The biography of the Lumen Mermaid Kaimana, posted here as I am archiving the story I recently wrote for her to deviantart.
Kaimana appears in the following stories:
Kaimana and the Singing Nekos
Kaimana and the Hungry Naga
Lumen Mermaid's are the idea of L'Ryn, which I've stuck pretty closely to for Kaimana:
Name: Kaimana
Species: Lumen Mermaid
Age: Young-Adult
Sex: Female
Length: 99 feet (and boy, is she bitter about it...)
Scale Colour: Day, Turquoise; Night, Varies
Fin Colour: Day, Turquoise; Night, Varies
Skin Colour: Sea-shell white
Hair Colour: Varies/Luminescent at will, typically Sky Blue
Eye Colour: Sky Blue
Other Characteristics: Her name means 'power of the ocean' in Hawaiian.
Kaimana is young Lumen Mermaid – at a length tip to tail she is ninety-nine feet long, only about two-thirds grown. She's eagerly awaiting her third-digit of length. Like all her genus she can both swim very fast, and breathe underwater. She is very honourable, and her natural personality is quite serious; however, her youth often makes her act in juvenile way which can express itself as silliness.
She's never known her parents, as she was born with thousands of siblings, most of whom never survived to reach the macroscopic stage and develop personalities. Due to this, she's ruthlessly Darwinian. If she offers to 'help' your tribe or clan, be cautious about accepting: She might be planning on spending the next month hunting down as many of you as she can to 'improve the breed'.
If it's animal, vegetable or mineral Kaimana will eat it, even if she has to mash or chop it up (typical teenager). Her sweet-tooth might appear to be a juvenile characteristic, but it's specious one, shared by all Lumen Mermaids. Even if it's obviously intelligent, Kaimana has no problems devouring it so long as it's small enough to swallow whole. From her perspective creatures like nekos (my favourite, yum) and humans are too small to be 'full grown', and have only preamble personalities that will disappear with their full-grown forms anyway, so there's no harm in scarfing a few, right? Young mermaids and juvenile forms of other great predators are not at all exempted.
Like all Lumen Mermaids, she can sing almost supernaturally well, and her 'hair' is bio-luminescent at the wavelength – colour – of her choosing. She likes sky-blue, to match her eyes, or turquoise, to match her tail. Matching doughnut-shaped spots trail up her sides from her 'hips', reducing to circular spots beneath her arms and no more than a smattering of freckles around her shoulders. At night, spots, tail and fluke glow a vibrant display of colours, undulating and pulsing, never staying the same colour for longer then a couple of seconds. Fortunately the extent of the glow, at least, is somewhat conscious as she'd never be able to hunt at night otherwise. Lumen Mermaids who don't learn to control their hair, spots and tail early in life (i.e. while they're small) don't usually have much in the way of later life.
If she catches you, you're in big trouble. She's still growing, so always hungry, doesn't really see you as a person, and you – whatever you are – are virtually guaranteed to taste better than seafood. A change is as good as a rest anyway, from her point of view.
Fortunately, because she's so honourable, if you can get her to promise not to eat you then she definitely won't – today, anyway. If you've got another great predator on your side, they'll easily be able to extract that promise for you – she sees them as near-equals. Alternatively, you might make a deal with her, for giant-scale jewellery or very large quantities of sweets – all Lumen Mermaids love both and have a hard time obtaining either. Cross her, and she'll make it her mission to hunt you down for your dishonourable act. Be careful about offering up sweets that you actually have on your actual person. You might just be seasoning yourself for her gullet.
If you don't have any of those going for you, your best bet might be to challenge on one of her points of pride – singing or swimming are especially sure things. She'll certainly accept, on almost whatever terms you care to bet, and you can trust her to judge honestly. She's pretty talented though, and usually wins. Appealing the result must usually be done from within her mouth, and if you're not quickly convincing, her belly.