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 Titan Lore

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 11:37 am

Well I didn't really know where to put this since its not new exactly and titans aren't elementals so may as well just try here. Anyways I was just hoping to maybe start up some discussion of titan lore if that's possible as there really isn't much out about em which is to be expected- they've never been spotted according to the wiki so of course they're gonna be in mystery!

Anyways that aside here's my crackpot theory of the titans, feel free to dismantle it say ya like or what have you, its more of a rough idea anyway.

The titan's were originally placed on Felarya to serve as the hand of the Guardians and to maintain a balance- no one species were to remain dominant and control Felarya completely. Alcazanth was the first of the titans created to this effect and his power was without equal among the titans, he had also been blessed with the ability to create titans of his own to help serve his purpose using a guardian blessed tedrek steel mace. For a time the titans served their purpose as intended, watching over the other races as they came and keeping Felarya in its natural state. Originally the titans would refrain from violence, they were supposed to protect them after all, and would try to settle disputes through other means as possible. Alcazanth made his main base of operations within what is now known as the Mysterious Temple, originally above ground entirely, commanding other such temple fortresses with generals he had created to keep the races in check should the need arise. As time wore on the titan king began to lose touch with his purpose, changing his stances from a protector of the land to a tyrant- ruling over the races of flesh and magic with his titan armies; believing the titans to be the chosen race to lord over the weaker races having been blessed by the guardians themselves. His war and domination would attract the guardians though who even the titan king could not hope to match and would watch as his temple fortresses would fall.

With Alcazath cornered and defeated the guardians would erase their past mistake completely removing his outposts and sinking his temple to be a reminder of the mistake they had made, making it his tomb for eternity. With him the guardians would seal his mace away as well to prevent another titan uprising should it fall into the wrong hands. The lowest regions of the temple would in time become twisted horros of what former glory it used to be, a reflection of the corruption of Alcazath. Those titans whose loyalty was blindly binded to Alcazath would be buried with him to serve as his Immortal Honor Guard and stripped of their will by the guardians to be nothing more than constructs set to guard the tomb. However other titans were left alive beyond the tomb- when Alcazath had begun his war it started another, one among the titans themselves. Once known as the Tedrek Guard, these titans disobeyed their general and resorted to trying to stop the war their master had begun. The Tedrek Guard were one of the stronger forces of titans but still could not match the combined might of all the armies of Alcazath and lost nearly all of kind. The few remaining survivors helped the guardians in the final battle at Alcazath's temple to prove their loyalty was still for their original purpose and the guardians. The few survivors would be noted of and scattered throughout hidden ruins around the Mysterious Temple to let rest until they would be needed to serve again, be it to help maintain a balance or prevent serious attempts to recover the mace of Alcazath.
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PostSubject: Cool idea!   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 5:30 pm

I love the idea of titans! I have read other titan definitions, but nothing as cool as this! I REEEEAAAAAALLLLYYY want to see this in one of your stories!!!


Wooo! lol!
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 10:02 pm

Alright I'll try to work my way to it (I sorta had something in mind anyways) but I warn you I'm kinda a slow writer if I do say so myself- really only just started writing here for fun cause I enjoyed everyone elses stories of Felarya and wanted to pitch in, haven't written anything for probably six years or something heh. My crude idea of this storyline won't have this appear for a couple stories though but it'll get there >.>. As for why I'm interested in this kind of lore/stories...I like titans, they're big giant guys made of rocks and usually can smash things! and in Karbo's universe they're even more mysterious so I can toy with it a lot Razz.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 5:20 am

Ohh this is interesting I think ^_^

I had vaguely in mind a similar background for Alcazath but you nicely put it in words Razz
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 9:16 am

The Titans its a good idea for development. I'll be looking forward to it.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 11:47 pm


An extended version of the history mentioned earlier, my story thing is on a bit of a hold at the moment as I am starting to try to detail titans through various articles like this. The next few planned articles I have in mind are Temple Fortresses and the Titan Clans to give an idea of what I'm doing should any be interested- I doubt titans will be touched much throughout Felarya but what the hell I'm having fun with this very neglected race! I'm in no way trying to claim this alone, if you have any input or ideas please feel free to share em- one cool idea could spark many more heh.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 1:12 pm

yeah titans are just mentioned, and I think that they need to be a little more developed. nice job. Smile
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 10:50 pm

And some more titan stuff I felt like coming up with...bit longer than the others, what can I say- midterms+procrastination kicked in big time! This time it's focused on titan's specific magic and a few of the clans, I only did three to leave room if anyone felt like they were randomly inspired for some unknown reason and wanted to mess around as well. It's put in spoiler cause its kinda long and don't want to have massive wall o textiness, an alternative is also the link to the da with it posted:


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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2009 9:50 pm

A smaller thing but meh some more work anyways, this time the fortress temple article and slight expansion on some of the already mentioned titan magic stuff tossed in cause it seemed nice at the time.
Spoiler thing and da link present again to conserve space.


the link to the da page:
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 1:35 am

(First off yes I know this thread is old...and I'm STILL the only one posting in it but hey just another random idea that popped up I felt the need to post and didn't want to make another topic)

Titan uh...construct idea I guess? I don't know maybe classify it as a type of titan class or something of the sorts as it's not really a subrace or variation...just another dangerous little trap to make life exciting for the Felaryan treasure hunters. They don't have enough obstacles with all the giant preds. Just a random idea that came to me during strange writers block stuff so blah, feedback appreciated if any given!

Temple Keepers

Temple Keepers are ancient Titans created after the events between Alcazath and Guardians and placed in well concealed and locked chambers within some of Felarya's oldest ruins or temples. Why the Guardians created yet more Titans beyond the disaster of what befell their first creations is unknown, as is most awareness of Titans at all, but it is rumored they were believed to have been freed from whatever mishap may have befallen the originals. The very rare adventurer or treasure hunter who is successful enough to run into one of these can attest to one thing: these Titan creations appear to be very single minded and objective beings, appearing only to 'activate' when whatever they are assigned to protect is disturbed. Once activated, the seals to their hidden chambers unlock and the giant stone guards will quickly attempt to dispatch of any intruders before restoring the treasures or temple to its original form as if nothing had happened. Rumors of these beings only exist in particular because of the even luckier adventurers who actually manage to flee the ruins they guard- the ancient keepers quickly appear to crumble and weaken if they stray outside of whatever they were assigned to protect. Scholars who have studied the fragments of history behind Alcazath's Titans suspect it might be a failsafe to prevent these later versions from disobeying whatever their masters may be.

These Titans are still very rare to come across, as any other Titan for that matter, but are suspected to have been left to help seal away dangerous artifacts or possibly even creatures within some of the old ruins. One location, known to the few who have discovered it, that they reside in is within Alcazath's Tomb itself- most likely to assist in keeping out unwanted guests from the burial chambers of the Titan king. The ancient keepers also will sometimes activate to use some of the unique Titan magic to maintain the upkeep of the temples they are assigned to; prolonging the aging and collapse of some of Felarya's oldest ruins. After their objectives are completed these keepers will retire to whatever chambers they were hidden in and rest again, until disturbed once more.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 1:05 am

Another addition to Titan Lore I felt like doing focusing on a possible relation between the Titans and Elementals; the hint of Titan interaction with Endymion and King Trazix inspired most of this. Once again in spoiler format to not be a wall of text.

da link: http://asuroth.deviantart.com/art/Felaryan-Elemental-Titan-Lore-145466918

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 4:05 am

Tiny Titans/ Observer Titans

Tiny Titans are a type of Titan manufactured for a specific purpose. As their name would imply, they are the smallest type of titan created, at about 50 to 150 feet tall. These were not built for any war purpose, and only armed if it was ornamentally required. They were often composed of aesthetically appealing minerals, and also chosen for the longevity of which the material could last. These would be delivered as 'gifts' to a wide variety of ancient civilizations, often in the likeness of a celebrated hero or a figure from legend or religion. The titan was not to move or act. They were to simply observe these civilizations over the passage of time, posing eternally so that they could keep an eye on their assigned civilization while close enough to take affirmative action if required.

At times throughout history, these 'statues' were documented to suddenly come to life and begin attacking a target until it or itself was destroyed. As possessing the likeness of an important figure to the society, in some cases, the act of the 'statue' being brought to life and its aggression would be interpreted as an intervention by the will of the figure their appearance is based on, and possibly ultimately averting the action they had chosen.

These titans actually taking action has apparently been a very rare occurrence- and some may have failed to activate when required. They are most often simply destroyed before ever doing anything, such as during an attack by a different civilization or even by demolition. While fulfilling their duties as observers, some would be noticed with a slightly different position than the day before, suggesting limited movement when no one appears to be watching.

Much of what supports the existence of these titans are the notes of a very credible historian and archaeologist, who reported that after a long operation of excavating the ruins of an ancient civilization, they found a grand statue far beneath the ground, fully intact. It depicted one of the civilization's gods, Tuvkinyad the Apathetic. Only when they had excavated the form and were about to split it into pieces for transport did it reportedly come to life, moving away and lying exactly as it had before, leaving the entire team bewildered. They found they could not approach the mobile artifact, however- and opted to retire the operation. When next an excited party of mages arrived to study what they suspected was an actual titan, it was gone, leaving only witnesses and an empty pit as proof.

Guides of antiquity denote this type of titan as 'Gnomes'.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 1:50 pm

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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 2:42 am

/Fish/ wrote:
Tiny Titans/ Observer Titans

Tiny Titans are a type of Titan manufactured for a specific purpose. As their name would imply, they are the smallest type of titan created, at about 50 to 150 feet tall. These were not built for any war purpose, and only armed if it was ornamentally required. They were often composed of aesthetically appealing minerals, and also chosen for the longevity of which the material could last. These would be delivered as 'gifts' to a wide variety of ancient civilizations, often in the likeness of a celebrated hero or a figure from legend or religion. The titan was not to move or act. They were to simply observe these civilizations over the passage of time, posing eternally so that they could keep an eye on their assigned civilization while close enough to take affirmative action if required.

At times throughout history, these 'statues' were documented to suddenly come to life and begin attacking a target until it or itself was destroyed. As possessing the likeness of an important figure to the society, in some cases, the act of the 'statue' being brought to life and its aggression would be interpreted as an intervention by the will of the figure their appearance is based on, and possibly ultimately averting the action they had chosen.

These titans actually taking action has apparently been a very rare occurrence- and some may have failed to activate when required. They are most often simply destroyed before ever doing anything, such as during an attack by a different civilization or even by demolition. While fulfilling their duties as observers, some would be noticed with a slightly different position than the day before, suggesting limited movement when no one appears to be watching.

Much of what supports the existence of these titans are the notes of a very credible historian and archaeologist, who reported that after a long operation of excavating the ruins of an ancient civilization, they found a grand statue far beneath the ground, fully intact. It depicted one of the civilization's gods, Tuvkinyad the Apathetic. Only when they had excavated the form and were about to split it into pieces for transport did it reportedly come to life, moving away and lying exactly as it had before, leaving the entire team bewildered. They found they could not approach the mobile artifact, however- and opted to retire the operation. When next an excited party of mages arrived to study what they suspected was an actual titan, it was gone, leaving only witnesses and an empty pit as proof.

Guides of antiquity denote this type of titan as 'Gnomes'.

That's really a great idea ^_^
Somehow the idea of a statue coming to life has always been something quite fascinating and here it really make sense Smile
I just wonder if it wouldn't be better suited for... say an elemental of sort rather than a titan.
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 12:33 pm

Karbo wrote:

That's really a great idea ^_^
Somehow the idea of a statue coming to life has always been something quite fascinating and here it really make sense Smile
I just wonder if it wouldn't be better suited for... say an elemental of sort rather than a titan.

Main reason I figured it would work better for a titan (Or an unrelated kind of golem) is that if they were earth elementals, for instance, they'd likely have a high magical signature, right? Someone who could sense that would look at them awfully suspicious. An elemental would also attract things that feed off of magic, as well as spiritual things I'd imagine. Also would an elemental even have the patience for that kind of task or a reason to do so?

Another idea if these don't really fit into the titan history, could be just ancient Trojan Horses civilizations would deliver to one another as gifts in times of peace, enchanted with a spell of animation. If the receiver gives them trouble, these are activated to launch a surprise attack. No longer widely in use because eventually people wizened up. : P
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 2:37 am

mhh it could work this way, yes Smile
Then you would see that into the treasure/artefacts section ?

And for the elemental question, yes I imagine some could be patient enough for that, especially of the stone/earth variety ^^
Though elementals in general are in great need of some clarifications..
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 3:35 am

Karbo wrote:
mhh it could work this way, yes Smile
Then you would see that into the treasure/artefacts section ?


It's seeming that Titans aren't going to be hanging around that section, so might as well put these observing golem-type beings in there; may help to differentiate them from one another if Titans are being made to be the 'real boy' of sorts as opposed to the 'puppet' (For a Pinocchio allusion).

Quote :
And for the elemental question, yes I imagine some could be patient enough for that, especially of the stone/earth variety ^^
Though elementals in general are in great need of some clarifications..

Ah, okey.
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PostSubject: Re: Titan Lore   Titan Lore Icon_minitime

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