An ancient artifact rumored to trace back to even pre-Sagolian Times, this charm bestows a passive, unparalleled degree of charm and wit to its wearer. When used properly, the wearer can impress almost any sentient being their actions: It just comes natural to say what will cause the listeners to laugh or the watchers to smile. It is said that even a plump Neera facing down a room of hungry Nekos could smarm its way to safety.
Of course, it's called the Jester's Charm - and not the Befriending Charm - for a reason. Inevitably, the Charm turns upon its owner for a last laugh. They'll accidentally let loose with a stream of jokes that - while everyone else finds hilarious - strikes the most dire threat present nerve by nerve. Removing the charm at such a point might save the bearer, but often times their friends will be too raucous or shocked whilst the bearer keeps turning to the charm for some sort of aid. In this way the Charm changes hands often - at times unwillingly (and usually to the bearer's misfortune), at other times the owner informed of its cruel trick and quick to pass it on to someone less familiar with the previous bearers' fates.