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 Little Felarya game ideas.

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Evil admin
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 1:43 am

I would like to know if you people have some ideas for a little and simple Felarya game ^_^
I have no precise idea in mind, this thread is basically to discuss it Smile

And if someone is up and serious for such a project and the programming part, I'll be willing to provide material for it Wink
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Temple scourge
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 2:18 am

Well, when you say materials, I assume you mean online. While programing is nowehere near my field AT ALL, I will say that while the card game idea is a bit old now, it does seem to be the only way to go about doing this. I don't think there is any other way to go about this. However, if the time is available, a simple flash game MIGHT work if we had the power to pull it off. I will warn you though, ill be no help aside from morale support and ideas Laughing
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Felarya cartographer
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 2:30 am

my friend makes little online ga,es.. if someone can make sprites of some chars.. with basic walking, slithering.. whatever.. im pretty sure he can help.. but ill talk to him for ya karbo.
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Evil admin
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 3:43 am

Well actually wehn I said material I was meaning drawing some things for it. I am entering a more calmer period for me work-wise so I will have more free time for me and various projects ^^
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Roaming thug
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 12:17 pm

Dare I brush off my programming skills to try and make the first Felarya game? Hmmmm, perhaps this might be the sort of project that I am looking for.

As for idea, I think probably the simplest game we could make would be a side scrolling platformer. So lets say you have Lea, and she has to save Crisis from some evil person that captured her. Then the game will follow Lea as she transverses the dangers of Felarya and tries to reach the evil person’s lair. it’s a pretty simple set up. Of course we could try for something more complicated but seeing as how this is a first for most of us I think keeping it simple is best. I also suggest using Lea as the main role instead of Crisis because we get to play around more with the scale of things on Felarya, enemies such as giant bugs, man-eating plats, and possibly other giant predators would not fit as nicely if Crisis was the main character. Everything would be normal sized to her and make it harder to find enemies that would logically be a threat to her. Plus Lea can use her magic as a from of attack, which opens up a few doors for us. Although, if we where to use Crisis as a main character, she could eat nekos for a health pick up ^_^

Its going to take a bit of work to get this project off the ground, but since it is summer I think most of us have a lot more free time, and thus gives us a lot more time to spend working on this game.
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Friend of the Jotun
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 12:37 pm

I agree with Zalzas's basic idea for the game - I think it's a good start.
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Mara's snack

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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 2:20 pm

you could just start off simple. make it 2d (side scroller or top-down) choose some sprites of felaryan preds, and you could have keyboard commands for different types of attacks, or ways to eat people. or you could be a prey, and go around trying NOT to get eaten. I dunno. I think starting off with a 2d game would be easier, then once one of us learns how to make a 3d game we can begin with a big project. like that femaleteeth group on youtube or something...that "angry kylie" game or whatever its called.
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Seasoned adventurer
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 2:50 pm

Someone make a FELARYA FIGHTING GAME!!!!!! So i can own it up with my Naga Arcade Stick wmwhahahah. I'm terriable with Mugen other wise i would of made it already.
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The Rev
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 4:33 pm

I would love to see a simple felarya-based game in the future, as long at the graphics are polished and the animation is good Very Happy
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Evil admin
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 5:44 pm

yes I also think it's better to start modestly at first Smile

zalzas : That's a great idea lol!

Claire : that would be crazy hard to do but I agree that would be neat XD
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Seasoned adventurer
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 7:00 pm

Claire i am sorry but a fighting game would not ever work...... Crisis would just eat everyone and Vivian would daze the guys with her massive boobs.... o sht that means that the guys have double the chance to die over girls..... WHY??????????????? .... but if these events didnt take place the game would ROCK!!!!!! cheers
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Seasoned adventurer
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 3:21 am

zalzas wrote:
As for idea, I think probably the simplest game we could make would be a side scrolling platformer. So lets say you have Lea, and she has to save Crisis from some evil person that captured her. Then the game will follow Lea as she transverses the dangers of Felarya and tries to reach the evil person’s lair. it’s a pretty simple set up. Of course we could try for something more complicated but seeing as how this is a first for most of us I think keeping it simple is best. I also suggest using Lea as the main role instead of Crisis because we get to play around more with the scale of things on Felarya, enemies such as giant bugs, man-eating plats, and possibly other giant predators would not fit as nicely if Crisis was the main character. Everything would be normal sized to her and make it harder to find enemies that would logically be a threat to her. Plus Lea can use her magic as a from of attack, which opens up a few doors for us. Although, if we where to use Crisis as a main character, she could eat nekos for a health pick up ^_^
Nice, sounds like a stellar idea to me. Upon reading that, I had this sudden vision of a level where Lea was crossing the bridge to the Mysterious Temple (which was inexplicably made up of floating blocks), while zapping giant bugs and avoiding deadly splashes from Anko. Very Happy There's really a great number of fun, interesting things that could be done even with a simple platformer like this.

If I had any of the necessary skills, I'd be very tempted to offer my help, but alas, without the ability to code or draw I'd be pretty much useless. When you get a functioning version out, I'll be happy to help hunt for bugs though (me and about a million other people). lol!
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Veteran knight
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 5:50 am

the simplest game would actualy be an RPG, despite appearances platformers are time consuming and hard to produce one that is fun and at the very least stimulating, if you really want to go platformer, i would stay away from the good old princess rescuing and go with a party style platform like the original super mario bros. that way level design wont be a constant foot in anyones ass,

If someone really wanted to make a felarya RPG or plat former,with less regard to quality and more as a sort of 'we made a game about felarya' there are plenty of game creation programs that are free and up to the task of a simple game, in game maker i was able to produce an interesting little combat platformer in less than 10 hours of work while barely paying attention and chatting on the irc, theres no AI so you'll pretty much be playing against your friends, but its a nice proof of concept


ultimately, what it will come down to is the art music and sound assets, many people complain about programming, but these are often the real show stopper, many people are too busy to pump out the sprites and music necessary for a totally unique game, 3d is much easier to animate, but hard to program and level design for.
Ultimately the gaming process can be fun and rewarding even if its a simple game, but procrastination is very easy to do with pet projects and otherwise non commercial or compulsory games. so if you are interested in really making a game, you should put strong effort into it once you're sure where your direction is going.
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Evil admin
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 9:04 am

Mhh sadly I can't try it right now.. it's an .exe file and I am on mac... ^^;
Hopefully I'll be able to have my brother's PC in a few.
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Veteran knight
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 9:42 am

i guess i should point out the controls, it was just a simple game that wasn't going to see the light of day so i didn't make them very intuitive. , the left player uses as and i think fh to move while the right player uses the left arrow and control and the arrows on the numberpad to move.
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The Rev
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 1:48 pm

lami wrote:
i guess i should point out the controls, it was just a simple game that wasn't going to see the light of day so i didn't make them very intuitive. , the left player uses as and i think fh to move while the right player uses the left arrow and control and the arrows on the numberpad to move.
Looks really nice, but laptop users will have trouble using the controls on the numberpad if something else occupies the required space on the keyboard.
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Evil admin
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 3:41 am

Somehow I feel beginning by a RPG is hazardous.. it obviously require a lot of work not only on the programming and graphics and sounds, but also on the storyline, dialogs, narration etc...
I had more in mind something simple and fun such as those little flash games you can find here and there in internet ^^
I am browsing some right now.

I can't say I'm as serious as.. say the manga on this project right now, but this is definitely something that would be nice and that I would put in my "to do" list Smile
That and learning using flash ^^
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Master cartographer
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 5:53 am

Karbo wrote:
Somehow I feel beginning by a RPG is hazardous.. it obviously require a lot of work not only on the programming and graphics and sounds, but also on the storyline, dialogs, narration etc...
I had more in mind something simple and fun such as those little flash games you can find here and there in internet ^^
I am browsing some right now.

I can't say I'm as serious as.. say the manga on this project right now, but this is definitely something that would be nice and that I would put in my "to do" list Smile
That and learning using flash ^^
Why not an interactive game where the player will have to make different choices, for example he/she decides to explore a specifific place and according to the place, he/she will do different encounter with a different predator and according of his choices he will survive or not Razz
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 7:13 am

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
Why not an interactive game where the player will have to make different choices, for example he/she decides to explore a specifific place and according to the place, he/she will do different encounter with a different predator and according of his choices he will survive or not Razz
This seems a lot like a visual novel. Different choices lead to triggering certain events flags and thus multiple paths of plot and many different endings. I like the idea of a Felarya VN, and would be very interested in playing it. Being eaten would likely be just one of many "Nice Boat" (bad) endings.
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:42 pm

Karbo wrote:
Somehow I feel beginning by a RPG is hazardous.. it obviously require a lot of work not only on the programming and graphics and sounds, but also on the storyline, dialogs, narration etc...
I had more in mind something simple and fun such as those little flash games you can find here and there in internet ^^
I am browsing some right now.



I've mentioned this before, but the Official Hamster Republic RPG Creation Engine is fairly simple to use, once you learn the plot script commands. From start to finish, you can have a decent RPG in about 2-3 months.
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Veteran knight
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 1:51 am

Karbo wrote:
it obviously require a lot of work not only on the programming and graphics
again, this is simply not the case compared to platformers, Popular Japanese PRGs are laughably easy to code for. I'll put things into perspective, eschewing updated 3d graphics, Japanese style RPGs like final fantasy remain at their core programming, as simple and outdated as their NES counterparts, almost every RPG today if you removed the graphical engine, would easily run on something that powerful. the NES was the era when very small Teams could get together and make a complete video game like the original zelda.

you are right about the narrative and design aspects requiring work, but honestly if your writing a manga at least, you should have a fairly good advantage at that, as well as the other people here who write stories,

that said, i figured it would be a decent time to show off a very nice vore plat former i ran into. I would like to remind that an RPG is certainly the easiest to program for, but a plat former is certainly possible.
it can be downloaded here,
the password is ryona
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Evil admin
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 03, 2009 7:17 am

wow ! It's very nice indeed ^_^
I am not sure how to advance past the main room though.. I figured how to fly with the broom but not how to use ladders. Do you know the commands ?
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Veteran knight
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 4:13 am

Karbo wrote:
wow ! It's very nice indeed ^_^
I am not sure how to advance past the main room though.. I figured how to fly with the broom but not how to use ladders. Do you know the commands ?
the game is somewhat of a demo, as i found out, and to climb ladders you need to release the up key and the flying key at once, and then reapply the up arrow key and you'll grab a hold of the ladder. once you get up there, theres nothing to do but go down though.
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Tasty morsel

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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 5:45 pm

Hello everybody!

I don't speak english very well so usually I don't post to english forums (sorry for the grammatical mistakes btw) but I got pretty exited when I read that there could be a Felarya game (damn you, nerdness). :-)

Maybe it is too daring for a newbie but I would suggest a point'n'click adventure game. Like Syberia or Fahrenheit. There could be acompass in the corner to navigate from room to room so you wouldn't have to bother with the sprite of the character. The gameplay could be the usual "go there pick up, that go there use that etc.". Of course there would be 'bad endings' - ergo you could be eaten. Maybe extra elements like "don't let the cursor left the path" type minigames or a built-in Felarya codex or something like that.

And for the "RPG games are the easiest" thing. Well... I don't think so. I don't want to seem to be a wiseguy but I tried it a few times (yeah, I sound like a wiseguy). You have to controll a lot of variables you have to create a decent map and battle-system and if there is more then a half an hour gameplay you will have a few dozen bugs you have to fix. Of course I don't say that it is impossible but it would be pretty hard and frustrating - especially if this is the first game of the creator team.

And of course, congratulations for the world of Felarya Karbo! Excellent work! :-)
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Veteran knight
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Little Felarya game ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Felarya game ideas.   Little Felarya game ideas. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 11:59 pm

Hatter wrote:
Hello everybody!

I don't speak english very well so usually I don't post to english forums (sorry for the grammatical mistakes btw) but I got pretty exited when I read that there could be a Felarya game (damn you, nerdness). :-)

Maybe it is too daring for a newbie but I would suggest a point'n'click adventure game. Like Syberia or Fahrenheit. There could be acompass in the corner to navigate from room to room so you wouldn't have to bother with the sprite of the character. The gameplay could be the usual "go there pick up, that go there use that etc.". Of course there would be 'bad endings' - ergo you could be eaten. Maybe extra elements like "don't let the cursor left the path" type minigames or a built-in Felarya codex or something like that.

And for the "RPG games are the easiest" thing. Well... I don't think so. I don't want to seem to be a wiseguy but I tried it a few times (yeah, I sound like a wiseguy). You have to controll a lot of variables you have to create a decent map and battle-system and if there is more then a half an hour gameplay you will have a few dozen bugs you have to fix. Of course I don't say that it is impossible but it would be pretty hard and frustrating - especially if this is the first game of the creator team.

And of course, congratulations for the world of Felarya Karbo! Excellent work! :-)
{more RPG banter}
um, no not really, while yes, there are alot of variables, the thing that makes RPGs easy to program isnt the lack of them, it's the lack of specific actions(like jumping on an enemy, very annoying to program for beginners.), behavior(read: collision detections and general physics), and most importantly AI, these are all very important and often time consuming areas to write for a game, and they require alot of debugging, by contrast, variables are just busy work,
and as for map making, thats important for nearly every game.

that said, there actually is a nifty program that will do everything you asked for in the former, I'm not quite sure if its free. but a slime vore game was made for it. certainly humble beginnings, as there isn't much content but writing and a few pictures (no music :[ ) but on the other hand, it works very well with the abundance of writers that we have here. the trouble would be getting everyones ideas to flow,
heres the link.
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