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 Still swamped in work..

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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 9:23 am

Like I announced in my last DA journal :

It seems I will still be very busy for a while...
Some complications have arisen in my job... basically people taking the work of others for granted without doing their part at all...
So yeah I thought I would be done with a professionnal big project at the end of this month, but it seems it's going to take up to the half of the next one >>

This means I haven't started yet on the next tome of the manga Sad I have plenty of ideas to continue though and I'm very motivated too. It also means that I still won't be very responsive or updating the wiki a much as before...
Sorry for that ^^;
Pleae bear with it for the time being, I promise things will improve after that ! Smile
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 9:33 am

T___T *hug* Well, best of luck, and don't overwork yourself.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 11:54 am

Try not to worry about it too much. We can all wait.

After all, real life has been a drag for all of us.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 12:27 pm

take you time with RL and don't stress with OL for now^^ OL can always comes in second next to RL, we all get that... well i hope we all do^^'

but don't worry about felarya, it will survive the absence of it's god... it has it's guardians(mods) ^^
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Mara's snack

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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 12:54 pm

it seems 2010 has hit you pretty late XD

by that I mean the first couple months of 2010 for me was absolutely terrible, so don't worry, I'm sure you're doing better than me >_>
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Great warrior
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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 1:18 pm

Well, here's hoping things get better for you soon! And don't worry, we won't get ourselves eaten... scratch that, I won't get myself eaten. I make no promises about others...
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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 5:52 pm

Reptillian wrote:
it has it's guardians(mods) ^^

I approve of this message! Very Happy
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 6:07 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Reptillian wrote:
it has it's guardians(mods) ^^

I approve of this message! Very Happy

OMG a dictator! We must please him or be banned... WE MUST!!! and then we will overthrow him...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 1:23 pm

Don't worry about it! Smile

As the previous posts have stated, real life comes first, and you should be sure to do what you need to do, and take the time you need to do it!

BTW, I recently finished reading all three of the manga, and I am now currently getting a review ready. I just need to take the time really get in depth and to be sure to give a good and fair review! Wink
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Still swamped in work.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 2:30 am

thank you for your understanding people ^_^

There is also some people who are worried that Felarya is decreasing somehow. I don't think it's the case. It's certinly slowing down a bit at the moment but there has been cases like that in the past, where more people are busy in real life. Hell I even recall that one year ago, some said that the forum was dying and would come to an end. that didn't happen back then and I'm pretty sure it won't happen now Razz
I have noticed the trend tend to repeat itself in the first part of the year. Personnaly it's certainly the one where I am the most busy too.
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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 3:19 am

It's fine Karbo, it seems that a lot of us are busy with other things too. I'm sure we will all sort them out and be able to get back to Felarya.
Quote :
There is also some people who are worried that Felarya is decreasing somehow. I don't think it's the case. It's certinly slowing down a bit at the moment but there has been cases like that in the past, where more people are busy in real life. Hell I even recall that one year ago, some said that the forum was dying and would come to an end. that didn't happen back then and I'm pretty sure it won't happen now Razz
I have noticed the trend tend to repeat itself in the first part of the year. Personnaly it's certainly the one where I am the most busy too.
Indeed, we should not worry about the decrease in activity, it happens. We can't all be awesome all of the time (not even Silent_Eric).
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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 5:20 pm

Karbo wrote:
thank you for your understanding people ^_^

There is also some people who are worried that Felarya is decreasing somehow. I don't think it's the case. It's certinly slowing down a bit at the moment but there has been cases like that in the past, where more people are busy in real life. Hell I even recall that one year ago, some said that the forum was dying and would come to an end. that didn't happen back then and I'm pretty sure it won't happen now Razz
I have noticed the trend tend to repeat itself in the first part of the year. Personnaly it's certainly the one where I am the most busy too.

I'm still worried.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 5:23 pm

Only thing that's been worrying me is that the chatbox has been a battleground lately. There's a few users who I won't name who can't get involved in the conversation without turning it into an argument. T__T
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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 5:32 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
Only thing that's been worrying me is that the chatbox has been a battleground lately. There's a few users who I won't name who can't get involved in the conversation without turning it into an argument. T__T

Not going there

That said-don't worry Karbo. You do what you have to do. I'm only sorry people at your work are not pulling their weight.
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PostSubject: Re: Still swamped in work..   Still swamped in work.. Icon_minitime

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