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 Eco Dryad

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Eco Dryad Empty
PostSubject: Eco Dryad   Eco Dryad Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 5:01 pm

Okay, while I'm still trying to learn about Felarya as a hooded guy looking strickingly like the assassin in Assassin's Creed, I will continue to post my ideas here. Here's one of them, for our dear Dryads.

Name: Eco Dryad
Size: Varying, but most of the time, usual Dryad height.
Location: Anywhere

Eco Dryads are a very type of Dryads native of Felraya. They were there since its creation. Normally, an Echo Dryad looks just like any other Dryads. But they uproot themselves much more often, usually. In fact, their roots become legs, but they are still roots, so they are always cautious when walking. Their particularity is that they take on the form of any other Dryads, according to the area. In other words, an Eco Dryad in the Jungle of Perils would take on the form of a Bramble Dryad; in the Evernight Forest or Sunfall Thicket, they would be Shadow Dryads. This process isn't instantaneous. It takes them a full 24 hours to take on the new form, adding in the time for them to place their roots comfortably. Their distinguishing features is the vines growing at some parts of their bodies. There's no specific part, it's relative to each individual. Their roots have the power to activate, and channel the properties of the Felaryan soil. Using their vines, they can wrap them around creatures, where they'll channel the soil's power directly to the creatures body. This makes them living Intensive Care Units. However, this come with a price; after the creature's life is out of danger and ready to go, the Dryad must sacrifice its own life energy to the soil of Felarya to reenergize it. In some cases, the Dryad had to give its life to save another one, explaining why they are so rare now. Also, when a Dryad stays rooted to one place for too long, like many years, it will stay in its current Dryad type permanantly, but still keeps their channeling abilities.
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PostSubject: Re: Eco Dryad   Eco Dryad Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 12:45 pm

Nice idea Smile

This concept of exchanging life is really interesting ^_^
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Eco Dryad   Eco Dryad Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 12:47 pm

They don't always die in the process, but it can severly weaken them. If the creature was killed, but is still in one piece, no ripped head or any vital body part, the Dryad CAN ressurect it, but it will always kill the Dryad afterward.
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PostSubject: Re: Eco Dryad   Eco Dryad Icon_minitime

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