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 Archaeopteryx Harpy

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Veteran knight
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Archaeopteryx Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 8:26 am

Size: 30-45 ft. in height
Danger level: Moderate

These small to medium size harpies have a rather long feathered tail, clawed fingers near their wingtips, and have legs that are different from other harpies, allowing them to actually run if they need to if they happen to be on the ground. They are excellent tree climbers, due to their clawed wingtips.
These are sometimes man-eaters, but not as often as other harpies. They also like to include fish in their diet. They have dark-green to dark-blue feathers, which are designed to suit gliding better than actual flight. Many people who witness them run are often surprised to see that it is a harpy. They tend to run after prey if gliding in is not an option, their foot speed being around 55 MPH.
Like other harpies, insults are very commonly used in conversations. They also tend to be a good deal more easy-going than other harpies, making the aspect of befriending one not out of the question. However, an encounter with them is never perfectly safe. One would have a good chance with one if a large quantity of fish was offered.

(For those of you who do not know what an archaeopteryx is, it is the very first bird, which evolved around the Jurassic Period.)

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Mara's snack

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Archaeopteryx Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 9:30 am

interesting idea, using a harpy that is more leg-oriented than wing-oriented. there may have been similar ideas before, but I'm too lazy too look.

I don't much see the pointing in talking about how they use insults, unless their vocabulary is a little different.

where in general do they reside?

I would say that it's lacking info, but the wiki entries for specific races lack info on an extreme basis in general anyway.
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Veteran knight
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Archaeopteryx Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 12:29 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
interesting idea, using a harpy that is more leg-oriented than wing-oriented. there may have been similar ideas before, but I'm too lazy too look.

I don't much see the pointing in talking about how they use insults, unless their vocabulary is a little different.

where in general do they reside?

I would say that it's lacking info, but the wiki entries for specific races lack info on an extreme basis in general anyway.

They generally live around the giant tree, and in the areas around Negav

And the wiki is an excellent piece of work, dont diss it
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Archaeopteryx Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 12:35 pm

Normal harpies reside around that area, for instance Belletia. If you want to go the 'ancient harpy' route for flavor, I suggest looking into where Beasts of the Past are located. Maybe these live in the Malyra Fen.

But really as is, there are already like nine subspecies to harpies. I think they're really just one race that shouldn't be expanded on in that regard, and instead flesh out what we already have.
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Archaeopteryx Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 1:37 pm

/Fish/ wrote:
Normal harpies reside around that area, for instance Belletia. If you want to go the 'ancient harpy' route for flavor, I suggest looking into where Beasts of the Past are located. Maybe these live in the Malyra Fen.

But really as is, there are already like nine subspecies to harpies. I think they're really just one race that shouldn't be expanded on in that regard, and instead flesh out what we already have.

Akaptor desert could be apt as well.
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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Archaeopteryx Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 5:00 am

Silent_eric wrote:
/Fish/ wrote:
Normal harpies reside around that area, for instance Belletia. If you want to go the 'ancient harpy' route for flavor, I suggest looking into where Beasts of the Past are located. Maybe these live in the Malyra Fen.

But really as is, there are already like nine subspecies to harpies. I think they're really just one race that shouldn't be expanded on in that regard, and instead flesh out what we already have.

Akaptor desert could be apt as well.
they are gliders rather than true fliers, so the desert would be out of the question. They could also live in the forests around the Jewel river, where a steady supply of fish can be found
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PostSubject: Re: Archaeopteryx Harpy   Archaeopteryx Harpy Icon_minitime

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