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 an artifact: Fae Anchor[s] (aka Hunters Rope)

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

Posts : 221
Join date : 2008-01-30

an artifact:   Fae Anchor[s] (aka Hunters Rope) Empty
PostSubject: an artifact: Fae Anchor[s] (aka Hunters Rope)   an artifact:   Fae Anchor[s] (aka Hunters Rope) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 11:39 pm

a possibly entertaining idea

ideas on improvement possibilities always welcome

Artifact(s): Fae Anchors (aka hunters rope)


Fae Anchors are rare artifacts with an extraordinary ability, which is to ground out fairy size changing magic. As such they have an extremely high value to fairy hunters, and also dangerous for the places those hunters call home as if a fairy learns that one is there(and understands what it is) then they will normally attack the place to recover the anchor, so that they may take it to be destroyed.


In order for the anchor to be of maximum effectiveness it must be in contact with the wings of the fairy, in order for hunters to make use of the maximum effectiveness they normally use it to bind the hands of the fairy behind their back and connected to their neck. Doing so properly runs the anchor either over or between their wings, both of which are prime locations. If the rope is not in contact with their wings it is still effective but to lesser extents to the point that the fairy will be able to alter the size of others. Though aslong as the fairy is in contact with the anchor (s)he will be unable to alter their own size.

The anchor can also be used defensively by wraping ones own body with it it will stop a fairy from changing the size of the thing wrapped with it.


The durability of the anchors is quite high, infact there are very few ways to destroy one. The most effective way to destroy one is through the stomach of a few of the worlds top predators, such as silver and fire succubi, shadow dryads, Sentinel sphinxes over 100 years old, and naga's with stomachs that are immune or absorbed magic, and ocasionally other top predators that are not among those groups yet still have 'high class' stomachs. Fairies are not able to digest them, other then very few exceptions, such as the queen. If a fairy does ingest one then it will act as it would if it was in contact with their body in any other way, and block their ability to change their own size.


The true origin of Fae Anchors is unknown, originally found in the ruins of Ur-Sagol, they were believed to have been created there, but more recent discoveries of them in far older ruins has proved that to be untrue.

A recent discovery of another ancient civilazation destroyed long before the city of Ur-Sagol may be the source of these magical devices.


The anchors themselves are quite a unique sight to see. Looking like an almost normal rope their grey-silver color is speciled with shiny metalic flakes of an unknown material. And with lengths between 10 and 20 feet they can be used to bind several fairies at once.
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an artifact: Fae Anchor[s] (aka Hunters Rope)
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