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 Kaimana and the Singing Nekos

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Empty
PostSubject: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeThu May 06, 2010 6:22 am

This story was mostly inspired by the works of PrinnyDood-Abides, Petite-Emi, and of course Karbo.


Important resources used – by my understanding all somehow intended for this sort of use – were created by SilentEric for the Rosic nekos, L'Ryn for the Lumen Mermaids and, uh, Karbo again for, well, the whole of Felarya.


Yours, in the hope that its enjoyed,


Kaimana and the Singing Nekos

Heavier swells lapped against Kaimana's breasts and belly. From the east a chill ocean breeze blew, and a wisp of cloud swept across the sun's warming rays, herald of the storm to come. The mermaid shivered and stirred from her sleep, showering the ocean with spray and sending minor tsunamis racing from her flesh to break against the distant shore.

She yawned, stretched mighty arms, splashed a little water across her face, and burped. Delicious aftertaste of neko filled her mouth and she smiled, resting her spread-fingered palm on her belly. Against its seashell-pale flesh the translucence of her webbing - stretching from knuckle to knuckle between her fingers - was hardly noticeable. As opposed to the bulge on which they rested. That was significantly smaller than it'd been the night before, when her snack had squirmed her to a sleep filled with pleasant and delicious dreams.

It'd been so good of those nekos to go moonlight skinny-dipping at just the right time to satisfy her midnight munchies. They were her absolute favourite treat, and these two had been very tasty. Kaimana just wished they would've lasted a little longer.

She rather thought she'd done their clan a favour. Swimming towards the vast, scintillating light of her tail had been... extremely contra-indicted from a survival point of view.

If they hadn't know what a Lumen Mermaid was, of course, that was a bit more forgiveable. Kaimana grinned. Let her stomach make her apologies, then. It was good at those. Or rather, she'd never had a persistent complaint from one of its occupants.

A growing girl, fast approaching the milestone of her third digit of length, she knew this was par for the course. But being hungry all the time was terribly frustrating. Satisfying that hunger, on the other hand... Kaimana smiled.

Then she glanced up, noticed the incoming weather, and sighed.

She knew heavier seas stirred up her stomach, hastening digestion of little kittymorsels even more than their exquisite squirming did. That was what she got for falling asleep in the open ocean, rather than finding a nice, secluded bay to nap and digest the night away in.

It meant she was feeling hungry again. But thanks to the nekos, she at least felt energised to hunt.

Even for stinky fish.

She knew the ship was a gift, as soon as she saw it. A full-rigger, bulging sails dancing between light and cloud-cast shadow as it tried to run before the storm.


She flicked her tail and dove beneath the waves.

The porpoises flirting in the ship's bow-wave fled as she approached. Kaimana didn't care. There were other, tastier things to hunt today.

The ship was just a little longer than she, or at least, when she swam in her usual manner, arms tucked tight against her sides it was. And even then, only above the water. Fluke level with its rudder, Kaimana could look up past the bowsprit into the jibsail rigging.

A sailor, a youngish chap in bare feet, bell-bottom trousers and neckerchief glanced down, expecting, perhaps, to see playful dolphins.

Kaimana's face, wider across than he was tall, stared back up at him from beneath the turbulent waves. His shock loosened his grip and, wearing a startled expression across his face, he fell.

Manna from heaven, Kaimana thought as she arched up from beneath the waves. It wasn't like I really ate him anyway. He just... fell right into my mouth.

What's a girl to do? She wondered as his hands scrabbled for grip on her slippery smooth lips.

Not give up a free meal, for one thing, she thought, flicking her tongue to smack her treat against the roof of her mouth. He clung to it, arms and legs, as he screamed and begged. Like there's a chance I'm going to let you go, when you're rubbing your tasty flavour all over my tongue, Kaimana thought, drawing it and him back towards her throat.

She... gulped him.


He wriggled all the way down her oesophagus, till he plopped into her stomach, still protesting. Leisurely she petted her belly. “Don't worry,” she purred, “soon you'll have plenty of company.”

It didn't deter him. She could feel the beating and kicking against her insides. But her stomach was a warm, airy place – at least for a lone human – and he'd soon realise it was much better than drowning. And until he did, well, she loved it when they squirmed.

Kaimana withdrew beneath the ship, caressing its barnacle encrusted hull. They'd probably wreck rounding Vuurtoren Point, even if the storm didn't drive them onto the ever-shifting sandbars. Not that they'd have charts of the Jewel River Estuary anyway. She licked her lips. And once they'd wrecked, then... then she'd have a feast.

But there wasn't anything wrong with helping that along a bit.

It was definitely the right thing to do.

Kaimana swept back along the hull, and smashed against the ship's stern with her muscular, gleaming-scaled tail. The ship's rudder splintered into fragments and sharp splinters that left her fluke stinging. Just a little, but still...

...maybe it hadn't been such a good idea after all.

There were two muted splashes, followed by flailing. It drew Kaimana like a magnet.

Both the women in the water were nekos.

It took them remarkably little time to get themselves sorted out, fighting their way out of their suddenly over-heavy and waterlogged clothes. Scraps of dark leather and light lace drifted down around Kaimana like clues, as she patiently and curiously watched the nekos from below.

It pleased her that they were undressing. Not that her stomach couldn't handle a little tanned and aged leather – of course it could, it could digest solid bone, for crying out loud – but she much preferred her food au natural.

For the flavour.

Strangely, the nekos, now naked, were swimming away from the ship Kaimana was starting to think of as her lunch-box. Or possibly, if the crew were sufficiently skilled to land on a nice isolated island, her larder. Perhaps these two, she thought, were hoping to swim for Shillapo Island some thirty or forty miles distant.

Obviously that was impossible. But perhaps they believed themselves closer. Perhaps they realised she was hunting their ship, and fleeing it was their only chance. Indeed if they hadn't flailed, she might've missed them and stayed with her lunch-box.

It made no matter. If they didn't drown in the storm, then some other predator would undoubtedly make a meal of them: Shark; Gulper Eel; opportunistic Bejewelled Serpent; what a human marine biologist of her brief but tasty acquaintance had pleased to call a Colossal Squid, although she couldn't see how anything a mere forty feet from tail to tentacle-tip could reasonably be called 'colossal'.

He'd been so grateful she'd saved him and his little boat from it. Less so, when he realised what she'd been saving him for: Herself, and later.

Still, he'd said that he could die happy, that he'd never make another discovery as amazing as her, so probably it'd been fine... he had been most flavourful.

Though not, she rather thought, as flavourful as the delightful pair of nekos were likely going to be.

One, the shorter, tawnier of the two, swam somewhat behind and less expertly than her -friend? -sister? -lover? -mother? -shipmate, Kaimana decided.

That pressed her predatory buttons.

Pluck the weakest from the herd. Start at the edges.

Not that this tiny herd of two wasn't all edges, and not that she wasn't going to devour all – both – of them, with room in her stomach to spare anyway. The sailor-boy in her gut squirmed and pounded against her flesh. I'll have neko company for you soon, she thought soothingly, coddling him lightly through her belly. Perhaps some part of it communicated, through fingers and flesh, for he subsided somewhat.

Her stomach gurgled with the secretion of digestive juices, and his pounding, and faintly heard screaming, renewed redoubled.

Oh well. It wasn't as if it felt at all unpleasant, Kaimana thought, returning her attentions to her kitty-paddling prey.

They were swimming so slowly it wasn't even funny. A swish of her tail brought her up behind and below them, and Kaimana arched her back – she felt the human tumble inside her as 'down' rotated through ninety degrees – and caught the hindmost neko's kicking legs between her soft lips.

Kaimana exhaled her breath and buoyancy, leaving the squirming, struggling neko barely time to snatch one last gasp of her own before the giant, sinking mermaid dragged her beneath the Topazial sea's turbulent waves. Certainly she didn't have time to cry a warning. From her shipmate's perspective, she vanished with no more trace than a splooshing ripple of smoothed water, swiftly erased by the sea.

“Olga? Sister!” The deserted – and dessert-intended – neko shouted, treading water and sweeping her gaze around and overhead. She obviously wasn't too experienced with the idea of death from below.

Oh. Sisters. Maybe they'd taste alike, Kaimana thought, letting herself sink a few tens of feet. She hoped so, because, running her tongue across the neko's toes and calves, she discovered that Olga... was exceedingly delicious.

Hopefully, the sisters would be just as scrumptious as each other.

The neko in question turned, and found herself face-to-eyeball with one of Felarya's great predators: the largest, most intelligent and voracious of the many dangers Felarya offered. The mermaid had a twinkle in her baby-blue eyes, and a smile on her pale blue lips. Because I'm one-quarter in her mouth, Olga realised. And she thinks I taste good and she's going to see me entirely quartered there. Briefly. Then I'll be in her stomach. And then I'll be... digested.

Terror punched her in the gut.

Kaimana huffed in irritation as the neko – Olga – squandered her precious air in a shower of bubbles. Did the foolish thing want to drown? That'd put a dampener on Kaimana's plan to squeeze every last jot of enjoyment from the neko's delicious taste and delectable live wriggling, both in her mouth and her belly. Granted, drowning might be better than the digestive fate she'd meet there, but still... she can't know for sure that I'm going to eat her.

Though I am, Kaimana reassured herself. Right now.

The mermaid suited actions to words, parting her lips and letting the inrush of seawater carry Olga between them. Then she snapped her jaw shut, her teeth clicking together behind the luckless neko, leaving Olga beached on her tongue.

Kaimana swept her tail and flashed for the surface. Olga slid back along Kaimana's giant tongue, her fingers and sharp little claws scrabbling for grip against its rough-but-saliva-slicked surface. Kaimana shivered, whimpered a little as Olga, dear-wonderful-delicious Olga ground her spicy-sweet neko-flavour into Kaimana's tongue.


The mermaid surfaced beneath Olga's sister, rolling onto her back in sheer gastronomic pleasure, which coincidentally marooned the neko on her grumbling stomach. Instantly the neko attempted to escape, aided by the water cascading from Kaimana's risen flesh. Kaimana pressed her back gently, quite prepared to thwart a series of useless escape attempts. What, after all, did the neko think she'd achieve? Kaimana wondered, flicking her back again.

It's wasn't like the neko could out-swim her anyway.

Pounding against the roof of Kaimana's stomach made a pleasing distraction from playing with her food, and drew the neko's attention.

She fell to her knees on the mermaid's belly, and pounded back.

“Olga? Olga!” She screamed and wept, scratching furiously at the fleshy barrier with her sharp little claws.

Kaimana was by no means fat; her tail thick with muscle, narrowing with elegant streamlining to flare into her wide, flat fluke; her arms, corded with sinew, albeit coated with a plump layer of insulating blubber. These things made her a very good hunter and thence well fed.

Rubenesque. Buxom.

Full of bosom and lip and hip; narrow of waist, her belly bulging only slightly with the prey she'd already devoured this day.

The neko's claws only tickled, and Kaimana giggled and squirmed, squishing her stomach and stirring the luckless sailor around in its juices.

“Urp,” she burped happily, the gases quietly stunning Olga, still trapped in her mouth. Leaving Olga to flop against her tongue, and slide back, tastily, along its saliva-slicked length.

Oh well, thought Kaimana. If her treat wasn't going to struggle any more, she might as well swallow it and start the next course. She caught up the sister's tail, and leaned her head back, storm-tossed waves washing over her forehead.

“Ah-la!” Sing-screamed the neko. “W- wait! My name's Mila! You can't eat me if you know my name, right!? Food that sings is not food!”

Where, Kaimana wondered, did her little tasty get such a silly idea. “Ahh...” she half-sang back as she suspended the neko – Mila – over her open mouth.

Olga stirred from her stunned daze as she felt the warm, tight grip of the giant mermaid's oesophagus on her calves.

“Olga!” Mila exclaimed, espying that her sister, wasn't yet entrapped in the predator's gut. Her joy barely spared a thought for whatever luckless individual she'd so recently and spectacularly unsuccessfully attempted to rescue from it. “You can't eat Olga, either! She's my sister! And she can sing too! Sing, Olga!” She urged.

The dangling neko still seemed to be under the impression that both of them weren't going to be eaten, Kaimana thought. Obviously, she intended to devour the two of them.

Kaimana had to admit, though, that the two-part harmony wasn't bad, and Olga's frantic kicking and fighting simply to get her sweet self out of Kaimana's throat and back into her mouth was even better.

“Ahh,” Kaimana rejoined their singing, and lowered the dangling neko to join her sister in her mouth.


End of part one...
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeThu May 06, 2010 2:59 pm


By the way, comments are very much encouraged...

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Evil admin
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Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeThu May 06, 2010 3:07 pm

Nice vore story ^_^
You did a good job on the description I think. I'm curious to see where it will go Razz
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 11:50 am

Hey. Thank you for your comment. As requested, the continuation...




Mila's singing broke into a scream as she passed into the predator's gaping maw, and its sticky tongue licked out to slide wetly across her stomach and over her breasts. Tasting her, she realised. The mermaid's; “Ahh,” acquired a reverberating note of intense satisfaction.

A hand, reaching out of the gaping throat, caught hers dangling into it. Her sister's, Mila realised. Their grips locked together, each hand vice-like about the other's wrist.

Nekos had such a wonderful, tangy flavour you just couldn't get from fish, Kaimana thought. She wasn't, of course, about to let her lunch-box sail away, but that didn't mean she couldn't spend a little more time playing with and tasting this sweet, and sweetly-singing, neko.

“Hmmph.” The predator's sound of frustration was disconcertingly cute as she lifted Mila out of her mouth, and, quite unintentionally, also pulled Olga from her throat. She'd intended to swallow the one, and enjoy the sweet singing of the other.

Till she ate her, too.

But maybe they'd make a better duet than a solo dinner-and-song act.

“Thank you! Oh, thank you,” Mila babbled. “We'll, we'll sing you a couple of songs, now. And then, then you'll let us go, right?” Kaimana let a few tens of centimeters of the neko's tail slip between her thumb and forefinger, demonstrating that she'd be quite happy to let the sibling nekos go right now. It drew a startled; “Eep,” and a cute shriek from the sisters as they dropped heart-stoppingly towards the predator's gaping mouth.

“Not like that!” Mila protested as the mermaid giggled. “You know what I mean! Set us down somewhere warm. Safe. Out of the ocean.”

“But I've got somewhere like that right here,” Kaimana luted back, gently rubbing her belly with her free hand. Mila's gaze, drawn to it as it squished and grumbled, was clearly terrified. “Warm. Weatherproof. Safe... for awhile, anyway.”

The predator licked her vast, voluptuous lips.

“And I've never even heard of this letting you go for a song thing, anyway, so why shouldn't I have my snack?” She means me, Mila realised. Me and my sister. We're a snack to her. Just a snack. “You're both really tasty, after all,” Kaimana continued, confirming the neko's most horrific suspicions.

“We're Rosic nekos,” Mila protested. “Predators always let Rosic nekos go for a song. Music soothes the savage stomach. It's our motto. Predators even protect us! At least, those predators who aren't tone deaf and complete philistines do,” she admitted for verisimilitude.

The mermaid seemed struck by this, but not at all what Mila would call convinced. She was still smacking her lips, perhaps in anticipation of a tasty double-neko treat. “And... and... we've passed the Rosic test!” Mila blurted. Just a little white lie, after all. It wouldn't hurt anybody. Or at least, it'd hurt her and her sister less than being digested in a mermaid's belly.

Kaimana's voluminous blue eyes only looked blank at this.

“That means we've hunted up – let ourselves be hunted down by – a great predator, like you, and we've sung for them, and they've been so impressed they've let us go. A lifetime of music, for missing one measly little meal. And you can even go eat something else, we won't mind!” Maybe she could even convince the mermaid to go devour the horrible human slavers. She rather suspected that nekos might be this particular mermaid's favourite though, and rather doubted her clan-mates would see a predator's belly as a golden refuge from a life of servitude.

She surely didn't.

Mila hoped this would be resolved soon, one way but not another, because her arms were getting tired, clinging onto her sister – and wasn't Olga being entirely unhelpful in this persuasion – and both their weights were stretching her aching tail, pinched between the mermaid's giant fingertips.

Probably they shouldn't have eaten so many tinies. Of course, since they'd proved to be drugged, they definitely shouldn't have eaten any of the tinies. The low, low price for the tasty little cageful hadn't actually been to die for.

That was just a metaphor she'd used at the time.

“But nekos are my favourite,” the mermaid muttered protestfully, confirming Mila's suspicion as she swung her and her sister casually back and forth. “I want to eat you. You're both so scrumptious. Does it run in the family?”

Mila had no desire to get onto the subject of family-flavours and set the hungry predator's mouth watering for a neko snack. Or at least, more than it already was. “So, um,” Mila continued, “you already know how we taste, then, so why don't we sing for you anyway, and you can judge if it's better than our flavour, and then if – I mean, when – it is, you'll, you know, set us down safe.” Mila's eyes grew crafty. Even if they hadn't, technically, passed the Rosic test, maybe this was an opportunity to do so. Some respect in the clan-elders ears would be a fine silver lining to this nightmare. “With a favour, maybe? A notch from your fin, or a lock of your hair?”

Kaimana ran her hands through her shining blue tresses. “It's fluorescent protein filament, actually. Quite different from hair. I'm a Lumen Mermaid. We bioluminesce you see-” the waterfall of blue hair swept from a dim storm reflected shine to lightning-strike brightness, “-and the colour's a quite conscious choice-” it swept from electric blue, through deep purple and bright pink to a fiery orange, then back again. “-but I think blue looks good on me.”

“Matches your eyes...” Mila agreed. Maybe if this – Lumen? - mermaid took a liking to her...

“Kaimana,” the predator filled in the gap. “Pleased to eat you,” she said, licking her lips. Mila hoped that hadn't been a revealing slip of the tongue. “I really shouldn't be lighting up too much, though,” she stated, “makes me hungry. Something to do with the bio-energy cost. I met a marine-biologist once,” she explained at Olga's incredulous look. “I liked him. He was... rather sweet. Yummy. I like sweet foods the best,” she continued, licking her lips and eyeing the dangling nekos.

Eep, thought Mila. And she'd said she liked him. Maybe it'd be better to cut straight to the performance. “So, we'll sing for you now,” Mila said. “And then you'll let us go.”

“If you sing better than you taste,” Kaimana countered, “and only so long as you can sing better than me. I'm not letting you go if I can hear better in the shower.”

Mila's brain hiccuped. Giant – no, wait – Lumen Mermaids took showers? She wondered if they also sang really, really well in them. Giant Mermaids were known for their melodious voices, albeit not as sweet as a Rosic Neko's, born with a stave on her genome and bred for perfect pitch. A Lumen Mermaid's singing could be – and hopefully would be - worse than her Giant cousin. Or better...

Mila squeezed her sister's wrist to the time, opened her mouth, and sang...
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Evil admin
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Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 1:13 am

Mhh the tension rise Razz
again this is a nice chapter, I loved the conversation between them ^_^
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 5:14 am


The next instalment of this little serial. As in my own comment on Jasconius' Story (which is inventive and well worth a read - https://felarya.forumotion.com/stories-discussion-f5/jasconius-stories-t2021.htm ) I'm quite happy to take the 'critique' version of a review (to use the language of deviantart).

Thanks once again for your comment, Karbo ;-).



Mila knew it had to be the greatest song she'd ever sung. Despite the piercing stilettos of rain, despite the biting cold of the wind, despite the drenching salty sting of the spray. She was singing for life. Her own and her sister's. And as Olga's voice joined hers in soaring counterpoint over the roaring bass of the ocean and distant crash of lightning, she knew it was. Not just the greatest song she'd ever sung, but the greatest she'd ever sing. Maybe the among the greatest any Rosic Neko had ever sung.

Into this mighty song she poured her hope, and her fear and her joy and her love, twining it together with her sister's, music torn from the soul that made food for the soul, enough to satiate even the hungriest of predatory stomachs.

Olga's voice trembled, and shook against the high note, clutching tighter at her sib's wrists. Kaimana lay back in the water, her buoyant bulk easily ignoring it's storm-tossed turbulence, clearly enjoying their singing with her eyes and mouth drifting closed.

All to the good.

Except that, whilst it hadn't been obvious with that giant maw open, they'd been dangling low enough that her soft, moist lips had closed around Olga's ankles. And her sticky burgundy tongue was slipping out to curl and taste and wetly caress Olga's calves.

Olga's voice trembled and broke, and Mila squeezed her tighter, trying to draw her sister up out of the mermaid's mouth. Against the strength that tongue and those lips it was useless. Not least because Kaimana's arm was relaxing, lowering Olga further into her cavernous maw, even as thick moist hungry redness stretched out to envelop her sister. The wet folds of Kaimana's tongue wrapped around her, squirming between her thighs, grinding tight against her mons, petting playfully with her ass.

But no matter what, they had to keep singing.

Kaimana was just... running her taste-test of them in parallel. Yes. That was all it was. It meant they were doing well. That was what it had to be.

The giant lumen mermaid's tongue enveloped Olga like a blanket, curling round her neck like a scarf. Olga's thigh-length fuchsia hair made a startlingly clashing contrast, laid across the predator's burgundy tongue.

Her sister's singing – both their singing – was actually improving, Mila realised, as Kaimana's tongue gradually withdrew, drawing Olga's body inch by wet inch between those great soft lips. Hers was undoubtedly due to the inspiration of terror. But Olga was... smiling?

Mila shivered in a way only tangentially connected to temperature, environment and weather. The... maw... Olga had just been lowered chest deep into was probably the warmest, most inviting place for miles around, she realised.

Then tried not to think about how comfortable conditions might be inside the mermaid's soft belly, totally insulated and isolated from the storm. Even Kaimana's lips looked almost... welcoming.

Olga's grip was loosening on her wrists.

Their song ended, the heartfelt words of the last line hung in the air for the barest moment, before the storm snatched them.

Thunder and thunderous jolting knocked Olga from her grip. The mermaid was clapping, Mila realised, fingertips against the wrist of the hand that suspended her. Kaimana had liked their song. And now the mermaid's eyes were opening, and they looked... okay, they looked hungry.

But happy.

A shriek from below drew her attention. Olga was panicking, and not without good reason. One arm stretched down, indenting the pillowy flesh of Kaimana's great lips, the other pushing up and out against the predator's tongue, spreading and dripping saliva as it snaked its tip across the top over the top of Olga head.

“Olga!” Mila screamed. “Kaimana! Stop!” She continued, reaching hopelessly as that tongue pressed firmly down on her sister's head.

There was a sickening wet pop as Olga's head vanished between the mermaid's lips, and suddenly her sister's screeching became utterly muted. All the evidence that remained of her was a single protruding tip of twitching kitty-ear; a hand, blindly stretching for a grip on... anything, and nothing; a puddle of fuchsia hair spread across voluptuous lips like ripples in a pond; and the very happy smile on those lips.

A moist slurp followed, and all those traces, save for the smile, were erased. It was a curiously innocent curling of Kaimana's lips, as if she'd never dreamed of scarfing down a breathing, thinking, hoping person.

Kaimana let out a thrum of satisfied, and hopefully unselfconscious pleasure.

Please let it be unselfconscious, Mila prayed. It's just her mouth. Olga's been in her mouth before, and was fine. It'll be fine. Please let it be fine, she chanted to herself even as she screamed and shouted for the mermaid's attention.

Kaimana stretched and yawned, and just that suddenly her fearsome maw was much, much further away from Mila. Some thirty feet or so. It wasn't a comfort though, because she still dangled directly over it.

Could still see down into it.

Clearly, Kaimana's hopefully-sub-conscious had decided that, between the previous time she'd nearly eaten Olga and the singing, the 'tasting phase' was over. Mila's sister arched spread-eagled between the soft-palette at the roof of the mermaid's mouth and the epiglottis at its base, arcing over and away from the fearsome, fleshy, hungrily pulsating tunnel of Kaimana's throat.

The mermaid coughed, and for an instant it seemed Olga might ride the outrushing breath to grab and scramble up her tongue to safety. Then Mila saw her sister's eyes widen in fear.

No, not fear. Terror. Utter, complete and total terror.

She'd seen that same look, written small, on tiny faces before, she realised.

Her tail, Mila realised. That monster's throat has got her tail.

Then her sister's arch inverted, her hands and feet slipped, wrenched away from their tenuous grip by unrelenting suction. The narrow orifice of the throat bent her sister's legs up across her chest, leaving her feet up around her ears. But then, Olga had always been flexible, even for a neko.

Half a heartbeat later, Mila's baby sister was just... gone, ardently swallowed up by that eager oesophagus. “No,” Mila whispered, as Kaimana gulped loudly and promptly purred with pleasure at her meal. It couldn't be true. The memory, maybe her last memory of her little sib just couldn't be of a pair of grasping, reaching hands stretching through an orifice already clinching closed...


Oh noes! Things are looking really bad for Olga. Will Mila be able to rescue her? Will she survive herself?

Tune in tomorrow!

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Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 1:28 pm

Oh, goodness! Talk about gripping suspense. That was excellent. I was on the edge of my seat, hoping Olga would be ok.

Both perspectives were very, very well rendered: the nekos' fear, their tremble as they sang, and Kaimana's simple yet deep, almost "innocent" enjoyment of her tasty treat. The descriptions are brilliant.

It's one of the best extended vore scenes I've ever read. It has all the necessary ingredients, but with the touch of your own originality, and your skill as a writer: a quintessicially "innocent" Felaryan predator, interaction between pred and prey who perceive the situation in obviously very different ways, and a fantastic contrasting of emotions. You've done what I personally believe good vore/Felaryan writers should do: make us like all characters involved. The nekos have come alive as characters, and I very, very much want Olga and Mila to survive (despite the neat touch that their predicament results from them eating drugged tinies, a form of poetic justice)... yet if Kaimana does eat them, a part of me will be pleased that she's happy with her meal.

I'll be waiting anxiously for the rest, and I'd look forward to any other stories from you, too.
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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 5:00 pm

I agree with French-snack, you do especially well with the feeling of anticipation and descriptions I think Smile
Great job ! ^_^
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 5:44 am


Thank you again for your kind comments. Here is the next instalment.

Not a lot to say about this one, actually.


It just couldn't be. They'd won. They'd performed. They'd deserved... but the evidence was plain to see: No more than a slight bulge squirming its way down Kaimana's throat.

On the storm-tossed sea, there was no sense of scale. The view was... similar. Transmute the mermaid's seashell-white throat to Olga's bronzed tan, and it would've been identical. Identical to Olga floating lazily on some wave-lapped pond, whilst Mila dropped squealing Tinies into her little sister's greedy mouth. The two of them had gulped whole families down together, an unmatched sisterly bonding experience.

Now they were the ones on the menu.

Mila almost felt guilty about what they'd done. But something so tiny as a Tiny couldn't possibly be doing more than mimicry of true intelligence... could it?

She wondered what Kaimana thought about people Mila's own size.

“You're a really good singer, Mila,” Kaimana said, quite casually interrupting her mortality-motivated introspection. “Better than your taste. Only just, but still, better than your taste.”

Rage rose, that Kaimana was simply ignoring their deal, and strength came with it.

“That was my little sister!” Mila screamed furiously. She kicked and thrashed, but only succeeding in slowly spinning herself around her tail, still dangled between Kaimana's fingertips.

“Well, whatever,” the mermaid said, and licked her lips, through which so recently Olga had passed to her doom. “So I guess it's my turn. And if I'm better than you, I get to eat the two of you. Yum.”

“You already ate Olga, fish-bitch!”

“No I didn't,” Kaimana replied. And the look of surprise on her face appeared to be entirely genuine. Though the neko still screamed as the mermaid brought her over her opening mouth. “She's right... here?” Kaimana's eyes crossed as her tongue probed thoroughly about her mouth: On both sides of her teeth, around her gums, across her palette – as if Olga could somehow be clinging to the roof of her mouth. Then Kaimana leaned forward, and spun about, sending up a vast wall of spray that drenched Mila in saltwater. “Where'd she escape to!” Kaimana snarled, grasping Mila painfully tightly, holding the imprisoned neko mere feet from her face, and more importantly from Mila's perspective, her mouth.

Two beach-ball sized eyes, entirely crossed and staring at you from no more than a meter away is a pretty fearsome effect. Though Mila had recently found new standards for 'terrifying' and 'horrific'.

“I told you,” Mila whispered plaintively and in pain, “you ate her already.”

Kaimana pressed fingertips – the ones not holding Mila – against her throat, working them down her chest and along the line of her oesophagus. “No. I... I didn't,” she replied, somewhat less certainly. Then her palm spread openly across her belly, and she blushed. It lit her seashell-pale flesh with the merest touch of rose, rather beautifully so, and crimson waves chased each other back along her not-hair - or whatever the biolumenscent fibrous stuff was anyway.

“Oops,” she said. “Um, I, Ur...”

“You throw her up this instant,” Mila scolded, heart bursting with hope.

“No. I don't want to.” Kaimana replied, turning mulish. “She was really tasty on the way down...” the mermaid continued more softly, gently rubbing her soft bellyflesh. It led to a unreasonably cute burp, full in Mila's face. It smelt of her sib.

Lord above, it even tasted of her.

“You made a promise, Kaimana!” She snapped, “that you wouldn't eat us unless we tasted better than we sang, and we don't. You said so! Yourself!”

“And that you couldn't sing better than me!” Kaimana answered. “If you think my singing's the best, then I have every right to eat your sister and you both!” The giant mermaid licked her lips, and Mila had an utterly horrified vision of passing through them herself to be horribly reunited with her sister. Destined to share her fate.

A fate, from the look on Kaimana's face, she was entirely looking forward to inflicting.

Relax, Mila told herself. All you have to do is listen to her song, and tell her that you think you're better. It's a gimme. “O- okay,” she stammered her agreement, “but you have to make it a quickie. I don't want to get her back a half-digested...” the thought was too horrible to even think about finishing thinking.

“Okay!” Kaimana replied happily, flopping onto her back amid a mountain of spray, and dropping Mila onto her belly. Mila fell to her knees and hammer her fists against it. Within, she could faintly feel Olga thumping and yelling back. “Kaimana'll let you out, once she's sung, okay!” Mila screamed.

Her sister's pummelling only continued.

Then Kaimana opened her mouth, and began to sing.

Mila... stopped.

Lay back on the pillow of the mermaid's part-filled stomach, and listened.

Listened in sheer musical envy, listened in pure aesthetic appreciation, listened in unparalleled joy. She thought she'd been happy before. She thought she'd known pleasure before. How had she dared to call herself an artist, with someone who could sing like this alive in the world?

Her sister had stopped thumping and screaming, or maybe she'd just stopped caring that Olga still was.

It wasn't important. All that mattered were Kaimana's soaring vocals, even as Mila felt it drowning her in melancholy and aching loss. This song that seemed to hope for nothing, expect nothing, yet believe that everything could somehow work out alright, or at least, right enough.

The neko found herself crawling forward, over a thrumming diaphragm of incredible power, onto the shelf of the mermaid's – this wonderful artiste's – ribcage, going on her hands and knees through the awash valley of Kaimana's voluptuous breasts.

Scrabbling and climbing the cliff onto the predator's – the thought almost stopped her in her tracks, before the music washed it away – face. Standing in the cute, dimpled cleft of Kaimana's chin, Mila dimly noted that the mermaid's hair flared and danced with colour, beating time. The bio-energy expenditure must be making her very hungry. The thought brought a vague hint of unreasoned concern. Then Kaimana's song washed it away into the sea.

Mila waited, poised before Kaimana's lips, waiting for what her musician's skills told her must surely come soon.

The high note parted Kaimana's lips, and its length held them open and trembling. Mila swallow-dived from her perch, and passed between them. It was wet, within, the dampness only serving to warm her rain and spray and wind chilled skin the faster.

But that didn't matter. All that mattered was being closer to the source of this wonderful sound, this wonderful song, to experience it more fully. And here, with it reverberating and echoing and forming all around her, she could experience it no better.

Unless Kaimana swallowed her, of course. Mila wondered for a moment if the mermaid would be willing.

It seemed unlikely. Her hind-brain disliked the idea, and she had to search for the reason why. She gasped in horror as she realised that – of course - it'd interrupt the song. Neither of them, she was sure, could bear that.

Mila lay back on Kaimana's shifting, singing tongue, and, entirely joyfully, lost herself in the listening.

Soon, far too soon - oh why had she asked for a short song? – the last note thrummed past her.

“Could you teach me to sing like that?” Mila whispered. A feminine hum of satisfaction purred up and out of Kaimana's throat, merest echo of the glory that had gone before.

A distant, sisterly scream joined it.

Mila came back to herself. Where she was. What she'd just admitted.

And realised things had just gone from pretty bad to absolute worst.


Oh dear! Things have taken a turn for the worst for Mila and Olga. Is there any hope left at all?

Tune in tomorrow (possibly).

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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 6:44 am

That's quite a fascinating shift the nekos are experiencing between fear, hope, resignation, and joy. The lure of Kaimana's mouth, bringing Mila "closer to the source of this wonderful sound, this wonderful song, to experience it more fully". I also find it interesting that she's aware Kaimana may view her much in the way that she (Mila) views tinies... and yet she (Mila) clings, with some uncertainty, to the necessary assumption that tinies aren't real people. Thus the story reminds us that the threat hanging over her is no more than what she's done countless times to others... while enabling us to continue viewing Mila as an "innocent".

It's also interesting that Kaimana lets Mila be the judge of her singing (“If you think my singing's the best, then I have every right to eat your sister and you both!”"), and that her singing is so beautiful, so powerful in stirring and raising emotions, that Mila actually enters her mouth of her own accord. (I'm assuming that really is due to the unaided beauty of the music, rather than to a form of magic cheating?)

The description of the singing, and of the way Mila experiences it, is excellent.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:17 pm

This is the last instalment and denouement of 'Kaimana and the Singing Nekos'. My intention is to leave it up here as it is. It will later be archived to my deviantart account as its maiden work, after I've incorporated any comments and changes that are made.

Please critique harshly (but without meanness).

I'll answer this one question, because I deliberately left it a little ambiguous in the story. Whatever you the reader chooses to believe is fine, though. That said, for those who want what little closure I'm able to provide...

Quote :
(I'm assuming that really is due to the unaided beauty of the music, rather than to a form of magic cheating?)

There's not so much difference between music and magic anyway. For starters, they're only two letters apart. So, no, there's not some separate spell that Kaimana cast off-screen. But certainly, the music's doing something to Mila's thinking. Perhaps changing which part of her brain she's using to do it - exactly as when people listen to music in the real world.

Anyway, now to the completion of the story...


“Nononono! StopWait! Teacheachother! Lotwecouldlearn! OhPleaseDon't!” This last was cut of by the firm snap of Kaimana's closing jaws.

It dawned on Mila that, for everything else, she was for the first time in a great predator's mouth. One who had apparently no further interest in conversation, who had sealed her in, and was already in fact probably more than half-way through the process of eating her.

Her life would last no longer than the remaining length of Kaimana's 'tasting phase', plus however long it took the Lumen Mermaid's stomach to finish digesting her.

It seemed a very short and unpleasant sort of future.

“Help,” she whispered despairingly.

“Mmmm,” Kaimana purred, her satisfaction the inversion of her prey's despair.

At least, no longer enraptured by the music, Mila could appreciate the heat of the mermaid's mouth. It warmed her soaked body as she squirmed frantically for whatever poor handhold she could find on Kaimana's gigantic tongue - the tongue she'd so recently leaned against in total comfort.

It dawned on her, as that tongue began to move more aggressively, rolling and sliding her around Kaimana's mouth with palpable relish, that this sickly-sweet and warm saliva bath might be the last pleasure she ever experienced in her soon-to-be-cut-short life.

That almost let her enjoy it. Then, for what she thought of as - for lots of very good reasons – 'all-too-soon', Kaimana's tongue curled back on itself, trapping Mila astride it before irresistibly carrying her back towards the eager and welcoming spasms of Kaimana's throat.

Mila knew the 'tasting phase' was over. It hadn't been pleasant. But she was going to enjoy the 'digestion phase' even less.

Powerful throat muscles engulfed her calves, mercilessly wrenching her down on the first slither of her journey towards Kaimana's stomach. Mila struggled mightily, of course, and naturally those struggles were absolutely in vain. Muscles individually more powerful than every one in her body working together, and invulnerable to her sharp little claws, squeezed her down the narrow fleshy tube of Kaimana's oesophagus. It left Mila wholly unable to exert her strength against the force swallowing her down whole.

Not that all her strength, or even ten times her strength, would have done her any good anyway.

Her fate was as inevitable as it was unenviable, she reflected. But at least she'd be reunited, however briefly, with her sibling. The thought that her parents line would end with her was an entirely discomforting one, she reflected as she plopped into Kaimana's stomach and landed atop her sister.

It was pitch black and cloyingly close down there, and impossible to tell which way was up. Which changed with every undulating motion of Kaimana's swimming anyway. Pretty crowded, too, with her and Olga and a sailor she hadn't even known was in here. She wasn't sure if he was one of the slavers of not. If so, he'd gotten his justly deserved fate. But she hadn't thought to share it when she'd cursed them to it.

When she stretched out to the fleshy walls, thinking to climb a direction she hoped led 'out', her arms and legs sank into that forgiving barricade up to her knees and elbows.

Evidently, Kaimana's stomach had plenty of room for expansion in case of increased demand.

Mila felt a colossal, repetitive series of tremors and realised Kaimana must be rubbing or petting her happily filled belly. Air escaped in a thunderous rush. A belch, experienced from the inside. It shrank the available space in the stomach by half, effectively eliminating the possibility of movement and so too her vain hope of escape.

Coated in syrupy-thick fluid, Mila struggled and wiggled helplessly within Kaimana's belly. The goop stuck, and was already starting to itch terribly. That was terrifying, given what Mila could only assume was its purpose. But all she could do was add her vocal and futile protests to those of the stomach's other two doomed occupants.

Kaimana sighed happily as the tasty little neko wormed its way down her throat, before dropping into her stomach in a thoroughly satisfactory way. Its wriggles swiftly merged tracelessly with those of its sister and shipmate. She'd made her belly very happy today. The gnawing stomach-ache of morning, already blunted by the sailor, had been unreservedly placated by two of the most delicious nekos she'd ever tasted.

And their present, energetic squirmings were only serving to enhance her sense of gratification...

...or complacency, she realised. She'd forgotten all about her lunch-box! With a swift rub of her stomach, which precipitated an embarrassing belch – but then, no-one was around to hear it. Well, no-one except the three who wouldn't be getting out of her belly to tell anyone about it anyway and therefore didn't count – she set off in pursuit of what she fully expected to be her packed-dinner.

Beneath the sounds and surface of the storm, her stomach got down to the busy, noisy work of digesting its unlucky occupants and growing more of the beautiful and talented Lumen Mermaid Kaimana.

The digestive means made a bleak contrast to the ends; fuelling the muscles that sent the optimistically hunting mermaid skipping playfully through the storm-tossed waves.

But then, that's Felarya for you.
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 10:14 pm

Well, at least Kaimana was happy! Smile

It's a touching story, as you really make us feel for the nekos. Yet it preserves that quintessentially Felaryan "innocence". What I said earlier very much still applies in that regard.

I'm not surprised you cite PrinnyDood-Abides as a source of inspiration. There are close similarities between your styles, the way you portray Felarya, its inhabitants and their interactions, the contrasts you both operate so skilfully between the satisfaction of lovable predators and the perspective of their prey. Which isn't to say you lack originality, of course. You've simply (in my view) gone to the heart of what Felarya is (or what I think it is), and weaved a very effective story through that.
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PostSubject: Re: Kaimana and the Singing Nekos   Kaimana and the Singing Nekos Icon_minitimeWed May 12, 2010 1:48 am

This was a great vore story indeed ^_^
Very nicely described and easy to visualize. And you managed to describe the feeling of each character really well, literally pulling the reader in their place ( however unfortunate that one is XP ) Great job Razz
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