offered is pink

Having been raised to follow his family’s warrior heritage, Dwayne has some sense of honor, rarely resorting to attacking wounded sentients without giving them SOME chance of fighting back if they are able.

Notable skills

Living out in the wild, Dwayne has a very powerful body, giving him increased strength and speed.

Being a dridder, Dwayne is capable of spinning strong silk for capturing prey. He also has venom in his fangs, capable of liquidating a creatures insides.

Having lived his life as a predator, he’s capable of blending into his background and ambushing his prey when they least expect it. Being able to wait silently for a period of time.

Dwayne suffers from Narcolepsy, often falling asleep at inopportune times. It was much worse as a child, but it still occasionally happens to him.

Hunting habits

Dwayne often uses his webs to catch prey, waiting in silence until his prey walks straight into a large web trap set by him, and then he moves in for the kill. As for which kinds of foods Dwayne likes, he isn’t fussy. If it’s small enough, he’ll just swallow them whole. If they’re too big to do that, He’ll inject them with venom and suck out their insides, much like a spider. Despite all this, he DOES prefer larger, near his own size prey over small.

He will eat almost any race/animal if absolutely necessary. With the exceptions being dridders, and nice/respectful humans/other people. He doesn’t mind fruit and often adds it to his meals.

Dwayne refuses to eat pregnant mothers, children, or father or mothers of young children. So if you have a young child, and this news should reach his ears, you’re safe from him.
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 11:14 pm

i like him... but is it possible to have Narcolepsy in Felarya?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 6:38 pm

I imagine that Narcolepsy would still be possible, as it isn't caused by bacteria. Glad ya still like him though^^
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 8:06 pm

People were also asking me about Tesla, so I thought I may as well make a bio for her too. Feedback on her would be very appreciated. Thought that since I've been too busy to write long stories, may as well write some awaited bios instead XD

Name: Tesla
Species: Geckotta
Age: 87
Sex: Female
Hair: Long, greasy black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 78 feet from head to ground
Length: 288 feet from front to tail
Skin color: Pale white
Other characteristics: A bit of a belly hanging off of her, most likely a result of her love of food


Tesla grew up with her mother and father, out in deeper felarya. For most of her life, everything was quite simple. However, her parents tales of how they met, and how their love for each other kept them a family often passed in front of her.

Over the years, their tales of love and romance built up in her, driving her to find her perfect man. Once she had grown big enough to take care of herself, she left her parents and began to travel, searching the world for love. Along the way, she made a few friends, one of which is the fortune-telling dridder Sheska.

Tesla currently travels the world, looking for her perfect mate.


Tesla is a genuinely friendly woman, often looking at the best in peoples personalities. However, she often ignores the bad with this as well, trying to ignore bad points such as racism in some cases if they are genuinely good people otherwise.

She is truly kind and sweet to almost everybody she meets, regardless of language, appearance, creed, or beliefs, leading to have gained some friends over the years.

Having grown up on her parents tales of romance and love, Tesla has a strong urge to find her perfect mate, practically studying almost any males near her size. Should she like them, she will offer them the chance of being her boyfriend. To this day though, she is still single.

In terms of romance, when the subject is brought up, Tesla acts overly dramatic, holding her arms up in a silly way and speaking in a rather odd way, almost melodramatic/poetic. This attitude has turned away many eligible suitors who could not deal with her lovey-dovey personality.

Tesla is usually gentle and friendly to most everyone she meets, rarely getting angry. This even extends to extremes at times when people may have tried to hurt her in a very bad way.

Some humans have asked her if she can use lightning magic. A question that confuses the oddly named Gecko woman from time to time, as she wonders where they would get that idea, despite the fact that she cannot use lightning magic whatsoever.

Despite being chubby, her belly sticking out a bit, and having greasy bad smelling hair, she does not worry about her appearance. She is plenty happy the way she is, and brushes off all insults towards her based on her looks.

Fairies are often seen by her as a very tasty treat. Tesla will often go far out of her way to hunt them for a treat/meal. She will even hunt them over other potential prey, if she had to make a choice.

Hunting habits

Tesla hunts using stealth to sneak up on her prey, where she will often use her long, sticky, lizard-esque tongue to snatch up prey before they even realize it.

Tesla does more often than not, eat similar sized prey. Due to her stretchy throat, mouth, and stomach in her lizard half, she is more than capable of taking in creatures near her own size if she really wanted to. As some fairies who tried growing to stop her quickly discovered.

Her favorite prey is fairies. Her favorite strategy with them is to trick them into growing, breaking their wings so their stuck at that size, and then eating them that way. Though, if she cannot do that, she will gladly eat them small. Her magic absorbing stomach stops them from changing again whilst inside her.

Despite her preferences for fairies, she will eat almost any species if need be, often going after larger prey instead of small. Giant nagas, mid-sized Squamataurs, Ginatesses, smaller, but still large dridders etc.

One thing that she considers forbidden from her diet is parents/lovers, or children. If she were to come into contact with a loving couple out in the wild, while on the hunt, she would most likely let them go, claiming that fate should not break up something so beautiful.

Notable abilities

Tesla is capable of moving at high speeds, like most of her species, making her a very dangerous predator when out on the hunt. Like one would expect of her species, she has an advanced sense of smell and hearing.

Her lizard half is a dark green, often blending into her surroundings, leaving her almost invisible to the naked eye should she be hiding.

Tesla has, like most of her species, a long stretchy tongue, allowing her to catch smaller prey, much like a frog would. She also has a very stretchy throat, much like many carnivorous reptiles, making her very capable of swallowing prey near her own size whole.
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's characters   Kai's characters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 6:39 am

Since it's going to be happening VERY soon in my written stories, I thought I should post this. Yes, all of these changes WILL happen soon. It's to help show differences between the old Kaiten and the new Kaiten, hence why both bios are being left up. Scala and Sylph belong to blazbaros. And yes. I'm retconning his age and height.

Name: Kaiten Monroe
Species: Giant Naga
Age: 48
Sex: Male
Height: 60 feet from head to ground
Hair: Messy brown shoulder length
Eyes: Bright blue
Skin color: Fair
Tail pattern: Bright green scales with small dark green stripes running down his back and bright yellow underbelly scales
Other characteristics: A slightly muscular body, some scars that look like slash marks on his tail and a gray hooded T-shirt with an emblem depicting the sun and the moon on it, with some rips and tears in it. Some facial hair now growing on his face.


Kaiten was born a human to his two parents in a small hunter village, in the world of Akkilia. For the most part, he led a very happy, carefree life.

During his earlier years, he took an interest in magic, after a traveling mage had visited his hometown. In his intrigue, he had begun to learn some himself. It was mostly for show, but it surprised his parents and the rest of the village that he could learn such things.

One day, he learned of a powerful type of magic that the government had outlawed in their world. Hearing of its miraculous powers, the young man was more then eager to try it. Spending quite a bit of time, he began to gather materials and information in his spare time in order to perform one of these powerful spells.

When he finally did manage to cast the spell, the effect was much different then he expected. His bottom half had been replaced by a snake tail. His parents, while angry, let him stay with them anyway, telling the other villagers it was okay for him to be there.

Continuing his life among the villagers, he began to realize the animalistic urges awakening in him. Afraid of what they may do, he began to hunt in the wild outside of the village to calm these urges, feeding on wild mice, and other small animals.

After a period of such living, he realized just how much he was growing. Searching around, Kaiten discovered that there was a forest quite far away that contained creatures just like him. He decided, after a rather rough patch in his life, that he would rather live with these other creatures, so he wouldn’t be too much of a burden for his parents.

Eventually, he had made his way to the odd forest, and began to live his life there, among the other snakey residents of the forest, only to learn that he was still growing even larger then those in the woods. Needless to say, his size didn’t exactly make him very popular among the others.

Over the years, he continued to grow and grow, until he reached his current height. One day, he decided that enough was enough. He wanted to be human again. Hearing of some people who may be able to help him, which he overheard from some human travelers, he set out on a journey, albeit a short one.

His journey had taken him to a nearby desert continent, where he had discovered that his journey was a fruitless one. His current condition would more then likely be a permanent one. Shortly after he began his journey back home, he was tossed to the world of Felarya.

Shortly after finding himself in this odd new world, Kaiten found a human girl named Jessica, from the human city of Negav, who was betrayed by a man who had hired her and several other mercenaries, so he wouldn’t have to pay them. Deciding to be a nice guy, Kaiten began to travel with her, promising to bring her home.

At one point, the two were attacked by a large sphinx that wanted to eat Jessica, and despite his best efforts, Kaiten lost the fight. Badly. When he awoke later on, something was triggered in his mind. Saddened by what he thought was the loss of a good friend, he decided to better himself, so that something like that would never happen again. So he could protect those he cared about.

Shortly after this revelation, Kaiten had discovered his friend was alive and well, and resumed their journey, believing that he was given a second chance to protect her by some greater power. After a few short days, they had found their way back to the human city of Negav. Despite having fulfilled his promise, Kaiten found himself with an empty feeling, as he fell into a depression at the thought of being alone once more.

It was around this time that he met and befriended the giant naga Scala, having been adopted into her family as her little brother. Over the course of the next half year, Kaiten grew to realize that he felt more at home with his new family then he had anywhere else in years.

Having found himself a changed man, the period spent with someone who actually cared about him, and working as hard as he did to better himself, he decided to set out and see the world, which was a long time dream of his. To travel and see the unknown.

While he does indeed travel the world, seeing rare sights and meeting new people, he comes back to spend some time with his family every once in awhile.


Kaiten is usually a very happy, cheerful young man, who looks forward to everything life has to offer. He’s often nice to all individuals he comes across, trying not to judge anybody based on their appearance beforehand.

Due to his upbringing, Kaiten is unusually friendly to humans, as well as any other sentient creature. Truthfully, they nothing to fear from him. Just being nice to him is enough to make a friend out of him.

Back in his own world, as well as for a short while upon coming to his new home, he was a very naïve person, even acting like a little kid at times. This attitude slowly changed over the course of his time with his big sister Scala, acting more and more mature as time went on.

Dridders, nagas, humans, nekos, and all other humanoid races are people to him. He would much rather their company, then ever even think of eating them. Towards other giant beings, he is rather wary, unless he’s absolutely sure they can be trusted. Once he trusts someone though, he’ll often be very willing to help them with their problems.

Kaiten used to be a shy young man who couldn’t even look at women his size without blushing and looking away. Spending so long in the presence of his sister Scala and her mother Sylph, he began to feel more comfortable around women, being able to eventually talk to them like anybody else. He’s a bit against the idea of flirtatious sexual girls, often calling their actions “Improper for a lady”, and getting annoyed by them hitting on him.

Though nowhere near as shy as he used to be, when meeting new people for the very first time, he can be somewhat quiet. This all changes as soon as he gets to know the people better.

Due to his encounter with the sphinx Rojer, Kaiten found himself left with some lingering feelings about their race. He still does give them a chance, he just keeps his distance slightly, even WITH the knowledge that he shouldn’t judge an entire species based on one person’s actions.

He’s quite a cheerful man, often smiling, singing, and laughing in excitement over many small things. Despite people mistaking this for stupidity, he’s just eccentric and friendly.

He has a particular weakness for music played with instruments and will often protect musically talented people if they'll play songs for him. Although, it should be noted that Kaiten's taste in music is a bit...one-sided. He only enjoys classical music. Most other types disgust him. Though, like everything else, there are exceptions to this. While he doesn’t enjoy other types of music, he WILL still protect the people who play it who need help, albeit trying to drown out their music of they’re playing it near him by humming loudly.

Since his world had not discovered electricity, or anything of the sort, technology is a complete mystery to him. He believes it may be type of odd magic at work, regardless of the explanations people give him.

While he used to be quite a fearful man, his will to protect those he cared about changed his mind set in this particular region. Even against those who want to hurt him, he keeps a cool head and tries to assess the situation in order to settle it as quickly as possible. It should be noted that while he IS much braver than he used to be, he recently gained a great fear of Kensha beasts after an encounter with one that left him with some large noticeable scars on his tail.

After an incident where Kaiten had nearly lost a close friend to a larger predator, he decided to become stronger. This mentality stayed with him over time, and he will often take any opportunity to make himself more powerful so he’ll never have to lose someone he cares about, be it with training offered to him by other people, or magical artifacts he hears about.

Kaiten has a compulsive want to travel to the world and see as many rare sights as he can, a dream that embedded itself into his mind at an early age. He feels that seeing the unknown is one of the most exciting things imaginable.

Despite loving travelling, he does enjoy a small break from this every once in awhile. When this happens, he’ll often just meander about the area he finds himself in, try and meet new people, humans or preds, with friendly conversations, try to find interesting things in the area, or go home to his family and spend some time with them.

Through his training, he gained a slightly shorter temper, sometimes getting angry at things that frustrate him greatly. He’s also found that he’s gotten more aggressive when he finds something he wants.

Kaiten has one very odd quirk in particular. When he’s alone, he often talks to himself, coming back to the realization that only he’s there, questioning why he was talking to himself in the first place.

Hunting habits

Kaiten has some skill when hunting, often making use of his tail and his earth magic to catch his prey by closing off possible escape routes.

He often follows his prey’s smells back to their source, and tries to grab them. Over the years, he learned to use his tail in a better way, closing off many paths the animals could get away from him on.

His favorite prey would be large animals he can swallow whole. Fully grown wolves, bears, boars, anything that forces him to eat like a snake would, having to stretch his jaw widely. While he does eat animals, humans, as well as any other sentient being are something he refuses to even consider eating, due to his background.


Kaiten has a pretty wide knowledge of human living habits due to his old life. Among this knowledge, he knows proper manners, and often uses them to gain peoples trust. Despite having said manners, he still eats in a sloppy way, often getting drool and juice from fruits all over his chest and face.

He has SOME skill in fist fighting, mostly gained from practice out of boredom. Doing so, he has learned the proper way to throw a punch, and how to properly block a hit. Add his increased strength gained from training while living while his sister to this, and Kaiten has learned to protect himself, even against other predators around his size.

He also has quite a bit of skill with earth magic, as he figured out once he had changed. He’s practiced quite a bit with it to improve its effectiveness, even to the point of being able to form weapons from rock, or launching large rocks at targets he would otherwise be unable to move. He’s even found out how to shift the ground underneath targets to trip them up, as well as being able to launch mud at targets.

He, like others of his kind, can follow vibrations in the ground for signs of live creatures, as well as using his sense of smell with his forked tongue. These skills are pretty accurate, and have helped him many times.
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