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 Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas

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PostSubject: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 3:26 pm


REJOYCE!... go ahead... I'll wait.

Dont yet?

Alrighty excellent!

gonna be posting random ideas here so bare with me and please let me know if theres anything I can do to improve upon them.

Cacper (The stalking cacti)

Size: 1-3ft tall

Threat: Low?

Habitat Akaptor desert, Great rocky fields.

These are strange strange types of plant type creatures. they appear to be small to medium sized cacti in what looks at a distance to be the pot that holds the plant but actually this is it's foot. It has a way of locomotion in which it hops around. and if it falls over it uses it's arms to prop it's self back up. they are usually fairly inactive sustaining on sunlight and water when resting they try to find loose sand or soil or even a pond if possible and send out roots from the bottom of their single foot to drink.
The reason for their nicknames is the strange occurrences travelers encounter when around them. they'll suddenly notice the cacti seeming to follow them, however whenever they turn to look at the cacti they stop moving. It can be very unnerving to travelers and adventurers being stalked by a plant. Rumors are told that when you sleep when you're being stalked by then they use their roots to drain the water out of your body. of course these are just rumors


Earth elemental

This is a type of element mostly found in loose soil preferably dry. though they can pop up in rockier areas as well. They resemble a large wingless bug with 6 thick plated legs each ending in 2 sharp hooked claws. Their bodies are made of either rock, gravel, soil or less commonly sand. The most noticeable trait about then is their huge heads or to be more specific very large trisecting jaws rimmed and lined with sharp teeth like protrusions that all point to the back on the mouth to get a better grip of prey. They lurk right under the ground very close to the surface sometimes parts of them showing but camouflaged by their likeness to the area. They sense the vibrations in the ground and when something of the right size gets to close it will use it's powerful legs to leap at the unknowing creature to eat it.

They're a threat to both giant creatures and human sized ones depending on the size of the elemental.

((Will think of more ideas after I finish making nachos))

((Didn't get nachos yet but thought of more with the help of the amazing gorger again))


Size 1inch or so about the size of a gumdrop

Threat: Very low for humans and medium in small groups high in very large groups to tinies

At first glance they're just seen as very pretty red/pink tiny Beetles with purple spots on their shell with a innocent name. Humans think they're cute looking and sometimes see them around flowers or nearby fruit trees. They get their name from how they move, they hop from place to place using their larger backlegs

To Tinies though these bugs are to be avoided at all costs.

Having one of those in the area is a good sign the local tiny population will plummet in the next few days.
They communicate through pheromones and while they travel in large packs often tiem they're split up looking for food, when it's located one will admit an alert and the rest will gather this can take awhile depending on wind currents and such but once enough of them get the message others start to pass it making it spread much faster it's even believe they can communicate exactly what kinda prey it is the amount of them and so on. from there they'll corner their prey often times tinies or nerras. trapping them and herding them, they wait before eating though and seem to even enjoy a long hunt, it's a cruel game of cat and mouse until their prey is completely cornered and unable to escape.

Of course most tinies and nerras will often try to fight back, but the poseyhoppers have a defense against this. they spew acid when angered or injured at the attacker which will cause severe burns, blindness if gotten in the eyes and if they're exposed to to much of it death. Also their pretty shells are very durable and strong making it harder for tinies and nerras to kill them unless they're flipped over and stabbed in their soft underside.

Nerras and Tinies aren't their only prey though and infact they do more commonly prey on other animals such as small mammals lizards and so on. They do for some reason have a strong liking for them but usually unless they are great in numbers taking down a large number at once would be difficult for a small group though there have been stories of huge storms discriminating populations of tinies

((big thanks to gorger who helped me come up with near all of this D= for possy hoppers I mean

Last edited by moonlight-pendent13 on Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:15 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : few edits added more content.)
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 3:41 pm

I must say they are interesting o: The Cacpers sounds oddly mischievous :3 And are the Groundmaws like antlions? That's the vibe I'm getting out of those :3 They're name sounds oddly reminiscent of Earth Mouths. Not sure if that's an issue or not, but I figure I'll bring it up ^^;
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 3:45 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
I must say they are interesting o: The Cacpers sounds oddly mischievous :3 And are the Groundmaws like antlions? That's the vibe I'm getting out of those :3 They're name sounds oddly reminiscent of Earth Mouths. Not sure if that's an issue or not, but I figure I'll bring it up ^^;

Yes! alittle bit haha but I'ma try and make their design more unique gotta think of some more ways to do it and .... awh crap is that a already canon thing? poppycock
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 3:58 pm

I meant name-wise. Earth Mouth is a sort of carnivorous plant, it seems. Your idea could still be original, I bet o:
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 4:12 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
I meant name-wise. Earth Mouth is a sort of carnivorous plant, it seems. Your idea could still be original, I bet o:

ahh gotcha! I changed the name thanks to the brilliantness of gorger
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 7:01 pm

I like the hellgrammite, I can imagine it swimming through ground almost.

Poseyhopers are pretty fearsome sounding too. Poor tinies :O
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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 8:58 pm

Poseyhoppers, I dunno. They'd have to be bigger to be a threat to tinies. Tinies are about 3 inches tall on average, whereas Poseyhoppers are one inch. That's what a big dog is to a human. It is something that they can take on easily with the right equipment. Such equipment would be shields made out of pretty much anything hard ('hoppers can't have that much acid), any sort of protective armor would also work. They could buy tin foil off humans and use that for armor. Spears and polearms would also serve well.
In summary these things would be a threat to a lone tiny, but something that a community could deal with easily. I recommend downgrading their threat to moderate, medium in groups (to tinies).
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 9:27 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Poseyhoppers, I dunno. They'd have to be pretty bigger to be a threat to tinies. Tinies are about3 inches tall on average, whereas Poseyhoppers are one inch. That's still pretty big to a tiny, but it is something that they can take on easily with the right equipment. Such equipment would be shields made out of pretty much anything hard. The 'hoppers can't have that much acid. Spears and polearms would also serve well. These things would be a threat to tinies, but something that a community could deal with easily. I recommend downgrading their threat to moderate, medium in groups (to tinies).

Yes but when their are dozens and often up to hundreds of them the tinies can be outnumbered, and the acid comes into play when there are enough of them, the spray from just one wouldn't be enough to do more then cause serious burns.

but I'll go ahead and change em a tad still
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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 9:41 pm

Seems like that would be a mid or late stage infestation. I know they communicate using pheromones, but those aren't long range. However I'd say the effect would be exponential, when you've got hundreds of them emitting then I'd think that the range would be increased due to sheer volume.

What I'm saying is that these would be a threat to unaware and unprepared (and therefore stupid) tiny populations. Not some swarm that rolls through and devours cities and towns of tinies.

How you describe poseyhoppers seems to me that reproduction and their main feeding would only occur when they are left unchecked. Think, their main food source is apparently tinies, they wouldn't have a reason to swarm together otherwise. When they're not together there is less reproduction and whatever kills them (including tinies) would simply keep them in check.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 12:52 am

That would work pretty well, actually. I never pictured them plowing through tiny cities unstopped

Btw in case it isn't obvious enough, we based the Poseyhoppers on ladybugs. I always find funny how people seem to think they are the only "cute" and "harmless" bugs, when in reality they are pretty vicious predators
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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 1:49 am

Yeah, I figured they were based off ladybugs.
Has anyone ever watched a ladybug eat an aphid? It's not exactly nice.

Quote :
That would work pretty well, actually. I never pictured them plowing through tiny cities unstopped
That's how it's made out to be. Or they'd be stopped with massive loss of life.
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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 2:54 am

Nice bunch of ideas here ^^
I especially like the Cacper. The thought of a plant stalking people in the desert is hilarious Laughing
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 9:52 am

They're decent ideas, but could use a minor bit of work here and there.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 10:10 am

Pendragon wrote:
They're decent ideas, but could use a minor bit of work here and there.

Such as?
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 5:09 am

Pendragon wrote:
They're decent ideas, but could use a minor bit of work here and there.
Soon as I figure out the here and there stuff I shall.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 9:31 am

moonlight-pendent13 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
They're decent ideas, but could use a minor bit of work here and there.
Soon as I figure out the here and there stuff I shall.

For example, the Cacper is a cool idea, but the thought of it recovering after falling with relative ease seems a bit.... out there. I've seen cacti RL, and they're stiff as boards.

Unless it's arms are really long, or can grow longer.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 10:38 am

Pendragon wrote:
moonlight-pendent13 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
They're decent ideas, but could use a minor bit of work here and there.
Soon as I figure out the here and there stuff I shall.

For example, the Cacper is a cool idea, but the thought of it recovering after falling with relative ease seems a bit.... out there. I've seen cacti RL, and they're stiff as boards.

Unless it's arms are really long, or can grow longer.

they can move ALOT more then normal cacti. their arms can bend so they can prop themselves back up though it isn't an extremely easy process they're not like a turtle or beetle stuck on it's back it just takes then abit to right themselves, I'll mention they have a good sense of balance though and are more flexible then the typical cacti
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 12:22 pm

Pendragon wrote:
moonlight-pendent13 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
They're decent ideas, but could use a minor bit of work here and there.
Soon as I figure out the here and there stuff I shall.

For example, the Cacper is a cool idea, but the thought of it recovering after falling with relative ease seems a bit.... out there. I've seen cacti RL, and they're stiff as boards.

Unless it's arms are really long, or can grow longer.

If there are walking trees in Felarya i don't think bendy cacti can be any trouble
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PostSubject: Re: Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas   Moonlight-pendents maniac and miraculous ideas Icon_minitime

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