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 180+ Character List 2.0

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5 posters

Which is cooler out of my character sizes?
Tiny Sized
180+ Character List 2.0 Vote_lcap33%180+ Character List 2.0 Vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
Human Sized
180+ Character List 2.0 Vote_lcap17%180+ Character List 2.0 Vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Giant Sized
180+ Character List 2.0 Vote_lcap50%180+ Character List 2.0 Vote_rcap
 50% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 6

Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 12:06 am

{Human Sized} (86 Total)  

Humans 37 Total :
Tamlin Lancaster, Rex Kusboroh, Axel Kindel,Roberus Autero, Mobius Autero,Luthen Autero,Eclasia Atuero-Thelandros,Janelle Autero,Rob Autero, Oxhand Jumosayku,Kate Lowe,Wyatt Silver,Paula Modo,Shadowblade, Jim Boone, Stella Thunderstep, Mays Alda, Largo Argan, Corveta Aldeev, Rigel Galeth,Dax Farstrider, Jake Silence,Mercy Varrick, Margo Rouso,Sunny Grahm,Riz Tashiida,Rax Tashiida, Kasidy Obryn,Thame Orlandu, Tessa Starchild,Lady Coreena Regula,Bernadette Koywulf,Rezlic,Noko,Trent Garison,Lord Shadowblade,Aegis Xyhiumhart,John Forbes,Matilda "Tilly" Forbes,Jillian Forbes, Wilberforce Forbes, Gerald Billings,Lonnie Billings, Maldro Kilintok, Molly Klintok,Dolan Klintok ,Durga Klintok, Enol Ventolin, Zeffer Thelandros, Xoran Thelandros,Larsa Reiner,Methias Jagged, Mr Reigo Pantera

Expanded Human Profiles:
Nagas: Aphra Auerelian, Sally Fores,
Expanded Naga Profiles:
Harpy: Harley, Marta.
Expanded Harpy Profiles:
Elves: Macil Ailenel, Tydus Venda, Alorne Eglaerin, Tanelf Almaren, Keric Arbos, Erinel Andinel-Kel,Ionas  Stormlight,Kuelle Magaren
Expanded Elf Profiles:
Merpeople: Dolph,Pyka,Aglie,Myrita
Expanded Merpeople Profiles:
Dryad: Alkanet
Exapanded Dryad Profiles:
Shakala: Jerry, Bazza.
Expanded Shakala Profiles:
Nekos: Jarvis Mendine,Mara Mendine Jocelyn Mendine,Rolf Mendine,Thuban Toral, Darcy Zeck, Moria Morbane,Gauge Steelhart, Lesard Dresal, Lola Stowae,Nemsa,Rija,Jiran, Kishi
Expanded Neko Profiles:

Nagas: Natako
Expanded Naga Profiles:

Inus: Kin Smith, Barlo Orson, Yipi Smith, Mange DeBlanc,Wolfgang Windbiter,Primus Koywulf, Skolli DeLuna
Expanded Inu Profiles:
Dridders: Steve, Lydia,
Expanded Dridder Profiles:
Helena Ankmar (Sphinx) Illa Slithshala (Icthy) Dato (Half-fungoid) Murane Chiki (Kitsune) Yosh (Golem) Tito (Lemuraun) Jeda (Scorpasai)  Ruth (Narez) Akio (Nemesis) Mellodee (Ghost),Trunk
[spoiler="Expanded Other Species Profiles"]
Doctor Halena Ankmar:
An appraiser of treasures who tends to charge less to check artifacts. She is a collector of statues of cuteness and will pay top Skevol for them. One of the few Demi-human mages to graduate from Negav's Magicla University but not choose to become a Battle Mage.

Illa Slithshala:
A Itchy treasure hunter who uses an armored sub as a sort of mobile base. Tends to be less aggressive towards humans than most of her species and has worked closely with them and even keeps a few mechanics on board her "Crab-Tank" class submersible in case it needs repairs. She prefers to avoid fighting preds rather than making deals with local Topazial based Krait and Merpeople to help her in her searches for sunken treasure. Owes the Rzylm'oire for some damage caused a spire that she's never payed for. Can be payed in meats from the Mainland if currency is scarce.

A strange small humanoid with a large white and red mushroom growing from his head. He tends to wear baggy pants and loose vests and can actually speak some of Felarya's common tongue unlike his cousins. His parentage is unkown and one of many questions he has. Lives in the mushroom city of Mycropolis and is often hired as a guide to Soral Swamp region given his high rate of customer returns. IE: he actually returns with his customers! =P He strangely however refuses to take part in any quest to castles or to rescue Princesses.

Mu Ran Chiki:
(Thrill Seekers )
A offworlder Kitsune Alchemist who works closely with the Thrill Seekers helping them develop magical weapons and armors for their various arms needs. She makes a decent price off this but while on base she's required to stay clothed in public areas and not cause too much mischief. Two things she is very, very irked with but puts up with...till she has leave. Then she ventures to small villages and Negav causing private trouble for tiny and human sized creature and even on occasion giant predators! Mu Ran's mind is a naughty one that enjoys sexual humiliation, pulling pranks and cons the like that would make a fairy drool with envy. Is very fond of eating tinies and the Negav black market holds her as a "valued customer". Owns a "Fairy Fox" named Galadriel whom is always seen with her. The small creature appears to have powers similar to Mu Ran's but on smaller scale.(Pronounced Moo Raahn) Her main magical ability is in her "Alter" technique which can do crazy things like turning wool to gold, rubies to Jello and even wilder stuff. She is forbidden by the Negavian Government from turning Skevols into Ascarlin or anything that could upset their commerce.

An Asian style wood golem who is a close associate with Tack and Wick. Decent swords man, but only uses Bokens.

Tito Nanma:
A Leumuran living in the arboreal village of High View. He tends to enjoy annoying ground dwelling predators by pelting them with succuberries and other painful types of ammo long enough for his cousins Fo and Fanna to sneak in and help hoist the lucky adventurers up to safety. His youngest cousin Fee was grabbed by a aboreal naga and as such he tends to have hard time looking nagas in the face without bearing his fangs.

A Scorpasai who dwells in a cave during the day and mostly only comes out at night. Friends with a giant mermaid named Yolie and tends to help feed her by getting people to stay in her cave then stalls them long enough for Yolie to swing by and exchange some gossip and have a bite to eat. Her venom is very weak and mostly good for making people sick but not killing them.

Ruth Fleet:
A Narez Postal Carrier who takes her job very seriously. She is very bouncy and cheerful and tends to zoom around whenver she can on fold out roller blades capable of even running on tree bark thanks to a little enchantment. If she's entrusted with a package she'll see it though to it's destination no mater what.

A Nemesis who hides her appearance through make up, hair dye and ninja-like evasion skills. She talks very little and mostly likes to silently stalk people trying to imagine what it must be like to live a life free of persecution just because your species can "Dream Eat" people. Tends to be hired as a scout by mercenary troupes for her absolute loyalty and stealth skills. Can dream walk but prefers not to since she can "accidentally" eat people while dreaming.

A layed back funny female ghost. She takes almost nothing serious and sometimes proves to be a distraction. Her shape shifting prowess is rather remarkable but she always remains blue-white and slightly animated looking making her ability to use it to deceive others....nil. XD Not that she wants to mind. She doesn't like the taste of humanoids and sees no real reason to hunt. It is after all quite time consuming! -.-; Her typical appearance is that of young woman in her early twenties wearing a long baggy shirt with the words 'boo'

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:49 pm; edited 45 times in total
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 12:11 am

{Tiny Sized}
(Totall: 21 )
Tomthumb: Nikolas,Paya,Lan,Chasity, Orson,Dalf, Kriss, Stromi Glades
Expanded Tomthumb Profiles:

Neera: Zip,Ginger, Chare,Rita, Liz,
Expanded Neera Profiles:

Carbuncles: Tabula, Rusa, Blarni,Stone,
Expanded Carbuncle Profiles:

Naga: Jule, Avora
Expanded Tiny Naga Profiles:
Mytosa (Tiny Slimoid), Kime (Cricket Girl),
Expanded Tiny Other Species Profiles:

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:02 am; edited 8 times in total
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 12:23 am

{Giant Sized}
(Totall: 75 )
Naga: Clare, Antony, Wade, Jorry, Tawny, Logan, Desmona, Kay, Rudy, Glenda,Rochel
Expanded Naga Profiles:
Dryad:Bethony, Kyoto, Autum, Druidine
Dryad Expanded Profiles:
Harpy: Heather, Xola, Lulu, Brendwyn, Kite, Diva
Expanded Harpy Profiles:
Fairy: Aleen, Tish, Feria, Electra, Rozlen, Sheryl, Brutisma, Dinah, Plume, Mariba, Faris, Royos, Fill, Atlanta,
Expanded Fairiy Profiles:
Dridder: Roddrick, Lexianne, Drew,

Giant: Ursala, Jasta, Dizere, Cameron, Norma,Sigil
Expanded Giant Profiles:

Elves: Nelda, Selma, Antophe,Frei,Freyla
Expanded Giant Elf Profiles:
Inu: Calamity
Neko: Silk, Velur,
Slimoids: Prota, Zoa, Labrea,
Angels: Joy,Akia,Bernatrix
Demons: Crystal,Elanya Vevera, Roxanne,Cara,Jamzelle, Travisty,Klaus
Demon Expanded Profiles:
Pantaur Additonal Info:
Pantuar: Ally, Alain,Alondra, Inana, Peirce,
Centuars: Magnolia, Fay, Satida, Zee, Dee
Centaur Expanded:
Slug girls: Rhonda,
Squamatuars: Simone,Cliff, Ceira,
Mermaids: Minny,Spritz,Drophynus,Yolie
Other: Lavender (Scorpsai) Olive (Chaelana) Malbora (Shadow/Nature Elemental hybrid) Nana (Fawn) Banni (Jotun) Tandem (Minotauress)  Danica (Dragoness) Ruya (Genie)

{ Animals }
Other Additional Info:
Nogdongs: Van, Spike
Mounts: Streak (Omau) Sprinkles (Echydin)
Pets: Galadriel (A Fairy Fox) Dargo (Snauwhat)
Robots: Phobos (A probe exploring Felarya), Faychaser (A Sentient Predator hating mecha with an AI)
Robots Expanded Profiles:
Awesome right? So a little note in case you missed it: This is list is only for comparison and records. It can show you how many current WIPs and RP Concept characters or where they live and such. If you've not met one and are curious about them? Well comment.

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:14 am; edited 21 times in total
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Mara's snack

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 2:19 am

Wait, 200 characters? What is this for and who do these all belong to? You?
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 8:21 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Wait, 200 characters? What is this for and who do these all belong to? You?

Oh is up to 200?! xD Argh! Yeaaah they're all mine. Not all super active but I like to switch out in RPs and some fics but mostly I flit about adding here and there as a time waster sometimes or when innovations come to me.
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Seasoned adventurer
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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2017 3:18 am

This is an intimidating looking list! Must have taken you quite sometime to make all these up. Will it ever be completed? Shocked
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2017 7:15 pm

felarya_refugee wrote:
This is an intimidating looking list! Must have taken you quite sometime to make all these up. Will it ever be completed? Shocked

XD Oh my some yes but allot are new. Some have been deleted since the second list. A few more have been added since though! XD Yeah it'll never be complete I'd say. ^_^; Always making new characters or porting ones over to Felarya.
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Mara's snack

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2017 11:26 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
felarya_refugee wrote:
This is an intimidating looking list! Must have taken you quite sometime to make all these up. Will it ever be completed? Shocked

XD Oh my some yes but allot are new. Some have been deleted since the second list. A few more have been added  since though! XD Yeah it'll never be complete I'd say. ^_^; Always making new characters or porting ones over to Felarya.

That's what I like to hear! angel
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Seasoned adventurer
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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2017 2:17 am

jedi-explorer wrote:
felarya_refugee wrote:
This is an intimidating looking list! Must have taken you quite sometime to make all these up. Will it ever be completed? Shocked

XD Oh my some yes but allot are new. Some have been deleted since the second list. A few more have been added  since though! XD Yeah it'll never be complete I'd say. ^_^; Always making new characters or porting ones over to Felarya.

Te he he! Well I should hope you continue. Some of these are fun to read about. What do you mean 'port' though?
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 18, 2017 11:47 pm

felarya_refugee wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
felarya_refugee wrote:
This is an intimidating looking list! Must have taken you quite sometime to make all these up. Will it ever be completed? Shocked

XD Oh my some yes but allot are new. Some have been deleted since the second list. A few more have been added  since though! XD Yeah it'll never be complete I'd say. ^_^; Always making new characters or porting ones over to Felarya.

Te he he! Well I should hope you continue. Some of these are fun to read about. What do you mean 'port' though?

Port is short for 'Import' which in this case means to take a character from one world/setting type and 'port' it over to Felarya. This can including changing gender,genre and other miscellaneous stuff. The best example I can give is....

Say we have a character in DBZ named Oni. He's the Super Saiyan Devil, counter to the Super Saiyan God. He is evil power house who revels in taking down the good guys to prove self destructively evil always wins. Now say we want to import him to Felarya. How we do this is first choosing a size:

Human,Tiny and Giant.

We should weight the benefits to decide which size. First obivously you probably think Giant. Hmm not terrible but if we did that I would say make him a shadow elemental and a former soldier in Demechrelle's army. Ofcourse I'm a little biased here =P I love Demechrelle. As a tiny having a super powerful aura and such would be kind of cool for wouldn't be taken very seriously. -.-; I'd say no. So huaman size! Great so shadow elemental right? No. Demonling or Rogue Mage or...we combine them! A demonling who's discovered a way to harvest demonic energies to enchance his aura and survive in hell. See? Basically we strip off what we can't use 'Saiyan' and then convert the job description from street fighter to something that compliments the setting.
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Seasoned adventurer
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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 19, 2017 5:17 am

Ohh somebody likes DBZ/S~ Huh that does seem straightforward. So in theory an old MLP character could become a centaur and Pokemon Trainer a summoner? Neato! I'll look into that some more sometime.  study
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 27, 2017 10:22 pm

Okay so bribery time. My OCs have gotten hard to count. @_@ How would somebody like a free Story or picture request to do a little count of them?
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Newbie adventurer
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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 4:01 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Okay so bribery time. My OCs have gotten hard to count. @_@ How would somebody like a free Story or picture request to do a little count of them?

Assuming I have counted correctly you are at 227 original characters.
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Mara's snack

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 11:37 pm

Why so many XD
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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2017 8:00 am

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2019 3:10 pm

I am not going to be updating this list as I'm putting together a project to tie all character updates through my Docs file. Thank you for the comments here though! ^_^ I will be making a new link to stay here even though I'm way more active on the Discord now.
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180+ Character List 2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 180+ Character List 2.0   180+ Character List 2.0 Icon_minitime

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180+ Character List 2.0
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