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 The Guild of Irregular Magi

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: The Guild of Irregular Magi   The Guild of Irregular Magi Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2009 5:48 pm

Here's an idea of mine for a group of characters that I might use in a story. They're a guild of mages in Negav from various realms who have been rejected from other guilds because their magic is "too unconventional."

Warning: Much silliness ahead!

Here are the members:

Ryan Radsh

Occupation: Veggiemancer, guild leader and chef.

Appearance: Wavy black hair, wears a chef's apron, carries a potato peeler.

Description: The guild's sarcastic leader, Ryan hails from a strange realm where all magic is based off of cooking. As skilled with a skillet as he is with a spellbook, he serves fresh vegetarian dishes for the rest of the guild while serving up fresh vegetarian pain for his enemies.

Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, often shows great exasperation for the other members' shenanigans.

Favorite Spells: Rain of Turnips, Lettuce Bomb.


Occupation: Pixel Mage

Appearance: A black mage from Final Fantasy, with a Mario cap instead of a wizard hat. Carries a staff with a SNES pad on top of it.

Description: Hailing from the 16-Bit realm, Snester is a Pixel Mage skilled in the ways of the game master. Unfortunately, he tends to use video game strategies to apply to his life in Felarya, which doesn't really work.

Personality: Thinks like he's in a video game. Tends to go into people's homes and break stuff to search for money. Seeks out fights whenever possible to grind for experience points.

Favorite Spells: Summon Power-Up, Any spell from the Final Fantasy series. Has the special ability to regenerate from death thirty times due to use of an ancient forbidden cheat code.

I'll come up with more characters later. This'll be a wacky story!
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Age : 31
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The Guild of Irregular Magi Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Guild of Irregular Magi   The Guild of Irregular Magi Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2009 3:10 pm

Some more characters for your consideration


Occupation: Nethacker

Appearance: Chubby, short brown hair, has a birthmark shaped like an "@" on his forehead.

Description: Coming from the far-off land of Yendor, dudley was rejected from other guilds in Negav for being too cowardly. Despite being afraid of even the tiniest creatures, Dudley's resourcefulness and cunning as a Nethacker allow him to do a very good job at surviving.

Personality: Cowardly, somewhat naive,

Favorite Spells: Cone of Cold, Finger of Death, Magic Missile.

Other handy tools and attributes: Carries several wands of digging, allowing him to dig holes straight through most walls, including predators' stomachs! Has chronic teleportitis, causing him to teleport at random times. Has a ring of teleport control that lets him control where he teleports.


Occupation: Spoon Bender, assistant chef

Appearance: Dark skin, short black hair, goatee, wears a turban.

Description: A psionic who specializes in manipulating and conjuring kitchen utensils, Spuni is a master of summoning all sorts of sharp objects to deal with his enemies.

Personality: Stoic, rarely speaks.

Favorite spells: Spoon Gag, Ray of Knives, Rain of Forks.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: The Guild of Irregular Magi   The Guild of Irregular Magi Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2009 4:39 pm

I'll admit, I read the first post of characters trying not to laugh. Sounds like good funtimes ahead. As for the second post, while they sound interesting, can't say they had the silliness factor that the first ones had. All quite interesting concepts, regardless of how well they'd work in Felarya.
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PostSubject: Re: The Guild of Irregular Magi   The Guild of Irregular Magi Icon_minitime

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