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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 10:40 am

Well, intelligent predators, Mala, authors seem to more often focus on the vore scene itself then the actual 'gimmie that sword before you rip my esophagus open, dumbass'.
And while I do believe a nuclear arm would be entirely possible, you would also have numerous other powers working to have it. If the Delurans got a nuclear weapon (which I hope they won't), some other human faction might go 'hey we want that too' and attack the Delurans. So while you DO have a weapon that could take out many predators, it's far more likely that you'll be having a game of 'steal and steal again'. And who is to say there aren't factions who will try to dismantle the bomb?

And don't say that the human faction which has the bomb can keep it a secret, there is always way to find out.

Vegeta, is this source canon to Felarya?
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 10:50 am

L'Ryn wrote:
Gwada, this is not JoJo's, this is Felarya, lol. XD
Except the concept idea is possible on Felarya after all it exist different possible cases of vampirism Razz
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 10:58 am

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
L'Ryn wrote:
Gwada, this is not JoJo's, this is Felarya, lol. XD
Except the concept idea is possible on Felarya after all it exist different possible cases of vampirism Razz
Are you trying to make me angry this early in the morning, Gwada? 8D
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 12:25 pm

L'Ryn wrote:
Are you trying to make me angry this early in the morning, Gwada? 8D

Do you have a problem with me Question

I just expressed my point of view as any people on this forum. My intervention was just to shown it's possible to create vampire or a creature similar not necessary by necromancy. I admit it won't be perfect because the soil prevent from infection or necromancy. But the case I quote was just an example nothing more.

I think I was enough tactful with you so restrain your agressivity. I respect you so respect me.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 3:32 pm

confused Shocked Surprised ....

WOW... this definitely went somewhere I never expected... but I spurred debate yay! Very Happy

OOO... guardians can make people never be born!!... so they can go back in time... o dear... I guess that requires less... um explosive measures lol Evil laugh ... where are these "scriptures" you speak of???

Maybe the flu will work? It has the nasty habit of adapting to everything and anything and making it all feel like crap.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 3:34 pm

vegasmazza3 wrote:
confused Shocked Surprised ....

WOW... this definitely went somewhere I never expected... but I spurred debate yay! Very Happy

OOO... guardians can make people never be born!!... so they can go back in time... o dear... I guess that requires less... um explosive measures lol Evil laugh ... where are these "scriptures" you speak of???

Maybe the flu will work? It has the nasty habit of adapting to everything and anything and making it all feel like crap.

.....viruses dont work on Felarya.

Illness causing agents that DO work:

- Parasites
- Venom/Poison
- Curses

thats it.

As for the guardians. Only Notys, the dimensional chimera can manipulate time. THe others are just incredibly powerful.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 5:56 pm

Um, I know this is a wee bit off-topic, but would fairy pond water count as a biological weapon? And what would happen if you filled a tranquilizer dart-type-thing with it and shot a great predator that wasn't a fairy?

Oh, and vegasmazza3, I notice that you use (...) alot...
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 6:27 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
Um, I know this is a wee bit off-topic, but would fairy pond water count as a biological weapon? And what would happen if you filled a tranquilizer dart-type-thing with it and shot a great predator that wasn't a fairy?

Oh, and vegasmazza3, I notice that you use (...) alot...
The water of fairy pond affects only small humanoids like neko and humans for the other creature it's a normal water.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 10:07 pm

The question "Why aren't nuclear weapons used on Felarya?" could easily be answered like this "Nuclear detonations cause unpleasant ripples in dimensional space, which annoys the Guardian Notys greatly, so she uses her power to prevent them from ever occurring."

The real reason why nukes aren't used on Felarya is because it upsets the balance of power between predator and prey, and transforms that relationship into an armed standoff that would almost certainly end in a nuclear holocaust, the likes of which even Felarya would have trouble recovering from.

(The reason Felarya would have trouble recovering from it, by the way, is because once you know how to build hydrogen bombs you can expanded the technique to build hydrogen bombs of an arbitrary size; there is no technological reason why you could not build a hydrogen bomb the size of a skyscraper.)
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 12:55 am

Armed standoff...??? Sounds familiar... (thinking US & USSR) We're still here! Very Happy (although I must admit there were a couple of points where it could have easily turned to boom)

Skyscraper-sized hydrogen bombs... that's basically planet killing right there...lol
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 5:10 pm

"FalconJudge wrote:
Um, I know this is a wee bit off-topic, but would fairy pond water count as a biological weapon? And what would happen if you filled a tranquilizer dart-type-thing with it and shot a great predator that wasn't a fairy?

Oh, and vegasmazza3, I notice that you use (...) alot...

The water of fairy pond affects only small humanoids like neko and humans for the other creature it's a normal water."

Thank you.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 6:08 pm

Ok, in RL, suitcase nukes don't exist. The smallest one I know of is about the size of a hiker's backpack, or a small fridge, and just the warhead itself weighs 50lbs. Throw in all the stuff to detonate it and whatnot, and altogeather, you'll be looking at about 80-100 lbs. Another thing is the yield. The upper limits for a small nuclear device is about 1 Kiloton. The A-bombs dropped in World War 2 was about 16-21 Kilotons.

And also, these would cost quite a lot of money. Let's not forget that.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 6:56 pm

Flare wrote:
Ok, in RL, suitcase nukes don't exist. The smallest one I know of is about the size of a hiker's backpack, or a small fridge, and just the warhead itself weighs 50lbs. Throw in all the stuff to detonate it and whatnot, and altogeather, you'll be looking at about 80-100 lbs. Another thing is the yield. The upper limits for a small nuclear device is about 1 Kiloton. The A-bombs dropped in World War 2 was about 16-21 Kilotons.

And also, these would cost quite a lot of money. Let's not forget that.

Yep. Just think of it this way. Would you choose between a portable nuclear device that would only weigh you down (making long hikes through the jungle that much more tiring and difficult)...can only be used ONCE...and costs several millions of dollars? ....or something that would be equally effective and a LOT cheaper. Anti-Material rifles loaded with armor-piercing ammunitiion for example, or anti-tank rocket launchers. Both would do a perfectly fine job at dispatching a predator, and also be much cheaper and less of a hinderance to their wielder.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 12:29 pm

Flare wrote:
Ok, in RL, suitcase nukes don't exist. The smallest one I know of is about the size of a hiker's backpack, or a small fridge, and just the warhead itself weighs 50lbs. Throw in all the stuff to detonate it and whatnot, and altogeather, you'll be looking at about 80-100 lbs. Another thing is the yield. The upper limits for a small nuclear device is about 1 Kiloton. The A-bombs dropped in World War 2 was about 16-21 Kilotons.

And also, these would cost quite a lot of money. Let's not forget that.

Smallest nuclear device I know of:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device) (Add the parts in the brackets to the end of the URL; I can't get it to link properly without breaking.)

The warhead itself is 50 lbs, and while you could use it as is you would kill yourself, so you'd want to use to use the delivery system, which brings the warhead weight up to 70 lbs, plus you'd have to carry around the launching system as well. If any of you are hikers and have weighted your packs before a hike then you know just how heavy 70 lbs is.

According to Wikipedia, it's explosive yield was between 10 to 500 tons TNT equivalent (0.01 to 0.5 kilotons). 10 tons might not sound like that much, but it would be enough force to level a modern four story building, and in my estimate it would gibify any giant predator it was set off next to.

Aside from the monetary cost of obtaining one of these things, their are significant technical challenges to any culture that wants to create them. The U.S. did many test detonations before they were able to get a design that worked.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 1:11 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Flare wrote:
Ok, in RL, suitcase nukes don't exist. The smallest one I know of is about the size of a hiker's backpack, or a small fridge, and just the warhead itself weighs 50lbs. Throw in all the stuff to detonate it and whatnot, and altogeather, you'll be looking at about 80-100 lbs. Another thing is the yield. The upper limits for a small nuclear device is about 1 Kiloton. The A-bombs dropped in World War 2 was about 16-21 Kilotons.

And also, these would cost quite a lot of money. Let's not forget that.

Yep. Just think of it this way. Would you choose between a portable nuclear device that would only weigh you down (making long hikes through the jungle that much more tiring and difficult)...can only be used ONCE...and costs several millions of dollars? ....or something that would be equally effective and a LOT cheaper. Anti-Material rifles loaded with armor-piercing ammunitiion for example, or anti-tank rocket launchers. Both would do a perfectly fine job at dispatching a predator, and also be much cheaper and less of a hinderance to their wielder.

Everyone knows that the best defense to spend your money on in Felarya, is a wizard, a guy with a sword, a smooth talker, and as your last defense, someone tastier than you.
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 1:16 pm

Or a lot of cheap, desperate people who are slower and bigger.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 1:53 pm

Silent_eric wrote:
Everyone knows that the best defense to spend your money on in Felarya, is
Wizards with Pike Formations. At the least, best to spend it on that you're likely to ever have a shot of buying without being lucky / having to spend weeks preparing / dipping into your own funds to equip Mercs. Pikes may not be enough to hurt a predator on their own, or even pose the barest of threat in groups. But they can make the effort to grab someone not worth it - imagine thrusting your hand into a mass of needles for a snack. They'll probably wait / look for less annoying food. Magic-user Preds are at a disadvantage too, unless they like their meals quite still (of which there probably are a good deal of Preds that don't take joy out of eating live prey, but then that's one of the functions of the mages - Dispel!).

Furthermore, they don't work only against Large Preds (especially if you give a side-weapon for the Pikemen such as a short sword or hand-axe). Kensha Beasts will likely not try to rush into a pike wall since it'd basically be a massive wall of spears, while smaller numbers of Spine Beetles can be kept back simply through sheer numbers - some are bound to pierce a 'joint' and pin it back while a mage roasts 'em. This goes on for many things. Even plants that might grab members can be countered, due to either armor on the Pikemen (not a 100% counter, but enough to ensure thrown spines aren't entirely lethal), groups rushing to the aid of comrades, or Mages offering assistance.

Mages meanwhile have their own purposes, beyond the above dispelling magic and hostile spells. They'd have spells that could either be used to aid the Caravan (perhaps they'd make any cargo wagons move faster or be less tiring for the beasts of burden, allowing longer travel time), help to avoid detection (perhaps befuddle Predator senses, or naturally "repel" certain animals), save time setting up camp (quicker fires put up / put out), etc.

Sure, it has many flaws (it'd still be expensive to get even some mediocre mages, and the Pikemen number would probably only be enough to guard small caravans, and you'd have to hope your mages can counter spells they may face, and...), but it is still pretty good and likely to be ran across for the cost.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Suitcase nuke...   Suitcase nuke... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2009 7:22 pm

Malahite wrote:
I personally don't want to see nukes anywhere near Felarya, as it's only a matter of time before someone "HUMANS SUCK WOO PREDS!" decides to take a nuke and set it off in Negav to "restore the balance" or something.
I like this response best of all.

If you're going to use nukes, or even C4, it's just common sense that no pred is going to survive this. No not even Crisis. *ducks*

But then you'd better prepare for the risk of something equally bad being detonated inside Negav City, maybe as a result of Guardian retaliation/intervention/whatever the motive. The logic is inescapable.
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