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 Bonsai Dryad

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 5:05 pm


Suggested for inclusion as a (sub)-sub-catagory to 'Domesticated Dryad'.

I think this could be quite a nice thing to have. It's anyway quite physical, as many hundred-foot trees have bonsai varieties in our real world. And it kind of fits in with the image I have of slightly uncaring, slightly misguided nobles.

Your thoughts?


Bonsai Dryad

Bonsai dryads are small variants of existing trees, grown from the seeds and stock of normal dryads. Naturally, they are very expensive and quite voracious, although their size makes even the largest little threat to anything but a Tiny.

Their unusual small size is entirely the result of the careful cultivation and growing process. Their full-growth may range from one-inch to three-feet in height, though six to sixteen inches is the typical range. As the dryad's form is largely fixed, cultivation and breeding of bonsai dryads focuses on the development of specific personality traits: Romanticism, cynicism, joy, dis-passion and so forth.

True dryads consider the process of bonsai (where they are aware of it) to be an abomination, equivalent to the systematic torture and starvation of children, and continuing throughout the bonsai dryad's lifespan (which is not reduced by the process of bonsai and may be hundreds of years). For this reason, bonsai dryads must be kept in a pot and not connected to the dryad network.

Suitably loyal bonsai dryads may be used as confidants, sounding-boards or near-prosthetic memories. Often they will have belonged to the individual since childhood, and a close friendship will have formed. Additionally, noble families and organizations may use a bonsai dryad as a secure, miniature library. Larger examples bonsai dryads are usually the result of this and have live many hundreds of years.
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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 5:09 pm

We have Domestic dryads on the wiki already. Dunno how similar people will think this is to that, but..
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French snack
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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 9:58 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
We have Domestic dryads on the wiki already. Dunno how similar people will think this is to that, but..

A bonsai dryad is, in a way, a safe variant or subcategory of a domesticated dryad. If feasible, it makes a lot of sense. A six-to-twenty foot dryad may be more impressive to show off, but a tiny potted dryad would have distinct advantages for the owner (as outlined). In additional to the practical aspects, it could be a status symbol, a mark of refinement (if the dryad is very well trained), and even an expensive gift for one's children or business associates, within a certain sphere of society.

It has the potential for interesting stories on the relationship between such a dryad and her owner.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 10:25 pm

I'd imagine the process of having limbs constantly cut off and not being given enough food would leave any sentient creature a mental trainwreck. I'd imagine the only people who'd want to keep them would be pretty sadisitic and/or have a big grudge against Dryads.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeMon Jun 14, 2010 3:52 am


ambrose-euanthe wrote:
Suggested for inclusion as a (sub)-sub-catagory to 'Domesticated Dryad'..

So, yes, this is more of a refinement or alternative take on the Domesticated Dryad. French snack made some scholarly points as to why an owner might want that.

Jew wrote:
I'd imagine the process of having limbs constantly cut off and not being given enough food would leave any sentient creature a mental trainwreck. I'd imagine the only people who'd want to keep them would be pretty sadisitic and/or have a big grudge against Dryads.

Yes. I think the 'starvation' issue is unavoidable. But its not quite so evil as you imply, being more along the lines of controlling intake of food to prevent reaching full growth, as bonsai trees (in reality) or dryads (in Felarya) are not unhealthy in the same way a starved human would be. There's just no exact parallel in human experience here. This probably implies that a bonsai dryad could achieve full growth if planted normally (not too sure about this).

As to the chopping-off of limbs, and other bonsai techniques (particularly including bending the tree with wires and so forth to a desired deformed shape) I'd thought that in general this would be replaced by shaping the personality of a bonsai dryad through careful control of its interactions. Certainly where a bonsai dryad is raised for companionship or for a specific purpose torturing it would be counter-productive.

That said, it's useful to say that those evil things sometimes happen, as it's one way a dryad-keeping character can cross the moral event horizon, and would, for example, be something for normal dryads to get much more upset about than the regular process of bonsai.

Maybe a thief is hired to break into a noble's house, rescue his tortured dryad and wreck retribution on the noble himself? And how would that message have gotten out? I can see some interesting story ideas there, though I presently have no plans to write them.


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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeMon Jun 14, 2010 4:50 am

ambrose-euanthe wrote:
Yes. I think the 'starvation' issue is unavoidable. But its not quite so evil as you imply, being more along the lines of controlling intake of food to prevent reaching full growth, as bonsai trees (in reality) or dryads (in Felarya) are not unhealthy in the same way a starved human would be. There's just no exact parallel in human experience here. This probably implies that a bonsai dryad could achieve full growth if planted normally (not too sure about this).
True, I don't think that most owners would cackle in glee as their poor captive dryad begs for scraps. Still, since Dryads appear to have a brain, stomach, nervous system and all that jazz, I doubt they'd be very happy, the same way giving an animal just enough food to keep it alive will be miserable and sickly.

ambrose-euanthe wrote:
As to the chopping-off of limbs, and other bonsai techniques (particularly including bending the tree with wires and so forth to a desired deformed shape) I'd thought that in general this would be replaced by shaping the personality of a bonsai dryad through careful control of its interactions. Certainly where a bonsai dryad is raised for companionship or for a specific purpose torturing it would be counter-productive.
Not trying to be cruel here, but I actually think clipping would make the most sense. If the plants were starved, their appearance would suffer - they'd be skinny, with droopy leaves and probably quite lethargic because of the lack of energy. The way clipping on RL bonsais works is by making the plant put its energy into healing the wounds rather than growing up. While I doubt a Dryad would enjoy being clipped, there's nothing that says the process would be literally as painful as hacking off a persons arm. Maybe if just the outward branches were cut every now ant then, the Dryad wouldn't feel the pain, same as someone having their hair cut. Or if Dryads do feel pain through their branches, maybe the nicer, wealthier owners could just hire someone to give the Dryad a bit of morphine before clipping, I'd imagine someone who can afford one in the first place would have money to spare. Still, I think that anyone who keeps a Bonsai Dryad would probably be a bit sadistic and definately arrogant, it'd be a huge ego-booster holding what should be a giant man-eater in the palm of your hand.

ambrose-euanthe wrote:
That said, it's useful to say that those evil things sometimes happen, as it's one way a dryad-keeping character can cross the moral event horizon, and would, for example, be something for normal dryads to get much more upset about than the regular process of bonsai.

Maybe a thief is hired to break into a noble's house, rescue his tortured dryad and wreck retribution on the noble himself? And how would that message have gotten out? I can see some interesting story ideas there, though I presently have no plans to write them.
I actually really like this idea. If you don't use it, I might take a look at it.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 1:34 am

It's an original idea ^_^
It may be quite cruel but it also makes lo of sense for someone who want to use the dryad's power without any risk.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 10:51 am

Jew wrote:

ambrose-euanthe wrote:
That said, it's useful to say that those evil things sometimes happen, as it's one way a dryad-keeping character can cross the moral event horizon, and would, for example, be something for normal dryads to get much more upset about than the regular process of bonsai.

Maybe a thief is hired to break into a noble's house, rescue his tortured dryad and wreck retribution on the noble himself? And how would that message have gotten out? I can see some interesting story ideas there, though I presently have no plans to write them.
I actually really like this idea. If you don't use it, I might take a look at it.

All yours. Take it away. Or we could collaborate, if you're interested: Though I'm presently rather over-extended, like Napoleon marching into Moscow, so if we did it would probably be rather a slow project.

PS: I agree to the usual disclaimer regarding this idea.


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PostSubject: Re: Bonsai Dryad   Bonsai Dryad Icon_minitime

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