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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 5:57 pm

I Figured I may as well post some stories of mine on here. I hope you'll be able to enjoy 'em! Some feedback would be really appreciated.

Kaiten's Felaryan Misadventures-Prologue: Enter The Coward

The Malkian desert. An unforgiving land ruled by the strongest creatures the world had to offer. No human life resided anywhere except within the walled city for which the desert was named. It’s scathing heat was enough to cause your skin to peel if left in the sun for more than a few hours. In a portion slightly east of the great city, a certain man had finished a journey to uncover some information and was now headed back home to the forest whence he had come from. Although this man was no ordinary person. He was a giant forest naga. His name was Kaiten.

“…Aww dammit! I’m out of water!” He let out a long sigh as he slithered across the blazing desert sands. To any who may have seen him, fear would have set in, for this mammoth creature rivaled the size of the monsters that resided beneath the grounds surface. With a snake tail for the lower half of his body and a human torso for the top half, he was a sight to behold.

“…I can’t believe it! Out of food too?! Geez…I should’ve listened to Rika and stocked up…” His body, larger than many buildings, was enough to intimidate anyone who he came into contact with. However, none who actually know him fear him. For he is one of the few of his world. A gentle and kind forest naga. He had no taste or desire for humans as he claimed to have once been one himself.

“Aw well….at least the monsters are nowhere near…thank goodness…” Upon first sight, many people would notice his…weight. Thinner than many nagas, his ribs could easily be seen. That is, if he were to remove his shirt. He was very rare compared to other nagas of his world as where he wore clothing, not many others did.

“I am NOT looking forward to going home….Stupid jerks…always treatin’ me badly…I mean, big flippin’ deal! So I used to be human! Should it matter!?” He looked around himself only to realize, that he was there in the middle of the desert, alone.

“Oh yeah…I’m…alone. Again. Wait a minute! Why am I talking to myself?! God, I must look ridiculous…” He hung his head as he moved forward, the desert sand beneath effectively burning his underbelly as he moved along. He had been travelling for more than two days and was starting to succumb to the massive amount of heat the air seemingly generated. As he moved along, he couldn’t quite help but miss the hot springs his home forest contained, and couldn’t wait to soak in them again and let his worries simply wash away.

He looked above himself and noticed that the sun was already setting, the darkness beginning to fall. Taking in a heavy sigh, he laid himself down upon the already cooling desert floor. His eyes, heavy with fatigue, began to close. He only prayed that he would not be bothered by the giant nocturnal creatures that treaded these lands. And with those thoughts, he drifted to sleep, dreaming of his home and the cold, or lukewarm welcome he would receive.

On into the moonless night, he lay there and dreamed. The desert was particularly calm that night, almost as though the wildlife itself was giving the poor weary wanderer a well deserved respite from his current adventures.

The morning sun had not yet risen when Kaiten heard a loud noise. This noise rudely awakened him from what could be described as peaceful slumber. Looking around, his heart began to grow heavy with fear. He didn’t want to fight anything out here. Creatures vicious enough to rip his chest open for a quick meal. Suddenly his face grew red. He listened to the sound once more to make sure. It had just been his stomach growling, all along.

“……….not much to eat out here….cept for sandiver dragons…and lord knows how tough those things are! Hmm…there’s no fruit trees anywhere around here…Humans are off the menu, now and always…” He let out a long, belated sigh.

“I hate the desert…” He lied back down and looked at the darkened sky. He let out one more hearty sigh. His mind was now ablaze with thoughts of what he should now do with his life. The humans wouldn't accept him due to his size, and the naga back home would only treat him badly, calling him insane once more. He decided then and there, to get an early start on moving, before the heat began to bake him once more.
3 hours later…

The sun was hanging low in the sky now. The orange hued rays pummeled his backside evermore. He felt the sweat on his brow begin to drip off into the sand below him. He couldn’t help but regret not gathering more supplies before he left the city.

"Damn. He said I could have anything I wanted for saving his daughter…I coulda said, some cows and a hundred barrels of water! But NOOOO! I had to be the hero and say it was alright! I was happy to help your daughter! No problem!...Damn my kindness! I mean…human food is delicious…but it’s just not filling enough…”

He looked around and noticed something. Off in the distance was the gem of the desert. The “watershine Oasis”. The halfway point for all travelers going through the desert. A veritable shrine for all who toiled to make it thus far. Crystal clear waters and plenty of shade.

“Is that…YES IT IS!! THE WATERSHINE! I…I thought I was going to end up another shriveled corpse in this god-awful place!” A tear began to fall from his left eye. He quickly began to straighten his lower half in an attempt to make it easier to move quickly. And with that movement, he let off! His body shot forward at great speeds, in a desperate movement to make it to the escape from the prison that was the arid heat.

He was about halfway to the oasis when something strange happened. He began to notice that the air in front of him seemed somewhat…darker than it was before. It looked as though his shadow had risen out of the ground and was being eaten by the air. He quickly dismissed it as a mirage, and kept moving forward, right into the strange area.

As soon as he entered the flowing darkness, he knew he had made a mistake. Suddenly, everything around him went dark. His body was lifted off of the ground by an invisible force. He felt like he was being lifted by another person even bigger than he was. He heard a strange sound as he saw a bright light form in front of him. His body started twisting in the air as he began hurtling forward.

“Wha!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING OOOOOOONNNNN?!?!?! HELP ME!!!!” And with those last words…the forest naga, Kaiten Monroe, disappeared from the world of Akkilia. The darkness quickly dissipated from the spot he had vanished from. And once more, the area was silent.
“Shit…Why do I have to come to a world like this?! Asshat brother…always tellin’ me what to do…feh! I mean, so what?! I’m not even a full demon and yet, I’m reprimanded for helping humans! How’s that fair?!” As the young girl walked along the wet path in front of her, her expression was one of anger.

“And of all the worlds to be sent to, THIS ONE!!! I mean, I could be killed by anything around here! And that dumbass fortune-teller was no help! “I can’t tell you because you’re half demon” FEH! That stupid dridder…I mean, I offered to pay her and everything… Hmm?” She saw, in the distance, beyond the rain, what appeared to be a dark neon light and a large figure popping out of it.

“Oy, another one?! Geez, they’re crawling out of the woodwork!” Quickly she turned the other way and ran.

Kaiten's body had hit the ground with an audible thud! His form clearing the area of all small animals that were there. His face had landed in the mud beneath him. He put his hands to the ground and tried to push himself up. The suction of the mud and Kaiten's overall tiredness and fatigue made it difficult though. His face finally came out and he rolled onto his back, gasping for breath, letting the cool rain cascade his clothed body.

“……….What…the…hell..just…happened? I feel like…..crap…Damn…if I ate earlier, I would’ve puked…” He felt the rain coming down onto his body, so he opened his mouth and began to let the cold liquid drip inside.

“Ahhhh! Much better! I really needed a drink!” He wiped off his mouth as he noticed the rain beginning to cease. He looked around and took in his new surroundings. Where once he saw desert as far as the eye could see, there was now a huge sprawling jungle. “I’ve…never seen trees so huge before! Only one thing to do!” His frown quickly turned into a large toothy grin. “Explore!”

He forced himself up and began moving forward, giggling and unable to contain his glee at having found yet another new adventure. His happiness was quickly interrupted by an all too familiar sound, though. “Oh yeah…I’m still so hungry…” He lifted his head high and began to smell the air for any sign of wildlife. To his dismay, there was nothing but a few humans, and one strange smell extremely close to them.

“I guess this animal will have to do…” He let out a long sigh as he continued moving towards his destination, his stomach grumbling all the while.

“Hmm? What’s that?” He could see two humans, a small boy and an aging woman, as well as a slightly above human sized girl naga. Although his stomach grumbled, there was no food for him in this area. He quickly noticed that the naga was leading the two smaller humans somewhere as well as talking to them.

“Yup! Of course this is the right way! Back to the city!” The naga had a cunning smile on. Her stomach made a strangely loud noise.

“It certainly doesn’t seem like it…” the woman’s face looked somewhat fearful as she held the child close.

“Hmmm….what the hell? We’re far enough away by now…” as quick as lightning, she dove at the two humans and coiled around them with her tail, effectively stopping them from moving. “I’ve been waiting for this for hours!” She began to drool heavily as the two humans started to cry and struggle in her grip. “Hmmm…I think I’ll start with the young one.” She grabbed the child around his waist, pulling him from her coils up to her face.

“Please don’t! Leave my son alone!” The woman’s face was now drenched in tears.

Kaiten, seeing this, quickly reached down as he saw the naga opening her mouth wide. He grabbed the child from her grasp. He then grabbed the woman from her coils. Though the two continued crying in his grasp, he put them down on the ground at his side.

“Hey! I was gonna eat those! Give ‘em back!” She held her arms out.

“C’mon! It’s just a kid and his mom! Let ‘em go!” Kaiten looked down at her with pleading eyes.

“They’re just humans! Get a grip you sentimental fool!” She began to look very angry.

As soon as Kaiten heard “Just humans” his expression quickly changed. His frown turned into a very angry glare. He looked down at the naga, giving her a poisonous, murderous look. She quickly realized that she had made a horrible mistake.

“I’m……I’m very sorry…” She quickly began to back away as the two watched the spectacle.

“Get lost” Kaiten's eyes, for a split second, seemed to give off murderous intent. And in the next instant, the naga girl was gone. The two humans watched in awe as their captor left.

“Th-Thank you sir…We’re in your debt!” As soon as the woman spoke those words, Kaiten's body fell to the ground.

“Too…….hungry….” He closed his eyes and began to drift to sleep. Behind him, a large eight legged figure could be seen moving towards the three of them…..
To be continued…

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:11 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 35

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 4:40 am

And here is the next chapter!

Kaiten’s Felaryan Misadventures Chapter 1: Brand New World

Clouds. That was what Kaiten was seeing. He felt his body was floating along the sky, and the clouds amidst the twilight, surrounded him. He looked around himself, thinking of the great beauty that engulfed his entire being. "This must be heaven. It'sthe most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe I’m dead though. I should pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a dream." And so, Kaiten pinched his arm, tightly.

“OOOOOWWWWW!!!” He quickly darted upwards into a sitting position as the pain of the pinch awoke him. He looked around himself, noticing that the brightly colored clouds had been replaced by a clearing filled with webbing and various small creatures stuck to the webs. The trees were closely clumped together, their branches effectively blotting out the sun. The shadows around him danced abound as the branches did with the wind.

Looking at the webs, Kaiten saw creatures he had never seen before, as well as a few humans and small nagas. As he approached one web, he saw what looked like a mix between a human and a cat stuck to it. He cocked his head to the side as a confused look quickly washed over his face. “Kitty cat?”

“Please don’t eat me! I’ll…I’ll do anything you want!” The cat girl began to cry as Kaiten looked down upon her. She struggled violently in the grasp of the webbing, yet it still held secure. As she struggled and screamed, many of the other captured creatures began to as well.

“Calm down! I’m not going to eat you! Here! I’ll Help you out!” He began to reach for the crying cat girl he saw”

“Now, that’s not very nice! Helping your savior’s food get away! I saved your life and you try to steal my meal?” A rather sultry voice came from out of nowhere.

“Who’s there?!” Kaiten quickly turned around and saw something he had never seen before. In his sight was what looked like a gigantic spider. However, where its head would start, the body of a woman from the waist up began. She looked to be in her early thirties and had very dark skin. Her body was of average build. She was about twenty feet taller than him. She had green hair and was wearing a dress shirt, as well as a veil over her mouth.

“As I said, it’s not very nice of you to try and take my food from me. Especially after I took such good care of you.” Her sultry tone did not change. Nor did the bored look on her face.

“Wha-What the heck are you?!” Kaiten quickly backed up, his body shivering.

“Well, you’re rude aren’t you?” Her tone now carried something of a depressed rasp. “Maybe if I eat something, I’ll feel a bit better.” She reached over to the screaming cat girl and plucked her off of the web.

“Wait, are you going to eat her?” He began to look a bit concerned.

“Well, silly, of course!” She playfully held the crying girl above her head.

“But..but, she’s crying! How can you eat something so cute?!” His eyes began to water as he uttered those words.

“Boy. I put her here earlier to save for later. I caught her trying to rape a traveler.” Her face and tone carried somewhat of a bored feel. (There. That little lie oughta quiet him down.)

“Go ahead then.” He quickly turned around, a small frown on his face. “A rapist…Who’da thunk such a cute girl could be so evil?”

“Don’t worry girl. I don’t play around.” She opened her mouth and quickly dropped the girl inside, tossing her around a little bit with her tongue and savoring the taste. Then she calmly tilted her head back and swallowed, a small, yet visible lump appearing in her throat. It quickly travelled down past her collarbone and vanished. “Ahhh! Much better! I love the taste of neko.” She patted her stomach gently.

“Well, now that that’s over……What are you?” Kaiten quickly turned around and gave her a strange look. “You look like a spider! I’ve never seen anything like you!” He looked over her body with a rather curious look washing over his face.

“Okay, before we talk, I want you to stop freaking out. I won’t hurt you. I promise. I did save your life afterall” Her tone was quite different from her face, carrying a feel of trust all throughout. as she spoke those words, she could easily see guilt growing in Kaitens expression. "It's okay. You just met me, so I understand that you probably felt a bit scared."

“Maybe we should talk somewhere a bit more comfortable?” She began to walk away from Kaiten, her many legs easily carrying her. “Follow me. I have a place where we can talk.” She motioned some movement with her hand, telling Kaiten to follow. As she began to walk away, one of her legs brushed against Kaiten, the fuzz on it making chills run down his spine.

Eventually, they were in a small grove with a large canopy roof above them. And what looked like burn marks all over the ground. “Do you like it? I built it with human materials I got as payment. Keeps me dry from the rain!” She quickly had a happy smile on her face.

“It’s nice and all…but can we please discuss what’s going on? What are you? Where am I?” He quickly began to look worried. “And also, where’s that mother and her kid?”

“One thing at a time boy. Before we go any further, what is your name?” Kaiten began to open his mouth but was quickly interrupted by the girl. “My name is Sheska! The fortune-telling dridder extraordinaire!” Kaiten calmly waited for her to finish, while hearing the small gurgles her stomach was giving off.

“…..My name is Kaiten Monroe! And I’m tired, hungry, and scared! Where the heck am I!? How do I get back to the Malkian continent?! Please! Any information at all would really be appreciated!” He was now beginning to breathe very heavily and rapidly.

“Shhhhh. I’ll tell you everything, Kaiten. Just calm down.” She gently placed a finger on his lips and looked into his eyes, giving him a very peaceful feeling.

“You are in Felarya. There is no Malkian continent here. You must have been doing something in your world and ended up here.” She reached to her side and picked up a large handmade jug and began to drink whatever liquid was inside. She then held the jug out towards kaiten. “ Do you want some? It’s good stuff.”

“Errrr, no thanks. I have a question for you though…how did you find me?” He began to look a little more uncomfortable.

“Weeeeeeell, my brother and I were out hunting for something to eat, you see. We saw you and began following you, planning to make a meal out of you, seeing as how we rarely have the opportunity of having giant naga. However, I saw you help out that human and his mother, so I decided to help you out instead. You seemed like a good person.” Her bored look still did not falter.

"Oh? You were going to eat me?” He let out a big goofy smile. “That’s nice!” Quickly, his smile turned to a frown. “Wait…..YOU WERE GONNA EAT ME!? THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? How could you eat me anyway?!”

“The same way a spider eats their prey silly!” Her expression quickly took on a small smile as some wind began to blow her hair back slightly.

“Wait a minute! What happened to the mother and her kid?!” He quickly forced himself up looking very worried.

“Relax, Kaiten. A “friend” of mine took them back to their human settlement. They’re fine. And I’ll know if they’re not. I can tell if someone’s been eating human or not. If he did, I’ll punish him so badly, he’ll never forget it.”

"Wait. Why were you hunting me in particular?" He quickly began to look somewhat wary and suspicious.

Giant nagas smell delicious. And with magic flowing through them like you have, it makes it all the easier to track them down. Magical beings taste much better than non-magical.”

“ Okay then, Does this mean, this world is connected to Akkilia? Or are there things from all kinds of different worlds?”

“The second one. Creatures, people, things from all kinds of worlds find their way here. It’s somewhat a world of survival.”

At those very words, kaiten’s eyes practically glowed. He began to shake as the excitement began to overtake him. “A…world of survival? Things from all kinds of worlds?! OOOOOHHHH! This place sounds so freakin’ cool! I can’t wait to explore!”

“Then why not meet some of the locals? I’m sure a nice boy like you would be able to make all kinds of friends. Although, promise me you will be careful. You may be big, but there are plenty of predators around here who feed on giant nagas like yourself.” Her eyes began to fall slightly as she half-snored.

“Yes Ma'am! Thank you very much for all the information Sheska! I don’t know how to thank you enough!” He quickly turned around, his body standing tall. He began to slither away with a huge smile on his face. “Onward to adventure!” However, his body quickly fell to the ground with a large thud. "Hungry!"

“I’ll get you some fruit before you go, you silly boy.” She forced herself up and began walking away towards a small group of trees nearby. With one loud sigh, she began picking fruit off of their long branches.
A young girl was walking along, angrily muttering to herself, her face scrunched up somewhere between anger and frustration. “Damnable predators! Why do they think that just because I’m small, I’m food?! I mean, I can eat humans just like they can! Even if it’s a lot bloodier. But no matter! I’m hungry…but not for meat.”

She began to follow some tracks that were on the ground at her feet, the tracks resembling human footprints. As she followed the tracks, a scent rose into the air. “Hmmm. A woman. Probably in her early twenties.She smells ripe for the picking!” She quickly began to lick her lips.

She soon saw a lone young woman walking along, looking somewhat lost. The young girl licked her lips and simply uttered: “Showtime!” She quickly ran out of the bushes, beginning to cry and clinging to the woman’s dress.

“Oh my! A child all the way out here? Poor thing!” she calmly hugged the child close to her. “I got separated from my group too little girl…but don’t worry! I’ll take care of you!” She tried her best to sound sure of what she had said, for she didn’t want to sadden this lost kid anymore. Especially in such a scary place as this. “Now what’s your name? My name is Jessica!”

“My…My name is Shienne…I put on a pretty convincing act eh?” She quickly grabbed Jessica’s face a pulled it down to her own level. Her mouth began to glow as a strange blue light began to flow from Jessica’s body, and down Shienne’s throat. After a couple of minutes of this, Jessica passed out and fell to the ground.

“Don’t worry, miss Jessica! You’ll live! I just really needed a pick-me-up!” She began to walk away leaving Jessica’s body behind as she let out a small triumphant laugh.
“There you go Kaiten! Do you feel any better?” Sheska was wiping some fruit juice and remnants from her hands.

“Much better! Thank you very much!” He swallowed the core of the last fruit he had been eating. “Now!” He forced himself up one more time. “Onward to adventure! I’ll see you later Sheska!” And with that, he began to slither away from her clearing.

“Hmmmm…I wonder how many days he’ll last? Aw well. Hm?" She heard a sound as she was turning around. “Oh! A customer! Welcome!” Her face quickly took on a large smile.

To be continued…

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 12:02 pm

Nice chapter ^_^
This fortune-teller dridder looks like an interesting and original character Razz
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2009 7:31 pm

And here we have the next one! Critique if you may!

Kaiten’s Felaryan Misadventures Chapter 2: Hippety Hop Music!

It was a beautiful day in the jungles of Felarya, The sun was hanging overhead, there was a slight breeze blowing in from the east, and the sounds of nature filled the air. Or rather, the sounds of nature would be filling the air, if not for the singing voice of one particular traveler.

“Oh, it’s a beautiful day to be alive! It’s a wonderful day to be here!” Kaiten was slithering through the underbrush, letting his voice fill the air all around him. He was wearing a rather large smile, as he moved along, hoping to find something interesting, sooner or later.

“Oh man! I feel so alive here! There’s so much magic in the air, it’s making my hair stand on end! I’ve never felt so alive!” He raised his arms and began to look around to make sure nobody else was nearby. As soon as he had, a devilish smile quickly overtook him.

“Alright, let’s see if it works any better here eh?” He began to move his hands left, and right a little bit. As he did, his arms began to glow with a very pale white light. As they did so, his body began to shake quite a bit.

“Come on! Concentrate! Concentrate! Concentrate!” The glow began to brighten as the earth underneath him began to rumble. Dust quickly began to swirl up from the ground underneath as it took the shape of a small, slightly larger than human, vortex. This vortex spun around the ground in front of Kaiten for a few seconds before dissipating into nothingness once more.

“Darn it all! I’m still hungry…it was a lot easier to use than usual, but, without some fuel in the tank, I still can’t do it properly. The fruit was great but, I need meat!” His stomach let out a very agreeing grumble as he began to think of how long it had been since he had a proper meal.

He began to sniff the air praying deep in his mind that there would be some animals nearby. Though a slew of new smells assaulted his nostrils, there was nothing that he recognized as food. “Aw, crud! Nothin’! Maybe one of them will be somethin’ edible!”

He began to slither away as his stomach was painfully crying out for sustenance. His face was now carrying a somewhat sad look on it, quickly overtaking the large smile he had on several moments before.

He calmly slithered along, following the strange new smell, wondering to himself just what this odd new scent was. "This smell…It's very familiar and yet, something about is really off. It smells kinda like a human and yet it doesn't. I hope it’s not one of those nekos…I think they were called? I really don’t think I could eat one of them. they seem too….humanish. And they can talk! I could never eat or hurt anything like that!"

As he slithered along, he stopped his singing and listened to the sound of everything else around him. He rubbed his hand across his stomach and noticed something. To his horror, his shirt had a small rip in it. “Oh no! My shirt! Crap! I’ve had this thing for a long time, so it was bound to get ripped sooner or later, but…”

As a couple of tears began to fall from his eyes, he noticed something ahead of himself. There was a small human teenager walking along. He was wearing ripped jeans, a long sleeved hooded shirt, and had his hair in a green Mohawk. In his hands he was carrying what looked like a strange black box with small holes in it.

Kaiten slithered out from the underbrush to inspect the young man more closely. As he slithered towards him, the young man began to back away quickly, obviously frightened. Kaiten was quite used to this behavior, but it still annoyed him nonetheless.

“Hey! I’m not going to hurt you! I promise! Please don’t run away!” The large half-humans eyes carried a somewhat desperate look in them. As he got closer to the human, he noticed the man had several piercings and tattoos adorning his body.

“Okay then, What do you want?” While the human talked, his face carried a very suspicious look on it. Kaiten could instantly recognize that the human didn’t trust him one bit. And while it hurt him to know this, he understood exactly why.

“Two things boy. One: have you seen any animals around here? And Secondly, What is that thing you’re carrying? Three, why do you smell so strange? And four, why are you out here? ” As he spoke these word, his head cocked to the side and he took on a rather curious look.

“Okay then. One! No I haven’t seen any animals! And two, This is a boom box! It lets me listen to music! Three, I’m wearing Cologne! And four, I was walking along the streets to go back home, and then, next thing I know, I’m here!” He still seemed to be acting rather wary of the giant half snake beast in front of him.

“Let me get this straight. That box. Lets you listen. To music? Can…can you show me?” Kaiten’s face practically beamed as he spoke those words.

“Errrr, sure, I guess.” He began to fiddle with the knobs on the small box for a few seconds, and then he held it over his head so Kaiten could hear. Almost instantly, a loud hip-hop song began blaring from its speakers.

"ummm, I'm sorry. I thought you said it let you hear music, not garbage like this! What the heck do you call this crap?!” Kaiten’s face easily showed that he was greatly annoyed. He then crossed his arms underneath his chest and waited for the young man’s response.

“ Hey man, back off! First off, it’s called hip-hop! Secondly, it IS music! Maybe not what you’re used to, but music nonetheless!” The young man put his boom-box down on the ground and looked up at Kaiten looking somewhat offended.

“Okay boy! I’m going to explain to you, just what music really is. Music…is art for your ears. It’s when instruments are used in harmony to make such beautiful sounds, that force you to let your emotions rise. This jargon isn’t music! It’s…it’s….Trash!” As Kaiten glared daggers at the young man, it became increasingly obvious that this argument was going to go on for quite a while.
“I am soooooo bored.” Sheska simply sat in her clearing as her face carried nothing more than a bored look. She pulled her clear veil back, letting it rest on her head as she brought a large handmade jug to her face. She began to swig back whatever liquid was contained within.

“Guh-haw! Ahhhhh, nothing like a good drink to pass the time. Kinda boring when there’s nobody to drink with though. Kaiten wouldn’t drink with me, neither would those humans that were just here….seems like everyone is sober nowadays.” As she spoke, her voice very slightly slurred. She laid the jug on the ground beside one of her legs as she hiccupped, her face now ever so slightly red. She calmly tilted her head upwards as she saw someone heading her way.

“Hello Sheska! It’s been a while!” A large figure, resembling a gecko mixed with a human entered the clearing, her eyes adjusting to the darkness around her. “Yucky! Have you been drinking?! You smell horrible!” Her face now scrunched up looking as though she was going to be sick.

“Why yes! I have been drinking! Ya wanna join me, tubby? There’s plenty to go around!” She invitingly held a second jug out to the large gecko woman in front of her.

“Maybe just a sip. I was just about to go and find some lunch. I saw this cute little fairy earlier and I don’t want to let her get away from me! Stupid girl was taunting me all morning just because I haven’t found that special someone yet. I really want to though!” She let out a loud sigh as her grey eyes drifted to and fro, her long black hair blowing in the wind. She took the jug from Sheska’s hand and began to take long slurps, emptying the container of its contents within seconds, letting it some of it drip out of her mouth and onto her body as she did so.

“Always thinking of either love, or your stomach, eh Tesla? It’s no wonder nobody has any respect for you. There’s more to life than just food you know! Like having a drink with friends! or, telling stories, or having your fortune told! Ya want one more drink before you leave? We could have a toast!” As she spoke that last sentence, her eyes seemed to widen slightly as a small smile overtook her face.

“Eh. Why the hell not!” Sheska quickly handed her another smaller jug and as she did, the both of them smiled towards each other.

“Here’s to you, and here’s to me! I hope we never disagree! And if we do, to hell with you and here’s to me!” Sheska then took one more large swig as Tesla downed the contents of her jug. They then knocked their jugs together. “Hey, do ya wanna sleep here tonight? I could sure use a friend tonight. ’Specially after drinking so much.”

“ not tonight, Sheska. I have to go before she gets away. I may not be respected, but damned if I’m going to let a FAIRY of all people get away with offending me like that! I mean, they’re my favorite food for corn’s sake!” She forced herself up, wiping the remnants of liquid from her chest as she turned around. “See ya later Sheska!” And with that, she was gone.

“Oh poo….alone again. I guess I’ll just have to talk Dwayne into hanging out with me this time.” As she spoke those words, she let out a small giggle as the she realized that sun was making the end of it’s descent.
In a small portion of jungle, slightly northwest of Sheska’s clearing was an unconscious human woman lying on the ground. She was wearing travelling equipment on her person, such as a grappling hook, a canteen for carrying water, a knife, and a hand gun. She was wearing a long camouflage vest and long camouflage pants to go with it.

“urrrrr..” The young woman began to rise, once more, unsure of just what had happened to her. She remembered talking to a small girl earlier that day, and then everything went black. She quickly began to dismiss it as a dream as she took in the gravity of her current situation.

“I’m…alone?! And out here?! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! THIS! Is NOT good! I can’t believe it! I’m out here alone…..with these monsters all around.” A strange look quickly conquered her face, almost as though she was remembering something awful.

(I have to get back to Negav! If I can just make it back there, I’ll be safe! Welp, I guess I’d better get moving!)” She began to walk away, but as she did, she began to feel as though she was being watched. And as she knew all too well at this point in time, that was never a good sign in Felarya.

Quickly and as silently as she possibly could, she began to run away from her spot. She knew that in order to survive, she would have to find some sort of shelter before night fell. For without it, she would be at the darkness’ mercy.

As she ran, she began to notice something behind her. It looked somewhat humanlike, save for the insect-like wings coming out of her back, as well as the antennae jetting from her head. Also, the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything at all. At this sight, her hopes began to fade away.

“Hello there ma’am! What’s your name?” The strange winged human woman was now next to her. She had tan coloured skin, and a rather good looking body. She began to inspect the human she had found, once in a while licking her lips.

“ Uhhh, my name is Jessica. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have someplace to be…I want to go home now….” She began to walk away, an obviously uncomfortable look on her face.

“nah-ah! Now, why do you think I stopped you miss? Two reasons! One! I like that cool stuff you have on you! I want it for myself! Two! I need a bit of a snack before bedtime. And that’s where you come in. I haven’t had human in weeks! And you look especially tasty Miss Jessica!” She was now drooling as her wings gently fluttered.

“Ummmm” Jessica’s face was scrunched up in fear now, terrified to even move. She quickly began to run as fast as she could from her captor, praying with every fiber of her being that this predator would leave her alone. As she looked back though, she realized this was not the case. The girl was easily catching up to her, a childish smile on her face.

“Sorry miss Jessica. You’ll have a nice warm place to spend the night! Don’t worry! And without further ado!” She began to move her hands in a strange way, as she spoke those words. Jessica screamed, knowing full well what was about to happen to her.

Suddenly, out of the blue, something shot out of the nearby tree branches, launching at the fairy girl in question. She stopped moving as fast as she could, the long object instead hit a nearby bush, uprooting it and bringing it up into the trees.

“Ptoo! Yuck! That’s not what I was aiming for! I want fairy!” Out of the tree’s branches, climbed Tesla, her form glaring in the now orange sunlight, striking a very imposing figure to the fairy. Tesla began licking her lips as she eyed the little fairy girl in front of her. “Remember me? It’s never a good idea to piss off someone like me, girl! ‘Specially, when she’s looking for love! Now, you’re gonna pay! But before you do, what’s your name?” A huge devilish smile overtook her as the fairy gulped heavily.

“My name…is Marcy. Don’t do this! I was just joking around before!” She looked up at Tesla as she noticed her beginning to pull her head back. Marcy gathered up all her strength, and began to fly away at speeds she never knew she could, easily being able to hear the gigantic predator behind her.

As the two predators left the scene, a very bewildered Jessica sat there, unable to contemplate the turn of events that had just happened. This was a blessing, and she knew that all too well. Without anything to further delay her, she ran off once more, hoping to find some safe shelter for the night.
“Crap! I’m tired of trying to explain this to you! You’re an idiot!” Kaiten rose up from his lying position and angrily stormed off, grumbling the entire time. And as he did so, the small human began to walk away as well, utterly confused as to why he was being lectured. “Kids these days and their…Hippety-Hop music! What a load of garbage!”

“Wait, it’s almost dark. I was talking with him for a long time. I wonder what I was doing before I ran into him?” Almost as soon as he spoke these words, his stomach began to growl ferociously. He looked down at himself, and then remembered the main reason he had been looking around in the first place. “Oooooohhhh! I’m still hungry but I’m way too tired right now.” He let out a loud yawn as he began to look around. In his sights was what could be described only as the perfect tree to sleep in. Plenty of foliage, high off of the ground, and well clumped together with many others, so it wouldn’t stand out.

He quickly slithered up the base of the tree, climbing into its high branches rather quickly. He took one last look around himself, before lying himself amongst the intertwining branches. He closed his eyes as best he could trying to get to sleep. And as he did, He held his hand over his stomach, his face clearly showing discomfort.

To be continued

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:37 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2009 9:38 pm

Just read through all of it and found it pretty interesting. All in all, a pretty solid story - the characters are good and it's interesting to read, which is all anyone really asks for. I agree with Karbo that the fortune teller dridder seems like a good idea. Actually I have to admit I'm liking Sheska and Tesla more than the main character right now... Smile
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2009 12:25 pm

(This part of the story has been deleted/is being rewritten to fit in with Kaiten's new info)

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 8:29 pm

Nice stories! I just adore the detail you put into them, and the characters are all very distinct without going overboard. Hope to see more soon!
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Jul 16, 2009 5:47 pm

Are these the same as on your DA account, or have they been edited?
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 5:08 pm

They're the same as on my DA account.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 5:09 pm

Time for somehing funny! A little break from KFM! Hope ya enjoy everybody! If ya wanna send a question for the next one, just PM it to me. Can be from you or your OCs about anything. Pen names are also allowed^^

Question corner #1!

Kaiten: Hello all! And welcome to the first episode of question corner! Where we answer your questions! And while it should go without saying….to all preds in the audience? Please don’t eat any other members of the crowd. Thank you. First off, there’s me! Kaiten Monroe! Also, we have the lovely Sheska!

Sheska: *Hic* Hello everybody!

Kaiten: And the gluttonous Tesla!

Tesla: That’s not very nice! I just have a big appetite…

Kaiten: The unfortunate miss Jessica!

Jessica: I just want to go home! I don’t know why I have to be here! Most of you want to eat me!

Kaiten: Hush up. And of course, Shienne.

Shienne: *Takes a drag from a cigarette* No title for me?! Oiii, ya stupid snake freak!

Kaiten: Gonna ignore that for now…and my idiot of a writer, Kai.

Kai: Whoa! Where did that come from?!

Kaiten: And before we begin, I have a message for whoever sent me that package and letter earlier. Sending me Ketchup, Mustard, and barbecue sauce and writing that they’re skin lotion won’t work! I can read the labels smartass! And I won’t meet you backstage either! I’m leaving through the front with everybody else! Nyah, nyah!

Sheska: Can we start yet please? I want to get this thing done soon. I have stuff to do.

Shienne: Like drink yerself sick no doubt, hehehehe…

Kaiten: Quiet down ‘fore ya start a fight! Okay then. Let’s begin.

Shienne: Lemme check the questions first…HM?! They’re all for “scared shitless” and “spider ass here!” What the hell?! Not even a single question for me?! Dammit all!

Tesla: *Snicker*

Kaiten: Next time Shienne. Next time. Okay! So, first question: “To Sheska! What is your relation to Kaiten, and how do you know him? From Molot.”

Sheska: My brother and I were out hunting one day, and we saw him. We were hungry and planning to eat him, until I saw him help some humans. He then collapsed from hunger. I helped him recuperate, and the rest is history. I kind of see him like a younger brother. A much smaller one.

Kaiten: Awwww! Thanks sis! Shienne? Could you read the questions? I’m getting all teary eyed!

Shienne: Sure thing. Let’s see…. Next one is for big, ugly and scaley. “Kaiten: Is there any event or events In your life which led you to be so timid? From Molot.”

Kaiten: Hmmmm…Lots of things. Right off the top of my head? Living in the forest back home by myself. I was there for a very long time. The other residents of the forest didn’t really like me, so I decided to live by myself, away from them…

Tesla: Oh dear…

Shienne: Well shit. That’s just depressing. Tesla? You answer ‘em. I’m too down now to do it….

Tesla: Okay then. This next one’s for Kaiten. “Kaiten: Do you like sweets? I love them! I especially like chocolate! From Irayegen.”

Kaiten: Irayegen? Before I answer your question, I just wanna say, what an awesome name! I’m honored and humbled to answer it! Yeah, I love sweets! I’m just too big to get ahold of them anymore…I miss ‘em. Next question please!
Tesla: Okay then shorty. Another one for ya. “What is your favorite spot in Felarya? From Codaman.”

Kaiten: Hmmmm…..I haven’t seen that many yet, but so far? Sheskas fortune telling clearing. It smells like incense and melted wax. It’s extremely relaxing. Also, Sheska is there.

Sheska: Well, thank you Kaiten. C’mon! Next!

Tesla: Should I have Kai or Jessica answer some? They’re not doing anything…

Jessica: Fine. Give them here. Let’s see…One for Sheska. “Do you ever eat creatures your own size? From Tork.”

Sheska: Yes I do. Whenever I can. I prefer large prey to small stuff. Mind you, it’s far too much work to go after them, so I usually just eat whatever gets caught in my webs. And when I have large prey? It lasts me quite awhile. I don’t eat it all in one sitting of course! Next up!

Jessica: Anoher one for Sheska. From Vegeta002. “Have you ever been sober?”

Shienne: *Snicker* Not likely..


Sheska: *Sigh* Yes. I’m not always drunk. I just love the buzz, that’s all. If it helps you through the day, then you may as well enjoy it.

Tesla: Well said!

Jessica: Do you want to answer a few Kai?

Kai: Nah! You’re doing fine!

Kaiten: Hmph! Lazybones…

Kai: What was that!?

Kaiten: I called you lazybones! Next question Jessica!

Jessica: Errr, alright. For Kaiten. “Name three people you like and three who scare you. Explain why. From Codaman.”

Kaiten: I haven’t met that many people yet. I like Sheska because….well…she’s a nice person. She doesn’t feel the need to try and force her views on me. That’s ‘bout it for the likables. For who scares me? Tesla here.

Tesla: What?! Why?!

Kaiten: You’re too darn affectionate! I can’t stand girls like that! Next would be my writer Kai.


Kaiten: The guy writes my stories. If he wanted to, he could kill me without any effort! And finally…..Anyone with the ability to swallow me whole. I think that explains itself well enough, wouldn’t you say?

Shienne: Hmph! Ya big baby.

Kaiten: Shut up!

Jessica: Can we please calm down and continue answering?

Kaiten: *Sigh* You’re absolutely right. Next up please.

Tesla: I’ll answer the rest of them!

Jessica: Fine. Take ‘em!

Tesla: Next up is for my dear friend Sheska! From (Name withheld for security reasons!) “Do you prefer being naked or clothed?”

Sheska: I would think my outfit would tell the whole story. I like being clothed because it keeps me warm, and it looks rather nice. I look much better with these on than without I feel. But going commando on certain days feels pretty good too! Next up please!

Kaiten: *Face is rather red* Good to know, good to know…

Tesla: For Kaiten, from Blazbaros. “What would you do if you were trapped on a flaming jet fighter?”

Kaiten: Well, I wouldn’t fit inside, so I’d be on top of it. I’d hang on for dear life and pray to whatever deity exists that my life wouldn’t end!

Shienne: Calm down spazz! It’s just a question!

Kaiten: I know! That’s just a scary thought…

Sheska: After the show, I’ll get ya a drink to soothe your nerves Kaiten.

Kai: Good grief! Can we please continue?

Jessica: Hehehe.

Tesla: Last question. For Kaiten no less! From Scala.

Kaiten: Finally…a normal question….

Tesla: “Who would you be vored by?”

Kaiten: That’s just a plain creepy question for someone to ask! If I had to go that way? I’d want to go by someone who would enjoy me. Not just some idiot pred who’d scarf me down and think “Meh. Just another naga.” So from all the pics and stories Kai has shown me? Probably either Miss Ryla, Miss Lynn, or Miss Angela. So long as they’d enjoy it.

Kai: So that’s it?

Kaiten: Would appear that way. This was fun! So until next time! Send us your questions and we’ll answer ‘em!

Sheska: Kaiten? There’s one left. From….Na…Na…The rest is scratched out.

Jessica: Na something?

Kaiten: Eh, one more couldn’t hurt ‘fore we turn off the cameras. Let ‘er rip!

Sheska: *Devilish smile overtakes her* Kaiten. “Will you marry me?”



Shienne: Holy crap….

Tesla: Awww, how romantic!

Kai: Hehehehe…well Kai? What’ll ya say?

Jessica: His face is turning redder than a beet!


Kai: Kaiten?

Kaiten: THIS QUESTION CORNER IS OVEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!! Turn off the cameras before I break ‘em! Right now!

End transmission

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 5:17 pm

Hahaaa that was great ^__^

Natsume: -blushes extremely hard and hides self behind a tree after reading the response to her question-

lol gotta wonder how much more will be written for the KFM :3
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 7:53 pm

good Question corner.. i was alittle confused to the answer to my second question.. but i think i have a few more questions...
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 3:38 pm

Here we go! The long awaited (Yeah right!) Next chapter of KFM! Enjoy if you're able to peoples! Mind you, stress has been a huge factor around here lately...so I hope it's good.

Kaiten’s Felaryan Misadventures Chapter 3: Spiders, and snakes, and Wasps! Oh My!

The night was at long last beginning to fall back, as the morning sun began to rise. Wildlife was already up and moving, getting ready for nothing more than another day of survival. Deep in the brush, amidst the many trees and intertwining branches, there was a loud sound purveying the air.

“Whuguh?!” As Kaiten opened his eyes, he awoke mid-snore, quite surprised to notice that he was so high up. “Holy Moley! I’m in a..wait. Oh yeah! I went to sleep in this tree of my own free will! Whoo! Well, that’s a relief!” Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, he slapped his hand to his face.

As he slithered down the tree, heading towards its base, his expression was carrying an evident feel of embarrassment. As he finally felt solid ground beneath him, thoughts of what he should do next began to flood to him. These thoughts were quickly interrupted though, as his stomach let out a hearty growl.

“Oooooiiii, Now I remember. I can’t remember the last time I had a good meal. Let’s see, I think it was about four or five days before I got here.” As he spoke those words, he put his hand to his flat, boney stomach in pain. “I know what’ll make me feel better. MEAT! Right off the bone!” As soon as those words left his lips, so did a little drool, making him blush a little.

Not wasting any more time thinking about it, he slithered off, following a wealth of new smells in the hopes of finding something to sate his hunger. Looking down at himself, he couldn’t help but wonder if he would always look so boney, as he had never before seen anyone else with that kind of body.

A little while of moving, and he noticed that the jungle that had surrounded him began to look much more forest-like. “This place looks a lot like home, ’cept that everything is so much bigger!” And with that, he began to look around, much like a young child from the country would, seeing the big city for the first time.

Eventually, he saw what appeared to be some fruit hanging up in a tree. They were blue, round, and had black spots all over them. He grabbed an armful of the fruit and quickly began to stuff his face with the juicy crunchy plant. “Mmmm! These are great!” He began to move forward again, now carrying a good number of the fruit and munching on them.

Eventually, a strange feeling came over him. He looked down to the ground as a look of disgust quickly washed over his face. To his surprise, he had slithered into what appeared to be a trail of slime, running along the ground, deeper into the forest.

“Yuck! It’s all sticky and gooey! I wonder what it’s from though…” Putting his hand underneath his chin, he began to slither off in the direction of the slime, curious to discover what manner of creature could leave behind such a trail, all the while, still eating fruit.

A small naga and dridder were moving along the forest floor. Their bellies were growling as they continued to look around.

“You told me there were humans around here! Momma said they’re supposed to be really good!” the dridder simply sighed as they continued to move. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, was what appeared to be a very large dridder was standing right in front of them.

“Boo! I’m gonna eat ya!” She raised her arms and quickly took on a very frightening expression as the two child predators began to run for their lives. Once the two had left and gone out of the dridders sight, she simply began to laugh.

Suddenly, her body began to change. She began to turn much smaller, as her body began to take on a much different shape. Within a few minutes, Shiennes body had transformed back to its original human looking state.

“HAHAHAHA! Oh my lord, that was funny! My little act! Boo! I’m gonna eat ya! Classic…” She walked over to a nearby tree and sat at its base, pulling a cigarette out of her shirt pocket. Quickly, she pulled a lighter out and lit the small stick, now puffing on it.

“ Geez, the people here are so easy to fool! Shapeshifting like that. They were never in any real danger anyway. I swear, I get such an emotional high seeing them flee in terror like that. It’s just too much fun!” And with that, she put on a very childish smile.

“Meh, this world ain’t too bad once ya get used to it. ‘Sides all the shitty beasts goin’ around gobblin’ up us small folk. Godammit! Without my powers, I’da been dead by the end of my first day here!” She calmly took a long drag from her cigarette.

“Hm?!” She forced herself up as she heard a strange sound. “The hell was that?!” No sooner had she spoken these words, that a tan-skinned fairy began to fly towards her, screaming all the while. “A fairy?! Lordie! This ain’t good!” Quickly, she began to feel like she had swallowed her cigarette.

“Wahaha! It can’t end this way! I don’t wanna be eaten! I have too much I’ve always wanted to do! I never had a boyfriend! I never got to lead a pack! I never got to grow old enough to complain about children!” Marcy flew through the air as fast as she could, terror covering her entire face. She stopped her flying, now realizing a small girl sitting against the base of a tree.

“Hey there. Wh-What’s goin’ on? Hehehe…” Shienne quickly stood up, evidently frightened of her new position. (Goddammit! If she decides to shrink me, I won’t stand a chance! If I can just get close enough to her though…) “S-So. Whatcha doin’? Her face quickly turned extremely friendly.

“She’s pretty far back. I could probably have a snack before she gets here. Human children taste a lot better than adults anyway!” Marcy began to lick her lips as she eyed the small girl in front of her. “Oh, not much little girl. Avoiding someone awful, about to eat a meal, the usual.”

“Ya don’t say? Well then, you better eat before ya get sick! But before that, wanna see a trick?” Shienne was, strangely enough, trying to hide a large smile from Marcy’s face.

“Why not? Only because you’re a child. I’ll humor you. But after that, hehehehe.” As she spoke those words, some drool began to collect at her lips and drip off.

“Understood.” Shienne calmly walked over to Marcy and placed her hands on Marcy’s shoulders. At this point, Shienne smiled, showing off several razor sharp teeth. Before Marcy could react, shienne drove her teeth into her side.

Tesla was walking along smelling the air for any sign of her quarry. She then heard an extremely loud scream fill the air. “What the hell?” And so she began to follow the noise, wondering just what it could have been.

Eventually, she found the source of the horrid screaming. Using her lower body to stand, and leaning her human half against a tree, she looked down at Marcy’s bloody body. Several bite marks were visible on her body as she lied down in horrid pain, bleeding onto the grass.

Tesla wasted no time in picking up the injured fairy and giving her a strange look. “Meh. Food is food. Regardless of how dirty it is.” She tossed Marcy into her mouth and quickly swallowed. Feeling content, she began to walk away from the scene.

“Hmmmm, maybe I should visit Sheska for a bit longer this time. She seemed really lonely, and I haven’t been around nearly as much…” Her face took on a rather thoughtful look as she continued to walk away.

“That was too close…” Shiennes body had been barely covered up by the shrubs in the area, practically shaking from fear of almost being found by the massive Gecko creature. She rose out of the bushes and began to walk the opposite way. Licking some left over blood off of her lips.

Kaiten was still following the long trail of slime running along the ground. His body wasn’t hurting nearly as much due to the fruit he had been munching on all the while. The wind was coming in from the east, cooling off Kaitens body as he slithered through the forest, now fully aware of the many shadows dancing around him.

“This place is massive! The trees are bigger than anything I’d ever seen before! Heck! The forest back home is nothing compared to this place. I’ll betcha that if those jerks back home could see me now, they’d be jealous out of their skulls! More room to move around, and bigger trees to live in!”

He had finished off his fruit a while ago and was now beginning to wish he had something more filling to fill his almost empty belly with. “Darn! I’m still hungry…Grah! Fruit! That’s all I ever eat! Dammit! Stupid nagas back home were always able to stuff their faces with whatever they could find! Eating things as big as themselves, human, deer, all that stuff! Me?! I’m always on the short end of the stick! I can’t even remember the last time I was full! That’s it! If what made this trail can’t talk, I’m gonna eat it! I don’t care what it is!”

As he continued slithering, he licked his lips at the thought of having a large meal on the way. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a strange feeling overcame his body as his lower stomach gave off a strange, loud gurgle. “Hmmmm? What the?”

Quickly and without warning, a sharp pain flared through his gut. “Oh geez! That fruit! That fruit went right through me! Oooooohhhhh! Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee!” He quickly rushed over to some nearby bushes and hid his human lower half so that his business wouldn’t be visible as he lifted his shirt slightly.

Oddly enough, in the distance, he could see two figures arguing over something. One looked like a dridder, the other….was something else. Her body looked human like from the waist up, apart from two feelers jutting out of her head, but her lower half appeared to be a wasp body, with what appeared to be a natural armor adorning it.

As Kaiten emptied his body of all liquid, he saw that the wasp girl had slapped the dridder in the face and put her hands to her hips. The dridder, now looking a bit angry headed towards Kaitens location. Upon arriving closer, Kaiten began to realize just how much bigger than him this man was.

“Hmmmm? A naga…a really big one. That scent I was following earlier…I KNEW you looked familiar!” He began to look at Kaiten, who was in the bushes, not moving an inch. As he noticed this, he began to rub his face where he had been slapped, his dark skinned face now turning slightly red.

The dridder in particular had black skin, dark grey hair, and appeared to be even slightly taller than Sheska. He had a rather muscular build and his face practically flowed with confidence.

Kaiten simply continued to stare at the mans face, and now noticed the wasp girl making her way over towards them. She appeared to be Kaitens size, roughly. Her body didn’t have anything covering it. This in turn, made Kaitens face turn a bright red as he looked away from her.

“Whatcha looking at pervert…holy shit. This naga….he’s..enormous. I’ve only heard about huge ones like this. All the others I’ve seen rarely break human size! So, whattya wanna do with him? Wanna cut him up and divide him evenly? We could last off this guy for days!” Upon hearing her words, Kaiten began to shake in fear.

“Leave him be. I think I know this guy. Hey! Naga! You’re still alive, so you must’ve been a decent enough person at least.” As he spoke these words, Kaiten instantly began to recognize just who this person was. “What a coincidence that I’d run into you of all people though.”

Kaiten could barely believe it. He thanked his lucky stars as he looked on at the tall dridder. “So….you’re Sheskas brother? She mentioned that she had one..”

“Yes I am. My name is Dwayne. I was following your scent until I ran into her.” He pointed one of his large fingers towards the wasp girl as she walked much closer to Kaiten, her wings buzzing very slightly. “I want to talk to you. About something important.” As he spoke those words, he gave off a very powerful glare that made Kaiten gulp in fear.

“Mmmm! You look very..weak. When was the last time you ate? And what are you doing in the bushes? Come on out of there!” She was beginning to look quite impatient as she spoke those words.

“What am I doing here? Ummm…Can you two wait a moment? I just have to…finish some business here.” As he spoke, he noticed that they were still giving him the evil eye. “Look away for a few seconds please!”

To be continued…

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Oct 01, 2009 6:34 am

Here we are! The next KFM. I may have said it elsewhere, but oh well. I've been extremely busy lately. That's why this one took so long.

Kaitens Felaryan Misadventures Chapter 4

Kaiten was quite afraid. And in his position, he couldn’t really be blamed for this. He was sitting down, now having the company of two very intimidating figures.

Now, being able to get a better look at the dridder in front of him, he realized that there was what appeared to be a large rash on his chest. He also had several small scars running all along his body.

The wasp girl, roughly Kaiten's height, was quite different. Where as Dwayne simply looked strong and rugged, She looked somewhat fearful. She looked like the years had been rough on her, some noticeable scars on her abdomen, Filthy short black hair, and dirty teeth. She was looking at him in a very odd way, almost seeming as though she was examining his body.

“S-So….what is it you want to talk to me about Mister Dwayne?” Kaiten was now sitting down, curling his tail around himself, pushing up some dirt around him with each movement.

Dwayne was still giving Kaiten a very powerful glare as he spoke. “As I told you, it’s very, VERY important. You may have the bit of information I need.” His strange look did not falter as he spoke these words.

“Y-Yes? And…wh-what may that be?” Looking into Dwayne's fearsome eyes and being looked over by this naked girl turned out to be almost overwhelming.

“Alright. Ya see, the thing is….Where did you get that shirt of yours?” As soon as he spoke these words, Kaiten simply cocked his head to the side in confusion. “I would like one.”

“That’s what was so important that you scared me?! Where did your sister get her shirt? Get one from there!” His face was now slightly red as he yelled at the tall dridder.

“I can’t! And don’t yell at me!” Dwayne simply stood up, now showing the full height of his body to the cowering snake man.

“Why not, huh? Where did Sheska get her shirt? Huh huh huh?”

“She…made it by herself.” He spoke with a somewhat lower tone now, as he seemed to be a bit depressed. With a bit of effort, he reared his head back up. “….Please?”

“I got this back in my world. Believe me, for a long while, I had to go without clothes. I grew out of my human clothes and went that way for a long while. Sorry ‘bout that.” Kaiten couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for the larger predator. He hated being fully naked, and he imagined that some others must as well.

“Wait…She made her shirt by herself? Why not ask her then?” Curiosity flowed through his words.

“Yeah Dwayne. Why not ask her for one?” The wasp girl, still examining the snakes body, spoke in a smug tone.

“She said she would make one for me…but only in one color…..she says I would look good in pink.” His face was a bright red as these words left his lips. Not very surprisingly, Kaiten began to snicker and try to look away from him.

“I’m sorry, it’s just…” He quickly burst out laughing now falling to the ground and clutching his sides in pain, along with the wasp girl at his side. “P-Pink? I’m…ummm….I’m sorry about that.” He seemed to be calming down himself now, the laughter subsiding from his speech.

“Pink!? Pink?! HA!” She was rolling along the ground now, her breathing slowing to a near halt as her laughter overcame her other senses.

“Shut up! Both of you! I want a shirt! That’s all! They look cool!” Dwayne looked to the forest floor upon these words and let out a very heavy sigh.

“Wish I could help you mister Dwayne, but..” At that moment, Kaiten's stomach let out a fierce growl. “Urgh….Look. Mister Dwayne. Miss whatever you are. I’d love to stay and talk with you, but I’m far too hungry. I’m going back to my hunt. See ya later!”

He rose up off of the ground, turned away from the two, and headed towards the bush where he had finished his business, deciding to follow the smell of himself back to the slime trail he had been following earlier.

“I’m gonna follow him.” The wasp girl now had a mischievous look on her face. “You wanna come with?”

Dwayne had now begun to turn away from her concentration beginning to come back to him. “Naw! You have fun with that. I’m feeling a mite peckish. A few humans, nekos, or regular sized nagas should hit the spot. Besides, I’m getting sick of nothing but Kensha! See you later Merle.”

“See ya later pervert!” And with that, she began to follow the strange naga she had been examining a while ago.

“Finally! I’ll finally get to eat something! I can’t wait! I wonder what it may be though?” He looked down at the grass as the trail became visible once more. In the sunlight, the slime seemed very glossy I the small bit of sunlight breaking forth from the branches overhead.

“Heya skin and bones!” Merle was right beside him, her face nearly touching his. This fact caused Kaiten to double take away from her.

“Don’t do that!” His face was a bright red now, a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “You scared me! Geez…sneaking up on a guy like that. Why, when I was younger, it wasn’t considered proper for girls to do such things!”

“Proper? Ha! Do you mind if I tag along? I’m bored.” Merle simply tilted her head as she waited for an answer.

“Sure, knock yourself out…there it is!” He rushed over to the slimy trail, now somewhat fainter than it had been when he had seen it earlier. “Lunchtime soon!”

“Ya know? I heard about a naga eating slug girls….is it you? Her curiosity was piqued upon this possible revelation.

“Slug girls? Wait, do they look human?” As these words reached his ears, his hopes began to fall.

“You must not be the one. Never mind then. Yes they do look human.”

“Awww Dammit! Guess I’d better look for something else…” He began to slither away, now holding his hand over his very flat stomach, letting out a huge annoyed sigh at the same time.

Merle simply followed him as he complained, now sporting a mischievous smile.

Jessica was still walking through the massive forest, now utterly terrified. She had been stuck out in the wild for several days now and was regretting ever leaving the city in the first place.

She was rubbing her now bleeding nose, whining in pain. Looking at a nearby tree to see if it had the same notches she had made with her knife earlier. “Goddamn clobbersaurus…”

“Hmmm…Goddammit! I passed this way before!” She punched the tree in front of her as hard as she could, her hand quickly turning red from the impact. As her hand reddened, she began to shed a few tears. She sat down at the base of a tree and pulled out a small photo of a man and two children.

“Some leader I am. First my group gets separated, and then I get lost out here…” A few tears fell down onto the photo as she held it close. “I have to make it back. I have to….I can’t leave Drake and the kids alone….”

She pulled her handgun out of her holster and looked at it closely. Having used it to protect herself over the course of the past few days, ammunition was running low. Her knife was still in one piece as well, even with the great usage of it during her time in the wild.

She reached into her backpack, still keeping a close eye on her surroundings as she began to look over her supplies. Her food rations were at last beginning to run out, and her water was running low.

“I have to find some fruit or something. All I have to do is survive until I find the right way to go to get to the city.” It was at his point that she heard something above her. Grabbing her backpack, she dove away from the tree and looked up into its branches. She could only see what looked like a snake slinking its way down its bark.

“A human? Wow, I haven’t seen one in a very long time!” Getting a better look at this snake-like creature, Jessica realized that it was a human woman from the waist up.

Backing away from her, Jessica placed her fingers on the handle of her hunting knife, ready to fight this thing should the need arise.

“What’s wrong human? Scared of me? Well, you should be. I haven’t eaten.” This creature was now drooling as she finally hit ground and began to slither towards Jessica.

“Stay away from me!” The camouflage wearing survivor kept a close eye on the predators movements, ready to strike at any moment. In the shadows, made by the swaying branches overhead, the naga looked almost demonic.

The moment was filled with tension. Jessica was shaking as she pulled her knife from its small sheath on her side, keeping it just out of view. As she did this, the naga prepared herself to bound at the human, planning to pin her down with her tail.

Before Jessica knew what had happened, the nagas body was wrapped around her own. The pressure quickly began to squeeze the breath out of her. “Ha! Gotcha! Stupid human! Thought you could get away from me did you?”

Suddenly, she began to uncoil as a fierce, sharp pain flared through her bottom half. Jessica had rammed her knife into the hybrids scaly hide in a last ditch attempt to save herself. Her frantic attack had afforded her a window of opportunity to escape as she dove away from the hungry predator.

“I thought I told you to stay away from me! You’re not going to eat me! And do you know why? I have a family to go home to!” She was yelling now, anger quite evident in her voice. She looked beyond the naga and turned very pale at the sight she laid her eyes on. Without pausing, she turned around and began to run as fast as she could.

“Where are you running, you bitch?! Get back here!” She was now rubbing her stab wound as the human ran away from her. She began to feel something warm on the back of her neck though. At that instant, she turned around and came face to face with a gigantic, male, dark skinned dridder.

As Jessica ran throughout the brush, she could hear a loud scream being cut off behind her. She knew that the dridder she had seen had more than likely made a meal out of the smaller predator.

Hearing nothing more behind her, she began to slow down slightly. “That was scary….I almost got munched!” She leaned against a nearby tree, its moss soaking her hand with its absorbed moisture.

Sniffing the air, she got a whiff of an odd smell. Looking ahead of herself, she saw what appeared to be a wolf. Although, it was bigger than any she had ever seen before. The fact that it had six legs gave away the fact that it wasn’t a regular animal.

“Holy shit….I’m screwed….”

Kaiten was now slithering along the cold forest floor, slightly annoyed and nervous by the odd female following him. He couldn’t help but fear the strange stare she was aiming towards his body.

“Ummm…..why are you looking at me like that?”

"Simple! You’re thin and scrawny, and I just like looking at ya! You’re such a different looking thing. Most people aren’t as skinny as you.” She simply poked his belly with her clawed finger, smirking slightly.

“Don’t touch me!” He quickly moved away from her, still not looking at her one bit. “Look, I’m looking for something to eat, so would you mind not bothering me like that ma’am?”

“Hmph! Wimp!” She proceeded to walk alongside him, now crossing her arms underneath her busom. “Y’know? You were looking at Dwayne really oddly….are you curious about his rash? It usually happens whenever he eats nekos.”

“Hmmm? He must be allergic to them. That’s too bad.” His voice seemed almost emotionless as he spoke. While he wanted to feel bad for Dwayne, he was a bit happier for the nekos in that Dwayne may be discouraged from eating them.

“What are you anyway?”

“I’m a Gypsa. Pretty hot wouldn’t you say?”

“Ummmm, not as such.”

“Hmph Wuss. Y’know, I could help you catch something to eat. That way, we could put some meat on your bones! You like humans?” She sounded a bit hopeful as she spoke.

“I don’t eat humans. Or anything that looks human, just so you know.” He was clearly annoyed at this point and his voice was good proof of that.

“Geez, if you’re gonna be rude, then I’m gonna leave. Good luck on your so-called hunt loser!” And with that, her wings began to flap repeatedly, quickly lifting her off the ground and filling the air with an incredibly loud buzzing noise. Within seconds, she was gone.

“Bah! Good riddance to ya!” He looked in Merles direction and waved his fist in an annoyed fashion.

Now being rid of the Annoyingly rude and forward wasp girl, Kaiten continued forth on his search to find sustenance. At this point, he knew he NEEDED to eat something, as his sight was getting very slightly blurry.

He tilted his head upwards and smelled the air, praying for something, anything to be nearby. To his pleasant surprise, the scent of wolf, or what smelled like wolf, was nearby. He quickly headed towards its source, drooling heavily onto his chin and shirt.

The grass underneath his enormous body was dampening it quickly as he rushed through the shadowy wood. Looking forward, he could now see an enormous wolf, circling a tree. On the other side of the tree was a human girl, trying to inch away from it.

“It may be a pup, but I can’t afford to play around here!” Jessica simply circled around the tree, keeping a close eye on the young kensha beast, knowing full well, that if it got ahold of her, it could easily rip her to shreds. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted what appeared to be a giant wearing a shirt in the distance, reaching down for a large rock.

Kaiten dove forward, slamming the rock down on the kenshas head, knocking it out almost instantly. Jessica just watched, frightened out of her wits, as the giant snake man shoved the unconscious kensha pup into his mouth and swallowed repeatedly.

Eventually, the beast was safely tucked away inside of him. At this point, he looked down at the trembling girl on the ground looking up at him.

“P-Please don’t eat me! Please!” He could tell now that she was shaking terribly. “I have a family to go back home to! Please let me go!”

“What are you doing out here?” He tilted his head in curiosity as he awaited an answer.

“W-Well…Y’see, money was getting a bit tight at home. With all the people coming to the city, property costs are rising. We needed more money to keep from losing our homes. I and a group of others went out into the wild on a job from somebody. To gather some weapons and artifacts from out in the wild. We got attacked by predators after finishing our job and we got scattered…”

“Uh huh, so what are you doing now?”

“I’m trying to get back home to my family in Negav City…so please let me go!” She was practically ready to cry at this point.

“Tell me, why should I let you go?” His tone was quite curious as he asked.

“Because….I don’t want to leave my children all alone…” As she spoke these words, something unexpected happened. The gigantic naga began to cry, his tears hitting the ground at her feet.

“That settles it! I can’t let you go then!” He quickly picked Jessica up and placed her in the hood of his shirt. “Which way to the city?”

She was dumbstruck. This massive predator was willing to help her get back home, and he didn’t even know her. “My name is Jessica….what’s yours?”

“Kaiten! Kaiten Monroe!” Though she couldn’t see his face, judging by the giggling, she was willing to bet he was smiling. Now! Off the Gravel city!”

“It’s..It’s Negav, not gravel!”

“Whatever! I’m taking you to the city! Once I figure out where it is…”

Near the Ascarlin Mountains

A man was running through a human camp, half yelling as though Hell itself was after him. “SIR!!! SIR!!! BAD NEWS!! BAD NEWS!!” He entered a large red tent, guarded by two armed men, still screaming. No sooner had he done so, had he heard an annoyed voice erupt from within.

“Quiet! You’re interrupting my relaxation time!” The voice had come from a tall man wearing an open dark red jacket, and torn jeans. Underneath his jacket he was wearing no shirt. He was sitting down in a small wooden chair and drinking tea from a cup while he listened to his babbling comrade.

“Sir! Now isn’t the time to just be sitting down and sipping tea! I mean….” He could see that his boss was now eyeing the teapot on the table in the middle of the well decorated tent.

“Two things. One. Pass me the tea. And secondly, I told you to stop calling me sir! Call me by my name dammit! Now what’s wrong?” He continued to eye the tea, now shaking his empty teacup in hand.

“Okay Marcus, I’ll pass you the tea after the report. You see…” He realized that Marcus was holding his left hand out in a manner most odd, much like a puppeteer would. All of a sudden, the teapot went flying from the table, directly to his hand.

“Never mind, I got it myself. Now, what seems to be the problem Joseph?” Joseph merely stared in amazement at Marcus’ act. In all his time in this world, he could still not get used to his bosses odd abilities.

“Well sir…it seems that there was a survivor or two from the team you hired sir. Some of our scouts just recently came back with this info. Jessica in particular. You wouldn’t want her to get back to the city. Last thing we need at this stage in the plan is a bounty on your head.”

“Relax Joseph. She’s probably headed towards Negav City, correct? We’ll just send some troops to get rid of her. And for extra measure, we’ll send Booster. If the boys don’t finish her off, he’ll get a good meal at least.”

“Yessir. I mean, yes….Marcus. I’ll send some troops out right now. Thank you for your input.” Joseph left the tent, now sporting a small frown, weirded out by his boss' actions.

Marcus simply smiled, now tilting his chair back and sipping tea straight from the pot. “Nothing like some tea to soothe the nerves. Especially in a Hell-hole such as this!”

To Be Continued

Last edited by kaitheguy1234 on Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Oct 01, 2009 2:56 pm

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 3:52 pm

Thought I may as well make a poll. Having trouble finding motivation to write lately. If ya have any ideas you think may work, feel free to post 'em.
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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 10:27 am

Jessica is with Kaiten now, right? Have you thought about him taking her to Negav and what might happen along the way? Does Kaiten even know where Negav is located?

I'd actually like to see more of Marcus and his men. I have no idea what they're up to, other than wanting Jessica dead (eaten by Booster). The trick with the teapot brings to mind all sorts of things regarding Marcus.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 8:00 pm

Yes. Just...yes. I finally did a new story. Feel free to leave some opinions on it. I don't know if it's as good as other chapters so far, so I may redo it at some point....Either way, I hope you'll be able to enjoy!

Kaitens Felaryan Misadventures Chapter Five

The sun was high in the sky. Many sounds, most common in nature, were buzzing through the air. Birds could be heard in the trees and insects could be heard all around, the beating of their wings leaving a loud buzzing sound behind.

Jessica was sitting in the hood of the massive predators shirt, unsure of what to think of her current situation. On the one hand, he seemed like a pretty nice person. On the other hand, he could gobble her up at any second, and none would be the wiser.

She could see the forested area moving by at a pretty fast pace, much quicker than she had been moving before. If this went right, then who knew? Maybe she would actually make it back home!

"Ummm, excuse me…Mister Kaiten? Could I ask you some questions?" If she was going to be traveling with this man, she figured that she may as well learn a little more about him.

"Of course! Although, please don't call me mister. Just call me Kaiten!" As she listened to the massive predator, the smell from his clothing wafted up to greet her nostrils. It was a mixture of sweat, dirt, and many other things. Though, that was to be expected since he lived out in the wild.

"Where did you get such a big shirt? Did you get a dridder to make it for you?" She had almost never seen a predator wearing clothing, so this question seemed to stand out in her mind.

"Hmmmm…whether to tell or not….Okay! Back in my world, I was a lot bigger than the others of my people. They were human sized you see. So I went naked for a very long time."

"Oh? You're not from this world?"

"Nope. Anyway, Eventually, I decided that I was tired of people being able to look at my body. There was a village near the forest where I lived. At the time, they needed some help with some heavy farm work, so I told them I'd help them if they would make me something. After quite a while of helping them, they had made my shirt for me. Not only that, but I discovered that I'm really good at harvesting loads of veggies. I'm also good at tilling fields and scaring off wolves!"

"Did they accept your help very easily?"

"Nope. For quite a while, they were afraid of me. I think at the time, they had just accepted my offer because they were afraid of making me angry. Either way, they got their work done, and I got my shirt!"

Looking down from his hood, she could see a lump in his tail, twitching slightly. At this point, she was more than inclined to think that it was the kensa beast he had eaten earlier. "Uhhhh, that's nice."

"Ummm, Why are you so friendly towards me? Or those humans in your world for that matter?"

"Why? Hmmmm….You won't believe me, but…nah! Never mind!" He was shaking his head to the left and right ever so slightly, a bit of doubt audible in his voice all throughout.

"C'mon! Tell me!" At this point, she was curious what he may be talking about. He had reeled her in, just as he had planned.

"I was human once."

"Get out of town! Really?!" Just as he had expected, there was great disbelief in her voice.

"Yeah, I was human once. Just like you. I don't really feel like talking about it anymore though."

She wasn't quite sure why, but he sounded a little bit sad as he spoke. "Were you able to stay with your people? I mean, they didn't kick you out, did they?" Even though she doubted this fact about him was true, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and try and sympathize with him.

"No, that's not what happened….I just miss some of the good things from my old life. The food, warm beds, and...." At this point, he began to sniffle a bit, telling Jessica that she may as well stop asking these questions. Last thing she needed was a whiny blubbering giant.

"Ummmm, I'm getting a little bit thirsty, are you?" Anything to break the tension at this point would do.

"A little. Yeah! I could use some water! And a swim would be way too cool! I could finally wash up again! I miss the hot springs…" He let out a long sigh, while still moving, now looking for some body of water to quench his thirst.

"Maybe I could get some more food to eat too. Fish!"

"You're still hungry? Even after a Kensha beast pup?!"
Joseph was now walking through the jungle, now heading towards the Ascarlin mountains, about fifteen men with him.

"Sir? Why are we heading in this direction? Intel stated that she was in the forests earlier…"

Joseph simply stopped moving and looked back at the young armed soldier. "It's called using what you have to the best of it's ability. We have enough men to get Booster to come with us. And the others have enough men to protect themselves from predators, so if we're lucky, we may get the job done even sooner than we had hoped."

Hearing the troops behind him chattering amongst themselves, Joseph simply began to wipe off his jacket, having some dirt on it from his time out in nature. He paid close attention to his surroundings, knowing full well of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

"Listen up! Booster is around here somewhere! Now normally, we'd avoid him like he plague! However, we may need his help. We can't afford for that girl to make it back to the city, lest the plan get even more complicated. We've come too far. When we come upon Booster, follow my orders. I don't want to lose more people to some beasts appetite."

As he turned around to look at the troops, he realized something. "Stand up straight!" He began to count the soldiers as the did so. "We seem to be a head short. Everyone! Stay on your toes, and stay close!"

They all continued to walk forward, one soldier noticing what appeared to be a strange pod hanging from a tree branch overhead. It was wiggling and shaking, almost as though something was contained within. However, not wanting to fall behind, he ignored it and ran forward to catch up with his comrades.

"Joseph, forgive me for asking, but...why do we need Booster's help?" One man near Joseph had decided to speak up.

"Simple. We can't just randomly wander around in the wild and hope to find her. His sense of smell will help us greatly. And don't call me by my name! Marcus likes that, but I don't." Joseph simply scowled as he walked.

"Sir! We're here!" The area around the many men was beginning to look slightly rockier, the trees distancing themselves from everyone now.

"Boys, keep your eyes out for Booster. Don't forget, stay together now! Someone his size could easily hurt our numbers, so let me do the talking when we find him!"

As the men began to look for their target, Joseph pulled out a flask and took a few long swigs from it, knowing that he had to be ready in case Booster wasn't in a good mood. That was the last thing he or any of these men needed.

"Sir….I think we found him…."

"Correction small one, you have been found."

"What?!" Looking over to his comrades, he realized that a massive creature had appeared. The bottom half of his body was that of a lion, with wings jutting out of it's back.

"B-Booster! We were looking for you!" While surprised and evidently frightened, Joseph tried to stay calm. Quickly, all the men bunched together, holding their firearms close.

"Do NOT call me Booster! My name is Rojer! Not some stupid nickname your idiotic boss gave me!" He walked towards the small group, his features much more noticeable now.

His body was naturally well built from living out in the wild. Tall and powerful looking, he had short black curly hair, and gray eyes.

"Men! Lower your weapons! We're here to talk, not to fight! Boos-errrr…Rojer. We need your help to find somebody." The armed soldiers did as they were told, as Joseph stepped foreword towards the massive creature.

"Oh? And why should I help you? Any real reason? Do you have anything to offer me? Last time, you did…." Rojer stood tall and proud, as he waited for an answer from the small human.

"I'm sure we can work out something. Now come with us and help!"

"I have another idea. I will only help AFTER I've talked to Marcus about my reward. Deal?" He crossed his arms under his chest as he awaited another answer.

"…..Fine. We'll go back to Marcus. BUT. You better try your hardest when we do the job!"

"Fine with me! If we can't strike a deal, you're on your own!" Rojer then began to walk along, as Joseph did, and headed towards Marcus's camp.
Kaiten's hand was to the ground, glowing slightly, as a small smile crept across his lips. "There's water nearby! Yes!"

"You don't say? Sooo….we're on the right track?"

"Yup! And after we get some water and fish, we'll head for the city. Ooh! There it is! A river!" His words rang true as a large expanse of water appeared in front of them. Quickly, he reached to his hood, plucked Jessica out, and began to look closely at the water, after placing Jessica on the ground beside him.

"Yes! I'll finally get to go home! You know the way, right?" Jessica began to scoop some water into her open palms and drinking it as she spoke.

"Nope, no clue." His tone was eerily cheerful, despite his lack of knowledge on the subject. He began to reach into the water and grab at some fish swimming by, hoping that he'd have some more food soon.

"You don't know?! But I need to get home! You said you would get me back home!"

"And I will. I just gotta find the right way, and you'll be there." He replied with a mouthful of small fish that he had managed to grab a hold of.

"GAAAAHHH! I'll never get home at this rate!" Yelling now, Jessica collapsed onto the ground in anger and frustration.

"Ya gotta relax Jessica. Rushing through life never accomplishes anything. Ya have to take it all in and enjoy yourself. I'm here with you, so you shouldn't be scared. Here. Sit down. Look at the river with me."

Sitting down, huffing and puffing, She leaned against Kaiten's scaley hide, and began to relax her tired body on the damp grass. The air coming up from the water was cool, and very calming. Closing her eyes, and breathing deeply, a very relaxed look appeared on her face.

"Y'see? Relaxing huh?" Nodding her head slightly, she sighed as she leaned against the large scaley wall. Kaiten sat there smiling a wide grin as he stared out at the water.
"Aaaaahhhhh….much better!" Having stumbled upon a couple of small nagas arguing which of them was the better hunter, Dwayne was more then happy to solve their argument for them, easily teaching them who the best hunter there was. Walking along, as he picked his teeth, he couldn't wait to arrive at his destination. After all, this green scenery, was beginning to get just a little bit boring.

Taking a whiff of the air around him, the smell of melted wax began to become very prominent. Closing his eyes, he breathed in heavily, preparing to deal with a very familiar face once more.

"Heya sis! How are you?" He now moved into Sheska's small clearing, taking another deep whiff of the melting wax and incense. He saw his sister, eating some small animals freshly gathered from her nearby storage webs, as she drank from her large clay jugs, her cheeks now a slight rosy red.

"Dwayne! You came to visit! It's about damn time! What took you so long?" Sheska's voice slurred rather heavily as she spoke, leaving Dwayne to assume that Sheska had been drinking quite a bit as of late.

"Heh….I've been busy. Hunting, meeting new people, just been forgetful lately. So, anything new happen lately?"

"Yes, actually. Dyna came to see you with mere again. She really misses you Dwayne….It HAS been awhile afterall…." She spoke with a bit of sadness audible in her speech all throughout. "Maybe you should go and visit her once in a while? She's very sad about it…"

"Oh geez! I completely forgot about her! Awww, dammit! I guess I really should, eh?" Sheska merely nodded at Dwayne as he spoke, her frown slowly turning upside down.

"She would like that. So, you will?"

" Yeah, I will. In a few days, I will. Thanks Sheska. For telling me this. I really…" He stopped as Sheska held out a large jug to Dwayne, it's contents sloshing around as she did.

"However….first, you're going to drink with me! It's been far too long!" Dwayne smirked at this thought, and happily accepted her offering.
Opening her eyes, Jessica realized that she had taken a nap. And judging by the loud snoring above her, Kaiten had as well. The sky was turning dark at this point, signifying the end of the day was arriving quickly.

"Kaiten? Kaiten! Wake up! We need to find some shelter! It's almost night time!" She learned all too well during her time out here, just how dangerous the wild was at night.

Kaiten quickly stirred as he heard her mention "Night" "Wha-night? Hmmmmm, we'd best find somewhere to stay, eh?" Picking Jessica up once more, he looked back towards the forest. Seeing a certain tree covered in moss, he began to slither towards it, dropping Jessica in his hood as he moved.

"The branches are pretty high up…this'd be perfect!" Quickly, he slithered up the tree, easily reaching it's upper branches. He sprawled his body out among the branches, entwining himself among them, taking extra care not to let his little guest fall and hurt herself.

Finally, he had his body just the way he wanted it, entangled among the branches, the green of his tail acting as a powerful camouflage. "You can sleep in my hood Jessica. You'll be safer that way!"

"Thanks Kaiten….before you go to sleep, could you tell me something? If you don't know how to get back to Negav, how will I get there?"

"Hmmmmm…..I think I have an idea!" He slapped his fist into his open palm as he spoke. "I know somebody. She said she was a fortune teller, so I imagine she probably knows a lot about where her customers have been….maybe she could help!"

Jessica's curiosity was piqued upon hearing this small bit of news. "A fortune teller you say? What's she like?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow…..All that napping made me sleepy….good night Jessica…." And with that, Kaiten closed his eyes. Jessica calmly lied down as he bid her good night, and decided to try to do the same as him. Still, it wouldn't be easy to sleep in such a place, even with company. Not by a long shot.

To be continued
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2010 3:31 pm

I actually did it. They said it wouldn't be done, but I did it. Tne next KFM is done! Enjoy if you're able.

Kaiten's Felaryan Misadventures Chapter Six

The sun was finally rising from its sleep, as light began to pour all over the massive wild, slowly and lazily stretching and engulfing all in its warmth. Sadly for much wildlife, there was a loud racket filling the air, around two human beings.

"WHY! WOULD YOU! EVER DO SUCH A THING?!" The young man was in great pain now, as some blood ran down his face and began to drip off of his chin. He fell to his knees, hoping to gain some form of mercy from his enraged leader.

"You DO know that you only have yourself to blame for this, correct boy? Answer me before I get even more ticked off!" Marcus was standing tall before the young, now unarmed soldier, his face scrunched up in anger as he spoke.

"Sir, there is no excuse for what I did! Please forgive me!" The young brown haired man was now bowing to his superior, tears welling up in his sore, beaten eyes.

"Now, I usually let things slide. I allow goofing off, the occasional drink, I even allow you boys to gamble in your down time. But. One thing I will not tolerate is theft!" Putting his hands behind his back, he struck at the young pleading man with a swift powerful kick, forcing him onto his back.

Coughing from the pain now, the young man tried to stand himself up, only to have his chest stepped on harshly. At that very instant, he could have sworn he heard a small cracking noise from within his body.

"Tell me boy. What possessed you to do something so stupid, hmmm? Was it greed? Tell me now, and I may forgive you." Speaking with an oddly calm tone, he increased the pressure on the young mans chest, making him yelp in pain.

"Y-Yes! It was greed on my part! I swear I'll never do anything like that again! Please sir!" His voice was harsh and haggard as he spoke now, the pain in his chest feeling like a small fire was burning inside him.

"Well…you seem sorry, so why not? I allow second chances." Pulling his foot off of the young mans chest, Marcus smiled the same eerie smile he usually wore whenever he was in a good mood. Reaching his hand down to the pain filled thief, he grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, and raised him to his feet quickly.

"Come along then. We're heading back to the camp. Good thing you didn't get too far from it." Following behind Marcus now, the young man saw that his boss had grabbed the large sack he had used to take the loot, and tossed it over his shoulders as he beckoned him to follow.

"Frig. As if I'm not stressed out enough by those negotiations with Rojer last night! Bad stuff just keeps on happening! You stole the artifacts, weapons and ammo and supplies have been running even lower, most of my men have been eaten or slaughtered by the wildlife…It's a miracle we're not dead yet!"

"I'm sorry sir…"

"Awww! Don't be! It's not just your fault. Things just haven't been going well. A string of bad luck if you will. You know what? I need some tea. Or a nap. Either one really."

Surprise filled the young mans mind as he listened to his boss rambling. One minute, he was ready to kill him, and the next he was forgiving him for jeopardizing their groups plan.

Listening to his boss speak, he took a good close look at him. Marcus was a tall man, easily breaking about seven feet. He wore what appeared to be running shoes on both feet, yet no socks. He was wearing some long blue pants with some rips and tears here and there. While he wore no shirt, he had a red short red jacket worn at most times. He rarely zipped it up though, showing off his chest and stomach.

His eyes finally laying claim to his bands camp, Marcus simply waved to those within. Upon closing in, the sound of mindless chatter began to become apparent.

"I'm back everyone! And I got the STUFF back! That's right, the plan is still on!" Just as he expected, a loud number of applause filled the air as he spoke. The young man behind him was still silent as the cheers pervaded the air, as he had no idea how his comrades would react to him now.

"Take this stuff back to the tent, and have a couple of the boys keep a close eye on it. As for this guy behind me…." He quickly pointed at the unsure soldier, now having a slight bit of malice in his voice. "He's on probation! Keep a close eye on him! If he tries anything bad, you have my permission to kill him where he stands!"

Walking away from the bewildered boy, Marcus began to take in the condition of his troupe. After all, they had to be well prepared in case something bad were to go wrong!

"Sir, we've gotten a little more of that dridder venom like you asked us to gather. We're having a slight bit of trouble getting much more though. That girl is just plain vicious!" One young man with a large rifle strapped to his back approached Marcus as he spoke.

"She's acting vicious, huh? Doesn't really surprise me. Not in the least. After all, we DID lock her up and keep her here. Leave her alone for a few hours, let her calm down. Then we'll try to extract more from her."

Nodding his head in agreement, the gun carrying man walked off, leaving his leader to head towards his own private tent.

Entering the slightly decorated tent, he walked over to his chair, and slid it over to a large barrel filled with water. Sitting down in his chair, he reached over to a small cup, filled it with water, and started mixing it together with some odd herbs and powders that were lying about. While he preferred green tea, this stuff was a nice change of pace. He could still remember learning of it from some people of this strange world.

"Nothing like some tea to start the day. I wonder when the boys will be done with the food? I really need some to cheer me up." He could smell something floating through the air as he spoke.

Standing up, and bringing his teacup with him, he realized that his men had captured food for everyone. "Escalnai slug again, eh boys? I love those things!"

The grilled slug's aroma was floating through the air, a very pleasant scent invading everybody's nostrils. "Breakfast time!"
"What the Hell do you mean?!" The little fairy screamed as she struggled desperately in the grip of her captor, her wings having just been torn out of her back.

"I mean, you're a meal. Nothing more, now. Same as how you were calling me breakfast until I disarmed…or…diswinged and grabbed ya! Who's the food now, huh?" Shienne smiled heavily as she walked along, her razor sharp teeth practically hanging out of her childish mouth.

"Come on! I was just playing around! I swear it! Please let me go? I promise, I won't do it again…." The small blonde haired fairy was practically crying at this point, somehow believing this action would save her.

"Now, now little fairy. Would that have worked for me? If I begged for my life in your hands, and YOU were hungry, would you have let me go free?"

Looking down, the small-frightened fairy could tell what Shienne was getting at. No mercy for those who show none themselves.

"Is there….anything I can do? Anything at all?" The tears were now streaming down her face as she hiccupped slightly, the fear and terror showing in her expression was all too real.

"Yeah. There is, actually. Scream a bit while I chew. It'll really help me enjoy it." As she spoke, a rather odd very long tongue hung out of her mouth and began to lick across her lips.

"Wait! Let's come to a….ummm…compromise?" The smaller predator looked up to the large sharp-toothed maniac, hoping beyond hope that she would be willing to reason with her.

"Yeah….you can shrink people, right? If you have wings, correct? IF. I let you live, what would you say to working for me?" Her voice was holding a heavily sly feel as she spoke.

Sadly for the little fairy, this felt wrong. She really didn't want to give in to somebody like this. Not this easily. Shaking her head in a way that would usually indicate "No" she began to shiver even more heavily.

"That's far too bad." Shienne quickly began to open her mouth and lower the small fairy towards her open maw, her teeth almost acting as the gate between life and death.

She stopped lowering the fairy as a strange smell entered her nostrils. She took one long look at the fairies eyes, and began to speak once more.

"You learned your lesson, right? I can let you go if you did."

"Yes ma'am! I'll never bother you again! Just out of curiosity though…why are you letting me go?"

"Simple. I caught a whiff of something much better than you." She dropped the fairy and began to walk off, pulling out, and lighting, a cigarette as she did so.

The small fairy now had an evil smile on. She may not go after Shienne anymore, but there was nothing to stop her from telling her friends and family about her! They'd finish her off!

She began to walk forward, until she heard something overhead. A small screech signaled the approach of something non-human. She quickly found herself grabbed by what felt like a slightly hairy fist. A monkey had just grabbed hold of her, and was now eyeing her curiously.

"I swear it….if I make it back, you're gonna regret this you bitch..." It was at this point though, that the monkey shoved her headfirst into its mouth. Beginning to yell and kick around, she quickly figured out that the monkey wasn't just playing around, and quickly began to tilt its head back. Her screams were quickly cut off as the monkey enjoyed its little fairy treat.

Meanwhile, not too far away, The wind had begun to make all the leaves around Shienne dance, almost seeming as though the bushes were just as much a person as she was. She couldn't help but feel that they were celebrating her soon to be very successful hunt. After all, a fully grown human is always much more filling then a small fairy. Or at least she hoped it was fully grown.

"This is gonna be great! I'm feeling pretty hungry anyway."
A great deal of movement woke Jessica as she realized that Kaiten must have awakened before her. He was on the forest floor, looking around, and giggling loudly.

"I wonder where Gravel city is? Is it this way?" He quickly turned left as he spoke. "Or maybe….that way!" He then turned right once more.

"He's…just like a little kid…" Jessica muttered to herself.

"Over here? Over there? This way? That way? This place! I wanna see this place!" He was practically laughing now, his entire body shaking with excitement.

"Kaiten, please! Relax! You're going to make me fall if you thrash around too much!"

"Oops. Good morning Jessica. I'm just REALLY looking forward to this! I've only seen one city in my entire life. And it was awesome. MUCH bigger then my village back home." He was still laughing as he slid along now.

"Hmmmm?" Jessica thought for a second. This may be the perfect opportunity to learn a bit more about the gigantic, childish, bad smelling snake.

"We're going to your fortune teller friends place, right?"

"Yup! As soon as I can figure out how to get there…."

" My lord, are you serious? Do you not know where she lives?"

"No….but it'll work itself out somehow. I'm sure it will." All the while he spoke, he tried to sound sure of himself, no matter how awkward it may seem.

"I….don't know what to say to that…" Letting out a heavy sigh, Jessica figured she may as well talk to her escort for a little while before she formulated a plan of some sort.

"You said you weren't from this world, right? Do you plan to go back home?"

A silence quickly fell between the two, as Kaiten began to think about his answer. "Ummmm. I'm still trying to decide. I'll decide once I get you back home. Not much back home for me, so I'm considering staying here so far."

"Can you put me down? I'll walk for a little while if that's alright with you." Almost as though it was on command, Kaiten reached into his hood, grabbed Jessica gently enough to not hurt her, and lowered her next to him on the ground.

The ground beneath her feet was a welcome change after hanging from so high for so long, despite how safe she may have been. She quickly began to walk alongside the giant creature, listening to the sound of the earth crunching underneath her feet all the while.

"Hmmmm….Do you have a girlfriend, Kaiten?"

"What?! No! No, don't be silly, no! No! Of course not! No!" He was practically jabbering at this point, his face a bright red.

"No need to freak out Kaiten. It was just a simple question of whether or not you had a loved one. Nothing more." She simply began to take on an odd look as she heard him say this. He was shy! Who knew?

"Do you want to change the subject Kaiten?"

"Yes. Please. Uhhhh….what is your family like?"

Thinking back on it, telling the huge boy couldn't hurt. "Well, first off would be my husband, Drake. He's a great man. Strong, brave, and a very hard worker. He would do anything for the kids and I."

"He sounds like a pretty cool guy."

"Oh, he is. Next would be my two sons, Leo and Ben. Those two are little angels, I swear. A little mischievous, but I can never stay angry at them."

"Awww! They sound really nice!"

"They are. Kaiten? What was your family like?" She figured that this may help tell her if he was actually telling the truth about being a human or not.

"My family? Gee, I haven't seen them in a long time…well, okay then. My family was basically just my mom and dad. My mom, well….she was a very sweet lady. Kind, accepting, and she always cheered me up when something bad happened."

"Oh? You don't say?" She hadn't doubted that his mother was a very kind soul, being the childish man that he was.

"Yup! Then there was my father. He was a pretty hard worker, but…he REALLY didn't approve of some of my choices. For one, he wanted me to be a lumberjack like him. When he learned that I wanted to be a musician, well…let's just say he wasn't exactly thrilled."

"Wait, he didn't approve of you being a musician? Are you serious?"

"Yup. He was really upset with me when he heard. Tried to tell me stuff like "As long as you are living under this roof, you will do as I say! That's an order boy!" I didn't listen to him though. Instead, I kept on practicing the violin and got really good at it."

"So, you got very good?"

"Quite! I could make such beautiful music, you wouldn't believe it!"

"Are you sure you're not stretching the truth just a little bit?"

"Nuh-uh! I was really good! At least…until my accident."

"Oh yes, the whole, turning into this…thing. How exactly did it happen anyway?"

"Hmm. I was always interested in magic when I was younger. I even managed to learn some at one point. Mind you, there was some that we were always told to never use. EVER. I was curious, and so I tried it anyway. And that's how I ended up like this. That was a pretty bad experience."

"So, in short…it was your own fault?"

"…Yeah. But you don't have to say it like that. It was an accident."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What do you do nowadays since you turned into this thing anyway? Don't you have a goal?"

"Well, not much. Wander around, eat enough each day, help people when I find them, and sleep. I can't really be a musician anymore."

"Come on! You must have some kind of goal. Something to live for! Mine…I just want to get home. I want to live to be with my family." Her tone was somewhat low at this point as she tried to be a bit more serious about the matter.

"That's a good goal. My goal? I did have ONE other. One I've had ever since I was a kid. I want to see the world. I want to travel around and see it all. The many sights, sounds, food, the people….so much out there to see. And I know almost nothing about this world, so that makes it even more exciting."

"So, why not travel after you've brought me home? You could do whatever you wanted with your life."

"You know what? That actually doesn't sound too bad. I will travel! After you're safe at home, I'm going to travel the world! I'll see everything the world has to offer! From the forests to the sea! And to the mountains too!"

Though she felt it was a bit early for him to celebrate, she couldn't help but laugh at his optimistic attitude. "I hope you enjoy it all."

"Hmmmm…what to talk about now though? Kaiten? Were you surprised by this world compared to yours?"

"Oh, very. I've been trying to stay calm, but it's weird. Back home, I never saw people with spiders for their bottom halves. Or wasps, or anything of the sort. I heard of things LIKE that, but never saw any until I came here. I'm trying not to be too rude or surprised to any of them though."

"Spiders? Wait, you've met dridders? And they didn't hurt you? I've heard that nagas and dridders don't get along. At all for that matter."

"Really? They seemed like decent people to me. So, they usually don't like people like me?"

"That's what I hear. Maybe you met the exception? I try not to meet many predators, so you'll have to excuse my lack of info."

"That's fine. OOH! There's somebody!" Ahead of the two travelers, was what appeared to be a slug. Albeit, it seemed more like a large slimy human as well. "This must be one of those slug-girls I heard about. Hey miss? Can I ask you for some directions?" As he spoke, he realized that she didn't seem too keen on the larger predator coming closer to her.

"Oh geez. This is gonna get ugly…"
"Bah. Why do we have to be out here with this…thing?"

"Because! Sir Joseph said we had to. Regardless of whether we like it or not."

The men walking alongside the gigantic sphinx were trying to keep their tone low now, so as not to bring attention to themselves. Rojer was quite quiet as this happened, only making very small talk with Joseph, who was riding on his back.

"I still don't see why you needed to take so much of a reward Rojer. That could take away from my half."

"It's very simple Joseph. This girl could ruin your plans completely, correct? Because of the urgency of this job, I feel that I should deserve some greater form of compensation then the usual."

"We could have just given you food Rojer. Or helped you get revenge on some people you don't like. You didn't have to demand such a huge reward."

"Still, being a secondary leader of such a large group of people is very fun. And I'm sure you boys enjoy it too, right? Having someone intelligent to listen to instead of that nimrod Marcus."

At this, Joseph couldn't help but feel a bit angry. Marcus had worked on this plan of his for a very long time. And he had never been anything but respectful towards Joseph AND his men. "Rojer, he's a lot smarter then he seems."

"I don't see it, but you can keep believing that if you want Joseph." He was still sniffing the air for his quarry, having not yet caught her scent.

"Rojer? Have you smelled her yet? Once we find her, we can go back."

"Give me a while. This is a large forest. I may NOT smell her if we're not lucky. You gave me a torn piece if her clothing, I'm working off of only that. So please, work with me."

"Fine. Don't forget, your job is to find her and protect us."

"But of course. I will help protect you. However, I ask that you at least make an effort not to get yourself killed. In other words, don't rely on me far too much."

"Likewise. I can't wait to get this over with…"
"Marcus? Some of the men from one of the expedition teams made it back."

Waking up from his nap in his chair inside his tent, he realized the voice of one of his armed guards. "Really? Some of them survived and made their way back? That's great news!"

Quickly, Marcus got up and rushed out the front of his tent towards the commotion and saw an odd sight. Two men, with what appeared to be a little girl with them, stood before the crowd.

"Is it just you two? Where are the others? And what is with the girl?"

From beyond the crowd, the the man in front began to speak. "Well, we lost a lot of them to the wildlife. Kensha beasts mostly. As for the girl…" He stepped aside so that Marcus could see her. She was wearing a small dirty white dress with some bloodstains on it, with some pockets on the side. "We found her wandering around out in the wild by herself. She was about to use these." He then held out what appeared to be a small carton of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Nice work boys. You stopped her from smoking! Also, you saved her. That's good too I guess. Hello little girl. What's your name?"

"She was clearly not very comfortable as she spoke. "Shienne. You're not going to hurt me are you?"

"Of course not Shienne. You must be hungry actually. Boys! Get her some of the leftovers! We'll let you stay with us until we find a way to get you back to…wherever it is you came from."

Hearing this, a large grin slowly broke out on her face as she quite simply said, in a childish cheerful voice: "Thanks!"

To be Continued
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 35

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 3:57 pm

...I did it. Sorry it took SO long. My computer has been messing up on me something terrible. I hope you enjoy it people! Feedback is always welcome! ^-^

Kaiten’s Felaryan Misadventures Chapter 7

The forest was noisy as usual, in an area normally populated by the usual wildlife, birds, apes, and all manner of other assorted strange creatures. What looked like a woman with a slug body from the waist-down, was backing away from a skinny, clothed, giant naga, an odd angry, invaded look upon her face.

“Excuse me, miss? I need to ask you for some directions.” Slithering slightly closer to her, he realized she wasn’t very happy to see him. At all.

“Stay away naga! I’ve heard of something like this. A naga who’s been going around eating slug girls! It just started a few days ago! You can’t be trusted! Leave, or else!” She was now hissing, all the while backing away from the giant skinny snake-ish thing in front of her.

“Kaiten? Maybe we should just ask somebody else.” Jessica could tell that this was a bad idea. This slug girl was large. Possibly more then half Kaiten’s height. Bothering one of such size could very easily lead to some very sticky consequences.

“Listen to your girlfriend, skinny! Get lost!” She saw that Kaiten was now slithering through her trap of slime she set, only forcing more anger from her.

“Ewwww! I think I moved in slug poop!” Realizing the slime beneath him, his expression was one of disgust.

“That’s not “Poop”, it’s my trap! And you’re messing it up! I was going to catch my lunch with that! Seriously, it’s a shame you’re so huge…

“Kaiten, let’s just go. Please.” Jessica could see where this was going. Kaiten was forcing her into a corner, and it could only end in an ugly way.

“All I want to ask you is where Gravel city is! That’s all.”

“For the love of-it’s Negav! NEGAV!”

“Oh…what she said. We’re looking for that.”

“I’ve heard of that place, but I’m not sure where it is. Now please! Leave me alone!” Kaiten was quite close to her now, and she was ready for him.

“Are you certain? Truly and honestly certain?” He then slid towards her once more. That was the final straw, as he quickly discovered.

A straight flying shot of mucus from the slug girls mouth hit Kaiten square in the face and caught him off-guard, surprising him, and making him whimper as he suddenly tried, fiercely, to remove it.

Jessica, as well as the slug girl, backed away from the scene as they saw Kaiten begin to flail his body around, falling into her slime, getting drenched in it’s wide trail, and destroying all of her hard efforts. Finally, he yanked off the slime from his face, and looked at her, his hair messed up from the goo that covered his being.

“Alright. I tried to be nice to you. Here’s my final response to you. I DON’T EAT SLUG GIRLS YOU STUPID SLIMY JERK!!! Let’s go Jessica. Let’s leave this jerk to be all slimy and whatnot!” He began to slide off, his tail sticking to the ground somewhat as he moved.

“Sorry to mess up your trap miss.” Jessica quickly ran forward, trying not to step in the filthy, gooey trail Kaiten was leaving behind, leaving behind a very confused, and angry slug-girl.

“She was mean. I was just trying to be friendly, and she did this to me!”

“To be fair Kaiten, she told you to stay away from her.”

“Still! What an antisocial girl! She’s gonna have a tough time finding a boyfriend, that’s for sure!”

“Heh, odd you should say that Kaiten. For all we know, it might want a girlfriend.”

“What do you mean “It”? She was a girl. Did you see her body? She was a woman. And a very womanly woman at that.” Jessica could see a blush forming on his face as he spoke, which made it all the harder for her to say what she was about to tell him.

“Kaiten? Slug girls are hermaphrodites.”

“What? Is that all? That’s not so bad.”

“Huh? You really don’t mind that you thought she was pretty, even though she’s a herm?” Jessica was shocked. She didn’t think Kaiten would be into such things, being the timid little thing he was.

“Of course not. So what if she dresses in men’s clothing instead of women’s? Big deal.” Jessica slapped her palm to her face as Kaiten said this.

“No no, you idio…You’re thinking transvestite Kaiten. A transvestite is someone who dresses in the opposite gender’s clothing.”

“Oh. Then…what is a herm?” He seemed a bit apprehensive to ask this, almost as though he realized it wasn’t going to be a nice answer.

Needless to say, a loud yell quickly filled the air as her answer reached his ears. “Ewwww! Oh lord! That’s yucky! I can’t believe I…oh god! I wish you’d told me that sooner Jessica! Ewwww!”

“Oh, quit your whining. At least you didn’t do anything with it.”

“No! I refuse to call anybody an “It”! Even if they have both thingies. I shall refer to “It” as shim.”

“You’re making an awfully big deal out of thi…Shim? Seriously? Regardless. Why not just calm down and look at the bright side? It’s a good thing you’re so big. Otherwise, we’d be as good as dead right now.” She couldn’t help but giggle as she looked upwards at Kaiten’s face.

“What’s so funny?”

“Your hair!” She then pointed towards his head.

As he felt his hair, he could tell it was messed up due to the goo it was covered in. “Aww dang! My do is all ruined!”

“You make your hair all messy? I always thought it was natural.”

“It is. And now it’s ruined! Listen Jessica, before we go any further, I need to wash off. Let’s look for a pond or something.”

“Fine. But after that, we search for your friend! Deal?” As she spoke, she heard his stomach growling. “Wait…when was the last time you ate? I remember you eating a small kensha beast when we met, but nothing else.” Looking him over as she spoke, she realized that his tail looked flat now, the small bulge being gone.

His belly simply growled loudly, agreeing with her. “Heh…I guess I got so wrapped up in helping you, that I forgot about that. Do you have any food?”

“Me? Yeah, I have some. It’s all traveling rations. That’s how I’ve been eating. I’m almost out though.”

“Fine. I’ll get some food, find a place to take a bath, maybe take a nap and watch the clouds, and then we’ll find Sheska and get you home!”

“It’s going to take forever to get to my kids isn’t it?”
“Awwww! That feels much better…” Joseph was relieving himself onto a bush, as he thought about what he was going to do. Rojer had not yet caught a single whiff of the girl they were hunting, and more of the troops they had with them had disappeared. He had to finish this job. And soon.

Lying down and yawning, Rojer had to admit. He was quite bored with this job. Sure. He had partial leadership over these men that were around him, and they were helping him hunt, making life oh so much easier for him. But still. Searching for a single girl in a massive forest was not his idea of a good time.

He realized that two soldiers in particular were sitting a ways away from the rest of the soldiers that hadn’t vanished yet. Figuring he could have some fun with them, he beckoned them towards him. “You two? Go get me some fruit. I want a snack. I saw an apple tree that way.” He waved one of his fingers in a bored way. Afterall. He had to wait for Joseph, so he may as well do something to alleviate this crippling boredom.

“Fine then. If Joseph gets back, tell him we left to get you something.” One of the men, equipped with a gun, signaled to his comrade to follow, and they left Rojer’s sight quickly.

“That big bastard’s really getting on my last nerve! Why the hell do we keep on listening to him?!”

“It’s orders. Marcus told us to listen to Booster. That’s all. We need his help, and we need to keep him happy. If he decided to, he could easily turn on us. He may seem pretty calm, but he DOES eat people. Remember what sir Marcus told us?”

“Yeah. I remember. He said that he and a few of the others saw Booster eat someone. Apparently, he swallowed them whole. I REALLY don’t want to end up inside of that thing if it can be helped.”

“Right. That doesn’t sound too pleasant…what did he send us to look for again?”

“Fruit. He said he saw an apple tree this way. LOTTA fruit it’s gonna take for someone his size.”

“We should probably try not to stray too far from the group then. We wouldn’t wanna get lost out here, eh?”

“Oh, hell no!”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Why exactly are we looking for that girl again?”

“Really? You really need a reminder? Everyone in out group is supposed to know that!”

“Right. Of course. My mistake.”

“It’s no problem at all. Let’s just focus on finding that fruit, hmmm?” Looking ahead, he could see a rosy color, high up in the branches of a rather large tree.

Realizing that it would be hard to climb with the large rifle strapped to his back, one of the young soldiers removed his firearm and handed it to his colleague, who happily took it. He didn’t quite know why, but he felt a bit safer holding such a weapon. Even moreso with two of them on his person.

As he began climbing the slippery tree, months of moisture gathered on its surface, he realized how pretty some of the plants growing around him were.

“Could you hurry up? This place gives me the creeps!”

“I’m goin’, I’m goin’! Hold on a sec. This thing is slippery!” Finally reaching one of the higher branches, he began to travel out onto it, to gather the apples. Which seemed to be abnormally large compared to the ones he had seen back home. He then realized a large Tulip looking flower bud hanging off the branch, a long thick vine with large sack looking spots along it. “Hey! Look at this thing!”

Tilting his neck and moving backwards a bit so as to get a better look, he saw what his comrade was so interested in. Worry set in, as it usually does in such places, as he began to yell, partially from fear for his friend, and partially because he accidentally stepped onto what strangely appeared to be a large lily pad. “Get away from that thing! You don’t know what it is!”

“It just looks like a flower to me.” Practically standing next to it, he felt the bud. It was actually quite soft. Quickly, the bud opened wide and stretched over his entire upper body, yanking it inside. He didn’t even have time to react, let alone scream.

“Oh shit!” Readying his rifle, he stepped back, planning to shoot the plant and sever its vines. His comrades would see him as a hero after this, and that was all the motivation he needed. As he stepped back, he realized he was now stepping onto the lily pad looking plant. Quickly, the ground gave way beneath him as he screamed harshly, dropped his weapon, and the strange plant engulfed his being.

Back at the groups resting area, Joseph had come back now, and was waiting for the two troops, who Rojer had apparently seen “Run off” together.

Hearing the far off screams with his superior sense of hearing, Rojer couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. His mischief had paid off, and he was amused for now.

“Well, if they’re not back by now, they’re probably not coming back. Sad as it may be, we have to press forward. Use that sense of smell already!” His tone commanded far more respect then Rojer wanted to give, and he just growled slightly.

Lifting his head into the air, his eyes widened. He actually smelled her. It was very, very faint, but he recognized the scent. “I think I may have found her! Let’s move!” He stood strangely quick, frightening the couple of soldiers who were left.

“Yes! Marcus is going to be so proud! Lead the way rojer! Before we go though…there were five men here. You said two went away. Why are there only two left? The other soldiers glowered at Rojer as Joseph said this.

Though his face showed nothing of it, Rojer knew exactly where the third soldier had gone. Rubbing his belly gently, he simply turned around. “Not a clue boys. He must have followed the two who ran off.”

Regardless, Joseph had his suspicions. Not wanting to risk Jessica getting away though, He shook his head and began walking forward, which Rojer took as a sign to do the same.

“Remember. We have to make sure she’s dead.”

“Yeah Joseph. I remember.” Rojer simply licked his chops at this point.
“Yeah! Kick his ass Marcus!”

“Rip him to shreds Reggie!”

The large camp which Marcus currently called home, was currently in an uproar. While a few of the soldiers interest was elsewhere, such as guarding their area, most of the people’s focus was on their leader, and the man he was currently sparring with.

The young soldier, fury in his cries, he ran towards his leader and struck with his right fist, only for Marcus to step back gracefully, avoiding the blow altogether. He continued to try to strike him several more times, the result being the same with each blow.

Finally, Marcus stepped forward, and with his left palm, struck his soldier square in the stomach, forcing him to drop to his knees, gagging from the sensation flowing through him. “It looks like I win Reggie. That was a good match. Anybody else wanna take a shot at me?” As he spoke these words, he grabbed Reggie’s collar and lifted him to his feet, giving him a pat on the back. “You did well. Although, to be fair, you never stood a chance against me.”

Shienne was sitting on top of an overturned wooden box among the crowd, watching the spectacle unfold. Not surprisingly, she realized that none of the other men seemed to want to take on their leader. “Babies. Not one of you is going to try?”

The man standing next to Shienne simply laughed as he looked at her. “Naw. A few try every once in a while and it’s always the same. Marcus hasn’t been hit by any of us. Not even once. He’s a monster, and we all know that. Once in a while, someone is silly enough to think they have a chance at beating him. It’s entertaining though! Especially for our guests! You enjoy it little missy?”

“Meh. It was alright. Kind of boring when it’s the same thing over and over. You know what I mean? I’m going to my tent.” As Shienne stood, she left the crowd for her own tent, courteously provided to her by these weird men.

Finally reaching the tent, she began to think about what she should do next. Afterall, she could feel a couple of great magical forces within this camp. One, she had realized, was that of Marcus. For somebody so strange, she could tell. He wasn’t a normal man. There was something more to him, than he let on. The other source…was exuding from the tent near the dridder cage. The tent which always had guards around it. Having been able to squeeze most information out of these people with her childish appearance, she figured this would most likely be the exact same.

A guard, blonde hair and wearing glasses saw Shienne walking towards the tent, and quite firmly planted his feet in front of the little girl. “Sorry. You can’t go in there. Marcus’ orders.

“And why might that be, hmm? I wanna know what’s in there!” She had punctuated this with a childish giggle that she had noticed adult humans found cute.

“Oh…It’s treasure we found. Magic treasure. They’re called magical artifacts. But. You can’t tell anybody about them, okay?”

“Magical artifacts? Gee…they sound pretty!” In actuality, talking in such a way made Shienne want to throw up. She knew well what magic artifacts were possibly capable of. The thought of such chaos…Such disorder that could be brought about…the feeling she got from such thought was simply euphoric. She now wanted those artifacts. No. She needed those artifacts. “Thanks for telling me! I’ll keep it a secret mister!”

“Good. Because I’m not supposed to tell anybody not from our troupe.” Yet, even though he said this, Shienne didn’t hear him. In her mind, she was already planning ways to get all of these fascinating toys all for herself.

Walking back to her own private tent, she heard the dridder girl in her cage, crying. “Hmmmm…angry venomous spider lady…I just thought of something evil.” Her face quickly brought out a horrid smile.
“Kaiten…are you sure about this?”

“Of course I am Jessica. What could go wrong, eh?”

The giant slime covered snake-man was now eyeing what appeared to be a large frog in the distance. From Jessica’s viewpoint, she realized it was bigger then Kaiten’s head.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, you seem rather fond of that shirt. Would be a shame to see blood on it.” As she spoke, she pointed a finger at his worn, filthy clothing.

“Now, Jessica? Would you mind telling me why it would be bloody? I’m just going to eat it.”

“It’s bigger then your head Kaiten! How can you manage that?”

“You seem to forget Jessica. I’m a snake. AND. Just LIKE a snake, I can swallow things far larger then you can. I just gotta know…are the…”Arboreal frogs” poisonous?

“I already told you. No, they’re not.”

“Perfect! Go ahead and watch, as I make my move.”

Now rather curious, Jessica sat in the bushes where she and Kaiten had been watching the animal move about the mud, and saw her partner trying hard to sneak up, silently, on his prey. Needless to say, a gigantic snake-man isn’t very silent. The frog noticed him long before he knew t and began to hop away. Desperately, Kaiten dove at it, Falling into the dirt and the mud.

“Where is it?! Oh darn it all! It got away!” Kaiten was nearly pouting now, as he stood himself up, slime and mud now caking his skinny tail.

“Ummm…Kaiten?” Jessica was now pointing upwards at his head, trying her hardest not to laugh.

Kaiten felt his head, wondering just WHAT was so funny, when he realized that the slime on the back of his head had the frog stuck to it. Practically slapping his face into his palm at such silliness, he plucked the frog from his person using both hands, and brought the struggling creature to his face.

With an small popping noise, Kaiten’s jaw unhinged. Shoving the frog inside, headfirst, he began swallowing repeatedly, taking a few seconds here and there to lick it, extracting the flavor from it. In no time at all, he was slurping up its legs like noodles. Afterwards, with a chewing motion, his jaws went back into place. “That was…excellent.” Licking some of the leftover slug slime from his lips, he had to admit. It didn’t taste half bad, although it felt like it wasn’t going down properly. A good drink of water would solve that.

“That was amazing! And kind of gross.” Jessica could now see a large bulge in Kaiten’s tail, moving about.

“Now! I gotta find some water. I just want to get this goo off of me, and then we’ll look for Sheska. Sound good?”

“Yes. Very good. It’s about time too.” She walked forward, next to her giant guide, and listened as she could hear his belly getting to work on the animal trapped within him.

“I hear running water. A river must be nearby. Let me clean up, and then we’ll get you home.” As he began to pull off his shirt, he looked at Jessica, blushing all the while. “Could you perhaps look away?”

Doing as she was told, she let out a slight sigh. She could hear his shirt being removed, followed by the sound of him slithering across the ground, followed by a loud splash. Turning around and sitting down next to Kaiten’s shirt, she reached into her backpack. All this tomfoolery was making her quite hungry. Pulling a ration pack from her sack, she peeled the tops off of the containers inside, and used the small plastic fork included inside to begin her meal.

“Kyaaaa!” A loud sound filled Jessica’s ear, and made her fall back, almost dropping her meal. Half yelling, she turned her head towards where she heard the almost deafening noise. Standing there was a harpy girl about Jessica’s height. Although she resembled a child more then someone of Jessica’s age and experience.

“You scared me…” She quickly realized that the harpy girl was eyeing her food., almost drooling. “Hey kid, I’m sorry. I don’t have enough for two people.

The harpy simply closed her eyes and opened her mouth, now pointing at it with one of her wings. “Aaaaaaah!”

Sighing now, Jessica knew she was going to feel guilty if she didn’t give anything to this hungry child. Looking through the meal, she removed the portion she herself rarely enjoyed that much. The dessert. Two cream covered crackers with chocolate in the middle. Very sweet, but not too filling. As she gave it to the girl, she hungrily gobbled it up, the cream getting all over her face as she did so. Licking her lips, she cooed happily, rushing towards Jessica and hugging her, wrapping her wings around her.

“Hey! What’re you…Oh. You must just be a child hmm?” As she spoke, the young harpy simply chirped. Letting out a heavy sigh, Jessica decided that it would be alright. “Fine. You can stay here until my friend gets back.”

To Be Continued.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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Age : 33
Location : In Ruby's cave in the Imoreith Tundra

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2010 3:20 pm

Hehe, I finally got around to reading your story, and I really do like it! Kaiten seems like a fun guy, always so fun and caring! I wish I would've read it sooner, I had no idea that he used to be a musician! I'd make him a giant violin if I could ^^;

I also really like the diversity of your characters ^^ Nice to see some other races getting love, especially slug girls!
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 9:25 pm

I know it's been awhile, but I've had TERRIBLE computer problems for a long while now. I KNOW this story is slightly short, and there's no real purpose to it, but I just wanted to post something to keep my writing from getting rusty. Also...I wanted to write about an unused species. XD Some feedback would be very helpful^^

Tesla’s Visit

The sun was at its peak, the land being bathed in its glorious glow. A cool breeze was blowing in from the west. A small group of about three humans was walking along a heavily forested path, determination in their eyes and dirt and water on their clothes. Among their ranks were two men and one woman, sticking close to one of her companions.

“So, you’re sure it’s this way right?” The young Brunette had asked the man leading her and the blonde haired man she was with.

“Of course I am. I do this for a living, remember?” The grey haired, aging man leading them had replied, his large gun strapped to his back swaying back and forth as he stepped forward.

“Listen, I appreciate this, but are you CERTAIN there are none of those giant predators around here?” The shy looking blonde haired man replied, looking towards their guide.

“This is the path I usually take. We in the escort business call it a safe zone. It’s JUST out of their territory. Well…most of them. Y’know, besides that fortune-teller.”

“Well duh. That’s why we came with you, remember? Seriously though, we really do appreciate this joey.”

“I’m glad. This place still gives me the willies, no matter how many times I come here…” As he stated this, he took another look around. Despite the lack of giants in the immediate area, one still had to keep a sharp eye out for dangerous plants, and other animals of the sort.

In the trees above them, situated in the darkness created by their branches, many odd chirps, croaks, and howls could be heard. No doubt the sounds of some of the “Monsters” their guide Joey had spoken of.

“What’re those noises?”

“I wouldn’t worry about it Tara. They’re just small animals in the canopies up there. They won’t hurt us. Mind, IF they should decide to, old Ezekiel here will have something to say about it hehehe.” As Joey spoke, he simply patted the handle of the large firearm strapped to his back.

“That’s good…I feel just a LITTLE bit safer knowing someone like you is here…”

“Oh come on Jacob! Don’t be such a wuss! Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“Stashed away with my will. I know you want to see that dridder, but…what if the stories aren’t true? What if she DOES eat humans?”

“Hey, if that’s the case, we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it.”

“Don’t you mean CROSS that bridge when we come to it?”

“Hey, if a predator was chasing you, would you just cross the bridge? Or burn it so the pred couldn’t follow you?” At this point, Jacob simply shut his mouth. He knew it was no use arguing once Tara had made her mind up about something.

Joey meanwhile, was having a rather rough time of it trying not to laugh at the arguments going on behind his back. Young lovers were so funny!

Looking off into the distance, Joey saw one of the many dangers of the wild he had come across a million times before. It was a strange bud-like plant, that yanked in humans whole, like a flytrap almost. Motioning to the two behind him, he led them far enough away from it that they would be in no danger.

“Say, are we going to be there soon? It’s been a couple of days afterall…” Tara playfully jumped over a large mud puddle as she asked this.

“Yeah, we’re almost there, don’t worry. I…” At this point, Joey heard something. He motioned to his traveling companions to stop moving for a moment, as he listened closely to his surroundings. He could hear dirt crunching underneath something. Something huge was nearby.

“Oh boy, snacks!” A booming voice, not unlike that of a young adult girl erupted from the nearby bushes. In an instant, Joey, Tara, and Jacob saw what looked like a gigantic snake heading their way. Though instead of a snake head, a woman’s body from the waist up began.

“…Oh shit…”

A small group of duiker were feeding upon some grass, as the sounds of nature constantly happened all around them. Unbeknownst to their innocent eyes, they were being watched.

In the tree up above, a large pair of blue eyes lazily watched them, a smile forming upon the figure’s lips. In a flash, the creature had dropped down to the ground, shaking the earth up all around her, a cloud of dust forming around her as the animals scattered.

The being looked like a large reptile where a woman’s waist-up portion showed from where the gigantic reptiles head should be. The human portion had a bit of a belly jutting out from her, as well as long greasy black hair and pale white skin.

Looking down, she saw that one of the frightened animals had tripped and was having a tough time getting back up.

“Oh, you poor thing! Let me help you!” She had spoken in the same caring, loving way a mother might do towards a child as she picked up the little deer and rested it on its feet. Stuttering away, it quickly left her sights.

“Oh! It was so adorable! I hope I see another one on the way!” As she spoke, in a rather loud tone, she crossed her arms and sighed. Sure, she was on the way to visit an old friend in the area, but it was always nice to take in the sights. Especially when they were so cute!

Stepping forward, the rather large Gecko woman took a good long whiff of the air. Sure enough, something caught her attention. Someone new was in the neighborhood! Rubbing her belly, she began to hope they were of a certain size.

Cutting through the brush, many would have been lucky to see her, as her body blended into the background almost seamlessly. She moved with a speed usually unseen in predators of that size. But, with the kind of body she had, this was to be expected.

Stopping to sniff a large flower hanging off of a tree, she smiled in a warm, gentle way. These flowers were quite beautiful. Maybe she would find one the right size and put it in her hair.

It was a beautiful day, and this was reflected in her expression, which was currently one of unrequited bliss, which was quickly shrinking as she rubbed her belly, an audible growl coming from it.

“I really hope I can find something soon…I don’t want to eat those cute little things from before…” As she spoke, she heard something up ahead: Gunfire. Something was going on a little ways away from her location. Putting some spring into her step, she followed the noise as fast as she was able.

Ahead of her location, she saw something she hadn’t seen before in these parts: A naga. It was just about as big as her as well, maybe a few feet shorter. She had Long, perfectly clean white hair, rather large breasts, and a nearly perfect figure. Inside of her coils, there were some humans, who were currently being taunted and teased by her. It was this sight that made the large gecko drool.

“Nice! I haven’t had humans in weeks! I knew it was worth it to move my home!” The naga had stated this in a sickeningly sweet voice that made Joey cringe. “Put down that toy. It won’t work on me little ones!”

“Oh, get bent! We’re people just like you! We want to see Sheska, nothing more!” Joey still had his rifle steady, aiming towards the giant predator’s face. He was trying to stay calm, despite how terrified he was.

“You want to see that fortune-teller? Hah! She’s a hack! She told me this would be the worst day of my life, but here I am and with some tasty little snacks! You’d be wasting your time.”

“Pl-Please miss…let us go…we’re going to be getting married…I beg of you…”

“Married? I don’t know what that means. Besides. You’re food and nothing more. Got that?”

“You bitch! We’re people! Just like you!”

“No yer not. Now, I’m rather hungry so…” She began to reach down to her captors, their fear becoming all the more real as she did.

“J-Joey…look…” Jacob quickly pointed in the direction of their newest guest, which was a bit hard due to the scaley wall that surrounded them.

“What!?” He lowered his rifle as a pale look ran across his face. As he spoke, the naga simply looked the way of the reptilian visitor.

Looking back and forth from her captors, and the very slightly bigger predator, she simply smiled. “Oh. You’re drooling. Are you hungry? Ya want one of my humans?”

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly steal your food! That would be terribly mean! But I really am hungry, so…” Diving forward with lightning quick reflexes, she pushed the naga down with her greater strength, forcing her to uncoil her tail from the small captives nearby. After this, she walked her body over to the snakes, and simply laid her reptilian half on top of the long tail beneath her, effectively stopping all movements.

“Joey, let’s get the Hell out of here!”

“Wait…something about this seems familiar…Hey! Are you Tesla?” Joey had yelled to the gigantic Gecko woman who was now pinning the snake woman to the ground.

“Hmmm? Yes, that’s my name! How did you know, handsome?”

“Ummm…could you get off of me?”

“Sheska mentioned you! My name is Joey, I’m a friend of hers. I bring her customers!”

“Well, any friend of Sheska’s is a friend of mine!”

“I’m still under you…mind, I don’t really mind. Ya wanna have some fun after we eat the humans?”

“Oh yes. Listen Joey, Joey’s friends, I’m gonna be busy for a second. After I’m done here, we’ll all go there, okay?”

“Done with what? A very shaken tara had then asked.

“If I remember what Sheska told me correctly, then this’ll be a rather unique sight…”

Turning her head towards the large predator under her weight, she looked her over. The naga had long white hair, and very large breasts. Her skin was beautiful and unmarred, and her belly was small and slim.


“Hello there miss naga! Sorry about pinning you down, but you know how it is.”

“If you wanted a human or two, you could have just asked ya know.” The naga seemed a bit annoyed at this point, beginning to struggle to get out from underneath her captor.

“Naw. If I wanted some food of yours, I’d happily ask.”

“Oh…well what do you want then?”

“Kind of hard to say.”

“Then…why did you tackle ME down?” Tesla simply smiled a sweet smile at this point, despite a VERY tiny hint of sadness that accompanied it.

She reached down to her arms, and gripped one with each of her hands as tightly as possible. She then lifted her human half as hard as possible, still keeping her animal half pinned beneath her greater weight. “Sorry.”

At this point, she pulled her face towards the top of the confused and struggling naga’s head. To the humans beneath, it appeared that she was trying to give her a kiss. This naga was wiggling around quite a bit, making Tesla try to move her head in an odd way, trying to match her target’s movements. As her mouth connected with the naga’s white hair-covered scalp, she pulled the naga upwards, her lips quickly and effortlessly stretching out and engulfing her head, as the naga let out a heavily muffled scream.

“…” Tara wanted to say something clever, but this sight was leaving her speechless as she held a hand to her stomach, and a pale grossed-out look overcame her.

Tesla continued pushing her mouth down the naga’s struggling body, licking it every once in a few seconds, swallowing as hard as she possibly could, getting past her shoulders without far too much difficulty, her throat bulging rather noticeably at this point. Oddly enough, she tasted a little bit like strawberries. She wasn’t quite sure why this was, but she wasn’t about to complain!

The naga had been struggling as hard as she was able. Unfortunately for her, this gecko…”thing” was much stronger then her, despite her somewhat bland figure, rendering her struggles all but useless. Tesla gulped over her breasts with SOME difficulty, and then reached her prey’s belly. She lifted her bottom half at this point to allow some snake tail to be released, before pinning it down again and continuing swallowing.

At this point, she began to feel guilty about not giving her any chance of fighting back. Such guilt all but disappeared as she remembered the last time she let a naga’s body hang out all willy-nilly. The sensation of a long muscular tail squeezing the breath out of her in a bone-breakingly tight grip wasn’t a very pleasurable one. And thus, she simply shrugged and continued swallowing.

Joey meanwhile, had picked up his rifle from the dusty ground, and began to refill the ammo in it, trying not to stare at his customers, who were trying not to throw up from the sight going on in front of them.

Finally, most of the naga had been consumed. Less then a quarter of her had been hanging out of Tesla’s blissfully smiling mouth now. The bulge in her throat and going down her body was disappearing inside of her gecko half.

“Ya almost done?” Joey had flatly asked, seemingly unaffected by the spectacle unfolding in front of him.

“Mmhmm!” Tesla, at this point simply waved at the little humans, a large, twitching chunk of snake tail hanging out her mouth as she happily slurped it up, much like a scaly noodle.

All three of the humans could now see a rather large bulge accumulating inside of Tesla’s reptile half, easily noticeable as the meal she had just consumed, complete with twitching, and incredibly muffled screaming and cursing.

Finally swallowing what was left of her tail, she rubbed her belly happily as her underbelly stretched outwards, nearly dragging against the ground. Wiping the drool from her mouth and chest, she blushed a little bit. “I’m ready now little ones!”

“Thank you Tesla. Let’s go Tara, Jacob.” As Joey spoke, Tara and Jacob’s faces showed nothing but disbelief at the fact that Joey was so calm about the matter.

“So, you’re a friend of Sheska’s?” She replied as she stood up, stretching her legs out as far as she could to avoid dragging her distended, wriggling, underbelly against the dirt below.

“Somewhat. I bring customers to her that want their fortunes told since I know the area pretty well. She helps me by giving me a little bit of money, some weapons…things she’s saved up from people paying for her services. It helps spread the word of her work, and helps me get paid.”

“I’m glad Sheska has someone like you to help her. I remember how her business used to get almost no people…” At this point, she was walking along with them, Jacob and Tara keeping some distance between them, amazed that Joey wasn’t scared.

“Errr Tesla, right? What are you doing around here? Joey said there weren’t going to be ANY other giants besides Sheska…”

“I was in the area, so I decided to visit my very dear friend sheska. Besides. Taking a break from my travels is usually a nice change of pace. I’m sorry if I frightened you, little ones.”

“Oh no! You didn’t, don’t you worry.” Joey’s voice was still overflowing with confidence as he spoke to the bad-smelling predator. “So, why do you travel instead of settling down somewhere hmmm?”

“That’s an easy question to answer.” She had spoken this in a rather dark tone. “I’m searching for love!” Her tone quickly changed to one of a much more eccentric nature, as she held out her left hand.

“Love? What do you mean exactly?”

“Shouldn’t it be obvious? I’m searching for my loverly one! I know he’s out there somewhere. Just as my Mother and Father were soul mates, so too is one out there for me! It’s such a romantic thought, finding the right man…” She had punctuated this with a heavy sigh.

“Soul mate, huh? Well, mine is right here!” Tara had then given Jacob a heavy pat on the back, the meek man laughing slightly, blushing all the while.

“Oh, you’re an item? How wonderful! I hope you’ll be very happy together! I’m happy I didn’t let that naga eat you after all.” Her voice was practically overflowing with an incredibly happy tone as she spoke, holding her arms and hands up to her face.

Jacob simply watched in awe as his lover began to make small talk with the gigantic maneater beside them.

“I had a man like him at my side once…”


“Yup! He was the sweetest man I ever knew, he’d do anything for me! He was destined for me and I for him! We were going to be together forever!”

“What happened?”

“One day, he told me he was going to get some water, and afterwards, I never saw him again. I think he just…got lost. That’s it. I know he loved me. I always told him just how much he meant to me. I wanted to be sure he knew it well!”

“Awwwww….I’m sure that must be it Tesla! You’re a nice girl!”

“Awwww! That’s so sweet of you! What’s your story? You and Jacob?”

“Funny you should ask. We were both in the market in the city, shopping for some fruit, and we met at the market. Our eyes locked, and we started talking…”

“Oh my! How romantic! I love that! You two are just like a fairy tale! Except neither of you is a prince or a princess!”

Jacob simply tried not to stare at the somewhat fat reptile walking nearby as he meekly spoke. “Yeah, Tara did most of the talking for us…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tesla was clearly confused by this.

“He means I started talking to him, I invited him over for dinner, I was the one who proposed marriage for the two of us. And so on and so forth!” Tara was practically laughing at this point, Jacob staring at the ground and blushing at his own shyness, which was now practically the center of the conversation.

“I knew a guy like him once. Really shy and really quiet. Nice man though. It was a shame he couldn’t commit to a relationship. I would have snatched him up in a heartbeat.”

“Oh, I know the type. They’re so sweet, but they’re so meek that they’ll never be able to properly commit without a strong lady friend to give them a push forward.”

“You’re lucky he’s so small, otherwise I might try and take him for myself!”

“Heh. You do that, and I’d knock your block clean off!”

“Whoa, bad girl here! Yer scary when yer mad!”

“Darn tootin’!”

“They really seem to be getting on, eh Joey?”

“Yeah. It’s nice though. We’ll be there soon anyway, so just enjoy the extra company.”

“So, are you two planning to have children?”

“…” A powerful blush suddenly ran across Jacob’s face as Tara smiled in a rather teasing fashion.

“I know I’M planning to!”


“We’re here! My dear friend Sheska’s home!”

“Wow Tesla, thanks for interrupting me. People REALLY love it when ya do that to them.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Forget about it. It’s fine. HEY! SHESKA!!! I Brought ya some new customers!”

Looking ahead of themselves, Jacob and Tara could see a strange looking dridder up ahead of them. Dressed in a homemade top, skirt, and veil around her mouth, she had a large blush on her face.

“Errr…Hello there…Is your name Sheska?” As Tara asked this, Joey simply smirked, their doubts amusing him greatly.

“Please, please! Come in, take a seat! Can I offer you a drink?” The tone the gigantic dridder spoke with was a bored one, a small smile on her lips as she winked at her old friend Joey.

As the two walked towards the large dridder, they saw their new pal rush her old friend in a tight hug, despite the heavy weight dragging her underbelly against the ground. “Sheska! I was in the area, so I decided to visit! Those two did too because they wanna know the Future! And we all know how good you are at that!”

Though it took Sheska a moment to register exactly what had happened, she hugged Tesla back, a large happy smile appearing on her face.

“Just a minute Tesla, I have to deal with these folks, then we’ll catch up, okay? Help yourself to my drinks. You know where they are.”

“Yay! I love your drinks! She rushed towards an area in the back of Sheska’s fortune-telling, her bulging struggling underbelly jostling from side to side, the screams and swears emanating from inside having died down to irritated yells now.

“Sorry about that, little people. She gets pretty affectionate at times.” The dridders bored tone still did not cease. “What did you want to know?”

“Errr. My name is Tara, and this is my husband-to-be, Jacob. We were wondering…would it be a good time for us to have a baby?”

“Well, that depends. What’s the baby’s name going to be?”
Reading the smoke rising from some of her burning webs laid upon the ground in a manner most odd, Sheska smiled. “There! It’s done! I believe that you SHOULD have a child. It will be born happy, healthy, and it will live long.”

“Oh my god! That’s excellent! I’ve always wanted to be a mother! Isn’t that great Jacob?”

“Errr…Yes, that’s great…”

“Now. As for my payment…” The slightly chubby, flushed spider woman held out her hand as she said this. To this end, the humans in front of her dropped a number of coins into her hands, pulled out from Jacob’s rucksack. “Thank you.”

Joey simply reloaded his rifle as he looked up to the fortune-telling predator placing her pay in a pile with some others, removing a few and handing them to Joey as payment. “Thanks Sheska! Great working with ya again! Now come on you two, we better head back if you don’t want to take WAY too long.”

“Glad to have been of service.” At this point, she simply waved goodbye to the trio leaving her midst, her day having been made by such a pleasant visit.

“Sheshka! Thar ya are!” Sheska turned her head and simply saw that the large, lovesick lizard stumbled towards her, laughing and trying to speak through her heavy slur. “Glad it went well…they were such nice people! I love them…I love all of them!” She tripped as she said this, her belly falling to the ground, as her lunch simply let out a loud pain filled yelp accompanied by a loud gurgle.

“You enjoying your drinks?”

“Oh yesh! Thanksh for sharing Sheshka…I wuv you! You’re like the shishter my parents would….wouldn’t have…”

“That’s sweet of you to say tesla.”

“Fank you. It’sh nice to see you again…Did I say I wuved you like a shisher yet?”

“Lie down Tesla. Get some sleep.”

“But…But I…”


“…Yesh ma’am. You’re no fun…” At this point, Tesla lied down on her side, letting her belly rest against the ground as a peace-filled looked appeared on her face, some drool escaping her alcohol-wettened lips.

Just like most other times Tesla had visited during a job, Sheska was going to have to wait to catch up with her bothersome friend. She didn’t really mind though. Friends were always worth the bother.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 5:28 pm

It took me a long while due to computer issues again...but here it is! Stress has been at an all time high here, so I hope it's alright^^;

Kaiten’s Felaryan Misadventures Ch. 8

In an area North-East of the Ascarlin mountains, a large camp with many tents stood. Many of these tents, however, were emptier then one would expect for such a wide area. Though many armed men were still up to their usual business, it seemed somewhat…empty. The sun was beginning to go down, as the sky took on a beautiful crimson orange, bathing all in its warm glow.

In one particularly decorated tent, a rather tall, oddly dressed man sat. On the table in front of him, many strange substances laid. As well as these plants and odd chemicals, there were several bottles and strange looking tools. Using a small knife to cut several of these materials into smaller portions, he began to mix them using the different tools lying around him, determination in his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the strange little girl he had accepted into his group’s temporary home, looking at him through the tent’s entrance.

“Mister Marcus? May I come in?” She had spoken in such a soft voice, that nobody could have ever suspected a thing of the sweet little girl.

“Certainly Shienne. Come in and sit a while.” Though he let out a small sigh, a large smile was lying across his face.

Walking in, and grabbing a nearby wooden box, the young girl dragged it over towards Marcus’ table sitting on top of it. Looking at Marcus once more, she felt that same feeling of powerful magic flowing through him. He was hiding something, and she knew this all too well.

“What are you doing?” Her tone was very innocent as she spoke these words, despite her selfish chaotic intentions.

“Well, if you must know…I’m preparing.”

“Preparing? What for, hmm?”

“In case of trouble. I always make sure I’m ready.”

“What exactly are you making?”

“Now, that? I can’t tell you. Think of it as a surprise you may get to see if you’re lucky.” He looked at her once more, and smiled, his eyes hidden behind protective goggles as he spoke.

“Ooh! That sounds cool. Welp, I’ll leave you to it then!” She slid her box away from his table, kicking up dust as she left.

“Shienne…what’s up with you?” He asked himself as he sat there. Shienne gave off a very strange feeling, one, which Marcus had never felt before, despite his extensive experience over the course of his life. “You seem nice enough, but still. You creep me right out.”

Heading towards the western end of the camp, towards the artifact tent, Shienne’s eyes were on the dridder cage. Heading behind the cage, JUST out of sight of the armed soldiers, the frightening little girl took a good long look at the sleeping dridder. She had long black hair, and a pale look on her face. Her abdomen was a grey-ish color, with some white spots adorning it. She looked to be fully grown, maybe in her twenties. From the looks of her face, she had been crying, no doubt a result of her failed attempts to escape from her imprisonment and the venom milking she had been forced into by her captors.

“Hey, you. Dridder. You okay in there?” Shienne simply leaned closer to the dridder to say this. As she got closer, the dridder’s eyes opened up quite wide. “Not having a good time, eh?”

Not even giving the little girl talking to her a chance to move, she grabbed her arm as hard as she could, pulling the little girl against the bars, her face slamming against the metal with a loud grunt.

“No, I’m not. I’m pissed off. VERY pissed off. Give me a reason girl. A reason why I shouldn’t drink your insides like a tasty treat right now! I don’t care if you’re a kid! You’re working with these bastards who locked me up, so as far as I’m concerned, you’re dead!”

“Let go of my arm, or else.” The tone with which Shienne spoke was so calm that the dridder couldn’t help but feel nervous, her murderous glance turning to a somewhat frightened stare.

“What do you want girl?” The dridder simply let go of Shienne’s arm, somewhat fearing the girl’s frightening eyes.

“What do I want? Oh, nothing much. Nothing most NORMAL people would want anyway. I want what people don’t want. I want chaos. I want disorder. I want everyone here to feel its flow, and to experience disorder. To do that, I need what they have inside of that tent over there, the one with all the guards.”

“Disorder? Chaos? Just who the Hell are you?”

“NOT one of those incompetent freaks, that’s all you need to know, ya got me?”


“Look, I have a plan. IF you’re willing to help me with it, we could both get what we want from this. I could get my magic artifacts, and YOU get free. Maybe I’ll even let you come with me if ya promise to behave.” She simply smiled a wide smile at this point, showing off a mouthful of shark-like teeth.

“O-okay. How can I help then?” The dridder girl gulped hard at this sight, as she began to sweat from the particularly frightening sight of this strange girl’s mouth.

“First off, tell me your name. I’m Shienne.”

“My name is Sandy…”

“Perfect! I’ll come and tell you my plan tonight, Then we’ll act on it. Once most of these morons are asleep, it’ll be time to get to work. Take care of yourself, my eight-legged partner.” Shienne then began to walk away, leaving one very startled Sandy left behind.

Shienne chuckled in an almost inhuman way as she walked back towards her tent. Her plan had finally been set into motion.
A small mermaid was swimming through the waters of a large river, looking for some fish to eat. Keeping a close eye on her surroundings, she hadn’t noticed anything out of the usual. Her usual route to gather food had been safe like always. It was at this point that the small fish girl realized something disturbing the current ahead of her. It was large, gigantic even.

Seeing a dark shade of green straight ahead of her, she quickly turned the other way and swam as fast as she could, hoping this ominous figure wasn’t in the mood to chase her down and slurp her up.

“Scrub, scrub, scrub all the grime away! Ummm…how did that next part go? Darnit…if only Mommy was here to help me remember the bath time song…” As the not-so slimy snake-man sat in the small river and scrubbed all the goop off of himself, he contemplated just what was going to happen next.

“Let’s see…first thing’s first. I’m clean and I’m full of frog, so I should look for Sheska. Then, IF we’re lucky, she’ll know where Gravel city is. Then Jessica can go home, and maybe I can meet her family! It’ll be SO fun to see them all reunited!” He was practically shaking like a little child now, giggling between his words.

Looking into the water, he realized something shimmering. “Hmmm? Fish? It’s a fish! A really big fish!” Seeing that it was swimming away pretty quickly, he dove towards the glimmering tail and managed to get a firm hold on it. “Yes! Dessert is served!” Raising the creature from the water to his face, he simply gasped.

“Oh no! P-Please! Let me go! Don’t hurt me! I was just…looking for something to eat! Let me go!”

In his hand, he was holding what appeared to be a girl. Except that where her waist began, there was a long shiny fish tail, fins and gills included.

“A mermaid! Oh my gods! I can’t believe it! Hello there miss!” His eyes were practically glowing as he stared at the little fish-woman in his grasp. “I’ve heard legends of things like you from sailors and stuff! Can you talk?”

His response to her pleas ushered an odd stare from her, as she looked at the giant man’s face. You’re not going to eat me?”

“Of course not. I’ve always wanted to see a mermaid. So…pretty…”staring in awe at the fish-girl in his hand, he felt like the luckiest man alive.

“Ummm…if you don’t mind, I was looking for something to eat, so could you let me go? Please?”

It was at this moment, that the slim scaly man realized that the figure he held was nude. This, together with the human fishes request, made his face turn a slight red, as he let go of her. He simply held his open palm in the water and let her swim off.

“Bye miss mermaid!” Before he could even say these words, the girl was gone. My gods…she was beautiful. That tail was so…shiny. I wish I could have taken a scale. But only if it wouldn’t have hurt her though. I know it stings like heck whenever I lose a scale afterall! Wait…who am I talking to?!” Turning his head side to side, Kaiten closed his mouth, blushing once more at his silliness.

Meanwhile, not TOO far away, Jessica was trying to discover just WHAT exactly the young harpy girl she had met was doing.

“My name is Jessica. JESSICA.” She made wide motions with her arms, making the young harpy giggle with delight.

“Je…Jessicar!” The child simply blubbered on, still repeatedly hugging Jessica, despite being pushed back by her repeatedly.

“You must not have been taught how to speak properly yet. Well, either way, my name is Jessica. Even IF you can’t say it yet.” She then began to pat the little girl on the head as she realized that she REALLY wanted some attention. In response, the small girl simply cooed.

Suddenly, she rose as fast as lightning and ran over to the large stinky shirt nearby, examining it. Needless to say, she was soon gagging from the disgusting odors.

“Awww! You must be curious! I’d be careful though. That thing smells awful! Trust me on this…” Her face scrunched up as memories of Kaiten’s sweat and other foul stenches from her hoodie rides returned.

Within no time at all, the young bird girl was right in front of Jessica again, curious eyes exploring Jessica’s form. The girl was sitting still now, giving Jessica a better chance to look her over. The little girl had dark toned skin, and white-brown feathers all around her young body.

“Come to think of it…where’s your mother? Do you know?” The Harpy girl simply chirped once more, looking confused. Regardless of what she was feeling, the word “Mother” seemed to register as once she heard it, she began to look in several directions, as though searching for something.

“You’re lost…aren’t you?”


“I have a friend. He’s busy taking a bath right now, so we’ll wait until he’s finished. Afterwards, we’ll take you with us. Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll find your parents. Does that sound good?” The harpy simply cocked her head as this was said.

Hearing something rising from the water nearby, Jessica looked away, as did the small girl, mostly copying her new friend.

“Don’t look Jessica.”

“I’m not. Hurry up and get dressed.”

The gigantic snake-man tried not to look at his comrade as he picked up his filthy shirt and rubbed it against the ground, getting the slime off of it and onto the grass, then donning it once more. “I feel like a new man! Or rather, I feel like the same man, but much better! Hmmm? Who’s yer friend? WHAT is your friend?”

“I’m not quite sure where she came from. All I know is, she’s a harpy, and she seems lost…”


“I already told you, I don’t know!!!” The enraged sphinx was yelling at the young man who was equally yelling back at him.

“BULLSHIT!!! You’ve been eating my comrades! I demand you cough them up right now!” Joseph’s face was a bright red, as he practically screamed at his predatory partner.

“How many times do I have to say it?! They were idiots, and something ELSE must have gotten them! The wild is full of dangerous creatures. You shouldn’t scream at someone who’s so much bigger then you! I could make you my first victim of your band of losers if you really want!”

“Oh please! Don’t give me that shit! If you wanted to eat me, you would have done it already! You’re scared of eating me because I have magic. I KNOW.”

“It-It’s not that! I…respect you. Much more than I respect that idiot Marcus. Hence why you’re still alive at this very moment. He’d be rotting in there right now if it were him instead of you.”

“Riiiiiiight. Whatever. I don’t have time for this, and you’re losing your temper, so why not get to work on finding Jessica Hmmm?” Joseph wanted to get away from this irritable giant as fast as possible.

“Don’t you use that tone with me, you stupid ass! I’m not some animal you can just order around! You’re lucky I haven’t killed you!”

“Just shut up and get on with it! That way, we don’t have to work together anymore!”

“Fine with me! I got to have some fun, AND I got to lead some people, so I got my payment. After we get rid of Jessica, we’re through.” He lifted his nose to the air and began to inhale once more as he spoke. “She’s close. Her…and something else.”

“Something else? Could it be…that one of her comrades is also alive? This doesn’t sound good. Rojer? Seems like you’ll be getting two snacks instead of one.”

“I’d like that.” A river entered the large half-lion’s sight as followed his nose, the source of the smell closer then ever before.”
“So, she just came out of nowhere?”

“Yeah, that’s right. I have NO idea where she came from.”

“Poor little thing…We should help her!”

“How? We don’t know where she’s from, or even who she is.”


“I wonder what she’s saying. Maybe she’s trying to give us directions!” Despite Kaiten’s optimism, the small harpy simply licked her left wing, nibbling on a small bug that had crawled onto her.

“Yeah, I kind of doubt that. Maybe we should just take her with us? Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll find her parents.”

“That’s a good idea! Welcome to the group little one! It’s always fun to travel with more…what the heck…?”

“What’s wrong Kaiten?”

“I smell something. I don’t know what it is…I can feel it through the ground. It’s heading this way. It’s big.”

“Big? I really don’t like the sound of that…”


“Whatever it is, it’ll be here any second…” Kaiten was staring in the direction he could feel the strange vibrations from, ready for whatever was about to burst forth from the wilderness.

From the brush, a large creature walked forth. It was unlike anything Kaiten had ever seen before. From it’s bottom half, it looked like a lion. On it’s back, there were a large pair of white wings. From where it’s head should have connected to it’s body, a man’s body from the waist up showed. He looked to be about seven feet taller than Kaiten, and MUCH more muscular. At this weird creature’s side, there was a small human.

The human appeared to be average size, with dyed-red hair, a long white jacket, and a large gun strapped to his back. His hair was messed up and his face looked as though he’d been to hell and back.

“That human girl right there. That’s Jessica, right?”

“FINALLY! Yeah, that’s her! Get her now!”

“WHAT did I tell you about ordering me around?!”

Backing away, Jessica’s eyes were on Joseph, fear in her expression. “Oh shit…they found me!”

“Jessica? Who the heck is that? Also…What is that thing?!”

“That man is one of the ones who helped to kill my comrades! He’s one of the reasons I’m out here! I’ll explain later…and it’s a sphinx! A big one!” The human woman simply backed away, half hiding behind her gigantic companion’s tail, her little feathered-friend close behind.

“Sphinx…never heard of ‘em.”

“Naga. That human with you? I hope she isn’t your friend, because I need her. Hand her over to me.” The loud winged lion-man spoke in a proud tone, oddly fitting of his rugged appearance.

“Errr…she IS my friend. And y-you’re gonna leave her a-alone!” Though he wanted to be brave, he found his body was, as it usually did in such situations, trembling and shaking.

“Look at you. Cowering and shaking…this shouldn’t be ANY trouble at all!”

“Jessica. Run…I’ll do what I can…just get away from here. As soon as I’m done with this jerk, I’ll find you and we’ll be back on our way.”


“Go. NOW!” Not wasting any time, the human survivor ran in the opposite direction as fast as she could, pulling the young harpy along as well.

“Naga, just let me by, and I won’t hurt you.”

“No. I don’t wanna!” the large green-tailed coward stuck both arms out wide at this point, hoping beyond all hope that this assailant would leave his comrade and friend alone.

“Rojer! Just push him aside and let’s go already! She’s so close…”

“Right.” Doing as he was told, albeit reluctantly, The angry sphinx pushed aside the frightened skinny naga with very little effort, only to see the naga reel back to his spot and sink his teeth into his left arm.

Unfortunately for Kaiten, his smaller size didn’t help matters much, as the large sphinx smacked him in the side of his head with an outstretched palm, knocking him down in pain.

“Too easy.” Readying himself to go after the human girl ahead of him and his partner, Rojer quickly felt an odd sensation, as he realized a long snake tail was wrapping around his lion half, squeezing extremely tightly.

“Go away! Just leave her alone!” Kaiten managed to yell through his pain, as he squeezed tight as he possibly could with the force of his entire body, his human half on top of Rojer’s back, punching his side repeatedly as he sank his fangs into his flesh.

Joseph watched the spectacle with some amusement. Even THOUGH he heavily doubted his giant companion would lose, it was somewhat satisfying to see him in pain, after what he had done to his teammates.

“Grrrrr…GET OFF!!! “ In great anger, the large sphinx threw his body onto its side, his weight pushing Kaiten’s entire body against the forest floor, making him gasp sharply as pain ran through him, some freshly made tears running down his face.

“Hurry up Rojer! You’re taking WAY too long!”

“Shut up Joseph! How many times do I have to tell you?!” Looking away towards the annoying little human was, as Rojer quickly discovered, a mistake. The little naga, though badly hurt by his last movement, had gotten up, and thrown his fist directly into Rojer’s left cheek, causing an involuntary grunt of pain.

“There! How do ya like that?! Leave Jessica alone, and I won’t hit you anymore!”

“You must not be used to people hitting back…” Rojer dryly stated this as he rubbed his reddened cheek, looking at the shaking naga. Swiftly and without warning, Rojer swung his right fist as hard as he was able to, straight into Kaiten’s gut, forcing him to fall to the ground, gagging in pain, some drool escaping onto the dirt below him.

Turning away from his fallen enemy, his face was a bright red as his anger had been building up. Joseph had been wearing on his nerves, and then he got punched in the face by someone shorter than him! It may not have hurt TOO badly, but it was embarrassing nonetheless.

“Nice job Rojer. Now let’s go.”

“Please stop talking…” Rojer closed his eyes tightly as he walked forward, trying to think pleasant thoughts, when suddenly, he felt a heavy force strike the back of his head.

Joseph jumped back a little bit as he saw that the naga had risen once more, and had thrown a large rock at his enemy. Joseph wasn’t quite sure how the naga had lifted something of that size, given his tiny frame, but the fact that the ground was torn up around his hand, and the slight glow his palm gave off gave him an idea of how he managed it.

Kaiten meanwhile, was watching Rojer stagger from the blow from his spot on the ground. He felt like screaming of his victory. That is, until he saw Rojer turn around quite wobbly, rubbing the back of his head.

“I…I’m sorry…Jessica is my friend…please don’t hurt her…please.”

Pulling his palm from the back of his skull, Rojer saw a crimson stain all over his fingers. His expression turned to one of pure rage as he looked down at the cowering snake, who was now putting up his arms to block any incoming blows.

“You’re DEAD!!!” Despite the cries from the underweight man, Rojer quickly rushed over to his fallen form, and began swinging his fists down at his upper body and head as hard as he could, yelling in anger as he did so. Within seconds, the snake man’s cries stopped, as he fell unconscious from the many blows to him.

“Errr…Rojer, that was a nice job and all…but ya didn’t have to take it that far. We came for Jessica, not that guy.”

“He started it. I ended it. Simple as that.” Leaning against a nearby tree, Rojer held his forehead in his hand as he heard the tiny annoyance rushing him, despite how blurry his sight currently was.

“Get up and finish the job Rojer, now!”

“I asked you enough! Don’t tell me what to do you son of a bitch! I’m still dizzy.”

“If she gets away, Marcus is gonna be pissed! We’ve wasted far too much time as it is!”

“You know what? I’ve had my fun, and you’re close enough. YOU do it.”

“What?! You can’t be serious!” Joseph was taken aback by Rojer’s words. They had come all this way, only for Rojer to basically tell him to shove off.

“I am serious. I told you to stop telling me what to do, and you wouldn’t. You’re on your own.”

“Rojer, c’mon buddy! You know I didn’t mean all that stuff before…”

Rojer couldn’t believe this jerk. He told HIM what to do, and now he was rushing him? Even after he had been doing what he had been told to?

“What a load of crap! You thought I ate all your comrades, right? Guess what? I did! I’m glad I did! I haven’t eaten so well in a long time!” As Rojer said this, he saw Joseph’s expression turn to one of pure hate, his face scrunching up terribly badly as he looked upwards.

“You giant asshole! How dare you!”

“You don’t want me here NOW, do you?”

“Marcus is going to hear about this, ya got it?! You’re going to pay!”

“Go ahead and tell that moron whatever you like. I’m outta here.”

The sphinx quickly rose from his position and walked the opposite way of his former target, ignoring all the pleas of his former comrade as well.

“Fine! I’m better off without you anyway!” Swearing under his breath, he looked at the fallen giant nearby, blood and tears running down his unconscious face. “You skinny bastard…this is all your fault.”

“Well, you know what they say. If you want a job done right, do it yourself!” Looking down at his palm, glowing a pale yellow, he began to walk in the direction of his prey, ready to end her life.

To be continued…
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

Posts : 658
Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 35

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 12:29 pm

Kaiten's Felaryan Misadventures Ch.9

Jessica was now running through the heavily forested area she found herself in, sweat dripping down her horrified face as she held on to the wing of the young harpy that had found her earlier.. Her own comrade, a giant snake creature, had stayed behind not too long ago, in order to protect her from the threat currently after her: A gigantic sphinx and a man with a very frightening look about him.

"Why? WHY did it have to be him?! I thought those guys would leave me alone! Wipe out my friends and then they come for me! Those dicks!!!"

"Jicks!" The little harpy beside her had yelled out, copying her new friend.

"Errr…yeah, don't repeat that! What would your mother think?!" Jessica's motherly instincts had kicked in once again, despite the imminent danger she was currently in.

Feeling as though they were far enough away by now, the camouflage-clad survivor stopped moving in order to catch her breath, sweat being wiped from her face by the arm not holding her guests wing.

"Geez, if that sphinx comes through here, it's all over…" Gasping in fear, she leaned against a nearby tree. "Crap…I am out of shape…"

From the corner of Jessica's eye, she saw the small harpy pointing towards the direction they had just come from.

"Yes, that's where we DON'T want to go. the opposite way of that. Opposite."


"Errr…yeah, close enough. Let's hit the road, hurry." Taking the excitable harpy by the wing once more, she kept heading away from where she had left Kaiten. "Kaiten…I hope you're alright…"
Fuh…Goddamn Rojer! Always being a pain in the ass!!! GAH!! Why does this shit always happen to me?! I swear, if it's not one thing it's another…" As Joseph, dressed in a lightweight suit walked forward, he found himself following two pairs of footprints, one from a human, and one from a bird-like creature.

"That's it! When I get back, Marcus is gonna hear of this! And that big fucker will pay…Oh how he'll pay…" Stomping the ground as hard as he could, Joseph began to ran forward as fast as he could, keeping a close eye on his surroundings.

"Now, get back here Jessica!"
A young man, clad in a green uniform, walked through his camp, his eyes filled with focus, ready to snuff out whatever dangers may arise from the world around him to harm his comrades. As he walked forward, he took a good look at the place his comrades and he temporarily called home. Supplies had been running low, and several men had been snatched up and killed by the wildlife.

Ahead of the young man, he saw the mysterious girl his group had invited to stay with them. The one his boss had some strange suspicions about. She looked almost…worried.

Walking up towards the small girl who was now pacing back and forth, sporting a frown, the man put on a smile. "Shienne? You alright kid?"

"Hmmm? Oh…I'm alright…I'm really worried about something…that's all."

"Worried? Whatever for?"

"Well…one of the men said something about Marcus…that they were going to kill him in his sleep…"

"This is very serious. Tell me who said this." The man's tone carried a note of urgency, common to the situation at hand.

"I'm scared to tell in case he's nearby. I don't want him to kill me…" Shienne's legs were practically shaking as she spoke, her eyes closed tightly.

"Fine. Is there anywhere you would feel good telling me about this?"

"Ummm…my tent, maybe." Shienne had punctuated this with a rather sheepish giggle, very befitting of someone of her appearance.

"Very well. Let's go." Taking Shienne's hand, he had not noticed a small mischievous smile beginning to appear on her lips.

Reaching the pink colored tent the men had provided for their little guest, the soldier made a hand motion to Shienne get inside. Walking inside himself, he sat down on a small crate Shienne had been using as a chair, and looked at her big blue eyes. Shienne had realized that nobody was watching her when she brought him in, so that helped the matter some.

"Now, what is it you want to say?" He spoke with a very quiet tone, so as nobody would hear.

"Well...Ya see…" Looking outside, Shienne saw that the sun was beginning to go down. At long last, her plan could finally be put into action. She zipped up the tent

"Yes Shienne? Out with it. If my Bosses life is in danger, I need to know who's responsible.

"Oh, that's simple. It was nobody." Before the soldier had a chance to react, Shienne yanked out a large rock underneath her sleeping bag, and slammed it into the side of the man's head as hard as she was able. Looking down at the unmoving body, she realized she had knocked him unconscious.

Leaning down to look at his body, Shienne's small grin turned into a very wide smile. Lowering her face to his, a strange blue smoke began to pour out of his mouth as her eyes began to glow. Inhaling hard, the blue smoke went straight down her throat. After inhaling a small amount, the little demon unceremoniously dropped the man's head, letting it audibly hit the dirt. "Oops."

Looking outside to take a quick look around, she realized nobody had even noticed what happened. Suppressing the urge to let out a loud laugh, she looked down at her unconscious visitor. Eyeing the brown haired mans uniform, she looked outside and realized that the sun was going down. It was about time for her plan to go into action.
A large wolf was walking through the woods, looking for something to eat. Ahead of itself, it saw a gigantic snake tail. It was quite aware of just how dangerous these creatures were, yet oddly enough, this one wasn't moving, almost as though it was dead. Sniffing the tip of the gigantic creatures tail, the wolf sank it's fangs into the very tip of the tail, hoping to get some meat off of it.

"Ouch!" The large green-tailed giant naga rose from his slumber almost instantly as the wolf ran off, whimpering all the while.

Looking around, Kaiten felt rather odd. He couldn't remember why he was sitting there in the dust.

Letting out a loud yawn, his eyes lazily searched his surroundings. "Man…I slept so well! I feel pain though." Rubbing his face, he wasn't aware of the dried blood that was on him.

"Wait a minute…I remember some giant cat thing…HOLY CRAP! Jessica! Where are you?!" Looking around somewhat desperately, the giant snake man whimpered like a lost child.

"Oh crap! This isn't good! I promised I'd protect her! Okay…calm down Kaiten. Deep breaths, deep breaths…" Closing his eyes, the large hyperventilating naga began to breath in through his nose, and out through his mouth.

"Need high ground…maybe I can see her from up in the treetops! Yeah, that'll work! When life gets you down, look at it from a different pantage point! Wait…or was it vantage point? No matter! Jessica needs me!"

Looking around, Kaiten spotted a very tall tree, practically towering over the others in the area. Grabbing its base, he began to climb as fast as his arms and tail would allow. Despite a few moments where his hands almost slipped due to wet wood or moss.

As he accidentally grabbed onto a gooey handful of tree sap, his expression turned to one of disgust. "Oh, gross! I got tree poop on my hand!" Wiping off what was on his hand, he continued to climb until he was as high as could be safely climbed without falling due to the slippery nature of the tree.

"Jessica. Jessica. Where the heck are you?" Unfortunately, his perch offered no help to him as he saw no sign of his comrade. It DID however offer a beautiful view of the crimson skies as the sun began to set.

"Dang, that's beautiful. Jessica would love it if she were here and not in mortal danger. Wait…why the heck am I looking at the sunset instead of helping?! Guess I'll have to do this the old fashioned way!"

Sliding down the tree, a few near-misses along the way, he managed to find his way back to solid ground. As he his hands, he began to sniff the air, much like a dog. Lowering his face to the dirt below, he continued to sniff around, until finally, he caught the smell of something.

"It smells like Jessica, but it's really faint. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to find her! Don't you worry Jessica! I'll save you from the kitty guy!" At this point, the large, underweight snake began to slither forward as fast as possible, whimpering like a dog.

"I think we're safe." Jessica said between heavy gasps of air, as she kept an eye on the small harpy with her. The young child didn't seem to be out of breath at all, which was a bit of a relief for Jessica as she wouldn't have to carry her.


"Yes, we're safe. At least…I think so. I don't hear any huge ruckus behind us, so I don't think that sphinx is coming anymore." Resting her hand on her sack, she felt around inside. "I have my hunting knife, and my gun, so we should be okay until Kaiten finds us."

"Jessica!!! Found you!" An anger voice erupted from the trail behind Jessica. Turning around, she saw it was Joseph once again, panting slightly and looking quite mad.

"Oh god! Why don't you just go away and leave me alone? I want nothing to do with you OR Marcus anymore. Also, how did you find me?"

"After what happened? We can't risk letting you tell people about it. I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to die here. Also, I followed your footprints." As Joseph said these words, he heard a clicking noise. Looking closely, he realized Jessica had a gun in her hands, aimed straight at him.

"Besides, there's two of us, and one of us has a gun! You don't even have your huge partner nearby! Leave now and I won't kill you!" All the fear in Jessica face was now replaced by a large, smug smile.

"Oh really? His angry face began to scrunch up even more as his left and right hands glowed a pale yellow. With a swift swipe of his left hand, a bright light burst forth at high speed, splintering a small log that had been near where Jessica was standing. "Dammit! Lightning is so hard to aim!"

"Oh shit!" Grabbing the small harpy by the wing once more, she pulled her into the brush.

"Sit! Sit!"

"Geez, if you were my kid…Aw crap! What am I doing talking to you?! Kaiten is rubbing off on me!" As she said this, another burst of light whizzed by her, missing by inches.

"Stay still and it'll be painless, I promise!" Beginning to run forward, Joseph felt something fly by his face, barely missing it.

"You shot at me?!" Unfortunately for Joseph, Jessica's camouflage outfit disguised her well in the brush. "You stupid bitch! I'll flush you out!" This was punctuated by several more tosses of lightning, which ripped apart the small bushes around him, setting them ablaze.

Hearing some gunshots, Joseph dove to the ground to avoid them, practically yelling out loud.

As the flames from the plants nearly reached Jessica, she let out a loud yelp, the heat catching up to her. As Joseph saw her rise from her hiding place, he held his arm out towards her, his face taking on a horrible evil smile.

"No!" Holding the harpy child close, she began to tremble, no longer having anywhere to hide.

"Looks like I won our little fire fight. Goodbye Jessica." Before Joseph even had a chance to swing his arm at her, he heard something from above. A loud rustling noise in the branches up top. Almost instantly, a humongous frog, possibly three times as big as Joseph landed in the clearing between the two frightened humans, letting out a very loud croak.

"Holy crap! We must have made too much noise!" Picking up the frightened harpy over her shoulder, Jessica ran away as fast as she was able.

"No! I'm so close! Fuck off, you fat amphibian!" Joseph simply held his arm out, a lightning strike aimed at the hungry animals body. Jessica meanwhile, had run off as fast as she was able, following a very familiar noise.

"Is that a river? No, it's a stream! We can use it to get away! If we walk in the shallow water, we won't leave behind footprints!"

"Watah!" The small winged girl simply pointed at the stream, smiling a wide smile.

"This is gonna be cold…" As soon as Jessica stepped into the water, she shivered harshly, her hair practically standing on end. "Oh well…has to be done! Can't risk that jackass finding us." The small bird child jumped off of Jessica's back and landed in the water, diving her face into the liquid and taking several large gulps, before pulling her wet face out, sighing in relief.

"Glad you're feeling better. Now then. Let's put some distance between him and us."

To Be Continued
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 35

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PostSubject: Re: Kai's stories   Kai's stories Icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 9:29 am

Here we are! This was something I promised Blazbaros a long while ago. How Kaiten became the little brother of his character Scala. Since I posted it on DA already, thought I may as well post it here.

Earth meets Fire

It was around noon. The sun was high in the sky and every creature of the wild was going about their daily business, even with the heat of the jungle as great as it was.

A large lizard was stalking its prey: A rather fat mouse that was scurrying about in the grass. As the mouse stepped onto a large rock to let some warm sunlight stream onto its body, the lizard made its move. Creeping upon its prey as silently as possible, the lizard, its long scaly body found itself poised to finish off its intended target

The mouse suddenly ran away, despite not seeing the predator aiming for it. Looking upwards, the scaly creature found itself running as well, as what appeared to be an enormous snake slithering towards it.

"Ho-hum…What to do today…?" Letting out a loud sigh, the giant, underweight shirted naga slowly slithered forward, a small frown upon his lips. His body, tail and all, was very thin, his ribs being visible easily, along with his skinny tail. His shirt had several small rips and tears in it, and his dirty, shoulder-length brown hair was a mess.

Hearing his stomach let out an audible growl, and feeling a pang of pain, he turned his head around slowly, looking for something that might be able to help his situation. Seeing nothing in the immediate area, his frown simply grew.

"Of course not! It can never be easy! Man, I wish there were a few wolves here right now…or cows…maybe some apples actually, those things are freaking amazing." Looking around, Kaiten shook his head at the fact that he was talking to himself…again.

Taking a sniff of the air, his expression grew even more sullen as there wasn't anything he recognized as edible. His stomach still in pain, Kaiten decided to look for some other way of clearing his hunger. As he continued to move forward, he could see what appeared to be some beautiful flowers in the grass beneath him. While this would have normally put a smile on his face, or made him feel slightly better, things had changed lately.

Continuing to crawl forward, he felt the heat of the sun on his back, and couldn't help but breathe harder than usual. Hanging his head down, his ears began to perk up at a strange sound. Looking at a nearby bush, he could see it rustling. There was something of considerable size in it. Drooling a bit at the thought of what he might find, he quickly dove towards it, and pulled back its leaves. Blinking in confusion, he saw two small dridders kissing. As the man of them looked towards Kaiten, he couldn't help but blush heavily.

"Ummm…if you don't mind, my girl and me are busy, so…" The dridder had said with somewhat of a small scowl on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'll…I'll leave you two alone!" Covering his face with his hands, he quickly arose from his spot and slithered away as quickly as possible. "I can't believe I saw that! I feel so filthy!"

At this point, he began to follow vibrations in the ground, an ability he had worked at for years to learn to do properly. He suddenly felt a strange rush through the ground, as a small smile finally began to form.

"Yes! Water!" Following the vibrations as fast as he could, he soon came upon a small river. Thanking his good fortune, he shoved his face into the water and began to take several large gulps from it. While he knew it wasn't a good substitute for food, it helped his belly feel full for a time, so he just rolled with it.

Finally feeling satisfied, he pulled his face from the moving liquid pool beneath, and laid on stomach, staring into the river. He stuck a finger into the water, and let the flow move against it. His eyes looked practically glazed over as he lay there, almost as though he just didn't care what was going to happen anymore.

Turning over onto his back, he began to looks at the sky, his tired expression not leaving him. He turned his face to the left as he heard a rather strange sound. He could have sworn he heard a horse in the distance.

Forcing his body up from the dusty ground, he slouched towards the sounds in his ears. Much to his surprise, he eventually came upon what appeared to be a horse-driven cart, with about seven humans, men and women, within and around it.

Keeping his distance within the green plants around him, he began to breathe deeply as he prepared to make his entrance.

"Well, we're not TOO far from the rendezvous point, so it shouldn't take too much longer." A short and stout man with black hair had said to the others with him.

"Yeah, we get it Ricky. And then we'll be safe, right?" A young woman with a strange brown outfit had replied to him in a somewhat distant tone. "What the hell? Oh crap, look over there!" She had pointed straight towards where Kaiten was standing and began to back away.

"Oh shit! Everyone…back away slowly…" Ricky had climbed into the cart, and everyone quickly followed suit.

Kaiten finally slithered out from his hiding place with a large frown on his face. "Please come out. I'm not going to hurt you, I swear." His voice sounded like that of a hurt child as he spoke, whimpering slightly in between words.

"I know I'm gonna regret doing this." The man who had originally yelled stepped out of the cart and looked up at Kaiten. "Can I help you, giant? What do you want?"

"I just want someone to talk to…how are you?" The giant scaled creature had talked in a very soft tone, befitting of the mood he was currently in.

"Guys? You can all come out. I think this one is safe." As he said this, all the people in the cart walked outside, though still kept their distance from the nearly blubbering giant.

"Thanks for not running…"

"Hey Ricky, what gives? He's a giant and you call us all out? You can't trust them! You should know that by now ya softie!" Another man that had come out from cart had said this, his face in an angry scowl as he kept his eyes on the gigantic snake.

"Hey, look at him! He looks like he's gonna cry, he won't lay a hand on any of us."

"You're an idiot! Let's go before he decides to munch on us all!"

"Ummm…for the record…I don't eat humans. Ever. It's just not my thing, ya know?" With how nonchalantly Kaiten had said this, the humans couldn't help but look at him oddly. "It's true. That's why I look like this." As he said that, he punctuated it by a childish laugh.

"Well…Nice to meet you then. I'm Ricky and these people are my comrades." As all the humans waved to their giant guest, he couldn't help but grin widely.

"My name is Kaiten, what's yours? Oh wait…it's Ricky. Sorry, I'm not really thinking right lately." As he said this, Ricky and his group began to laugh slightly. "So, what're you all doing out here?"

"We're traders. We sell things for our village by travelling to other places. We were just heading out to meet with…Oh shit! Everyone! Get in the cart and ride away as fast as possible! Kaiten, I'd leave now if I were you!" As Ricky practically screamed this, they all dove into the cart, heir horse carrying it away as fast as possible.

"Eh? Why would I want to leave?" It was as he said this that he heard a loud crashing nise behind him. Turning around, he came face to face with what appeared to be a Kensha beast possibly more than half his size. Its many legs, its claws, and its fangs made the giant predator gulp in fear. He had never seen one so large before!

"Errr! Nice doggy! Nice doggy! C'mon, you don't wanna hurt me, right?" He was proven extremely wrong as the creature dove at him, move agape. Though the creature missed him, it was just barely. Scurrying away as quickly as he could, Kaiten whined loudly. He could hear a thunderous sound behind him, as the creature was catching up quite quickly. Diving to the side, he began to climb the nearest tree to him as swiftly as possible. Despite making it up the tree a good ways, a sharp pain entered his mind as the Kensha bit down into his tail and began yanking at it. Feeling he was about to fall, he screamed in pain and fear, his life about to be ended. Closing his eyes, he just waited for the inevitable. Feeling his body hit the ground, he closed his eyes as tightly as possible and just shook heavily.

The next few seconds were extremely odd. He could have sworn he heard the grunting of another person and the whimpering of a wolf, followed by the smell of something burning.

"Hey. Are you alright? It's okay, you can open your eyes now." The voice Kaiten heard was a soothing female one. Opening his eyes, albeit slowly, he saw the face of a pretty young woman with long red hair and green eyes right in front of his own. "Did that Kensha hurt you too badly?"

Blushing harshly and looking away from her face, he simply replied "N-No ma'am. I'm okay…what happened exactly?"

Despite looking a bit confused about his reaction, the girl continued to talk. "I was just coming through here on my way to visit someone, and I saw you being chased by that Kensha. I scared it off with my fire magic, and here we are. You can look at me, I won't hurt you." Her tone was somewhat annoyed as she said her last line.

"I'm sorry." Turning his head towards hers as hard as he could, he could see that she was, like him, a giant naga, although she was much taller than him, possibly by twenty feet. Her tail had an orange, and brown pattern to it.

"Hey. I'm Scala. Who are you?" Holding out her hand, she was wearing a very warm smile. As Kaiten took her hand, she pulled upwards, lifting him so he could stand again quite easily.

"My name is Kaiten. K-Kaiten Monroe. Hey, thanks for saving me…I thought I was gonna die." Though he wanted to laugh about the situation, he just couldn't find anything humorous about it.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I couldn't very well just leave you there to die."

"I really appreciate it. Hmmm…" Looking away from Scala, Kaiten's face carried a hint of concern.

"What's wrong?"

"There was this small group of humans I was going to follow, to try and help them get to their friends…Ummm…do you eat humans?"

"Not usually, no. How come?" Her smile had stayed, helping Kaiten calm down a bit.

"Ummm…if you've got nothing better to do…ya wanna come with me? They said it wasn't going to take long."

"Hmmm. Sure, you seem nice enough. I'd like that. Was kind of boring today anyway." Her tone had given it away that she was telling the truth about the boredom.

"Cool! This'll be fun with someone else! C'mon then." Kaiten couldn't help but feel rather relieved that someone else was there with him. Even IF he didn't know her that well, or what she was like yet, he felt thankful for the company.

Slithering towards where he had last seen them, he sniffed the air. Catching their scent quite easily, the two began to head in that direction.

"So, Kaiten? Can I ask you something?"

"Ummmmm…sure? I guess? Go ahead, please."

"Why are you so thin? Do you have trouble hunting?" Scala had cocked her head to the side as she asked this.

"D-Don't be silly! Of course I'm a good hunter! I once caught a bear bigger than my hand!" His face was turning red as he said this, Scala just giving him a look of mild disbelief. "Okay, I may be stretching it a little bit. MAYBE I could be a better hunter…"

"C'mon Kaiten, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You can't be good at everything. I was just wondering because…well, it can't be healthy to be like that." She pointed to his chest, his ribs sticking out as she said this.

"Heh, yeah…what about you?"

"Me? I like to think I'm a pretty good hunter. I can take care of myself pretty well." She donned a proud smile as she said these words.

"That's pretty cool, actually!"

"Awww! Thanks! Say, why were you following some humans? I forget what you said. Were you hungry?"

"Ummmm, I don't eat humans. I'm not even comfortable with the thought. I was just following them to have something to do. Just been really lonely lately." Kaiten lowered his head at this point.

"Well, that helps to explain the skinny thing a little bit."

"What about you then, hmm? You said you didn't eat them often earlier, right?"

"Well, yeah. I don't really know how to explain it, it just…never felt right, you know? I only eat ones that are bad people. Things like bandits and thieves. Stuff like that."

"It just doesn't feel right? That's a good position to have on it all. I was…errr…kind of raised by humans in a way. That's why. Who were you raised by?"

"Oh, I was raised by my mom. She taught me everything I know."

"Oh, that's nice!" Slithering through a large mud puddle, his face scrunched up in disgust slightly, even though his tone didn't completely match his expression.

"You said you were lonely right? Why is that? Don't you have any friends? Or family?"

"I'm not from this world actually. I'm from somewhere completely different. My family is VERY far away by now. And friends? Well…I only have one or two, and one I can never see again." As he spoke about his friends, his tone began to turn to that of a sad mans.

"Awww! Why can't you see her?" As she asked this, she looked at him inquisitively, a caring loving tone in her voice.

"Well, shortly after I got to this world, I met this human girl. She had been betrayed by the guy who hired her and her friends to do some work outside the human city Negav, so he wouldn't have to pay them. We went through a lot together. We travelled far. We went through many hard times, and she taught me a lot of stuff I had never even heard before. I even took a beating from a sphinx for her! Eventually, after awhile, we had finally gotten to the city. I found out I couldn't go into the city, so we parted ways right there. I…must admit. I was starting to really like her…" As he finished talking, some tears began to stream down the skinny giants face.

"There's no need to cry Kaiten, you'll find someone eventually…" She had said, looking down at him with some mix of attention now.

Hastily, he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'm not crying…but yeah. That's why I'm out here. I'm travelling around. Looking for a place to belong. Why are you out here then?"

"Me? I live around here. I was just visiting my mom when I ran into you."

"You're really luck…there they are!" Looking forward, Kaiten saw that the humans he was worried about had nothing to be frightened of afterall. There were two carts now, and Ricky appeared to be talking to a man from the other.

"Is that them?" Scala had pointed at the small groups of humans as she spoke.

"Yeah. Looks like they made it. So…I guess it's back to basics for me. I'm going to go and keep looking I guess…"

"I really hope you find what you're looking for Kaiten…" She seemed a little bit sad as she said this, her face wearing a small frown.

"Thanks for everything big sis. It was really fun meeting you." As he said this, he couldn't notice that she was raising an eyebrow at him. Memories of how angry he had made some people by calling them big sister suddenly rushed into his mind as he began to sputter slightly. "I…I didn't mean…I'm so-…"

(Oh…poor little guy must REALLY need someone…) As she thought this, she simply reached down to the small bad smelling giant and brought him into a tight hug. "I'd love to be your big sister!"

Kaiten's face quickly changed to that of someone quite dumbfounded as he couldn't quite figure out the proper words to say. All that managed to slip out was: "Thank you." He wasn't quite sure why, but it just felt right to say that.

"Well, if you're going to be my little brother, then I have to introduce you to Sylph! Come on!" Saying this in an excited tone, she grabbed Kaiten's arm and began to pull him along, a large happy smile on her face.

"Who's Sylph?" As he asked this, he couldn't help but giggle. Though nothing had been set in stone yet, he felt happier than he had been in a long time at her act of kindness.
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