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PostSubject: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 7:34 pm

Hello everyone, I'm here to talk to you about the Felarya card game I'm developing (with Karbo's approval, of course). The game is set in Felarya, and played from the perspective of the average sized humans (or elves, or nekos, etc.) who live in Felarya. I’m shooting for simple game play, and in the end, I would like people to be able to print out a full copy, if they would want to use up that much ink, but I'm almost certain that it'd be more likely to be played on a computer (possibly online vs. other players).

Without further ado, meet Felarya: The Card Game

Felarya: The Card Game

Types of Cards:
There are five types of cards: Player Character Cards, Predator Cards, Action Cards, Item Cards, and Diversion Cards. At the beginning of the game, each player chooses a Player Character Card and the rest are set aside. The Predator Cards are their own separate deck, called (creatively enough) the Predator Deck. Action Cards, Item Cards, and Diversion Cards are sorted into a pile that is called the Play Deck.

Felarya... The Card Game Felary12

Character Cards have 3 basic stats: Awareness, Speed, and Strength. Awareness determines turn order (from lowest to highest). Speed is a character’s ability run away from a given predator. Strength is a character’s ability to fend off a given predator. Beyond that, each character has a special ability written in the text of the card.

Felarya... The Card Game Player10

Predator Cards have 2 basic stats: Speed and Strength. Speed is a predator’s ability to catch fleeing prey and Strength is a predator’s ability to successfully capture prey. Beyond that, most predators have special talents written in the text of their cards that may affect play.

Felarya... The Card Game Predat10

Action Cards are instantaneous effects that are discarded immediately after use. They may affect a character’s Awareness, Speed, or Strength, or have other effects. They can be played on yourself or other players. Action cards are placed in the discard pile after use.

Felarya... The Card Game Action10

Item Cards are permanent items given to your character and remain in play unless removed from play from another card effect. They may affect a character’s Awareness, Speed, or Strength, or have other effects. Players can only play items on their character. Some Item cards have the trait: Weapon. A character may not gain the benefit of more than one Weapon at any given time. If a character has multiple weapons attached, the weapon the character is using remains upright and all other weapons must remain tapped (twisted to a 180°, or horizontal, angle)

Diversion Cards represent other people living in Felarya. Unfortunately for them, they are not as talented or skilled as your character. You may play a Diversion card instead of trying to escape or fend off a predator.

Felarya... The Card Game Divers10

Zones of Play:
As a card game, there is no defined position for where players place their cards, but it’s important to keep certain cards separate. The following groups are different zones of play and need to be kept apart.

Hand: Whenever a player draws a card it is added to their hand. These cards are theirs and can be played when appropriate (Items and Diversions can only be played during their turn, Actions can be played at any time). A player does not have to show their opponent’s their hand unless directed to by a card. A player can have more than ten cards in their hand, but during the rest phase, any player who has more than ten has to discard down to ten.

In Play: All cards played from a player’s hand are considered In Play. Action cards and Diversion cards remain in play only until resolved. Characters and Items stay In Play after being played. When a new Predator is revealed, it too is considered In Play. Cards only affect the game when they are In Play.

Play Deck: The Play Deck that contains all Actions, Items, and Diversions. During the draw phase, players draw cards from this deck. If the deck runs empty, the Play Discard Pile is shuffled and becomes the new Play Deck.

Play Discard Pile: All actions and any diversions or items that are discarded through a card effect are placed in this pile. These cards are no longer In Play and may not be targeted unless a card specifies that it can be played on cards in the Play Discard Pile. If the Play Deck runs out, shuffle the Play Discard Pile, it becomes the new Play Deck.

Digested Pile: Diversions and Items attached to characters who fail to escape from a predator are devoured. These cards are placed in the Digested Pile and removed from the game. These are kept separate from the Play Discard Pile as they are NOT shuffled in with the Play Discard Pile in the event the Play Deck runs out of cards.

Predator Deck: The Predator Deck contains only Predator cards. During the Predator phase, the top card of the Predator Deck is flipped and the revealed predator tries to hunt down each of the characters. If the deck runs empty, the game ends, and all surviving players win.

Predator Discard Pile: During the Predator phase, the top card of the Predator Deck is flipped, replacing the Predator that was revealed the turn before. Place the new Predator on top of the old predator. Only the top card of the Predator Deck is considered to be In Play, and all other predator cards beneath it are ignored.

How To Play:
Each player starts with a Character card, then each player draws six cards. The top card of the Predator deck is flipped, and then, in order of each character’s awareness, from lowest to highest, the predator finds the character and attempts to eat them. The player must try to escape from the predator by running away (speed), fending it off (strength), or through a card effect. If, at the end of a turn, no other player has survived, the sole survivor wins.

Turn Order:
Turns start communally, with each player drawing cards, but as soon as the predator is revealed, it’s every man for himself. The predator goes after each player individually, finding them one at a time, from lowest awareness to highest awareness, and tries to eat them. After the characters escape, if they escape, there is a rest phase where all items that were tapped are untapped, and all players who have more than ten cards in their hands discard down to ten.

Phase One: Draw. Each player, in order of Awareness (from lowest to highest), draws two cards from the Play Deck and adds them to their hand. If the Play Deck is empty, the discard pile is shuffled and becomes the new Play Deck.

Phase Two: Predator. The top card of the Predator deck is revealed and any effects of their coming into play are resolved.

Phase Three: Escape. The Predator tracks down a Character, and the Character has to escape from the Predator. This is done one of three ways: Running Away, Fending It Off, or A Card Effect (usually a Diversion card).

If a character attempts to Run Away or Fend Off the predator (which they choose must be announced first), they roll a ten-sided dice and add it to their score, and then compare their score against the predators. If their total exceeds the Predator’s score, they escape. If their score is less than the Predator’s, or if they tie, the Predator catches and swallows them whole. This phase is repeated for each character still in play until all of them have escaped or been eaten.

If a Diversion card is used, any effects on the card are resolved. Unless the Diversion is saved through it’s own ability or from another card effect, it is placed in the Digested Pile. If a Character is eaten, the Character and any Item cards attached to him are added to the Digested Pile. Any other Action Cards played are added to the Discard Pile.

Phase Four: Rest. Any items that were tapped untap. Any player with more than ten cards in their hand discards down to ten.

Order of Play:
The order of play is how cards are resolved. When a card is played, all players have a chance to react to it using Action cards or through the abilities of Items and Characters that are In Play. Players must announce the actions they are taking to give other players a chance to respond. If a player reacts, that card is then open to other players react to it. The last card played in this manner resolves first.

Example: Its Player 1’s turn and he plays a diversion card. Player 2 plays a card that would make Player 1 discard his diversion card. In response to that, Player 3 plays a card that takes the Diversion card and adds it to his hand instead. With no other actions, Player 3 takes the Diversion and places it in his hand. Player 2’s card is placed in the Play Discard Pile without effect. Player 1 must continue his turn without the Diversion.

Some cards have a word in bold in their Text. These are common traits that many cards have, all of which have the same effect. Below are the two established common traits.

Weapon :A character may only have one weapon equipped. If a character has a weapon and plays another, they choose which weapon they are using. The other weapon is tapped and gives no bonus.

Voracious: A Voracious predator is always hungry. A single diversion card will not truly divert the predator. To escape, they must run away, fend off the predator, or use two diversions, both of which are added to the digested pile.
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 7:35 pm

Not done yet, but I couldn't post everything at once.

Below are the cards that I’ve actually worked on. Right now, all numbers are variable, and I’m open to changes.

Player Character Cards: 6 Cards. Each represents a resident in Felarya, each from a different culture, and each having a different position within their culture. I’m not looking for any more right now, although I am looking for a culture for the Thief to originate from. Characters have skill scores between 3 and 6 for Strength and Speed and between 2 and 7 for Awareness.

Rosic Singer:
May attempt to sate a predator on a roll of 5 + the number of players who went before you.
Strength: 4 Speed: 5 Awareness: 3

Deluran Technician:
If you play a non-weapon item on Delurian Tech, draw another card.
Strength: 4 Speed: 5 Awareness: 2

Miritan Veteran:
May wield two weapons. All weapon items give an additional +1 fight bonus.
Strength: 6 Speed: 4 Awareness: 4

Ps'isol Magiocrat:
May discard two cards to cancel any card played on them.
Strength: 5 Speed: 5 Awareness: 5

Phantom Elf Seer:
Instead of drawing two cards, draw three, then choose one and put it on the bottom of the deck.
Fight: 3 Flight: 6 Awareness: 7

Once per turn, during your turn, you may look into the hand of one player and take a card of your choice.
Fight: 4 Flight: 5 Awareness: 6

Predator Cards: 30 Cards. Each represents a different predator in Felarya, and they may be either a regular species that lives in Felarya, or a much more powerful named character card (like Crisis or Anko). I’m looking to create 30 to 40 cards, although there may be multiple copies of a specific card. I’m hoping for at least 5 named characters. Predators have skill scores between 9 and 15 for Strength and Speed for unnamed characters… and potentially higher for named predators. So far this has been the section I’ve worked the least on, mostly because it’ll be so easy once I actually start, but I plan on looking at the Felarya wiki for different species of predators (harpies, nagas, dridders, etc.)

Kensha Beast: 3 copies
Take any Kensha Beast in the predator discard pile and put it back into play. Players must run away, fend off, or use card effects to escape from all to successfully get away (Players may use any variety of running away, fending off, or card effects to get away). All Kensha Beasts receive +2 to both fight and flight for each Kensha Beast brought into play this way.
Fight: 9 Flight: 9

Play Deck: 100 Cards. These are the cards that affect play, and they are the most varied. It can be almost anything, which means it rather hard to figure out what to put in. I’m looking to put in 20 Diversion cards, 40 Action cards, and 40 Item cards (divided into 20 weapons and 20 non-weapons). I’m hoping to have 2 copies of each Action and Item card, and 4 or 5 copies of each diversion card.

Diversion Cards: 20 Cards. Diversion cards are castaway cards. Once used, they don’t come back during the game. That is intentional! Otherwise, the game could get bogged down and become downright endless. Outside of Rosic Initiate and MAYBE one other diversion card, the diversion cards are basically names, pictures, and the word Diversion written in the text.

Rosic Initiate: 2 Copies
When played, roll a D10. On a roll of five plus the number of players who went before you this turn, if successful, this card is placed in the play discard pile instead of the digested pile.

Unwary Traveler: 4 Copies

Novice Magus: 4 Copies

Items: 40 Item Cards are cards that help a player survive by raising their stats or giving them some other ability. I’m considering cutting down the number of items and increasing the number of actions, but I wanted to look at this as an option only after showing everyone. I’m hoping to have a variety of abilities on the non-weapon cards, referred to as Trinkets, and a variety of combat cards that can help players survive through combat, which predators will almost universally be much more powerful in. Non-weapon items are.

Trinkets: 20 cards. Each of these has a non-combat ability; some of them mimic character abilities, and even give a bonus if they are played on the matching character. I’m thinking that there will be two copies of each card.

Scrying Sphere: 2 Copies
During the draw phase, draw an additional card, and then choose one of the cards you drew and put it on the bottom of the deck.

Evershifting Map: 2 Copies
+2 Awareness

Lucky Rabbit’s Foot: 2 Copies
Add to the digested pile: Re-roll a failed die roll.

Mystic Tome: 2 Copies
Roll. On a 1 or 2, discard a card, on a 9 or 10, draw a card.

Weapons: 20 cards. Each of these has a combat ability, giving some advantage in a fight. I’m not sure about the numbers, I don’t want there to be too many generic +1 to strength cards, but I don’t want this to make the cards too easy. Except for the Miritan Veteran and maybe the Ps'isol Magiocrat, fighting something in Felarya would be tantamount to suicide without a weapon… and I want that to be evident. Predators will almost universally have a higher Strength than Speed.

+1 Fight
Discard: +4 Fight until end of turn.

Miritan Assault Rifle
+1 Fight
Miritan Veteran receives an additional +1 fight.

Deluran Pistol
+1 Fight
Deluran Technician draws a card if played.

Actions: 40 Cards. These cards can be played at any time, including when other people are playing. That means that these cards are powerful. They can save you or knock someone else out of the game. That’s very important in a game where the last player standing wins. There should be 20 cards to save your own butt, and 20 to tip the balance against another player. I’m thinking two cards of each. There’s also the chance that I may increase the number of action cards by decreasing the number of items, as I mentioned above, but that depends on how people think of having fewer permanent cards in play… The only major problem is that if the Play Deck runs out and has to be reshuffled, there may be a very, VERY small play deck. If that happens, I may just expand the action deck and not even touch the items, but this is all just theory.

Narrow Escape: 2 Cards.
If you have tied or lost by 1 on a flight roll, you still escape.

Get outta my way: 2 Cards
Target a player with less speed than yourself that hasn’t gone yet, that player serves as your diversion and goes next, regardless of awareness.

Toying with its food: 2 Cards
If a player has successfully fought off or escaped from a predator, the predator goes after them again.

Keep Running: 2 Cards
+2 to a flight check. May be played after a roll.

Voracious Hunger: 2 Cards
Target predator card gains the Voracious trait.

Luck: 2 Cards.
Reroll a failed die roll.

Misfortune: 2 Cards.
Target player rerolls a successful die roll.

Distracted: 2 Cards.
Target player gets –2 to Awareness.
“Oooo a butterfly”

Jinx: 2 Cards.
If a player has played a card on your character, it affects theirs instead.

Duck!: 2 Cards
If a player has played a card on your character, the card affects the character to your left.

Unfortunately, those are all the cards I have at this moment. I do hope you like the idea, and I am taking suggestions, both for rules, and for cards. If you do not understand something, please ask!
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 7:47 pm

I had a quick idea about the player character cards. Maybe to make it a bit more unique from player to player, there could be a template: You could choose between humans or nekos, and there could be a set number of points you could distribute between awareness speed and strength, along with a [reasonable] special ability. (maybe choose one from a list.) Since you said this would most likely be online, we could possibly apply our own picture to the cards we make? Very Happy
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 8:03 pm

S-Guy wrote:
I had a quick idea about the player character cards. Maybe to make it a bit more unique from player to player, there could be a template: You could choose between humans or nekos, and there could be a set number of points you could distribute between awareness speed and strength, along with a [reasonable] special ability. (maybe choose one from a list.) Since you said this would most likely be online, we could possibly apply our own picture to the cards we make? Very Happy

To be fair, I might add more cards later, but this isn't an RPG. Cards are set. The point is finding balance with what you have. If you want to attach your picture, though, I see no reason not to.
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 8:06 pm

Works for me. Very Happy
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 8:23 pm

Interesting ideas Very Happy
If I remember Cypress was trying to do a card game but I don't know what it becomes Sad
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 4:40 am

Wow very nice work !! cheers
The mechanic is really interesting. Throwing away diversion and run or stand and fight depending on what you face. It will ask judgement and planning Razz
I am excited at the project ^_^

And I just loved the "Get outta my way" effect XD
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 9:20 am

XD good to see someone else approaching this differently^^ (especial since i haven't worked on a card game for a long time) youve got a really solid start here.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 11:34 am

I agree with the others here. You've done very nicely so far.
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 12:39 pm

Wow- a lot of effort has been put into this! Impressive work coming up with a Felarya-themed card game that feels right.
*Imagines flipping the Crisis predator card over*
Aww, crap. >_>

But since my ink cartridges cost more than their weight in gold, I'm crossing my fingers for the online version.^^
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 5:31 pm

/Fish/ wrote:
But since my ink cartridges cost more than their weight in gold, I'm crossing my fingers for the online version.^^
Hehe, me too man... Me too... Also, we would be able to play it here together ^^
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 6:30 pm

Yeah, that would be great. We would probably end up with a new thread or category based on setting up games. Very Happy
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 4:49 pm

Karbo: Thank you! I appreciate the support. Of course, it'll be a while before it's complete, but I'm glad you liked how things look. Of course, once I complete it, I'll have to play test it... which... will be a long and arduous process to say the least. (And I say this having made a board game with faaaaaaaaaaar fewer components and still play testing after three months...). So, I'm trying to keep a realistic level of optimism.

Still, I'm glad you liked the concept. I tried to make it fit in the world setting.

Cypress: Actually, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to talk to you about what your card game idea was about. It's always good to have a different point of view to look at things. Maybe I can help you while you help me?

Pendragon: Thank you! I hope it works out.

/Fish/: I'm going to channel Alfred here for a moment, "Oh, you have no idea..." It's not that I had a hard time coming up with the concept. That's the easy part. It's wording everything that took me the better part of two weeks... including times where I scrapped everything and rewrote it to make it more clear.

And on the online note... if anyone would be interested in volunteering their skill at programming (not to steal one from the RPG of course), it would be nice to have some sort of platform. I know a dicebot would be necessary, and a basic playing field.

Amaroq: I certainly hope so. I don't know enough people who know about vore to play the game with, and I'm not THAT open about it that I would bring it up with all the people I normally game with...
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 7:28 pm

This looks interesting. If I might add my two cents.

I was thinking you could add a couple new traits to the item and weapon cards, designating whether they were magical or technological in nature. Some actions, events, or special abilities of predators or characters could only influence one or the other. (Storm sprites, for example could destroy one technological item before the fight or flight round begins.)

Also, what about an area card type? Something that changes gameplay slightly based off of one Felarya’s many magical or interesting areas. A few of these would be shuffled with the play deck. When one is revealed it goes into play and stays in play throughout the predator attacks until a different area card is drawn. At that point, the new area card goes into effect and the old one is discarded. (For example Great Rocky Fields: A Character attempting to escape by running away must test their speed twice (and win both rolls) to successfully escape.)

I’ve always enjoyed card games of this nature (I still have a sizeable collection of the old Star Wars collectible card game cards). I know you weren’t planning a collectible card game, but it looks very interesting nonetheless.
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 7:36 pm

There should also be transformation cards. Like how Anna was transformed into a Naga.
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Cog in the Machine
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 7:47 pm

Transformations were rare, so they'd likely be a one-of-a-kind requiring specific criteria.

And I feel there should be categories for home realm bonus' and penalties as well. For instance, an Ice Deathworlder may have a higher awareness then the average citizen from an Earth-Like world... but suffer penalties anyways while on non-Arctic terrain.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 8:11 pm

Tuc135: You have some very, very good points, and I agree with both of them. That said, for now, I am going to ignore both of them.

I don't want this to be a brush off. I definetely like the ideas, in fact, I've had both of them myself. Environments would be mixed in with the pred deck and stay in play until a new one is flipped, etc. The original scribbled down Delurian Tech read Draw a card if you play a Technological item on them. There's just one problem: Right now, I just want to get a working game together! I mean, as soon as I establish what works and what doesn't, I will almost assuredly come back to both of these ideas (especially the Environments) but I'm biting off about all that I can chew right now. (The Technology vs. Magic might be trickier to implement, so I'm a bit wary about it)

Please don't think I'm trying to brush you off, I love the concepts, and the advice is appreciated, but right now, I have to focus on getting enough cards to actually play a game.

And believe me when I say I can empathize with playing card games: I've been playing Magic: The Gathering since I was 6, I own more Deadland Doomtown and L5R cards than I can count, have an actual functioning X Files card game deck (I shit you not!), and a few other pockets of cards including a scratch off card game... (how THAT never took off nobody knows *chuckle*).

Thank you for your advice though, it is appreciated.

MegaDan5: I believe Karbo once described Anna as being the third luckiest person in existence when describing her current condition, and he mentions one of the Guardians themselves might have had something to do with it in the wiki. The chances of this becoming a repeatable circumstance, unless it comes from the word of god it aint happening. And if you think I think Karbo is an actual god, check TV Tropes it's a fun site (unless it ruins your life).

Malahite: That I hadn't thought of, and it would be interesting. There's... just one problem: I'd then have to figure out a weakness/bonus for each predator as well as for each terrain. See my above comment about biting off what I can chew. Maybe in the future, but right now? Not so likely.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 8:16 pm

That's alright, I understand where you're coming from. I've tried my hand at designing games before, but I have a tendancy to veer towards the complex and get bogged down in the details.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 8:18 pm

Tuc135 wrote:
That's alright, I understand where you're coming from. I've tried my hand at designing games before, but I have a tendancy to veer towards the complex and get bogged down in the details.

Haha... I can definetely sympathize there. You should see what became of my game: Squirrel Combat: Get Off My Nuts!

If you have any other ideas, for cards or the like, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:05 pm

Distraction: Sonic Boom

When this card is played, a new turn order is randomly selected for the players who have not yet escaped. (Each player must roll a die. The lowest roll goes next, followed by the next lowest roll, and so on.)

Action: Panicked flight

Discard when a predator is revealed to force any one player (even yourself) to run away (they cannot attempt to fight). That player gets a +2 bonus to speed for this round.

Action: Heroic fool

Discard when a predator is revealed to force any one player (even yourself) to fight (they cannot attempt to run away). That player gets a +2 bonus to strength for this round.

Distraction: Spell of paralysis

When this card is played, all remaining players get +1 to strength and speed for this round. OR you may discard this card to give another player a –3 penalty to strength and speed for this round.

Distraction: Gunther’s Flare Gun

When this card is played, roll a die. If the die roll is 6 or higher, you escape. If it is 5 or lower, draw a second predator that you and all remaining players must escape after escaping the original predator.

Weapon: Spell of Storms.

When fighting a predator, roll a die. Add ½ of your roll (rounding down) to your strength for this round.

Item: Winged sandals.

+2 to speed when running away from a predator (except when fleeing harpies).

Item: SCARAB repair drone.

You may discard any three cards in your hand to retrieve one item from the discard or digested pile.

Weapon: Hidden dagger

If you fail a flight check, discard to attempt another flight check, a fight check, or play a distraction.

Action: Improvisation

You may discard this card and an item to use it as a distraction.

Action: Adrenaline Rush

If you fail a fight check, you may discard this card to attempt another flight check.

Action: Stumble

Discard to give another player a –2 penalty to speed for one round.

Action: Sweaty palms.

Discard to prevent another player from using a specific weapon or item this round.
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:29 pm

Tuc135Those work. I can spot a few that I'll definetely be adding to the game. But, to clarify, what do you mean by Distraction?

And some other news, I've gotten all 20 Diversion cards ready.

Rosic Initiate: 2 Copies
When played, roll a D10. On a roll of five plus the number of players who went before you this turn, if successful, this card is placed in the play discard pile instead of the digested pile.

Miritan Recruit: 2 Copies
When played, roll a D10 and add it to Miritan Recruit’s strength. If successful, this card is placed in the play discard instead of the digested pile.
Strength 3

Deluran Search Party: 4 Copies
If this diversion is played against a predator with the Voracious trait, it counts as both diversions.
“Why do they keep sending us out? It’s not like we’ve actually found anyone else before.”

Unwary Traveler: 4 Copies
“I don’t remember seeing that on the map. Do you guys remember seeing it on the map? … Guys?”

Novice Magus: 4 Copies

Distracted Neko: 4 Copies
“Oh! Look at the butterfly!”
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Felarya... The Card Game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:31 pm

Diversions. They were supposed to be Diversions.


Never mind, I reread the first post and noticed that the diversions were supposed to be other people.
The Spell of paralysis and flare gun can be items. THe sonic boom could be an action or changed into a smoke bomb item.

Last edited by Tuc135 on Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:34 pm

Tuc135 wrote:
Diversions. They were supposed to be Diversions.


Never mind, I reread the first post and noticed that the diversions were supposed to be other people.

That's fine. Most of them look like actions anyway, or Items for that matter. Thanks for the help! I appreciate it.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:47 pm

I feel the sonic boom should disorient most predators as well. Most living things tend not to react well to loud sonic disruptions. Perhaps a temporary attack penalty to pred and 'prey'?
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya... The Card Game   Felarya... The Card Game Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:52 pm

[bjurodan@gmail.com wrote:
MegaDan5: I believe Karbo once described Anna as being the third luckiest person in existence when describing her current condition,

Fourth. I really like the bios. Razz

[bjurodan@gmail.com wrote:
and he mentions one of the Guardians themselves might have had something to do with it in the wiki.

A demi-chimera, I think.
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