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 Faerin Bio (more rough drafts)

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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Faerin Bio (more rough drafts)   Faerin Bio (more rough drafts) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 8:14 am

Faerin Bio

Height: 70 Feet.
Weight:Do we REALLY need to ask?
Hair: Shoulder length, Black.
Eyes: Green
Human Skin: Normal
Insectile Section: Brown.

Physical Description-Faerin is about as tall as a typical giant naga. Her human half is normally colored, her black hair runs down to her shoulders and her eyes are green. She has twenty pairs of legs running down her insectile section, which is brown. Despite all the running around she is prone to do, she doesn’t have permament scars, yet.

Background-Faerin is a Chilotaur causally living in Bulvon woods. She’s young, but she’s been traveling around Felarya in search of some good alcohol, a mate and a few adventures. Currently, she is resting in an old log somewhere hidden deep within the forest. As she wanders, however, this changes from time to time. Still quite young, she hasn’t settled down and made a home, though she prefers the Bulvon wood, as it’s where she keeps most of her “stash” She learned her odd way of speaking from a friendly traveling human, though she never got to see him again. He impressed her so much that she adopted his way of talking to remember him by.
Personality-A generally positive, well balanced person. Doesn’t like to speak much about the negative aspects of life. “Ya don’t ‘ave forever, so yew might as well enjoy it as you can!” She is quite prideful, though she speaks in an English Cockney accent. An interesting thing to note, is that while she’s drunk, she speaks proper English (Like this, old chap!) She’s quite willing to dispense advice at any opportunity, almost to the point of becoming overbearing.

Feeding Habits-”If it’s small enough to overpower, and doesn’t have any drinks, it’s lunch!” Faerin follows the chilotaur credo almost to the letter. She has no preference or dislike of eating anything she can swallow (Her own children are the only exception). There’s two ways to avoid ending up in her stomach. If you carry an alcohol beverage of ANY sort, she’ll try and convince you to part with it. If you do, you’re safe from her until your next encounter. Another would be to pique her curiosity and tell her about a new area she hasn’t explored. After all, if she gets more experiences, she can tell more people about them.

Likes and Dislikes-Like most Chilotaur, Faerin loves her drinks! It’s often a habit of hers to negotiate safe passage to wayward humans in exchange for their drinks. Some humans, however, have met the familiar Felaryan fate for trying to trick her out of her drink. Having traveled a lot in her time, she is more than happy to give advice (and is absolutely estatic when it is followed) as well as a few drinks. She is proud of her way of speech, and doesn’t tolerate anyone trying to insult it, or also attempting to get her to correct it.

Friends and Enemies-”I ‘ave a leg in evry camp on the ground!” Faerin is friends with most ground creatures. Most harpies she meets actually can’t understand the way she talks, and this caused one too many fights between them. Due to a couple of incidents, she actually doesn’t like angels. Her initial meeting with Markie went well, until they found out their viewpoints on the importance of children vastly differ (As Faerin usually loses forty eight out of fifty children) Reason prevailed, and the two agreed to leave each other alone. A few weeks later, she was bothered by two new angels, Deborah, the censorship angel, and her sister Temperance. She didn’t react negatively to Deborah’s efforts, thus deceiving her into believing her attempts were successful. Temperance, however, was more determined, and found the cave in which Faerin stored her alcohol. Believing that erasing Faerin’s alcohol stash would stop her from drinking, Temperance used her divine powers to turn all of Faerin’s hard earned stash into plain water. Needless to say, Faerin has disliked angels ever since. She considers Nix a friend, and the two have quite the natter. They usually have a drinking contest before they part. (Though Nix wins most of these, much to Faerin’s disbelief)

Hmm..I'm not quite sure about this one. I feel..she might be too generic for all of this. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated!
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Faerin Bio (more rough drafts)   Faerin Bio (more rough drafts) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 1:19 pm

You have some good stuff here but yea it does feel like you molded her from the wiki discriptions of chilotaurs, I say mix it up! try and think of different aspects of personality and habits she has. The constant mention of drinks is kinda intresting but theres No WAY someone of her size could manage to make enough alcohol for herself and be satisfied. The brewwing would be difficult and it seems like it would be more of a rare treat if anything which would explain her great liking for it.

Also in general I believe Chilotaurs are smaller, alot smaller if she's young I'd say she's probably onlly 30ft tall at most, maybe 40.

I say think of things that aren't just in the discrptionof the speices, think outside the box just cause certain species are prone to being one way doesn't mean they're all cookie cut.

Just my two cents here
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Faerin Bio (more rough drafts)   Faerin Bio (more rough drafts) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 9:48 pm

Like I said, something felt off when I posted this. Too cookie cutter. And I misinterpereted the height when I first read (and wrote) it. It's why I post rough drafts to begin with. I'll be sure to think of more ideas later. Thanks for your input!
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Faerin Bio (more rough drafts)   Faerin Bio (more rough drafts) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 10:14 pm

I agree it could use some touching up but for an initial idea this is very good. You've at least put effort into it and it looks like it can shape up quite nicely.
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PostSubject: Re: Faerin Bio (more rough drafts)   Faerin Bio (more rough drafts) Icon_minitime

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