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 Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeFri Aug 06, 2010 4:44 pm

When I looked in the wiki, I didn't notice any mention of slight features unique to Mist Fairies and Canopy Fairies. For all they're worth, they're the same as a typical fairies except when it comes to their magic. However, the other sub-species of fairies had distinguishing traits, granted most of them are elemental hybrids. It says nothing about Storm Sprites, but I guess they have lightning arcing around their wings and between their antennas. I think we need to come up with physical traits to distinguish Mist Fairies and Canopy Fairies. I once had the idea that Mist Fairies would have skin that partially reflects light like water droplets.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeFri Aug 06, 2010 5:25 pm

yeah. sparkling light off their skin, that's an idea.

for all it's worth though, I think canopy fairies are best left looking like normal fairies, since I think they're probably closest to normal fairies as you can get (abilities aside).
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 2:27 am

you are right they could be better described.
Mhh I see Canopy fairies with a more elvish feel to them ( pointy ears for example )
and a little more wild, with unkept hair and reckless personnalities ^^

For the mist ones I'm less sure, but as I see them, the picture by Genzoman is quite accurate. They would have clearly very pale skin, though not necessarily white hair.
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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 2:29 am

Karbo wrote:
you are right they could be better described.
Mhh I see Canopy fairies with a more elvish feel to them ( pointy ears for example )
and a little more wild, with unkept hair and reckless personnalities ^^

For the mist ones I'm less sure, but as I see them, the picture by Genzoman is quite accurate. They would have clearly very pale skin, though not necessarily white hair.

Indeed, I think the apparent similarity at the moment is simply due to the lack of detail in the wiki descriptions.

Those details you just mentioned should be added.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 4:56 am

There's a problem, quite a few fairies have elf ears, like Temi, I can't tell for the others, yet they aren't classified in any sub-species yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 1:55 pm

Perhaps there is a lot of hybridization between the two groups (normal and canopy fairies), possibly sometime in the past that resulted in elfish ears becoming a common genetic trait.
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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 11:03 pm

Indeed, I was thinking the same thing.
There aren't as many males, so I guess that the ones there are might... Roam... Wink

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 1:50 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
There's a problem, quite a few fairies have elf ears, like Temi, I can't tell for the others, yet they aren't classified in any sub-species yet.

Err I'm not saying that every fairies with pointed ears are canopy fairies. Rather, that most canopy fairies have pointed ears.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 5:45 am

If Mist Fairies, in general, have very pale skin, would they usually have light hair color? Not necessarily white, but a light color, like light green, pale light, pale light, and so on.
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PostSubject: Re: Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features   Mist Fairy and Canopy Fairy Features Icon_minitime

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