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Naga food

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PostSubject: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 11:34 am

Here's my first story for your enjoyment. What are the two sisters, Melinda and Olivia, going to do to relieve their boredom?

A Conversation Between Sisters
Jonathan Brothers

"I'm bored!" Exclaimed an exasperated Melinda to her sister Olivia. "I want to do something!"

"Like what?" Olivia asked calmly. Melinda was like this even before the two were inadvertently sucked into Felarya. Olivia was used to dealing with her like this.

Melinda looked over at the tall rushing waterfall near were they sat. "Want to go for a swim?"

Olivia peered at the water and remembered the last time they went swimming. At first it was all good fun until Melinda inadvertently let off a blast of lightning electrocuting most of the fish in the natural pool they were in. "Nah, I don't feel like swimming with a bunch of dead fishes again! Plus, that mermaid wasn't very happy with us after that!" Olivia replied with a sigh.

"For the hundredth time, I did not shoot the lightning!" Melinda protested to her sister again.

"But you're the mage." Olivia reminded her sister.

"I can control my spells all right!"

"Yep, just like when you botched that spell that sent us here. What was it supposed to be again?" Oliver playfully forgot.

Melinda didn't reply right away. Then she mumbled with downcast eyes, "It was supposed to be a lightning bolt."

"I rest my case!" Olivia proved her point with a slight smirk.

"But I've learned what I did wrong that time. I can do it properly now." Melinda protested to her sister.

"That still doesn't excuse the lightning that coursed through the water?" Olivia retorted back.

"But I never said the incantations?" Melinda quickly replied. "I need to say them before casting a spell. You know that!"

"Just like that one incantation for fire? What were you trying to light?" Olivia asked.

Melinda again didn't immediately respond. She just nervously twitched the end of her snake tail and looked away for a moment. "Um, I just wanted to light a fire in the fire pit." Melinda hesitantly replied.

"But what really happened?" Olivia prompted her.

"Um, ah, I nearly started a forest fire. But thankfully there was that mermaid nearby to put it out!" Melinda quickly exclaimed.

"Why did you want to start that fire anyway?" Olivia asked.

"It was getting a little bit cold that night, what with the pressure change and all. I thought we had a cold spell coming our way?"

"Ah ok." Olivia dryly replied while looking around at the forest surrounding them.

For a couple minutes the sisters were quiet as they peered about. The bright golden sun, filtered by the green leaves, cast down upon them. While a soft warm breeze blew past the two. It rustled the leaves and branches around them.

"You know, one of those fairies told me about a ruined temple nearby." Melinda told Olivia.

"Yea, I know I was there too." Olivia sarcastically replied.

"Well we could go and explore it?" Melinda suggested hopefully.

"Didn't that same fairy say that it had all sorts of monsters and demons deep inside it?"

"But I think we could take them on?"

"With what, my favorite sword is now the size of a toothpick! I don't have a sword large enough for me to use. On top of that, you're still a bit shaky with offensive spells." Olivia commented as she pushed some of her indigo hair out of her eyes. Sometimes she wondered if she should grow it out as long as her sisters and just tie it back. Olivia had seen other female warriors from her old world do that.

"Good point." Melinda conceded and fell silent. She tried to figure out something for them to do. Then she hit upon an idea and her face lit up with excitement, "Why not go and see Vivian. Maybe she could take the time to teach me some more magic!" She hopefully suggested.

That was an idea, but Olivia didn't feel like watching the two practice magic. Especially with the way Vivian looked at the two of them. Olivia normally did not swing that way! "Nah, all that spell theory puts me to sleep!" Olivia replied.

"But I really want to learn more magic!" Insisted Melinda.

"Maybe instead of learning more magic, you should master what you you've learned so far!" Olivia implied to her sister.

"What do you mean! What are you suggesting?" Melinda retorted with just a bit of anger in her voice.

"Just that it was your attempts to learn more magic that got us into this in the first place." Olivia pointed out to her sister.

"And… so you are saying I don't know what I'm doing?"

"If you knew what you were doing, you would have cast that teleportation spell right and we wouldn't be sharing this huge naga body!" Olivia replied pointing to their shared body. It looked like a regular gigantic naga body with the exception that two different female heads graced it's shoulders.

Their shared body shuddered at Olivia's thought. At how it felt to be swallowed, landing in another naga's stomach.

"Yea, but we did get out of that stomach!" Melinda reminded her.

"True, but we still ended up like this." Olivia retorted gesturing at their snake lower half. Their tail lazily wiggled around them in a wide arc.

Melinda had to give her sister that. Sometimes it sucked to have to share a body with Olivia. Every now and then she could be such a party pooper! "Ok, I'll give you that." Melinda quietly conceded to her sister.

Olivia paused to bask in the warm breeze that blew through the area. While she still felt a twitch of modesty, sometimes it was nice to not wear anything. Especially as that soft warm breeze caressed their body. It took her mind off her own boredom.

Just then they both felt a rumbling from their stomach. "Let's go hunting!" Melinda swiftly suggested.

Olivia sighed, "Ok, let's go find some cattle we can eat. Maybe we could hit that fruit tree I saw back there." Olivia suggested pointing off to their right.

Melinda didn't feel like eating fruit or cattle. They really didn't appeal to her. Plus, they were never as tasty as humans. She could never understand why Olivia was so stuck up on hunting humans. Why didn't she understand that it was their place in the food chain to eat them!

"No I want to hunt some humans!" Melinda hurriedly replied.

"But I don't want to eat them. You forget we once were just like them!" Olivia argued in hopes that she could persuade her sister to let her hunt this time.

"But we're not human anymore. We're a naga and naga's eat humans. Not fruit!" Melinda rebutted to her sister. Melinda assumed the same innocent look she always knew could convince Olivia into giving in. "Please I want to hunt!" She pleaded to Olivia.

Olivia sighed, she hated when Melinda did that. She could never could resist her when she did that. That was another reason why she was here in Felarya conjoined to her sister! "Oh, all right. Let's get this over with!" Olivia gave in.

"Yes!" Melinda said pumping their right arm in success!

With Melinda controlling their body, they got up and began to slither off into the forest. While Melinda herself would like to explore that old temple, she also knew humans also came to explore those ruins for hidden treasure. That meant there were constantly some humans trying their luck against all the dangers of the land to get to that temple. Those dangers also included Melinda and Olivia.

Coming closer to the ruins, Melinda used her predatory sense to feel that there were two humans nearby. Trying to be as quiet as she could, they moved closer to the two unsuspecting humans. Melinda reached a hand out to part some branches to get a closer look at her pray down below them.

While she didn't like what Melinda was doing, Olivia at least stayed quiet. She tried not to ruin it for her sister.

An evil grin crossed Melinda's face as she poked her head through the leaves. Below her, two human males were arguing over something. It sounded like they were having a heated discussion over which entrance was better to enter the ruins.

While she may not have been the best hunter, these two humans made it so easy for her! Plus this was always good practice to help Melinda work on her hunting skills.

Before the two knew what hit them, Melinda shot out her arm through the leaves quickly grabbing both men in her huge right hand! At the same time, Olivia tried not to get slapped in the face by the leaves as Melinda dove to capture her pray!

Standing up a bit, a proud Melinda peered down at her entrapped pray.

"Please don't eat us, we taste horrible!" Protested one man.

"Yea, I don't want to die!" Cried the other man.

"Nah, you both look way to tasty to let go." Melinda playfully commented to her two captives. Melinda contemplated how tasty they looked. Olivia tried to ignore their pleas by thinking of something else, like their old house back home.

Melinda separated the two men by grabbing one in her other hand. Then she opened up her mouth wide and brought the man in her right hand up to her gaping mouth.

Meanwhile, Olivia couldn't ignore feeling of both men squirming in her hands. While Melinda controlled them, that didn't stop Olivia from feeling the same things. She tried as much as she could to block that those sensations out.

"No please!" the man loudly protested as Melinda dropped him in. She closed her mouth and swallowed. Her eyes were closed, enjoying the moment of pleasure. She could feel him slowly descend down her throat. Soon she felt the man plop into their empty belly.

Olivia also tried to ignore the feeling of the man going down the throat both of them shared. On top of that, there was the inevitable feeling of his struggles inside their stomach.

Once she swallowed that human, Melinda decided to have a bit of fun with her sister. "Hey Olivia, I saved this one for you." She said playfully taunted her sister, waving the man in their left hand under her sister's nose.

Olivia tried to look away. She didn't want to see the face of the man Melinda was going to eat. "No thanks, he's all yours!" Olivia mumbled with a bit of unease in her voice.

"But I know you feel the same urges as I do!" Melinda playfully teased her sister.

Olivia just shook her head no. Yet, Olivia did feel the same predatory instincts as her sister. It's just that she could not get past the fact that they were human and that her sister was eating them! On top of that, she always had flash backs to when she herself was eaten!

"Oh well, your loss!" Melinda regretfully replied. Then like the last man, she opened up her mouth wide and popped him into her open gaping mouth.

But for some fun, she didn't immediately swallow him. Instead, she played him around her mouth with her tongue. Heck, she even allowed him to claw his way past her teeth and towards her lips. She enjoyed the feeling of his squirming struggles against her tongue and teeth. He even able to push his soggy head and an arm out of her lips. She playfully let him feel like he was succeeding. Then before he could push himself out father, Melinda sucked him back into her mouth and swallowed.

Like before, she paused to enjoy the feeling of the human slowly sliding down her own throat before joining their shared throat. Soon the human plopped into their stomach. Melinda glowed at the feeling of the two humans struggling within her stomach. Olivia did her best to ignore it.

The human's attempts to get out of the stomach caused both sisters to belch loudly in unison! A happy content smile came across Melinda's face. Olivia just sighed and thought of other things they could be hunting!

"I want more!" Exclaimed Melinda as she slithered off in search of more humans.

Olivia let her sister go on her hunt. She knew that it would be hours before Melinda would be sated. At this point, Olivia was just a passenger in their shared body!

The thing she never really looked forward was when they ended up with a stomach full of squirming humans. That usually meant she got just as sleepy as Melinda did. Maybe she could persuade Melinda to let her hunt for something other than humans. Olivia could go for a nice fat cow to slurp down! Maybe one of those lizards that seem to be all over the place. The thought caused Olivia, herself, to salivate a bit.

The two sister slithered off deep into the forest in a quest for more food.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 11:12 am

I've uploaded another story titled "Please Don't Eat Me" that includes the naga sisters: Olivia and Melinda, plus the human Dev.

You can read it here: http://brothejr.deviantart.com/#/d4vt41c

It's just easier posting a link to it then copying it all here.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 12:03 pm

Tabia is a young care free teenage Felarya sphinx. After studying for a long while, she really would like to stretch her wings and explore a bit. This is her adventure.

I had a lot of fun writing this. It started out an image in my head that I quickly fleshed out into a story. Plus, it helped/didn't help that I had adventure movie music playing in the background. (I highly recommend playing that music for full effect!)

Instead of posting the entire long story here I'm just going to include a link: http://brothejr.deviantart.com/#/d4w53rm

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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeFri Apr 20, 2012 9:24 am

Very good job. I like the conflicting morality.

Also while I was reading this I wondered what Ivan would do. He would without a doubt try to kill Melinda but would not want to hurt Oliva. Honestly the only outcome I could see for Ivan is that he would attempt to blind Melinda without killing her, that way he would seriously impeed her hunting ability without hurting Oliva who he would probably like quite a bit.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeFri Apr 20, 2012 12:04 pm

Komandr2465 wrote:
Very good job. I like the conflicting morality.

Also while I was reading this I wondered what Ivan would do. He would without a doubt try to kill Melinda but would not want to hurt Oliva. Honestly the only outcome I could see for Ivan is that he would attempt to blind Melinda without killing her, that way he would seriously impeed her hunting ability without hurting Oliva who he would probably like quite a bit.

Heh, interesting. I have a sneaking suspicion that Olivia wouldn't like you attacking/harming her sister, nor would Dev like it either.
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Naga food

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Location : In a T-152 heavy tank that's having mechanical issues near Zelkova's turf.

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeFri Apr 20, 2012 2:50 pm

wasn't saying it would happen, was thinking how Ivan would approach the situation
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 11:04 am

I've posted to my DA account the first part of "Tabia's Grand Adventure"

This is the first part of Tabia's Grand Adventure. This becomes the beginning of her long adventure which will take her all across the world of Felarya where she will experience all sorts of stuff!

Tabia has always wanted to see humans up close. Sort of like a human child who always wants to get a good look and study an ant hill. Now, with her grandmother's permission, she is able to fly off in search of a human city she can get close to study.

You can read it here: http://brothejr.deviantart.com/#/d50giof

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 4:30 am

I read your first story and enjoyed it very much. It is well written and I like how you reveal things about the characters little by little, first showing them to be in the same naga body, then how they ended up there, and so on. I'll read your other stories when I find some free time, I bet they are as good as this one.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeMon May 28, 2012 4:17 am

Tabia's Grand Adventure, Part 2

This is the second part of Tabia's Grand Adventure. In it, Tabia starts off on the first leg of her adventure. While flying, she happens to notice a huge set of ruins down below her within the Dridder forest that are too tempting for her not to explore. There within the huge old city, she meets something that scares her more then she had ever been in her life.

You can read it here: http://brothejr.deviantart.com/#/d51hyt3
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2012 6:09 pm

I forgot to add a link to the next part of Tabia's Grand Adventure here.

This is the third part of Tabia' Grand Adventure. After her harrowing experience in that ruined city, all she wanted to do was get a nights sleep. Yet, her sleep is interrupted by a surprising guest who changes her mind about dridders. Then she meets another interesting person just laying on a beach. All in all, this portion is about her meeting new people.

You can read it here: http://brothejr.deviantart.com/#/d53flwa


Apparently it doesn't meet French Snacks high grammar standards and won't be included in the DA group.

He is so fixated over a minor grammar rule which many authors ignore, that he won't let the story in unless I rewrite every single spoken line to conform to his standards. Sadly, he's become the very thing he yelled at others for doing: a gate keeper.

I also seriously doubt his skills as his work on the Wiki, his own writing, and general fixation on absolute adherence to the grammar rules, begs to differ to anything he claims. I personally question his qualifications he claims to have as his own work and actions speak against him. Many of my peers have mentioned this: if someone is so strict over grammar as to ignore anything else, then they are just plain idiots. (This means in creative writing you are allowed to break the rules if it effectively achieves you are trying to depict. This is a very hard concept for those who strictly adhere to the grammar rules.)

Flame me if you want, but if my writing has passed many other much higher standards just fine in the past, then it should have been accepted into the group with no issues like many times in the past. Yet, apparently French Snack sees himself as a much better writing judge then many many other editors and writers. Essentially, that he's right and everyone else is wrong.

P.S. just a heads up to future writers: submissions to the DA group does not mean you are granting any of the moderators editorship over your work. They do not have the power to tell you to do anything over your work and any demands they make are rather meaningless. (Yes I did make some corrections and even changed some spoken lines the way he asked.) If they deny allowing your work from being added to the DA group because you did not do as they told you to do, then that's called Gate Keeping clear and simple.
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 2:00 am

brothejr wrote:

Apparently it doesn't meet French Snacks high grammar standards and won't be included in the DA group.

He is so fixated over a minor grammar rule which many authors ignore, that he won't let the story in unless I rewrite every single spoken line to conform to his standards. Sadly, he's become the very thing he yelled at others for doing: a gate keeper.

I also seriously doubt his skills as his work on the Wiki, his own writing, and general fixation on absolute adherence to the grammar rules, begs to differ to anything he claims. I personally question his qualifications he claims to have as his own work and actions speak against him. Many of my peers have mentioned this: if someone is so strict over grammar as to ignore anything else, then they are just plain idiots. (This means in creative writing you are allowed to break the rules if it effectively achieves you are trying to depict. This is a very hard concept for those who strictly adhere to the grammar rules.)

Flame me if you want, but if my writing has passed many other much higher standards just fine in the past, then it should have been accepted into the group with no issues like many times in the past. Yet, apparently French Snack sees himself as a much better writing judge then many many other editors and writers. Essentially, that he's right and everyone else is wrong.

P.S. just a heads up to future writers: submissions to the DA group does not mean you are granting any of the moderators editorship over your work. They do not have the power to tell you to do anything over your work and any demands they make are rather meaningless. (Yes I did make some corrections and even changed some spoken lines the way he asked.) If they deny allowing your work from being added to the DA group because you did not do as they told you to do, then that's called Gate Keeping clear and simple.

Come to complain here as well, have you? All right; if you want it out in the open, here we go.

When you submitted your story, we (group moderators) had a brief discussion to decide whether it was good enough to be admitted into the group. We decided that, although it wasn't particularly well written, it was borderline enough to be permissible. However, we wanted you to fix the grammar and punctuation.

You made a fuss. You repeatedly said there was nothing wrong with your grammar, on one point in particular. I explained the rule to you patiently. You tried to come up with a counter-example which (as Glob explained to you) actually proved my point. I explained that to you clearly and patiently too. You resorted to calling me a "gatekeeper", and that was that.

As Glob and I both explained to you, your systematic misuse of grammar (and your inability even to understand the rule, as your attempts at argument showed) were not a form of "artistic licence" or "creative effect". They were just bad writing, the only effect of which was to distract the reader in a jarring way.

I must say, there's a certain delicious irony in me being accused of gatekeeping, given how many times I've been accused, by the old "gatekeepers", of being one of the major opponents to gatekeeping.

Glob and I have, it's true, rejected a fairly sizable majority of the stories and other materials that have been submitted to the Felarya group over the past weeks. Some we've rejected outright, while taking the time of course to explain why; in other cases (as we did with you) we've put our judgment on hold while asking the author for corrections (to grammar, spelling, structure...) or improvements (to narrative flow, or when a point of the story made little sense). In every case except yours, I'm pleased to say that people have responded well, often making a genuine effort to improve (sometimes successfully, sometimes less so).

I've spent a number of hours giving people detailed feedback on their work.

My position, which I've expressed many times, has always been the same. I consider that, in accordance with what Karbo has said, anyone is free to write whatever they want about Felarya, even rubbish, but that if they want their work to be featured in the Felarya group, they need to demonstrate that they've put some effort into it. It is not unreasonable of us to require correct use of grammar. You didn't want to make the effort, so your work isn't featured. Simple as that.

The Felarya group is not a repository of all works on Felarya. It is a gallery of works that meet certain basic standards of quality.

I'm fairly sure that, had the old "gatekeepers" been in charge, they would have rejected your work rather more categorically than I did.

Feel free to question my qualifications all you like, if it makes you happy. I happen to be a graduate of one of the most elite universities in my country, with a doctorate and the highest, most prestigious qualification for a teacher, and I'm a university lecturer. I also happened to teach English (mainly grammar and translation) in my earlier years as a teacher. Do I get arrogant sometimes? Yes. Though I never look down on people who are acting in good faith and who are making an effort.

Oh, and... Calling me an idiot? Consider yourself warned for flaming. Do it again, and you'll be enjoying a little vacation from this forum.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 3:32 am

French snack wrote:

Come to complain here as well, have you? All right; if you want it out in the open, here we go.

When you submitted your story, we (group moderators) had a brief discussion to decide whether it was good enough to be admitted into the group. We decided that, although it wasn't particularly well written, it was borderline enough to be permissible. However, we wanted you to fix the grammar and punctuation.

Ah, you had a discussion with your other moderator(s) about my story and you deemed it borderline. Funny how in the last part of the story I did the very same thing and you never said a thing except to ask me to give credit to someone that I missed. Hmmm... very interesting.

Quote :
You made a fuss. You repeatedly said there was nothing wrong with your grammar, on one point in particular. I explained the rule to you patiently. You tried to come up with a counter-example which (as Glob explained to you) actually proved my point. I explained that to you clearly and patiently too. You resorted to calling me a "gatekeeper", and that was that.

Actually I said multiple times that I could always use more improving, just that the point you were hung up on wasn't really problem and that how I had written it was the same as many other writers. You are/were the one to make a fuss over it. It's funny you mention that page. When I posted it, I actually said there were parts that showed what you were saying and I also said there were parts that showed what I was saying. You then ignored the parts that showed what I had been saying and quickly proclaimed victory and I was wrong. Then when I actually typed out the exact lines exactly as they were written, you then essentially said: I'm right and those sections were wrong. <- Very interesting how you were quick to say that other editors and writers are wrong.

Quote :
As Glob and I both explained to you, your systematic misuse of grammar (and your inability even to understand the rule, as your attempts at argument showed) were not a form of "artistic licence" or "creative effect". They were just bad writing, the only effect of which was to distract the reader in a jarring way.

Sorry, the only systematically misuse of grammar was the only point you brought up, you never mentioned anything else. Anyone concerned with grammar as much as you would have brought up the other issues that you "saw." Oh, and I did mention more then once that I understood the rule and even planned on using it. Heck, I did go into the story and changed some lines per the rule. However, you wanted every single spoken line changed, not just a few. I love you how call it jarring writing, now, but never then. Hmmm... another interesting use of words while out in the open.

Quote :
I must say, there's a certain delicious irony in me being accused of gatekeeping, given how many times I've been accused, by the old "gatekeepers", of being one of the major opponents to gatekeeping.

You can say you are a major opponent of gate keeping all you want, doesn't mean you're not doing it yourself. What you've been doing for a while is exactly what you had accused others of.

Quote :
Glob and I have, it's true, rejected a fairly sizable majority of the stories and other materials that have been submitted to the Felarya group over the past weeks. Some we've rejected outright, while taking the time of course to explain why; in other cases (as we did with you) we've put our judgment on hold while asking the author for corrections (to grammar, spelling, structure...) or improvements (to narrative flow, or when a point of the story made little sense). In every case except yours, I'm pleased to say that people have responded well, often making a genuine effort to improve (sometimes successfully, sometimes less so).

Oh I can see how so many people have responded well, especially with the large amount that you let into the group. Ask yourselves this question: in what way was there any expressed consent for you to do such a thing. You both took it upon yourselves to be the grand editors of the group and started denying stories left and right that didn't meet your standards. Heck, it's kind of funny how my past stories have passed both of you before, yet this one did not. You had to pull out an obscure grammar rule (Because it was very readable, sorry that's a miss on your part.) and continued to hammer the point into you got me to buckle under your pressure.

Quote :
I've spent a number of hours giving people detailed feedback on their work.

My position, which I've expressed many times, has always been the same. I consider that, in accordance with what Karbo has said, anyone is free to write whatever they want about Felarya, even rubbish, but that if they want their work to be featured in the Felarya group, they need to demonstrate that they've put some effort into it. It is not unreasonable of us to require correct use of grammar. You didn't want to make the effort, so your work isn't featured. Simple as that.

Actually, I did make the effort, it just wasn't enough for you. You wanted the entire thing rewritten, not just a few lines. (Again it was very readable beforehand.) It's funny how you took what Karbo said and interpreted to be a grammar nazi , gate keeper, and then go on a power trip. Very interesting...

Quote :
The Felarya group is not a repository of all works on Felarya. It is a gallery of works that meet certain basic standards of quality.

No you mean your certain basic standards of quality which shifts around depending on who you're talking too. Ever take a moment to work on your own stuff. Maybe bring it up to those high standards? Ever do it on the wiki. (Yes I saw you did some stuff on the wiki, but it was just a word there, a punctuation here. You've never really gone through and rewritten entire parts like you're asking everyone else to do. Funny how you're willing to tell others what to do, but not do them yourself.)

Quote :
I'm fairly sure that, had the old "gatekeepers" been in charge, they would have rejected your work rather more categorically than I did.

Actually, they easily got through. Sorry about that...

Quote :
Feel free to question my qualifications all you like, if it makes you happy. I happen to be a graduate of one of the most elite universities in my country, with a doctorate and the highest, most prestigious qualification for a teacher, and I'm a university lecturer. I also happened to teach English (mainly grammar and translation) in my earlier years as a teacher. Do I get arrogant sometimes? Yes. Though I never look down on people who are acting in good faith and who are making an effort.

Oh, and... Calling me an idiot? Consider yourself warned for flaming. Do it again, and you'll be enjoying a little vacation from this forum.

Words, words, words, words, words. All I see are words on an internet forum? I've met many people who have the supposed same degrees as you. Heck, I even showed the story in question to a couple. While they noted the same thing as you, they said it really wasn't an issue. They also said it was quite readable. Though, they did bring up one good point: why is a supposed university lecturer doing moderating this group? Seems kind of weird to the rest of us in the same or simular field as you?

Now I see where the main problem lies, you said you teach mainly grammar and translation. (I kind of figured by your fixation on grammar.) Sadly, though that sort of English background does not equate to you being a great judge on creative writing. Remember this great maxim: great technical writing does not equate to great creative writing. To have creative skills, you need to break a rule now and then.

...And I'm still calling you an idiot based on your own words. You truly don't know how to judge creative writing. You truly are doing the very things you accused others of. Your own actions speak loudly against you. I did say over and over again that what you said was a good point. I did more then once say you had good points. I even went back to changed a few things you pointed out. But you didn't care. You weren't looking to teach, help, or whatever else you claim. You were looking to prove a point and show this little lowly writer who's got the power. Who's more important. You were the one who drew that line in the sand. You were the one who pushed this thing this far. (I may have brought it out in the open, but I was not going to go quietly. It's your actions that brought this.) Because of all that, because you could not and would not see my point, come to a common ground, etc, I'm calling you an idiot and I'm doing it publicly for everyone to see. So there is a record of it.

It didn't have to come this far, but you had to do it. Had to push it. Now you can go and ban me now and prove to everyone I was right.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 4:52 am

Brothejr. You disagree with French Snack about his moderating decision on the DA group, you talk with him and the other DA Group moderators, IN PRIVATE. Do NOT drag more drama to the surface publically. And especially DO NOT disregard moderator edicts when it comes to enforcing rules, ever. I am giving you warning number 2 and filing a report with Karbo. You do not disregard the rules when it is convenient to you, or because you are annoyed. If the past year and a half should have taught lessons here, it is this.

Last edited by Darkstorm Zero on Sat May 18, 2013 4:04 am; edited 3 times in total
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Bro's Stories...   Bro's Stories... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 4:59 am

Why did you went and brought this grammar dispute on the forums as well ...

To be frank I don't think this back and forth on the group was really needed and it escalated too much. But you coming there guns blazing and starting to throw insults and big words is totally unacceptable.

What Globfish and Frenchsnack are doing is not gate-keeping. Sure there is less stories being accepted in the group than before, as this was the case when Mr Nobody, the previous moderator, was in charge, but when a story is declined, it's carefully explained why with many advices to make it better in the future.
Moderating the group is something that have been asked for long by a good part of the community, as well as that credits to ideas are given when used in stories which is also a point you had problem with...

So you need to seriously calm down and stop that now. Like Darkstorm pointed, take this matter privately and don't blow it up in order to make the most amount of drama possible. this won't be tolerated.
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