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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 7:40 pm

This Thread is about the magic side of Felarya. And by magic I mean spells, artifacts, curses, exc.

If your a big magic person, Please help by posting here.
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 8:23 pm

Gunther could help you, I'll ask him.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 9:22 pm

This is one for artifacts:

Wands and Staffs:

Wands and staffs are one of the most idealistic things about magic. They are mainly made of wood, but can be made of other elements if they are of magical origin. How the bark is used and how it is shaped can easily effect the magical output of the wand or staff. Usualy the older the wood is, the more powerful the Magic flows from it.

An important thing about Wands and Staffs is the size. For humans, Staffs are around 4- 6 feet, but for giant Felarya creatures, they can be as tall a skyscraper! Wands are also this way, but for some a staff for a Human can be used as a wand for a Felarya creature.

Other artifacts can be placed in a Staff/Wand to increace it's power, but one must be careful how they do this. The wrong spell used by a mage with an artifact wrongly in there staff/wand often backfires...
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 9:30 pm

I'm compiling a list Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 10:06 pm

Maybe I'll write something about the ring one of my character, Sanix, has. It is an magic artifact and very nice Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 11:02 pm

Gunther's pot is quite nice - when you fill it with a liquid, when you pour it it shall never run out - it can only be emptied through the plug in the base.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 8:15 am

runes and other magic letters:

ancient signs, basically meant to seal, to cast spells through magic artifacts, to curse and bless.
The magic symbols can be found almost in every magic-related dimension, though they change a little from place to place.
They can be used mostly by every being that has a little knowledge in magic, at least, with low level spells.

for example things like:

surveillance - an easy spell that grants who wrote the rune to know if some being passed near it

magic mines / sticky magic mines - this rune letter is a little more complex, and it has to be fullfilled with the desired magic to work, though, depending on the type of the magic or the element, the rune sign changes radically. It's quite useful when charged with little seals, that are capable of getting the victim stuck into the trap for a few moments, depending on the victim's strenght, its resistance to magic spells and its ability to break them. Those are mostly called "sticky magic mines"

As for runic blessing, cursing, or powerful spells, there are rare artifacts, basically books, called "spell tomes"
Usually a single spell has been written in a tome, or just a few. The mage has to read the whole spell chapter, or the whole book to make this powerful magic work, thing that it's quite impossible for almost everyone, for every single rune readed drains the magic energy out of the one who's trying to cast it. It is said that a couple of low-level mages died just because they readed for error just a couple of runes.

The spell tomes origins lie into the ancient times, no one really knows who wrote them, and for what purpose.
In the actual days, these tomes are meant to be treasures of immense value, since there are only a few left in all Felarya, but surely they are well-guarded, or sealed eternally into some crypt.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 12:59 pm

Idea for a artifact

Gargantuan gloves - Legendary gloves made by Magi from Neko and Human tribes as a way to combat the huge preds of Felarya. The gloves are normal size (for a human), but when worn, cause the wearer to grow to 70ft! The downside to waring these is that the only thing that grows is you and the gloves...
Once you remove the gloves, you revert back to your normal size. The gloves can never be seperated, and both must be worn for the power to kick in.

Curently no one knows where they are. But someone must have them...
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 1:53 pm

Though I am not an avid fan of magic, I know a few things, which are worth looking into...

For example:

The Staff of Jupiter: I saw a mage use this once. It was an incredible artifact. When I battled him, he became a fierce opponent immediately. I was almost overwhelmed.

After much studying, I found out alot about this odd device.

The Staff of Jupiter is a mage's staff forged by a powerful sorceror hundreds of years ago. It's base is made of a rare mahogany wood hardened with a glass finish. The top is crowned by a bright red orb, which is bathed in a crimson aura.

It's name is actually derived from the fact that it's power source is a strange jewel said to have originated from the raging storm on Jupiter. It is packed with unknown energies that mortal man has yet to tap into. The stone was rumored to have fallen to Earth in a meteor shower, where it's energy attracted many wizards and sorcerers. Only one attained it, and he was the one who forged the staff. However, he died before he could ever use it.

When the mage used it against me, he was able to rip up the very ground and bend it to his every will. He formed mighty golem-like creatures, seething with magical strength. I could take it down easy with my mecha, but he just summoned more of them.

Soon, there was an army before me.

In fact, I wasn't able to beat him myself. He was doing pretty well with his army of newly formed golems. That is, until I saw a clan of strange robed men come in. With their magical prowess, they suppressed the golems quite carefully.

I was able to destroy the mage by stomping on him. He went poof, just like that.

When the smoke cleared, I tried recovering the staff, but it was gone.

Where could it have gone? Those men couldn't have taken it, could they?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 2:42 pm

Coldfire Crystal-

Another legendary artifact that are formed in the coldest part of the icy plains of hell. The location of where the crystal's form are only known to the rulers of the Frost Succubi. The crystal, as its name suggests, allows the user to use the legendary coldfire with there spells. It also greatly inhances the frost spells of the spell caster using it.

Very few people have even SEEN an Coldfire crystal, let alown have contact with it. Only one man in Felarya owns one. He curently lives on the Ascarlin Mountains with the snow dryads, protecting them from harm with his powerful Ice magic.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 7:41 am

mangamastermind wrote:
Coldfire Crystal-

Another legendary artifact that are formed in the coldest part of the icy plains of hell. The location of where the crystal's form are only known to the rulers of the Frost Succubi.

The "ice hell" is also known with the mithological name of "Cocito" and it's the lowest of hells. Cool

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Never underestimate your beard, man.

May rock be with you.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 8:06 pm

Apprentice fire Ruby -

A enchanted gem that give a boost to fire spells. it is usually given to young magi when they pass there final exams. Since it is usually given during graduation, it is quite common and is often stolen or recovered from the remains of fallen adventures.

Mabon's Staff -

An artifact that Mabon made after his confrontation with the lava Elemental, Angana. The wood is made out of the bark of fallen Frost Dryads, and at the top of the staff is his Coldfire Crystal. The Staff it self if extremly powerful, and is said to be able to make it snow even in the dessert. The Frost Succubi have put a Enormous bounty on who ever retrieves it. This is extremely difficult however, as not only is Mabon very skilled with it, the Frost Dryads will protect him with there lives.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 4:05 pm

Summoning Magic -

This is one of the most basic things to know about magic. All beings that have some magical know how can perform it. Never the less it is still extremely difficult to preform. It first requires you to cast a spell on the object or person. If its an object the spell is complete and you can retreave it anywhere. A people spell is much different. It Requires a oath for both people to agree, and then a blood seal to finish it.

Summoning magic can summon anything, From Rocks to Servants. Usualy, objects can be summoned by the caster at will. People, however, are much more difficalt to summon. Summoning people can be done in two ways. A Requested Summon (Pit Nagas summoning Succubi to hunt together is a good example) is when you ask the being if they want to be summoned (Most likely using telepathy). If the user Agrees, they will appear next to you. If not, prey that you dont need there help.

A Forced Summon is like a normal summon, just without consent from the summoned. Using it, you just pluck them from whatever there doing, and summon them next to you. Unless there slaves, this is not recommended. For instance, if you were to summon a creature like Anna (just using her as a example here), she might get pretty pissed off at you and may eat you.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 4:52 pm

Kuro's Gold skull. He stores all his magic abilities in that. Size-changing magic and his many electricity-based spells. Hard to get away from him, though...
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 5:36 pm

Tetra emblem- allows you to use any magic absorbed by the emblem. It can absorb from fallen allies and foes alike.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 9:08 pm

what about enchantments?
this whole idea of magic abilities is new to me, and I would like hear any ideas for enchantments (mainly for my fanfic, but mostly because I know little about them, lore, fiction, or otherwise) on weapons, beings, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 2:36 pm

Chrono Magic: A form of magic the allows one to control the flow of time on a concetraited area, space, or object. It can be uses to make years pass in seconds, reverse or revitalize items, or compleatly stop and preserve them. Its best used on inanimate or no moving objects. Using Chrono Magic on living, moving creatures is possible but the spells only last for 60 seconds as it is a heavy strain on the spellcaster.

This type of magic dose not permit time travel.

Clever users of this art will use it on a specific body part of a living creature, for best results, and to prevent magic starin.

A really really powerfull magic user could use this art on larger areas and living creatures. However there amount of users of this art are so few and far inbetween, to a point to where it is considered a lost art. The only recorded users of this were one or two Titans.

Rumors of a titan that preternts to be a guardian that is still around can use this art. However this is a rumor only know to Fairies and Elementals.
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 10:19 pm

Lost Crystaline Weapons of Ur-Sagol: The people of Ur-Sagol had sophisticated magically focused technology, which led to their expansion (which actually caused the Guardians to take note and destroy them). Most the weapons are gone, never to be seen again, but a few remain either in legends or as remnants of the bygone culture.

Lightning Pearls: The people of Ur-Sagol were known to possess great magic, strong enough to defend themselves against the wilds of Ferlarya. The most notable example was their Lightning Pearls, floating white orbs with a core of concentrated electricity. It is said that the people of Ur-Sagol stole bolts of lightning from the sky and built a solid shell of magic around the stolen bolts, only allowing them to escape when a creature of great size approached it. Once these orbs lined the city walls but now only one remains, the floating pearl that guards the gate near the fallen city.
But as in all things, this is not entirely true. The lightning pearls were indeed lightning bolts that were captured by magic, but the claim that only one still remains is false. The people of Ur-Sagol made more than one type of lightning pearl. Its armies were greatly feared for many reasons, chief among them their ability to control lightning. The warrior mages of Ur-Sagol wielded staves with small lightning orbs hovering above them, and it was with these weapons that the armies of Ur-Sagol swept away the wilderness.
With but a thought and a mere tap on the ground, a mage of Ur-Sagol could unleash a bolt of lightning against a nearby adversary. Most of these weapons were destroyed, either with the destruction of Ur-Sagol, for they guarded their weapons jealously, or from ravages of time. Fewer than a hundred remain, most of them buried around the fallen city. Some lucky few have been able to retrieve them and wield them as their own…
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 4:01 am

*Gunther walks in dragging a chest full of junk he's pilfered*

Alright everybody... here's what I've got.

*Places a pot down on the table* This jug is designed for carrying liquid. It was constructed by an Egyptian lord who enchanted it so that when even a margin of liquid was poured into it, the jug would never run out. The only way to empty the jug is to pull the plug out the bottom, drain the liquid, reapply the plug and start again.

*Places a small dirk on the table* This is my lucky dirk. I don't know where it's from. What I do know is that it gets stronger and inflicts more damage the more raw magic is exposed to it. When attacking a mage it becomes a blinding weapon with a life of its own.

*Rolls out a long sleeping bag made of what looks like brown sheepskin* This is a scentless sack. It renders the wearer undetectable to being smelt out by predators. It also blends in nicely with the trunks of trees. Just make sure you don't sleep on a Dryad, they don't like it.

*Puts up his feet* These are my head-kicking boots. Honestly I don't know what they're called. I conned them off a Spanish merchant so I presume that's where they're from. When you jump and land with both feet on the ground at the same time, the boots propel you upwards with twenty times the force of a standard jump. Of course, these work best when you have good co-ordination, or a grappling hook, but they're good for escaping from Naga's, provided you leap in the right direction. For the love of the guardians, don't try and leap over their heads - unless you want to get eaten on the fly. I almost made that mistake once - it was only my quick wit and charm that got me out *coughs*

*Flips a coin in his fingers* This coin is quite a fascinating specimen. It really is two sided in its usefulness. If you utter the name of a creature or person pursuing you and then flip this coin, it'll have one of two effects.

If you flip the side with the lightning bolt face up, then your opponent is slowed down to a tenth of their normal speed for nearly a minute... which is a good time to run.

If you flip the side with the cannon ball... well - lets just say that I've never seen a Dridder move so fast in my whole damn life! And I don't think the victim did either... I took the opportunity while she was elsewhere to convince him to hand over his belongings so I'd help him... And I kept my word. He gave me his valuables, and I helped him out by whacking him in the face with a shovel... He was unconscious for what followed - so you see I'm not all bad. *Grins*

There are countless more things in here, but I can see Crisis approaching, so I'll have to finish this lesson later.

*Climbs into the cart with his gear and hits the light bender before driving it away quickly*
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 5:33 am

Woah ! great items he found here. I especially love these boots Laughing
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 3:35 pm

Magic ehnancers

It is very well known that spells can be empowered through artifacts or rituals...

But what about alchemic spell ehnancers? These chemical liquids can be used with many enchantements, from low to medium level spells, granting the spell power to raise at least to 1.5 (setting as base power 1)

these alchemic ehnancers can even melt elements, like, we have a wind-based ehnancer, and the mage is casting a fire spell, let's say, a basic fireball. Using one of these ehnancers keeping it in the hand that will fire the spell the result will be a less powerful spell (the power can even decrease, pay attenction to the elemental affinity) but instead of a fireball the spell will turn into a heated air tornado, or other effects depending on the balance between the power of the spell and the amount of ehnancer that will be used.

This means that these liquids could be quite useful, but could even have unexpected effects if used with the wrong spell or in the wrong amount.

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What? you've got waffles? Great! -smile-

May rock be with you.
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2007 4:33 am

*Gunther slinks back in quietly, opening his coat to produce one more item for a quick show and tell*

One other thing that comes in dead useful for me a lot of the time is this little number here... I picked it up off some bald headed fellow. And believe me, I use it only when I'm in grave danger. *He holds up a glowing red gem that gives off a sound like a beating heart* This is the crown jewel of one of the Terran's most infamous assassins... I clubbed him over the head while he was asleep and nicked it - I heard he was killed later when he went to use it and realized it wasn't there.

When you point it at your nemesis, it makes you appear to be the object of their hearts desire... which is obviously a double ended sword, because they won't attack you, but they're unlikely to leave you alone... which is why, when they get close enough, you smack them and run the other way...

Though, *he flushes slightly red* Don't try it on Crisis... I don't think that dame HAS any sexual urges, because from what I could tell, the object of her hearts desire was more food - so all I did by tryin' it on her was make life more difficult.

Unfortunately it takes a while for the effect to wear off, so... *Looks around and sees Crisis approaching again* Oop - gotta run, catch you all later - because you won't be catchin' me! *Runs*
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2007 5:30 am

Hahaha talk about an immunity XD
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2007 8:19 am

Blood Ravager- a terrible weapon left behind by a race not of this world. It is a forgery of magic, and takes the form of a red pendant.

It is a terrible device. It focuses on one's bloodlust and rage and amplifies it one hundred fold. The person wearing it becomes a monster, engulfed in their own darkness. You'll see them glow in a crimson aura, and then mutate into aterrible likeness of their former selves, 2 feet higher than they used to be, and dripping blood comes from their eyesockets. Their strength increses enough to allow them to lift an entire greyhound bus.

If you EVER see someone about to use this, and I mean EVER, you better start hauling arse out of there. The user becomes blinded in their anger, and will kill friend and foe alike.

No human has ever survived this accursed device (except the wearer, of course). Even larger preds could not hope to stop this demon once t's unleashed.

It is said that Anna saw a human use this once. She watched him murder an entire platoon of enemy soldiers. The only way she was able to stop him from killing her was to rip the pendant from his neck. It was clever thinking on her part.

The pendant was lost, though, as Anna dropped it before she knew what was happening (it was small to a naga, so I can't blame her.) Now it is lost, and whoever finds it better not be traveling in a group.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magic Thread   Magic Thread Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2007 8:55 am

We've seen many weapos, illusion artifacts and other strange or powerful objects...

But what about healing? Well, Felaryan ground grants a good regenerating power, like, for broken bones. But from really heavier injuries there's no chance to survive... usually.

Here's one of the healing artifacts I've discovered.

Needle Orb: this strange metallic orb full of junctions, when activated with the owner's magic and thrown, it opens up like a flower, releasing hundreds of light needles that will pierce the injured target, activating every latent regeneration power of his cells. The injured target, even if he's in desperate conditions will start to regenerate totally at once, cancelling even old scars or every past injury. ...too bad this process is tremendously painful, and like, just the strongest can survive to this treatment. If the target dies before the treatment ends, the spell won't deactivate aniway, going out of control. The final result of this loss of control is too grotesque to describe. No
Magic Thread 099b83989b1b255a4856c5568dd5806f
What? you've got waffles? Great! -smile-

May rock be with you.
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