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 A question about Rp

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A question about Rp Empty
PostSubject: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitimeWed Nov 05, 2014 5:42 pm

Hey all, Soon I will be embarking on my own adventures in your land of Rp. As such, I would like to know if the fourm has any rules or traditions about Rp. I know, for example, to write as much as I can (I at least do a couple sentinces with description) and keep it mostly PG-13. I've seen what some of the Rps look like, so i have a general idea. If there is a storyline I'll note it in my first post, and if its an open ended, ill say so too.

Just a small note about me, Since 99.99999999999% of the Rp's here will end in vore, is it ok if i at least get digested? (Not graphic, but digested). I like scat as the "actual" end, but I know many Rpers from my past don't like it and I accept it. (Although If your willing to do scat, let me know, If not, I wont force you).

As of now, my charicter will be myself. A normal 19 year old male human. (I may develop more Characters later).

Please let me know if there are any rules i should know that I haven't already stated or if i am incorrect in some rules as well. Feel free to leave any comments as well. I look forward to Rping with you all soon! Very Happy
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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A question about Rp Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitimeWed Nov 05, 2014 6:17 pm

I thonk, generally, these threads are more for long-term RPs with more than two players, though sometimes adventures like the one Scry and I are doing happen, too. You sound like you're more interested in short-term, vore centric RPs, so PMs and the chatbox will probably be your best bet for starting RPs and meeting people. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitimeWed Nov 05, 2014 6:50 pm

Nyaha wrote:
I thonk, generally, these threads are more for long-term RPs with more than two players, though sometimes adventures like the one Scry and I are doing happen, too. You sound like you're more interested in short-term, vore centric RPs, so PMs and the chatbox will probably be your best bet for starting RPs and meeting people. ^_^

True, but I do like long adventure Rp's with many people. That said, I haven't really had many opportunities to do this. But I'd like to try!
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Veteran knight
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A question about Rp Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitimeThu Nov 06, 2014 1:17 am

Wow, I never thought of this perk when I started role-playing here, but people here might actually be fine with their character losing and dying. Most people are too emotionally invested to have their stand-in die--way too personal to having to admit defeat, you know.

Now back to topic, I think it is perfectly fine, and PG-13, to have your end be by digestion. However, the longer RP's will probably focus on trying to 'rescue' you from such a fate.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitimeThu Nov 06, 2014 10:07 am

Oh yeah, character deaths are something that can definitely happen, as long as the player is okay with it. I try to be fair, and if a character of mine gets in over their head then they could die in that specific RP, but I won't likely count that as canon since I really like most of my characters and, as you said, I put a lot of time and effort into crafting them to be as deep and interesting as they could be, and really enjoy continuing to develop them deeper still.

That said, I don't like power-players. The kind that always have or find a rebuttal for whatever your character tries to do instead of having an organic reaction, and pretty much always has the advantage. I won't count a 'loss' to someone like that.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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A question about Rp Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 5:36 pm

Okay - then I would like to say this: Now I´m gonna start something, too - it wishfully is created to have lotsa Fun with it - fera long Time to come. Who wants to join, can come in - I think my Charas are welcoming and friendly, because Powergaming isn´t my Thing, too - of Course there may be Charas, who are more able to accomplish Things than others. But no one of them is the Transformers-Ultra-Hero with an Ass full of godlike magic Abilities - I don´t like that. A few are okay - but there are sometimes Mummies, Monsters, Mutants on the Hike, it´s unbelievable. Not my Style.
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PostSubject: Re: A question about Rp   A question about Rp Icon_minitime

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