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 Non-Felaryan fairies (wut)

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Non-Felaryan fairies (wut) Empty
PostSubject: Non-Felaryan fairies (wut)   Non-Felaryan fairies (wut) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2010 7:52 pm

Not all fairies encountered in Felarya are the terribly dangerous native variety. As other creatures do, fairies from other worlds tend to end up in Felarya, drawn by its highly magical nature. These are usually picked off pretty quickly by predators, and seek company of other fairies if they can, with varied degrees of acceptance. A non-Felaryan fairy may become quite puzzled when the human they just want to play with scrambles away as fast as they can. Kortiki Town in the Fairy Kingdom has the highest number of non-Felaryan fairies, and you may just have the luck of running into a harmless fairy venturing within the Fairy Kingdom. One definitely shouldn't make the assumption this will be the case next time though.

The foolish- appearing people sometimes heard about attempting the immensely dangerous and difficult task of fairy-hunting, equipped with only a butterfly net are most often having merely been tricked into following a prized fairy they're chasing right into Felarya, where they'll assuredly meet a terrible fate thanks to this prank, most famously mistaking a dangerous Felaryan fairy for one they can catch easily.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Non-Felaryan fairies (wut) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non-Felaryan fairies (wut)   Non-Felaryan fairies (wut) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2010 8:19 pm

I really like this idea, Im acttualy working on a fairy character that isnt form Felarya.
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Non-Felaryan fairies (wut)
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