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 My Felaryan Charactors

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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 4:50 am

This is where I shall post my charactors, there quite new so don't expect anything too good.


Name: Victoria
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 5ft
Species: Elf
Personality: Victoria remains calm most of the time, she likes to be straight to the point, hates having to wat for answers, she seems at times to be quite relaxed even in dire situations, she is very trustworthy when it comes to hr friends.

Apearance: Victoria has long red hair that glistens, it moves around her pointed ears, revealing them, she has bright green eyes, slightly tanned skin. She wears a pair of Khaki shorts and a sleevless Khaki shirt, she has no foot wear currently, she wears a small red ankle bracelet on her right leg.

Equipment: Victoria carries a pulse rifle on her back, it has a limited amount of rounds depending on where she is standing, it draws power from a sn and can store it for years, also uses this to fire plasma bolts at her enemies, mainly small degree burns on larger enemies.

Background: Victoria was born in Repbublic city, the capitol city of a world known as Erachleon, she was born into a wealthy family, and joined the army at the age of 14 (There recruitment age is lower than on Earth) At the age of 23 her unit was given its first assignment in Felarya, but things went wrong rapidly and she is the lone srvivor from her point of view anyway, now she is trying to survive and find a way back home.

Last edited by KariFan on Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:14 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 5:10 am

Ok well, let's start off.
She's pretty short for an elf, but there's nothing wrong with that. You could even make it part of her personality.

As for her personality, you haven't said much at all. Listing adjectives isn't much of a description at all.
Quote :

Equipment: Victoria carries a pulse rifle on her back, it has a limited amount of rounds depending on where she is standing, it draws power from a sn and can store it for years, also uses this to fire laser bolts at her enemies, mainly small degree burns on larger enemies.
Yeah, tech elf cool.
Quote :
fire laser bolts at her enemies
Quote :
laser bolts
This is no fault of yours, it's just a pet peeve of mine.
There is no such thing as laser bolts. That's something propagated by Star Wars, which isn't too strong on the science. I really don't like it, since it defeats one of the main advantages of lasers. The lack of a travel time is one of the greatest things about laser weapons. It's just a beam of light. There is no drop, you don't need to compensate for movement or anything with laser weapons. But laser bolts aren't that.
laser bolts implies a "piece" of laser light that is travelling slow enough for you to see it moving through the air. But light doesn't slow don like that.

In any case, laser rifles are really, really done. There are plenty of other high tech weapons; Masers, Thermal induction weapons, advanced projectile weapons.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 5:18 am

geek Fun fact in a vaccum light travels at 3.00*10^8 m/s.

Well back on topic as of now I see this as a good starting point to expand upon. I agree with anime junkie in that your personality could be elaberated on. I look forward to seeing how this develops.
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Malhavoc Shade
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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 7:12 am

I prefer the idea of plasma bolts. Lasers (being light) can't really be shot like in Star Wars, but current physics seems to indicate it might be possible to fire 'bolts' of super-heated plasma to achieve a similar effect. Ah science. Delicious, magical science!
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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 9:06 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
In any case, laser rifles are really, really done. There are plenty of other high tech weapons; Masers, Thermal induction weapons, advanced projectile weapons.

If you're going to pounce on tech, I feel the need to call out that a maser isn't really that different. MASER/LASER/RASER/GRASER are all essentially the same thing, the only difference is the spectrum of radiation and therefore the relative base power of the weapon.

Also *nerd glasses push* Star Wars lasers are chemical laser/particle weapon fusions. The energy blasts are generated via emission of volatile blaster gas into a conversion chamber, where it is excited by energy from the weapon's power source. (up to this point chemical laser, like those used by STAR WARS the satellite defense system) The agitated gas is then funneled through the actuating blaster module, where it is processed into an intense particle beam. A prismatic crystal focuses the beam, and passes it through a refinement chamber which "galvens" the beam into its final bolt. (particle/coil gun [though if coil projectile is relativistic] at this point, though the actual discharge is more similar to that of a plasma weapon than any laser).

Starfighter laser cannons and starship turbolasers are just upscaled versions that often used cryogenics to cool the focusing assemblies. Thus, as such, they are not true LASERs.

Most people just lump any sort of energy weapon into the overall category of 'laser' because they don't realize that LASER is an acronym with a rigid meaning. In conclusion, jumping on someone for using it is rather silly, because you will never stop it.
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Malhavoc Shade
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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 9:19 am

aethernavale wrote:
If you're going to pounce on tech, I feel the need to call out that a maser isn't really that different. MASER/LASER/RASER/GRASER are all essentially the same thing, the only difference is the spectrum of radiation and therefore the relative base power of the weapon.

Also *nerd glasses push* Star Wars lasers are chemical laser/particle weapon fusions. The energy blasts are generated via emission of volatile blaster gas into a conversion chamber, where it is excited by energy from the weapon's power source. (up to this point chemical laser, like those used by STAR WARS the satellite defense system) The agitated gas is then funneled through the actuating blaster module, where it is processed into an intense particle beam. A prismatic crystal focuses the beam, and passes it through a refinement chamber which "galvens" the beam into its final bolt. (particle/coil gun [though if coil projectile is relativistic] at this point, though the actual discharge is more similar to that of a plasma weapon than any laser).

Starfighter laser cannons and starship turbolasers are just upscaled versions that often used cryogenics to cool the focusing assemblies. Thus, as such, they are not true LASERs.

Most people just lump any sort of energy weapon into the overall category of 'laser' because they don't realize that LASER is an acronym with a rigid meaning. In conclusion, jumping on someone for using it is rather silly, because you will never stop it.
I think I just had a nerd-joy induced aneurysm. Will you be my friend? *puppy eyes*
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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 4:18 pm

I know what SW "lasers" are, but the name makes people assume it's different to that.

Quote :
Most people just lump any sort of energy weapon into the overall category of 'laser' because they don't realize that LASER is an acronym with a rigid meaning. In conclusion, jumping on someone for using it is rather silly, because you will never stop it.
I know. As I said, it's a pet peeve of mine.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: My Felaryan Charactors   My Felaryan Charactors Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 1:27 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
I know what SW "lasers" are, but the name makes people assume it's different to that.

Quote :
Most people just lump any sort of energy weapon into the overall category of 'laser' because they don't realize that LASER is an acronym with a rigid meaning. In conclusion, jumping on someone for using it is rather silly, because you will never stop it.
I know. As I said, it's a pet peeve of mine.

we should have a thread about different kinds of weapon materials, nerd talk about lasers, phasers, masers, other energy weapons, or the mass effect drives of mass effect. XD

personally, I like wookie bowcasters, but that's off the point Razz

Aethernvale, you are my hero.
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