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 Pendragon's List of Character Friends and Fiends

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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Pendragon's List of Character Friends and Fiends   Pendragon's List of Character Friends and Fiends Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 11:20 pm

Well, i've been noticing lately that people have been creating threads for their characters, so I thought I'd compile all the ones I've created in my stories thusfar into this thread, and I'll post in this thread if I have any new characters to add.

Please note that if you haven't read my first or second stories, these descriptions will have some spoilers in them. (though no spoilers from the third story)

Name: Anchus
Species: Humanoid Machine
Age: 2 years old, 30 year old programming mindset.
Height: 10 feet
Coloration; Green Battle Armor
Eye Color: Red
Weapons: Melee, Electrostaff
Abilities: Tremendous IQ, tactical genius, high agility.
Weak points: Is arrogant, uncaring, weak in terms of physical strength

Anchus, having been manufactured outside of the Felaryan Dimension on the Xeno Arcturus Space Facility, was once one half of a Project named "Anchor of Pandora" to create the perfect War Machine. The people making him however only succeeded half way with him, giving him outstanding encyclopedic knowledge within his hard drive. However, his processor was imperfect and could not handle all this information AND the controls to complex weaponry or a sizable mechanical mainframe, which left Anchus at his height of ten feet with no internal weapons whatsoever. As it stood, he was scheduled to be scrapped to rebuild a newer machine which would have a superior processor. However, before Anchus could be dismantled, he had already began thinking on a sentient level. He questioned why he should be dismantled, and before the people around him knew it, he devised an escape plan from the station. While he made his escape, he took along another machine, the one named Anchorus, as a tank to protect him from heavy fire, but also because he felt slightly bad the robot would likely share the same fate as him. Once they escaped into the darkness of space, however, Anchus and the other robot were jettisoned into a black hole, which warped their systems and brought them to Felarya. Since that day, they have had to escape the clutches of angry dridders, nagas, harpies, heavily armed humans, and even other machines! However, be it a good plan of attack, or a plan of retreat, Anchus has helped pull the both of them out of a jam multiple times.

Anchus views Anchorus as a little brother, due to the simplicity of his hardware, and doesn't mind the fact that said "little" brother towers over him. Often times Anchus must scold Anchorus over arguments which stem from his puzzling behavior, but more often than not, Anchus simply lets it slide, for being in Felarya, he knows his entire library of knowledge does him little to no good on this foreign soil.

Since the escape from the Space station, Anchus feels that freedom is entitled to any thinking machine, and has since developed a grudge against any organic life, for he feels they are all out to destroy him and his "brother". Often times he will even lash out at a random life form for simply breathing or performing any other basic organic action. Thankfully Anchorus keeps his brother at a calm state, though this grudge is still held by him to this day.

As a fighting machine, Anchus performs best when in combination with Anchorus. His strongpoints include creating strategies for any situation that arises, and making distractions while his brother goes on the offense. Their teammwork has proven effective in keeping them out of the scrap pile and continues to do so, even during the darkest of situations.


Name: Anchorus
Species:  Titan Class humanoid machine
Age: 2 years old, 18 year old programming mindset.
Height: 70 feet
Coloration; Green Battle Chassis,
Eye Color: Red
Weapons: Melee, Doomsday Cannon (currently dismantled)
Abilities: High endurance, High strength, Good team player
Weak point: Often lets his bad grasp on "emotions" lead him to bad situations, multiple situations where his stupidity shows, sometimes erupts into fits of rage due to his emotions

Anchorus, the second half of Project "Anchor of Pandora", was also constructed on the Xeno Arcturus Space station, designed to be the most efficient Titan sized warmech designed. Unlike Anchus, however, he was designed with the perfect mechanical frame first and foremost. His armor is superior to Anchus, being able to withstand multiple tankshots one after the other at point blank range, not to mention being resistant to energy based attacks, similar to the armor Anchus has, but more advanced and being on a higher scale. Anchorus was also outfitted with multiple weaopns which erupted from his armor for convenience, some of which being arm mounted missile launchers, elbow lasers, butt bombs, and a nasty sidewinder which came from somewhere that's better left undiscussed. Sadly, Anchorus was considered a failure as well, for his processor too was imperfect, and could not handle the various weapons which were housed on his body along with the battle AI which they planned to give him. All it could handle was a flawed AI which held the intelligence of an 18 year old human that had failed school and dropped out. Thus, not a genius AI like they had desired. With this in mind Anchorus was also placed into storage, having his weapons stripped from him and being scheduled for dismantling. His AI hadn't yet developed much, until Anchus came along. Being the smart one, Anchus was able to convince the large droid that he did not have to be dismantled and helped him escape the station with his nuts and bolts intact. Again, the traveled through the black hole and arrived in Felarya, where even now they make an attempt to survive the harsh environment.

Anchorus looks up to Anchus as a big brother, even though he has to look down at him literally. The knowledge Anchus often shows is what Anchorus learns from, and has since allowed him to think like a sentient AI Even though his AI is flawed, he'll often do his best to keep USB drives handy as a way of learning anything he can from his big brother, though nothing beats just hanging around him and emulating what he sees.

Despite feeling a grudge against a good portion of humans for wanting to dismantle him and his brother, Anchorus often gives organics a chance, especially if they're of the predator kind. He considers them very kind fleshbags and every opportunity he gets he tries to convince Anchus that the nagas, harpies, dridders, and other beings of Felarya are not as bad as the humans who tried to destroy them. Unfortunately, Anchus holds quite a grudge, so this path has been a difficult one for the poor droid.

When battle tactics are involved, Anchorus has little information regarding how to engage enemies or hostile opponents. Thus he lets Anchus do all the thinking for him and follows through with whatever he says. When Anchus is not present, though, Anchorus must fall back on instinct, trying anything from negotiation to flailing his arms in the general direction of the enemy, hoping such will lead him to victory. This is why he's rarely seen apart from his brother. Another tactic which was used only once was a built in weapon inside the core of Anchorus called "The Doomsday Cannon". This device had enough power to blast a mountain to dust, and was going to be the cornerstone of the "Anchor of Pandora'" Project, but it came at a cost. Anchorus did not yet have the shielding, armor, or power sources needed to power this cannon, and thus using it on even the lowest setting would cripple Anchorus. It's also noteworthy that the cannon can't be operated by him alone, and requires Anchus to operate it as well. The cannon was used only once against the battle with Anchodamus (see below) which crippled all three machines. It was then considered such a threat that Al (see below as well) had to remove it from Anchorus to prevent such an incident from ever happening again. It will only be reinstalled in the case of an emergency, though Anchorus doubts any emergency will ever warrant it again.

One more thing to note is that Anchorus feels compassion as part of his programming, and has also developed a crush for a naga named Laureen which he met during his time in Felarya. Though Anchus considers this feeling of "love" to be nothing more than an error and wishes Anchorus would defrag his system to be rid of it. Despite this and the rough patches they've had, Laureen and Anchorus have managed to keep a decent relationship, though hard times have only begun for them....


Name: Anchodamus
Species: War Machine
Age: 1 year 6 months old, 35 year old programming mindset.
Height: 50 feet
Coloration; Green Battle Chassis
Eye Color: Dark Red
Weapons: Rotating Barrel Machine guns, Back mounted rocket projectiles, Dual Vibro Blades, etc.
Abilites: High ability to strategize, Good endurance, Good melee offensive, excellent ranged attacks, back mounted booster system which allows high speed flight
Weak points: Can get violent and even turns on his allies when consumed by the will to accomplish his objectives, extremely condescending to Anchus and Anchorus, and anyone who knows them

Anchodamus is the Final Machine created by the Xeno Arcturus Space Station before it was promptly blown up. He was the epitome of "Project Pandora Anchor 2" which was made up after the failure of the first project. He retains 75% of the abilities from both Anchus and Anchorus and blends them together in a durable mechanical battle suit which also houses various weapons designed for a myriad of encounters. Though not as smart as Anchus or powerful as Anchorus, he has the superior processing power which allows him to blend all these abilities into one frame, making him a big threat to them.

Upon completion, Anchodamus was sent through the same blackhole Anchus and Anchorus traveled through, in order to recover them so their technology would not fall into anyone else's hands. He was given the option of bringing them in functioning or in pieces, and he will not hesitate to perform the latter if the need arises.

Being a cold and calculating machine, Anchodamus does not have the restrictions that his "brothers" have and does not hold grudges against organics, and infact often uses them to his advantage whenever necessary. He also feels no compassion, except to an ally who helps him in battle, and even then will not hesitate to leave them behind if they outlive their usefulness.

On a last note, he's become increasingly deadly thanks to a group of humans who found him, and he now works through them to establish a plan to destroy Anchus and Anchorus.



Name: Al "Bert" Status
Species: Cyborg
Age: 1000 years old
Height: 6 feet
Coloration; Old human attire, engineer-pilot clothing, artificial white beard
Eye Color: Changes depending on the optic lenses they sell at Home Depot, usually brown
Weapons: Power Armor, Needler Tranquilizing Gun, Fire Chainsaw
Abilities: Can hover using Power Armor, extremely gifted with machines, patient and bides time well
Weak Points: Is very passive, can be confusing to talk to, often underestimates danger involved.

Al was once a maintenance droid that worked in Negav, usually doing nothing more than lifting crates or fixing small appliances, but thanks to a freak jolt of electricity from a storm sprite one day, his processor was thrown into array and began working at triple capacity. Al was near a large mainframe when the jolt happened, which zapped all of it's information to him in nanoseconds. Since then, he's become smarter by the day thanks to his new processor and was soon able to upgrade from mere maintenance droid to a full out engineer bot. His ability to scan a machine and know how to fix it, for the most part, was what helped him acquire a desire to make more of his life than simply staying in a dank garage. So one day he commissioned a human exosuit which gave him the look of a young man. With it he blended with the Negav citizens and learned massive amounts about the species which inhabited the city.

Fortune had it though that one day Al would travel outside the walls, and that he did, for his first trip outside the Negav gates was one which truly threw his system all over the place. Just seeing the vast flora and fauna which surrounded him made the robot want to learn more. His processor just kept desiring to study these vast forests with the natives that they held. With this mindset, Al took to the garage one lonely night and constructed himself a battle suit which would allow him safe passage through the Felaryan wilderness.

Needless to say, his first venture was a disaster. He had not even built a defense mechanism and was immediately attacked by wild Kenshas. He was able to escape, but only barely. Since then, he learned that the creatures would need a bit of sedation if he was to study them. So keeping this in mind, Al took the time to develop a tranquilizer system which would allow him to study the various creatures of Felarya without actually harming them. That's how the Needler Tranquilizing Gun was created. The trick to this gun is that it uses high degrading tranquilizer needles and fires them rapidly into the target, which fills it with enough tranq to take down multiple bull elephants. the needles then reduce to simpler matter, leaving the desired fauna with few scars.

When Al tested this, he found it to be a surprising success. The Kensha and tonorions which traveled the northern regions were his first outside creatures studied, and he learned much from them, designing his power armor after the designs they had. Soon, though, he ran into problems. One was when he actually encountered a smarter predator, AKA a dridder or hungry denizen of that variety. The needles would only slow them down, and not allow him sufficient time to study them and then escape. Al countered that by building the power armor with a strong hover and propulsion system, which gave him the gift of flight and high speeds. Together with this and the Needler, Al's research skills skyrocketed, and so did his research.

However, another problem was when Al encountered plants and trees which did not enjoy his company, but rather wished for him to stay as a meal. His needles did little to affect them, and he desired a contingency plan should his boosters fail him. The best solution he could come up with was a left arm mounted chainsaw which had a built in pyro system in it, making it a swirling blade of fiery doom against most  plants that ate him. Though there were a few glitches here and there, one involving a flying chainsaw which nearly gave a buzzcut to a flock of harpies, Al eventually fixed it and used it again and again.

After gaining all this knowledge, Al decided to expand this into a business. And that he did, building a lab underneath Negav's main districts (about 5 miles underground to be exact) and connecting it to a small workshop within Negav itself. All of this of course took over hundreds of years and required millions of skevols to pay off. He's had to rebuild himself and even tweak his AI to keep from rusting into a pile of obsolete trash. This has made him all the wiser, but a bit more insane along the way. To this day he still has payments to pay off, but does so in a timely fashion, thanks to all he's learned over half the millennium, usually repairing machines and fixing what he can, all for a discount price. In his spare time, he even finds new ideas to invent, new theories to test, and quests outward to see more of Felarya every day.

When it comes to combat, despite what was implied, the Power Armor was only meant as a defensive Research Tool, and does little in terms of actual combat ability. His power Armor has been optimized for defense and retreat tactics, which is what Al prefers since research does not require violence. Infact, Al has a specific rule about creating weapons designed for war, and though he will fix them up for customers, he actively does what he can to avoid inventing machines that can only be used for battle. He's heard the legends of the guardians and fears them well, remembering that he is after all a mortal machine, and not all powerful, thus creating weapons would only lead to trouble if he was found out. To this day Al lives underneath Negav's ground level districts and works away, having a large client base to see to, as well as questing in the wilds.

extra note: Al once ran across the naga Anna before, and has acknowledged her as his mechanical superior. Often times he tries to seek her out in hopes of learning about any new breakthroughs she might have. Not so luckily for him, he once invented a charger pack which could recharge his energy instanty and all he had to do was chew one end of it, but said charger was in the shape of a cigarette which of course was bad news when he was around Anna. He has currently scrapped the invention for now.  


Name: Laureen Diamone
Species: Diamond Naga
Age: Around 50 years old
Height: 100 feet, 200 feet long
Coloration: Purple Scales, black hair, light tan skin
Eye Color: black
Weapons: Melee
Abilities: agility with her tail, ambush skills
Weak points: Hot headed, prone to anger, often a victim of poor judgement

Backstory: Laureen is the daughter of the current diamond naga tribe leader and is next in line to rule the women there. She actually accepted this life style long ago and was willing to undergo the training needed, until she saw how her mother did things while in power. Laureen didn't feel that she was a just ruler, but didn't wish to question her since she was a bit insane. Regardless, she's lived with the witch up to now.

Recently, Laureen fell in love with Anchorus because she hadn't seen a guy like him in her entire life time. She warmed up to him due to his kindness he showed to her in their first encounter. Not to mention it led to her getting a meal she thought had escaped. Ever since she did what she could to help him and his brother out even if she was put into risk.

Though Laureen is a powerful naga, she lacks any extra skill which differentiates her from most other nagas. This is often why she can't put up mjuch of a fight against her powerful mother, who often takes advantage of this to subdue her unruly child.


Name: Ginelle
Species: Naga
Age: 40 years old
Height: 90 feet, 190 feet long
Coloration; Yellow scales, black hair.
Eye Color: yellow
Weapons: Melee
Abilities: Deceptive, sneaky
Weak points: Naive

backstory: Ginelle was an abandoned naga child who one day happened upon the tribe of Diamond nagas within the deep forests. FEeling pity for her, the tribe leader adopted her in and raised her as her own alongside Laureen. Ginelle especially bonded to Laureen, wanting to be with her everywhere they went, since she was the only one who would really talk to her. When they grew to a mature age, Ginelle developed feelings for Laureen that she didn't understand and, seeing her mother usually in a bad state of mind most of the time, she felt scared to express those feelings openly. So she kept them bottled up, instead opting to follow Laureen and helping her whereever she was needed.

Since Laureen fell in love with Anchorus, Ginelle has felt very jealous of the droid, and was even mad enough to believe the propaganda spewed against Anchorus. Eventually, however, she learned to realize that Anchorus was not a simple monstrosity, but actually was looking out for Laureen's best interests too, something she could relate to. Though she sits back and wants Laureen to be happy, inside she still feels a tingling jealousy  which occasionally makes her snarky.

When combat is involved, this naga is not very useful in terms of fighting. Ginelle is more of an assistant to Laureen (likely appointed to her by Laureen's mother), but occasionally is used as bait to lure Laureen or Anchorus out of hiding. She can play a role well, and is good in deceptive acting. One can't help but think she's too good at her part.

Name: Endrynna Diamone
Species: Diamond Naga
Age: 300 years old
Height: 125 feet, 250 feet long
Coloration; White hair, white scales, diamond embeddings
Eye Color: Red
Weapons: Mage Staff
Abilities: Controls various magics around her, commands tribe of nagas.
Weak points: Violent, one track mind, clings to outdated traditions

Backstory: Being the tyrannical leader of the Diamond naga tribe, Endrynna is one of their most well known wizards and is the mother to Laureen. As such, she can often be a snob, sometimes escalating into total bitch,  and has even demanded that the entire tribe refer to her as "their leader" or "The naga tribe elder", so they do not defile her true name with their "unclean" tongues.

Ever since hearing of her daughter's infatuation with Anchorus, she has done nothing but try to dispose of him, to keep her daughter's "purity" within the tribe. Endrynna has no problems crossing the line just to make sure Anchorus is not with her, and has occasionally sent her own women to their deaths, fighting other tribes and even risking dangerous portions of the Felarya wilderness just to hunt him down. She has even gone as far as to make alliances with people she'd normally kill on the spot just to ensure Anchorus stays away from her child.

In combat, Endrynna can be an extremely dangerous opponent, wielding a magician's cane that can channel her strength and bodily energy into powerful attacks. Indeed, she didn't earn her title as the tribe leader by chance.


Name: Gisor
Species: Harpy
Age: 100 years old
Height: 125 feet tall, 225 feet wing span
Coloration; Orange feathers, yellow talons, scarred and tattered beak
Eye Color: Yellow
Weapons: Really sharp claws, higher than usual melee
Abilities: Nearly unrivaled Air flying skills, intimidation, Strong endurance.
Weak points: Shallow, vengeful, Refuses to Compromise

Backstory: The beaches can be a nice place to hang out. Good tides, calm sandy dunes, and all the crab you can eat. But if you tread upon the Topazial Beaches, you will have to deal with the arrogant jackass known as Gisor the Harpy. He claims any part of the beach as his, and is willing to challenge anyone should they tread upon his territory.

However, one day he was outwitted by the machines Anchus and Anchorus, and was thrown completely out of array, losing his self confidence and the convoy of harpy women that swooned over him. He had rarely lost fights, and as such this one confounded him to an unmeasurable degree. Not feeling as conquering as he used to, he wandered Felarya a broken man of a harpy, often getting drunk on liquor that he hijacked from human vehicles that passed through the jungles. Since then he has vowed vengeance against Anchus and his brother, and swore to get payback even if it cost him every feather on his body.

DEspite his arrogance, Gisor can prove to be a deadly threat if he is encountered. His talons are as sharp as swords and can tear through weak metal like it was tissue paper. He can also reach mach 2 while airborne, and can crack skulls open with his beak. Thankfully, he isn't a gory kind of guy and only goes after small mammals for his diet. He only cracks skulls for fun.


Name: Jenny
Species: Iguaness
Age:  120 years old
Height: 90 feet, 180 feet long
Coloration; orange hair, orange scales
Eye Color: light red
Weapons: Custom made spear
Abilities: Resistance to high temperatures
Weak points: untrusting

Backstory: Jenny is an Iquana woman who resides in the Pyrale Mountains, along with a hidden group of predators who stay to enjoy the heat of their surroundings. She goes way back with Laureen, and trusts her as a childhood friend. Usually, unless they know Laureen or any one else in the tribe, she is untrusting of other people or preds and stays secretive to avoid having to deal with them. The only time she ventures out of her cave is usually to hunt and to avoid idiot tourists from bringing back large creatures which could destroy her living space.

Last edited by Pendragon on Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:25 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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Join date : 2007-12-09

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PostSubject: Re: Pendragon's List of Character Friends and Fiends   Pendragon's List of Character Friends and Fiends Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 2:40 am


I finished up several of the unfinished bios, and I'll update any more as needed.
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