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 The Amazingly Wierd Pearl

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Empty
PostSubject: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 12:26 pm

Name: Pearl
Race: Unknown
Gender: Unknown but apears to be Female
Height: 30 inches
Furr Color: Light Blue
Eye Color: Bright Green
Age: Unknown but apears to be around 18

Pearl's body is covered in short, light blue furr.
It covers every inch of her body, but she
has a humanoid shape to her.she has paws,
where her hands and feet should be. She has a slight,
cute stomach on her, eched on the stomach is what
apears to be a Pink Hazard sign.Her arms and legs a
re short,Her legs to the point where it looks as though
she does not have any, but she can still move about like any
person. A curious thing about her is that she has
no breasts or nipples just furr where they should be.
She is also bald furr where her hair would normally be,
she wears only a pair of blue pants.

On her forehead is what apears to be again another
pink hazard sign. She does not have ears, or at least
does not apear to have any. Where her ears should be
are a tiny pair, of light blue angel like wings, which have
the curious ability to to extend to about 5 inches when
Pearl is happy or exited, and shrink when she is sad.
When her ears are extended they apear to emit a
small golden glow. When her ears are shrunk in
depression they apear to emit a dark grey glow.

Pearl is a strange girl, both in her apearance and her
Behaviour. On one hand she acts extremly stern and
Cautious often giving others advice. That is a side Pearl
only uses around very young children. Her prefered
Behaviour is to mess with explorers, be it giving them
wrong directions or jumping out at them from bushes or

Pearl has the strange fascination with shoes and socks
Particularly the ones found on the left foot, why this is
even she does not know. But in order to enjoy this better
she tends to steal the left footwear of female explorers
while they are resting. Pearl also tends to steal Explorers
Lunchboxes as this is her main source of food, she hates
Vegtables with a passion. If she finds Vegtables in a
a lunchbox she tends to pour the entire contents over
the very explorer she stole it from.

Pearl for reasons she can't explain, though it is believed
she does it to annoy an explorer. Pearl tends to jump onto
an explorers head and start dancing despite protests and
countering all atempts to remove her. Pearl has a rather
unique ability to create paint from the tips of her paws.
Pearl would then use the paint to paint pictures on walls,
trees and even the butts of females from all species.

While her ears help her hear and serve as a nightlight for
any nearby children. Pearl's ears can detect the aproach
of any predator, she can hear there heartbeat, there longs.
She uses this to judge there distance, size species and
even how many are coming towards her, wether this is true
or not has yet to be proven true or false.

Pearl has an affection for children and hates to one in trouble
or in immediate danger and despite her size will do anything
she can to save that child.

Pearl has the curious abililty, she doesn't seem to ever get hurt
on the outside, having to hide injurys from others, she gets hurt
But hides it so that others can not see any pain she is going through.
and can heal some injurys in a matter of seconds. If someone
where to start shooting her, the bullets would literally pass right
through her, this does not work fro magic or even being eaten
she can not avoid them just bullets.

Pearl is genarally cheerfull and not very respective around any
new person she meets. She makes friends with just about anyone
even if they tried to eat her, she makes friends with people who
clearly don't like her, she still considers them friends.

Her wing ears do not help this in anyway, but Pearl has the rather
interesting feature where she glides smoothly metres above
the ground, flying across great distances and only resting to eat,sleep
or go the bathroom. Pearl does however walk on the ground like normal
people and only flies to either escape a pred or when shes too lazy to walk.

Last edited by Plant_Girl_23 on Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 3:17 pm

Plant_Girl_23 wrote:
Race: Unknown

[Please pick a race to continue.]
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeSat Mar 20, 2010 1:54 am

well in fairness I didn't what species she was or even what species to call her.
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PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeSat Mar 20, 2010 2:00 am

Plant_Girl_23 wrote:
well in fairness I didn't what species she was or even what species to call her.

There's like 38 races in the Felarya Wiki. Couldn't you use one of them as a base, and then create this character from that base? If you're not using any of the several dozen races we do have, and you don't have a comprehensive description about what race she is, then I'm really not sure what you're going for here, in the context of the setting.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeSat Mar 20, 2010 2:19 am

I'm ggonna go out on my limb here and call her an Anglairie a cross between a fairy and an angel Then again since thats not her species. I did use Angels wings for her ears and the fairies playful attitude in her design, I thought I'd make the char and post before adding on a brief description about her species.

Then again I could always use the 'Comes from an extinct world' excuse I did with Petal that wouldsave my explanation and make the identitity of her true race lost to History.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeSat Mar 20, 2010 6:39 am

What is this I don't even..........

*Cracks Knuckles* Alright, gotta start somewhere, so I'll dissect your latest post:

"Then again I could always use the 'Comes from an extinct world' excuse I did with Petal that wouldsave my explanation and make the identitity of her true race lost to History."

Not a good idea in itself, because repeated using of similar or identical backstories makes it seem as though all your characters lack a dimension of depth, as well as making you seem like a person lacking creativity wise. Not good. I would recommended something akin to:

"Oh, well she's a genetic experiment gone terrible to the eleventh power"

Or perhaps remove the experiment part and merely state that she had some kind of genetic bugger before birth. Not to implausible, as even humans (though rarely, and admittedly in less severe ways) suffer genetic mutations.

"Pearl's body is covered in short, light blue furr.
It covers every inch of her body, but she
still looks sort of like a human. and she would be,
were it not for her paws, where her hands and
feet should be. She has a slight, cute stomach on
her, eched on the stomach is what apears to be a
Pink Hazard sign.Her arms and legs are short,Her
legs to the point where it looks as though she does
not have any, but she can still move about like any
person. A curious thing about her is that she has
no breasts or nipples just furr where they should be.
She is also bald furr where her hair would normally be,
she wears only a pair of blue pants."

Contradicts this statement:

"but she
still looks sort of like a human."

If I saw something like that, I would probably have a heart attack on spot, because that sounds more like something alien entirely as apposed to a humanoid. May want to rephrase that, or otherwise give her different physical attributes.

"Pearl for reasons she can't explain, though it is believed
she does it to annoy an explorer. Pearl tends to jump onto
an explorers head and start dancing despite protests and
countering all atempts to remove her. Pearl has a rather
unique ability to create paint from the tips of her paws.
Pearl would then use the paint to paint pictures on walls,
trees and even the butts of females from all species."



Really though, what were you thinking?

"Pearl has the curious abililty, she doesn't seem to ever get hurt
and can't heal others injurys in a matter of seconds. If someone
where to start shooting her, the bullets would literally pass right
through her."


Such a godlike ability breaks the entire feel of Felarya. Congratulations. You've failed.

I would do more, but I've given up on this.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitimeSat Mar 20, 2010 6:57 am

Ok I made some slight modifications to things warrior pointed out t me.
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PostSubject: Re: The Amazingly Wierd Pearl   The Amazingly Wierd Pearl Icon_minitime

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