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 Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be?

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What should be the next animated Batman movie?
The Killing Joke
Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_lcap50%Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_rcap
 50% [ 3 ]
Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_lcap33%Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
A Serious House on Serious Earth
Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_lcap0%Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Man Who Laughs
Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_lcap0%Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_lcap17%Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 6

Great warrior
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Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Empty
PostSubject: Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be?   Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 2:34 am

With the newest Batman animated film, "Under the Red Hood", being released this year, I was wondering what Batman comics people wanted adapted. Here are my personal picks:

The Killing Joke: One of the most famous DC graphic novels, and one of the books Heath Ledger read to get into his character. Kevin Conroy doesn't have to reprise his role as Batman (though he definitely should), but they absolutely have to get Mark Hamill for the Joker! When I read the comic, I can definitely hear Hamill saying those lines, especially the Joker's monologue near the end.

Knightfall: Another memorable Batman moment, and the one that solidified Bane as the only villain to truly defeat Batman by breaking his back.

A Serious House on Serious Earth: A more mature-oriented story. I picture it as a sequel to The Dark Knight (yeah, I know Harvey died in the film, but they could always pull the coma card, along with the cover-up card), and done in the same style as Gotham Knight.

The Man Who Laughs: The first meeting between Batman and Joker. 'Nuff said.

What other ones should they adapt?
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Seasoned adventurer
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Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be?   Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 2:45 am

Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Joker_10
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Fullmetal Wizard
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Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be?   Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 11:55 pm

I say it should be Knightfall. I'm a big fan of The Killing Joke, but Bane needs to be done right. Also, when I started reading comics, the Knightfall Arc was what I started with, so it always has a place in my heart.
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Sean W
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Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be?   Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 9:28 am

I would like to see the story Made of Wood adapted. It's included in The Man Who Laughs' trade nowadays and is another Brubaker Batman story that involves Batman helping Alan Scott, The Golden Age Green Lantern with a case.

Either that or The Joker's Last Laugh when the people at Arkham tell the Joker he has terminal cancer to see if he'll change his ways, but it backfires when he escapes and makes practically every super-villain in to a Joker version of themselves.

I'm kind of upset that (to my knowledge) Warner's only letting DC Animated to Batman movies from now on. I would've liked to see something like any of the Geoff Johns Green Lantern stories (They wouldn't even need to be tied in to Blackest Night), Quiver (Green Arrow story written by Kevin Smith), Flash Rebirth, Sandman.

At least they're staying away from Amazons Attack and Act of God.
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PostSubject: Re: Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be?   Poll: What should the next animated Batman movie be? Icon_minitime

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