Whiteagle asked me to ban him which I did. No further comments on that, I think this is the best way for everyone.
But I take this occasion to express a growing concern of mine about this strange ambiance that have appeared on the forums recently.
There is a lot of agressivity in the air and there is this worrying trend of the "ancient " of the forum VS the news.
I have in mind these characters threads created by new posters. Often, such characters end up unbalanced or sue-ish but I don't think this deserve the sharp and harsh berating they often got lately.
For a new poster, I am afraid the forum look like a rather unfriendly place and it don't leave them with a good impression of the community in the least :-/
And in turn he/she may be tempted to answer in kind, agressively and defensively.
After all how would YOU have reacted if you were in this type of situation the first time you posted here ? Would you have getting on, swallowing the pill, or would you have been pissed off, thought this as a hostile place and just left ?
Having been on the forum for long is not a license to just do as you please... So I am asking people to please be a bit more tactful when posting criticism.
Thank you.