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 Gateway Fairies

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Naga food

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PostSubject: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2011 10:26 am

So it's a low-activity forum. I choose to believe that my Rune Fairies idea didn't just plain suck...
Anyway, here's my next idea. I'm rather fond of this one, and I would appreciate feedback. I'm sure I've made dreadful errors in how the dimensional walls of Felarya work...

Gateway fairies are fairies that have put their natural ability of dimensional scaling to an alternative use. Most cannot freely alter their size, but instead are born at human scale and rapidly grow in their first couple of decades. In rare cases, some may be born at a fairy's minimum size, but they develop differently enough to be considered a subspecies.
Gateway fairies have used their dimensional scaling abilities to take disturbances in dimensional boundries into themselves for the energy. The result of this is that wherever they go, dimensional walls strengthen, and the energy that would normally wear on the walls is instead absorbed by the fairy's stomach lining.
Their name comes from the side-effect of this transaction. If one were to be swallowed by a Gateway Fairy -which is entirely possible, as it both amuses them and wears on the dimensional walls to eat living things- they would find themselves at a fleshy hub for a varying number randomly connected to worlds.
Ordinarily, passing through one of the portals inside a Gateway Fairy removes one from Felarya entirely in the same way entering space from it would, but it is possible to "anchor" oneself to the fairy, or should she be sufficiently clever and fond of a person, for her to tether the person to herself. If this happens, the portal back will always be visible and enterable to them and anyone or thing they may be holding onto, although its location will likely change to compensate for the fairy's moving about in Felarya.
Gateway Fairies are among the best creatures to be swallowed by, as even if one were unconscious, they would likely wake up before being digested and escape through a portal. Nonliving matter (which isn't in contact with a living organism) seems to break down a lot faster, however, something which is commonly attributed to the tendancy of humanoids to traverse dimensions much more frequently than random objects, though the exact reason is unknown.
Because of their strange attribute, some adventurers actively seek them out. Some Gateway Fairies will gladly take an opportunity to swallow someone, willing or not; some will give themselves a sphinx-like position and make demands of adventurers wishing to enter them; and others still despise their nature (and the inability to reduce their stature that comes with it) and will attempt to avoid all reminders of it. Like any species, individuals vary.
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Great warrior
Great warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 6:13 am

The way I see it is that this race would simply serve to promote a fetish. Also why would nonliving matter be affected so differently based solely on contact with living matter?
On a different note I’ll be looking at your rune fairy and commenting on that separately.
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Naga food

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Location : The corner of hors d'œuvres and reality.

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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 6:38 am

You're saying that living portals have no possible use in stories, even though a great amount of the humans in Felarya probably want to find some way out? And there's that they could be made a religious figure by some tribes...
Nonliving matter in contact with living matter is in contact with its energy/aura, and so can faintly be considered "alive", at least by the inter-dimensional forces that are concerned here.
Also, Felarya was sort of founded on vore, so even if they were based on a fetish, is that really a bad thing?
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 3:17 pm

There is already a type of fairy that specializes in dimensional magic that could probably already to learn to do things like this, the canopy fairy.
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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 6:59 am

Hmm, Buddha, picking at sense is not necessary, specially not in this context. We don't need to understand magic.

And, this looks good, Dante, nothing wrong with this, except...

Felarya's been founded on vore. However, if you take away the danger of asphyxia followed by burning in a dehydrating solution, things take a turn for the silly. Nothing wrong with that- but it should be more of an exception than a rule. I'd see this happening maybe for a fairy or two, but an entire race? Not really, can't see it happening.

If you try making this something else than a fairy, it might work as a race, though. I do't know, though.
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Naga food

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Join date : 2011-01-25
Location : The corner of hors d'œuvres and reality.

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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 8:00 am

Well, in retrospect, I suppose this would be more fitting for a type of golem, or even something totally organic that just seldom moves. Though I think I've just had it with this forum. Clearly I don't have the manic devotion required to refine and idea to its standards.
Feel free to do whatever you'd like with the concept, Stabs or Karbo.
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Great warrior
Great warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 10:55 am

Dante8411 wrote:
Though I think I've just had it with this forum. Clearly I don't have the manic devotion required to refine and idea to its standards.
OK so here is what I have to say to this. This is an ideas discussion thread that is where you post an idea and other discuss it with you saying what they like about it and what they believe needs to be fixed. Almost nothing is going to be perfect the first time through so don't give up just work on refining your idea.

Dante8411 wrote:
You're saying that living portals have no possible use in stories, even though a great amount of the humans in Felarya probably want to find some way out? And there's that they could be made a religious figure by some tribes...
In regards to this the main problem I have with this is that the danger is being taken out. Felarya has a if you get eaten you are 99.9% likley to die unless you find some way to breath without oxogen and ignore gastric acids. Felarya had even taken out the ability to be reserected by any type of magic healing or by raising them as an undead minion. I could see this working possibly if it were an individual character as Stabs sugested but not as a race as a whole.
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PostSubject: Re: Gateway Fairies   Gateway Fairies Icon_minitime

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