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 Batman (I think) Gameshow question

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Batman (I think) Gameshow question Empty
PostSubject: Batman (I think) Gameshow question   Batman (I think) Gameshow question Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2015 6:01 pm

Recently I remembered something from my childhood that interested me, an d I would like to know more about (As there is some vore applications).

Basically, when I was a kid, this mature cartoon was on (Pretty sure it was Batman or something similar). There were 3 people on a stage, as there would be for a normal game show. The stage they were on was over a vat of green acid. If they got a question wrong, they would get closer and closer to the acid. The villain asking the questions was a fat guy in a sack-like costume (I think it was close to the Boogie man from Nightmare before Christmas). He had a 1 2 and 3 numbers on the sack, over his pockets. I can also remember a part later in the episode (as my mom did not want me watching it at the time) where the hero (Batman I think) was hanging over the acid pit, fighting the fat sac villain.

Anyone know who the villain was? And, if possible, provide a video link of the show?
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The Sketch Knight
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The Sketch Knight

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Batman (I think) Gameshow question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman (I think) Gameshow question   Batman (I think) Gameshow question Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2015 10:37 pm

Was litteraly trying to remember the episode a week or so ago, don't remember the villain but the show you're looking for is "The Batman"
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Batman (I think) Gameshow question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman (I think) Gameshow question   Batman (I think) Gameshow question Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 7:22 am

That villain description strikes me of the Penguin. You should confirm it, though, since I don't really know that much about Batman, it's more of a gut feeling.
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Batman (I think) Gameshow question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman (I think) Gameshow question   Batman (I think) Gameshow question Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2015 4:49 pm

HAHA! I found it! His name is the cluemaster! It all matches up! He lost a gameshow and captures the head of the show and has a game! If they lost they fall in acid!



Well, thanks for trying to help!
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PostSubject: Re: Batman (I think) Gameshow question   Batman (I think) Gameshow question Icon_minitime

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