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 Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!)

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!)   Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!) Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 7:40 pm

Special thanks goes to Falcon Judge for giving him the name Lyitte. And no, he isn't a Gary Stu. I can see why you would think that at first (after all, his name is two thirds of my username), but he and I are nothing alike outside the name Pie Guy.

Basic Info

Real Name: Lyitte
Nickname: Pie Guy
Age: 30
Race: Elf
Height: 6'3"
Right Eye Color: Green
Left Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin: Fair
Other: Somewhat skinny, covered in scars
Magical Alignment A: Earth
Magical Alignment B: Fire
Hobby: Baking
Home: Negav

Physical Description

Pie Guy is a rather tall heterochromic elf with little more to differentiate him from other elves. His right eye is green in color and his left is red in color. He stands six feet three inches tall and is somewhat skinny.


Unlike most elves, Pie Guy doesn't think of most of the other races of Felarya (such as Humans and Tombthumbs) to be inferior, but he has a deep hatred towards nekos.

For the most part, Pie Guy is very cheery and kind, often times helping people out if need be and cracking jokes (sometimes about the other "inferior" races and sometimes not).

He loves to bake (especially pies) and can often times be found in the kitchen of his bakery, The Pie Guy's Bakery, or his home kitchen baking.

He values uniqueness, having grown up heterochromic, and never likes to rush, especially with relationships.

He loves doing dangerous things as well, and some of his favorite dangerous things to do are traveling and bungee jumping.

Magical Traits

Unlike most people born with a magical alignment, Pie Guy was born with two alignments. He believes his eyes represent this the most as he is aligned with both fire and earth, elements represented by his eye colors.

He has a slightly above average amount of mana and while he has never recieved formal training in the magical arts, he does know how to use his magic to his advantage.


Pie Guy was born and raised in Negav, and has lived there all his life.

Althroughout his upbringing Pie Guy was encouraged to not be prejudiced against the other races such as humans, his mother being part human herself.

Ever since he was six, he loved to help his mother bake, especially pies, and this had earned him the nickname Pie Boy which, as he got older, changed into Pie Guy.

When he was seven he had begun baking all on his own and showed a great proficiency in it.

At the age of eight, when walking home with his mother after getting baking ingredients, they were ambushed by a lone neko. He hissed and snarled, not saying a single word before he attacked them both and tried to steal their ingredients. They were both cut up badly and Pie Guy's mother was bleeding badly, as well as Pie Guy himself, but out of rage and desperation, he discovered his affinity for earth and fire magic. He ended up badly injuring the neko, and the both of them managed to live through, albeit via medical attention.
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PostSubject: Re: Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!)   Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!) Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 8:01 pm

I like him, but... why an elf? This character, personality, habits, and basically everything except his Magic abilities are much better suited to a human...
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!)   Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!) Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 8:27 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
I like him, but... why an elf? This character, personality, habits, and basically everything except his Magic abilities are much better suited to a human...

Now that I think about it, maybe making him an elf wasn't the best decision in the world. Thanks for the feedback Falcon, and I'll make sure to change him to a human... tomarrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!)   Lyitte/Pie Guy Bio (He isn't a Gary Stu!) Icon_minitime

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